A quick step by step…

A quick step by step…

Hi there Thanks for popping in. I’ve prepped this ‘ere blog before I set off, because I’m usually hopping about all day at C&C, and don’t have much time to create a post! I’m not sure I will have time to do this demo, so I’m offering it up as a little photo tutorial for you to try. All done. I hope you enjoyed that. It’s interesting to see the background come to life, and these negative stamps are brilliant…

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Abstract Layout Made Easy

Abstract Layout Made Easy

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Didn’t she write about Easy Layout yesterday, I hear you thinking… yes, you‘re right. She did. But yesterday was for the benefit of all our parching friends, folks! Today it’s catering for Stamp, dies and paper people! That’ll be me then! Warning: I LOVE THESE DESIGNS!!! I shall be on Create & Craft on Friday at 9am & 1pm with a superb, brand new, never been seen anywhere before, Abstract Layout Collection. This month’s…

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Parchment Layouts Made Easy

Parchment Layouts Made Easy

Hi there Thanks for popping in. How’s life in your neck of the woods? I’m feeling very pleased with myself here. Have completely prepped and boxed up all my demos for TV on Friday (Creat & Craft 9am and 1pm). To be honest, it’s such a super set of stamps, papers and an Abstract Layout die, it was pretty easy to get inspired! More about that tomorrow though, because there’s another fabulous line-up ahead of the stamps… Paul will be…

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Christmas is a-coming!

Christmas is a-coming!

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Seems funny to be talking about Christmas in the middle of a heatwave! But it’s a Crafter thing ! Crafters get it! And Deborah Wheeler will be on Create & Craft tomorrow (Saturday) at 1pm & 4pm with a fabulous instalment of Linda Williams’ Christmas Compendium. In fact, this is the final one in the set. Set 4 Remember last year? We launched the previous 3 sets, together with a A4 Sampler… Set 1…

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Brand New Circular Grids

Brand New Circular Grids

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Josie Davidson’s done it again! A brand new set of 4 Groovi grids being launched tomorrow! Where? Create & Craft – Wednesday 6pm & 9pm and Thursday 10am & 2pm Grids? What are these grids, asks the newcomer… well, if you love that intricate lacework look on parchment, those amazing, beautiful frames, they’re created mostly using our grids (or multi-needle tools). And Josie makes it very achievable with her ingenious, comprehensive range of Groovi…

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A new Technique for the Retreat.

A new Technique for the Retreat.

Hi there, Thanks for popping in. I’ve been prepping for the Summer Retreats today. You know, working out a teaching plan, getting the projects that we are going to be doing ready. There’s a new idea, a cool technique that I’ve been developing, and finally figured out. I’m quietly excited actually! (not that quietly, says Dave!). Haha. I came skipping into the kitchen like I’d won the lottery! I’ve spent hours in my head, figuring out how to do this,…

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New & Improved – and back in stock!

New & Improved – and back in stock!

Hi there Thanks for popping in. If you’re reading this ‘ere blog, you’re possibly a Clarity follower, in which case you’ve probably heard that our lovely Designer papers and Companion papers are back in stock, and available to you at half price until Monday! Why? Well, strictly speaking, they would have been in the Half Price Members’ Sale last week. But we’d run out of most of them, and were waiting for the new, single-sheet versions to be delivered. Unfortunately,…

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Pergamano Show with Jane

Pergamano Show with Jane

Hi there Thanks for popping in. It’s TV time tomorrow, with Jane. The Pergamano Show with Jane Telford is on Create & Craft at 11am & 3pm, so I hope you can join her. She’s starting a series of monthly shows, centred around some of our most popular Christmas designs ever! Remember those Christmas Treasures, by Linda Williams? Well, what a treat to be enjoying them again. Jane will start, at the start – with Set 1, Silent Night. The…

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A jam-packed Show tomorrow!

A jam-packed Show tomorrow!

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Just dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s here, in readiness for tomorrow’s TV show. So much to show you !! When and where is it? Sunday 3pm-5pm on Create & Craft. And what are we showcasing? A whole load of goodness! First up, our Hippie Chicks A4 Stamp Set and the Hippie Chicks A5 Groovi Plate Next on the counter, returning favourites, the SHAC Calligraphy Girls A5sq Stamp Set and the Calligraphy Girls…

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Sticker to the Plan…

Sticker to the Plan…

Hi there Thanks for popping in. I have been in a pensive mood today. Lots to think about, and the mind was spurring me on to the point of exhaustion! You know how it is. You wake up, and your head is already racing. By the time you’ve cleaned your teeth you’re knackered ! 😂 So it was time to write a gratitude list, and right-size my own stuff. My blind friend and ex mother-in-law in France was first on…

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