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Category: Pottery

Pugmill rocks!!

Pugmill rocks!!

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Busy Monday. Always starts well in the SHAC, and today was no different. What a great way to tee up the week, with a lovely bunch of like-minded buddies, doodling and colouring in our Hippy Chicks! If you missed it, then you can always catch up here: You may have caught me telling you about a pottery breakthrough I had yesterday. Well, #madeinmay friends! Sunday was a big day in the life of Barb…

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A Clarity Crossword for you to try…

A Clarity Crossword for you to try…

Hi there! Thanks for popping in. Sunny day here in the South East. Crowborough, East Sussex, to be more precise. It was fresh early doors this morning, but once the sun came out to play, it started warming up nicely. What about you? Where are you, and what’s the weather forecast? Leave a post below, tell us your whereabouts, look out the window, then tell us what it’s doing outside! It’s just interesting for all of us to know where…

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Made in May starts Today!

Made in May starts Today!

Hi there Thanks for popping in. It’s been a busy day back in the Clarity saddle. The SHAC at 10 is always a great way to focus the mind. And those girls are certainly Hippy Chicks! Here’s a pic of the Hippy Bus we drew together previously… As I was saying this morning in the SHAC, I spent pretty much the whole week and weekend making, making, making. Making prints, making pots, making nice meals, making cards. Dave too. He…

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All set for the weekend?

All set for the weekend?

Hi there Thanks for popping in! Just paddling away here, writing the latest newsletter for the club, compiling a big blog for tomorrow, watching Paul and Dean on the screen in the background. I’m looking forward to this evening’s E for Elephant session in the SHAC. Must do a little prep for that too. The bus driver just needs to know where the bus is headed! Why the hustle? Can you feel my busy-ness? Well… I have been planning this…

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A Moment of Clarity in review…

A Moment of Clarity in review…

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Thanks for joining in yesterday evening for the Moment of Clarity if you did. We had about 160 guests, which is great on a Friday night! Those Doodle Discs and Tiles, designed by Tina Cox, really are a pleasure to play with. Here is the simple card I made, and a link to the video. Plenty of tricks n tips methinks… Our stats tell us there is a swing in numbers from Facebook viewing…

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Ok Ok

Ok Ok

Hi there Thanks for popping in. I have been asked many times whether I sell my pottery, and until now I have always declined. Several reasons: to start with, I didn’t think it was good enough. I didn’t have enough to fill a table because i always gave the best pieces away. Claritycrafts and TV take up a lot of time, and I didn’t want more pressure. I didn’t want to turn my hobby into a business AGAIN. Bla bla…

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Slowly Slowly Swiftly Swiftly…

Slowly Slowly Swiftly Swiftly…

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Rainy Sunday, so a perfect day for crafting. Pottery this morning. Made a start on the Totem Pole. This could take a while, but hey! Who’s in a rush?? You just need a little vision and a lot of patience… Oh. And a ruler and pencil… Remember the sketch? Well, this is the base piece. That’s 6 hours so far. But who’s counting? It’s a good job I don’t have to make a living…

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Wednesday = Potterday !

Wednesday = Potterday !

Hi there Thanks for popping in. I must be feeling better! Rose with the lark this morning, made the bed, emptied the dishwasher AND wrote this month’s Club newsletter – all before 8am! Feeling energized because this afternoon was the first time back at Pot pot pottery class! It was so good to see the ladies again! A proper affectionate welcome back. I can only speak for myself, but why oh why do I always think people don’t like me,…

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Hi there Thanks for popping in. It’s been a making day all day here! Dave and I have been getting with our hands! Made a cup of tea Made another cup of tea ! It is Sunday after all… Made a batch of German potato salad Made the bed Made a plan for tomorrow’s SHAC. So the Bus Driver knows the route at least! It’s a Vase! Made some miniature abstract water-colour paintings Dave made some little frames for said…

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Clarity Matters – It really does.

Clarity Matters – It really does.

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Happy Easter weekend! I hope you are enjoying the break. Loving the absence of cars on the road outside. Nothing like a little quiet to calm the mind and get some clarity. Feeling a little under the weather here. Nothing serious – just a persistent cough which has been picking up momentum all week. I haven’t really got back on track since my last bout of pneumonia etc, so this has knocked me back…

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