How about a Gelpress Jungle Print…
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. So glad you like the Postcard Quotes! Me too!! In case you missed this demo today..
How about a simple step by step, to remind you of the mono printing sequence using the Gelpress together with our new Postcards and a great stencil…
- Mount the 8″x10″ Gelpress on its corresponding Megamount
- Add Dye based ink to the Gel press
- Blend all over with a brayer
- There are two ABC Jungle Postcards with each pack – that’s 6 altogether
- Place one of them face up on a sheet of copy paper, place a length of punchinella + a stencil on top
- Flip the Gelpress over and push down on the stencil-postcard sandwich
- Flip back over, so the copy paper is now at the top. Rub (burnish) the surface to transfer the print
- Remove the paper, peel back your print. FABULOUS!

Want to go on?
You can enjoy it as is, frame it even. Or how about chopping it up…
Here’s a little picture step by step on chopping and mounting…

All that art from one simple mono print!! Cool or what?!?! Now think different colours, and different stencils. Thinks about all the other postcard quotes – oh the possibilities are endless!!
Thanks to everybody who helped make today a good day!
I’m all quoted out! Come on, tell me your favourite quote below! Share, please do!! Ya never know when it might become a postcard!
Love always,
Barb x x x
53 thoughts on “How about a Gelpress Jungle Print…”
Mum always quotes, “If you don’t ask you don’t get” me “Home is where the heart is”….fabulous shows today! absolutely fabulous stamps, stencils and Postcards.
These have endless possibilities. Love them!
lots of love. T.xx
My Mum has started saying, “It won’t always be dark at seven”, which I guess is a call to stay positive and hopeful for a brighter future
Love that! X
Good quotes! Y
Hi Barbara,
I missed the shows but the samples from the design team look great.
I have a couple of quotes:
If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got.
You’re only as happy as your unhappiest child.
Best wishes
The first I also use all the time . The second one is powerful xxx
this is brilliant! have spent the evening catching up on the shows – love all the quotes! How about ‘every journey starts with the first step’, ‘eat, drink & be merry’ & ‘believe you can and you’re halfway there’.
Fab xxx
I live by, ‘If winter comes, can Spring be far behind?’ from Percy Bysshe Shelley. That is, no matter how bad things are, it will always get better.
This is a great one, Gill! Percy Bysshe Shelley was in a recent audiobook 🙂 Grace xx
Brilliant shows today, Barb, especially the links to the magical old process of the hand operated printing press! The new sets will be such fun to play with!
Art through Typography!
The idea of Eileen’s project pack is so good as well! Any chance of similar packs from other members of the awesome Design Team with future launches? Having their “recipe cards” with the new goodies would be like having a personalised one-to-one workshop with such talented, inspirational artists!
A favourite quote, quite possibly from my Mum, has kept me in good stead over the years – “Small sacrifices can bring happier results”. (like chopping up a larger piece of artwork into several smaller bits, producing happier results!)
Success is a worn down pencil.
― Robert Rauschenberg
So apt- I remember you showing your worn down pencils and using a pencil holder someone sent you.
Great shows today – great products and I love Eileen’s inspiration project set.
Fabulous x
Fab shows as always.
One of my favourite sayings. If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.( Thumper from Bambi 😀 ). Seems pretty apt these days with some of the stuff you see and hear now !
Haven’t caught up with shows yet -our dear blind dog had an eye removed and as he had complications, caring for him has taken all our time, especially as he also misses my dear boy who was pts 3 weeks ago. My mum put in my autograph book I got for my 8th birthday – ‘The way to love anything is to realise it may be unexpectedly lost’
Ahhh. I hope he‘s ok xxx
Enjoyed all the TV shows this week! My quote would be “0 wad some power the giftie gie us/ to see oursels as others see us.” Robert Burns.
Hi Barabara,
Have to catch up on the C&C shows, but here are a few quotes for you. “You only live once” ( like 007 movie )Live every day as if its your last” We changed that to” Craft every day as if its your last” .And I like this one ” Smile and the world will smile back at you”. Take care and see you on TV .
Can’t wait to watch on catch up when we get home today! These are right up my street.
“Don’t overthink it” and “Practice not perfection” have helped me to be freer with my creativity in recent years, and my nan’s old saying “A smile and a kind word cost nothing” has been a failsafe my whole life. “If you can be anything, be kind” follows closely, and I wish more people understood the need for kindness in the world. We never know what someone is really going through, how hard they are trying, their hidden battles; kindness, understanding, encouragement, honesty, respect, positive feedback and no judgement. Working in mental health recovery in my last job before I retired really taught me so many life lessons, for which I am so grateful ❤️
I know these are very simple but I would use ones like “ Good luck with your exams/ new school/ new job” , Happy Birthday.
loved the shows.
“Thete is a season for everything”.
“Stop crying, you’ll turn the milk sour”.
My gran had a few, bless her.
Here is an oldie but a goodie-
“Laugh and the world laughs with you, Snore and you sleep alone”
Some humorous ones would be good too.
Linda xx
Loved the shows today. Something we use quite a lot these days is “time to put on the big girls pants” but not sure it will catch on in print.
Love Eileen’s set but I have all but one of the stencils so couldn’t bring myself to get it any chance of the cards on their own?
Loved the shows and will watch again. Take care.
Hello Barb, I loved the shows, and all the history of printing was great, interesting and informative especially the upper and lower case bit. The demos were great as always, and I love this step by step, especially where it is cut up. Will have to watch again once my package arrives. My favourite quote is from the sets “If it be so, So be it”. Take care everyone.
Loved all the quotes and a lot of mileage in them. The style of the font is simply amazing, sometimes we need the fusion of old and new. Embracing past and present.
As for quotes well there are so many, but one I use is,
Believe you can and you will.
Fear…….false emotions appearing real
Hi Barb – I loved all the new stamps immediately. Got some of them too.
I thought I would be stepping back from crafting, but I find it is keeping me sane – so I got a few bits yesterday. Today, Bendycat has gone – so it’s a good thing I have something to do.
Maggie (York UK)
Ahhhh. I am so sorry to hear that Maggie 😞. xxx
Brilliant shows – I love the quotes and the history behind the creation of the beautiful stamps – fascinating and so authentic.
I like the quote: ‘never judge a book by it’s covers’
Am looking forward as always, to the Sunday shows – and a return to the SHAC on Monday.
But please take time for you and Dave to breathe Barb. xx
If something went wrong my youngest son used to say “at least it’s not raining”. (Even if it was 😊)
Love reading the blog – inspiring.
A quote I found – not sure where:
Be happy, not because everything is good, but because you can see the good in everything.
Love that one! X
I’m still waiting for hubby to give up the TV so I can binge on the shows. Love the step by step as I’ve always been dubious about chopping things up but learned that lesson at the retreat. It really can make a difference instead of being put straight in the bin if the whole thing doesn’t turn out as expected. Xx
Loved the show Barb, especially the history of the printer. I am so glad you persevered in telling us despite Martin having itchy feet.
When asked how she was in her later life, my Mum always replied “I’m breathing aren’t I?”. She never asked for any sympathy. At 76, I have now adopted this saying and will try to live by it.
Looking forward to Sunday’s longer show.
Love the new stamps and postcards. Here’s a couple of quotes I like.
Feel stuck – your just not done yet
Courage doesn’t always roar
I read an article the other day about a woman who sent a note to a different person everyday just taking the time to tell them they are important, or how that person made them feel or helped them – anything. She did that for a full year. The postcards would be great for that.
Wouldn‘t they just x
Watched all the shows, blown away by the printing press.
Trying to get all my cards finished this week before my eye op as I don’t know yet how long recovery will be.
So many quotes, how about:
Today will be yesterday tomorrow
Live, laugh, love and all will be well.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
Glad you are back, stay safe and well.
Loved the shows Barbara. My favourite quote is, “The best things in life are not things.” I have quoted this to my grand-children and watched their faces as the penny dropped and they worked out what it really meant!
Best wishes,
Jan x
Me too. Love that one xxx
my quote would be….You are only as old as you feel…..that makes me about 10yrs old then….(77 years really!!) but young minded!! going on childish!! lol
Hi Barbara love the shows and looking forward to tomorrows.
a couple of years back I was having a very bad day , what could go wrong did go wrong 😔 I was moaning about it to my daughter who said “mum it’s just a bed day not a bad life ”
how very true .
Brilliant x x x
I said something similar to somebody recently who was having a fit about all that had gone wrong that morning. I sad „you‘ve had a bad morning, not a bad life!“
My mum always used to say “Don’t put it down, put it away.” I really need to pay attention to that in my craft room!!
Love that one!
Hi Barbara
My favourite saying is Be patient with yourself nothing blooms all year round. When I would ask my mum where something was she always said Up in Aggies room behind the wallpaper.
Great quotes today
Ruth and Jackie xx
Haha!! Excellent!
Sorry just wanted to add one more The best things in life have fleas 🤣🤣 xx
So good
You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone
Count your blessings
Ain‘t that the truth x
I’m always busy, rushing around and didn’t give myself time for relaxation. All the household chores had to be done before I would allow myself to do the things I enjoyed . Consequently I didn’t get any crafting done as I thought it was wasting time. That is until I went into my Grandson’s bedroom. On the wall was a poster which said:
The time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted time
This spoke volumes to me and so my crafting journey began
Surround yourself with those who make you happy.
My Mum’s favourite What’s for you won’t go past you.