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Category: Mixed Media

Sticker to the Plan…

Sticker to the Plan…

Hi there Thanks for popping in. I have been in a pensive mood today. Lots to think about, and the mind was spurring me on to the point of exhaustion! You know how it is. You wake up, and your head is already racing. By the time you’ve cleaned your teeth you’re knackered ! 😂 So it was time to write a gratitude list, and right-size my own stuff. My blind friend and ex mother-in-law in France was first on…

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Town Houses

Town Houses

Hi there, Thanks for popping in. I came home and retreated to my artroom for an hour. Needed to do something for a project at work, and was in the right mood. So carpe diem and all that! It’s using one of my favourite stamp sets, drawn by our friend Mel: The Town Houses. CLICK HERE When I went to the website, lo! There was already a Youtube embedded underneath the lovely 3-way overlay stamps, showing you how to use…

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Fancy a Tea Infusion?

Fancy a Tea Infusion?

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Lights, camera, action up here at Create and Craft TV today. First hour at 9am. Second hour at 1pm. I want to shine a light on the little Tea Infusion Paper pack that comes with the Dies and Stamps that I’m showcasing today…. Here’s a simple little step by step idea, which I may or may not get to today. The TV shows just fly by!! In any case, I thought I’d post a…

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A little step by step for stampers…

A little step by step for stampers…

Hi there Thanks for popping in. If there are two arty things I love – apart from pottery and printmaking – it’s our Overlay stamps and our Embedders. If you’re into lino-cutting or monoprinting, then you will know just how closely related our two innovations are to the world of printmaking. Let me do a simple little step-by-step for you, to demonstrate how they work. And I can tell you now. Any printmaker would be pretty impressed by how this…

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Stencil play on a Gelli Plate

Stencil play on a Gelli Plate

Hi. Thanks for popping in. If you watched Create & Craft last Sunday, you’ll have seen me use not one, but TWO large Gelpress plates! This was to move through a monoprinting printing process quickly. If you use two plates, you can bounce between colours, transferring colours back and forth as you pull prints, getting loads of blends and lovely ghost prints. If you’re only working with one plate, you have to keep cleaning it, and the colours muddy, and…

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A Walk – and last orders, ladies and gentlemen!

A Walk – and last orders, ladies and gentlemen!

Hi there Thanks for popping in today. After a hectic but fruitful day on telly yesterday, I decided to kick back today, take it easy. I just don’t ping back like I used to! And I am learning that it’s ok to do nothing. So I made breakfast and did a couple of loads of laundry. Yep. That’s me doing nothing! Just not possible to sit still! The sun was shining for the first time in a while, so Dave…

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New Bamboo and Silver Birch…

New Bamboo and Silver Birch…

Hi there Thanks for popping in. My bags and boxes are all packed and ready for TV tomorrow. Just had a conversation with Paul, who is driving us up there in his lovely, shiney new car. He was so excited to tell me he can stack 2 big blue bins on top of each other in the new boot. “So much more space!” he said. “AND there’s a false bottom in it”. Woah. Steady on there !! I had to…

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How about a Gelpress Jungle Print…

How about a Gelpress Jungle Print…

Hi there Thanks for popping in. So glad you like the Postcard Quotes! Me too!! In case you missed this demo today.. How about a simple step by step, to remind you of the mono printing sequence using the Gelpress together with our new Postcards and a great stencil… Ready? Want to go on? You can enjoy it as is, frame it even. Or how about chopping it up… Here’s a little picture step by step on chopping and mounting……

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Don’t quote me, but….

Don’t quote me, but….

Hi there, Thanks for popping in. Spent a day with Mum today, which was just great, before wending my way up to join Paul at the TV studios this evening. (4pm and 8pm today, and 8am tomorrow morning.) Call it over cautious, call it paranoia, but if I’ve got a LIVE TV show at 9am tomorrow morning, and have to be at the Studios by 6am to set up, you can bet your bottom dollar that I’m travelling up the…

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It will be ok…

It will be ok…

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Back in the Clarity saddle today. Early start, and heads down to get all the demos set up for my upcoming TV shows on Friday and Sunday. Paul’s also showcasing Part IV of Linda Williams wonderful layering Collection on Thursday, and there are some really exciting new ideas coming through to fruition at 9am on Friday… more will be revealed. I know I know. I can hear you… no sooner is she back in…

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