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Category: Lino cutting

Bijou Lino Cuts Friday Morning!

Bijou Lino Cuts Friday Morning!

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Greetings from a warm, sunny south of England in East Sussex today. Paul is up in Peterborough – Middle England – at the TV studios, showcasing those lovely hearts and bells by Linda Williams, and I am all packed and ready to set off once the M25 commuter traffic has calmed down. For our friends abroad, the M25 is an orbital motorway, which encircles London. For us here in the south of England, it’s…

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All set for the weekend?

All set for the weekend?

Hi there Thanks for popping in! Just paddling away here, writing the latest newsletter for the club, compiling a big blog for tomorrow, watching Paul and Dean on the screen in the background. I’m looking forward to this evening’s E for Elephant session in the SHAC. Must do a little prep for that too. The bus driver just needs to know where the bus is headed! Why the hustle? Can you feel my busy-ness? Well… I have been planning this…

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Stencil play on a Gelli Plate

Stencil play on a Gelli Plate

Hi. Thanks for popping in. If you watched Create & Craft last Sunday, you’ll have seen me use not one, but TWO large Gelpress plates! This was to move through a monoprinting printing process quickly. If you use two plates, you can bounce between colours, transferring colours back and forth as you pull prints, getting loads of blends and lovely ghost prints. If you’re only working with one plate, you have to keep cleaning it, and the colours muddy, and…

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There’s Art in Clarity …

There’s Art in Clarity …

Hello again! For the final 2 hours of our 30th Birthday Celebrations on Create & Craft 3-5 pm, here’s something a little special, created by yours truly. Three brand new, Bijou, 2-Way Overlay Linocut Panel stamp sets : We have also turned the original floral collection into bijou versions. Simply perfect size. And to top it off, how about an A4 Sampler Set? I blimming love this !!!!!!! A little back story. So I come into work, and Jazz is…

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Never perfect. Always genuine.

Never perfect. Always genuine.

Hi there, Thanks for popping in. I’ve spent the day mostly alone, drawing and working on lino-cuts. Three done now, one more to go, to complete the set of four I have in mind. Still lots to do. I really love the lino-cutting process. It’s not as easy as it looks, and the most difficult thing for me personally is to keep the design simple – especially since we want to create small two-way overlay stamps with these cuts. Here’s…

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Slowly Slowly Swiftly Swiftly…

Slowly Slowly Swiftly Swiftly…

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Rainy Sunday, so a perfect day for crafting. Pottery this morning. Made a start on the Totem Pole. This could take a while, but hey! Who’s in a rush?? You just need a little vision and a lot of patience… Oh. And a ruler and pencil… Remember the sketch? Well, this is the base piece. That’s 6 hours so far. But who’s counting? It’s a good job I don’t have to make a living…

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Hi there Thanks for popping in. It’s Monday again, so here begins the launch of another absolutely Dee-lightful Dee Paramour, apart from being a good friend, also happens to be a brilliant PaperCrafter and Dee-signer! Did you know that she Dee-signed a whole range of papers for us too? Not digitally cobbled together. Nope. Every single paper is handmade, handstamped, hand inked. So if some of the papers look 3-dimensional, that’s because the originals really are! There are 5 8×8…

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Lino cuts – A cut above.

Lino cuts – A cut above.

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Did you join in yesterday evening on the Moment of Clarity Craftalong? We took a second look at those wonderful butterflies by Cherry Green. Stamping on parchment certainly is lovely. The properties of parchment – the stretching, the whitework, the erasing of colour, the perforating – all these things contribute to a real arty experience. I find it very creative and relaxing. And the result of that stamped black lineart on parchment always seems…

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A Lino Cut, and…

A Lino Cut, and…

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Thanks for watching the TV shows today if you did. And thanks also for buying our stamps if you did. In the words of Gloria Gaynor, We will survive! Friday’s blog a private peek, right. Well, let me show you my third run at lino cutting. Gradually gettin gthe hang of it. A astamp set is certainly in the pipeline! All you lovely SHAC Shackers will be familiar with the drawing and tracing transfer…

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Tools Matter!

Tools Matter!

Hi there Thanks for popping in! Typing extra fast, because there’s a Craftlaong-a-Barbie at 7pm on Facebook Live – and I’m up to my derriere in ink and lino here ! ! ! Dave treated me to a set of Swiss Lino cutting tools, which arrived today. So I had to try them out. OMG!! They cut through the lino like butter! What a difference! Day and night. Like getting out of a Ford Fiesta and slipping into a Porsche…

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