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Category: Stamp step by step

Take 2…

Take 2…

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Let’s plays TITS! They’re In The Sale! Hahaha ! That’s just too much. Ok . Let’s just plays ITS then… Moving on swiftly… Thought I’d set myself a challenge: take the same Butterfly Tree stampset, same Woodland masks set, …and make two cards in 15 minutes. Start the clock! I even managed to get my bloggy hat on, and take photos as I went! Here’s a quick step by step… Next one…. Of course,…

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Spoilt for choice…

Spoilt for choice…

Hi there, Thanks for popping in. It’s been super busy at Clarity today. Our Half Price Members’ Sale is now in full swing! The first day is always the busiest. The next busiest day is always the last one, before the doors close. Funny that x We recently launched a collection of clever Voucher Pouches, which I really like. The numerous little stamps which come with the die cut pouches etc are superb. I thought I’d show you a step-by-step…

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Town Houses

Town Houses

Hi there, Thanks for popping in. I came home and retreated to my artroom for an hour. Needed to do something for a project at work, and was in the right mood. So carpe diem and all that! It’s using one of my favourite stamp sets, drawn by our friend Mel: The Town Houses. CLICK HERE When I went to the website, lo! There was already a Youtube embedded underneath the lovely 3-way overlay stamps, showing you how to use…

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A little step by step for stampers…

A little step by step for stampers…

Hi there Thanks for popping in. If there are two arty things I love – apart from pottery and printmaking – it’s our Overlay stamps and our Embedders. If you’re into lino-cutting or monoprinting, then you will know just how closely related our two innovations are to the world of printmaking. Let me do a simple little step-by-step for you, to demonstrate how they work. And I can tell you now. Any printmaker would be pretty impressed by how this…

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Back to our roots….

Back to our roots….

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Don’t know whether you watched the 3-5pm Sunday show on Create and Craft TV? It was a real trip down Memory Lane – complete with brayer! I used our latest set of new Embedders to make a fitted frame around a brayered landscape. CLICK HERE TO FIND Let me refresh your memory. Step by step It all begins with the Embedder. Introducing one of our new Hexagon shapes…. Just think. You can do this…

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C for CLARITY. Or is it See for Clarity?

C for CLARITY. Or is it See for Clarity?

Hi there, Thanks for popping in. At Clarity we have been designing alphabet stamps and Groovi plates for as long as I’ve been in business! I think, whilst I am emotionally attached to the Nursery Rhyme Alphabet, because it was the first, and because it reminds me of my kids, and because it hails back to sunnier times when we lived in Northern California, my favourite is actually our Phonic Floral Alphabet, which I drew a few years ago. Here…

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Winds of Change

Winds of Change

Hi there Thanks for popping in. How’s the New Year shaping up in your neck of the woods? It’s been raining and blowing a hoolie here for days. Wain, wain, wain. I’ve been in my artroom, (or should I say artwomb?) prepping for Sunday’s TV show, and quite enjoying my own company. I got caught up in a Gelpress session, which was thoroughly enjoyable. You know how it goes. You’re supposed to be making the bed, you go to hang…

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A GIFT-TAG GIFT, from us to you.

A GIFT-TAG GIFT, from us to you.

Hi there Thanks for popping in! HAPPY SUNDAY! Or should I say HAPPY GRAY SUNDAY?! Thank you so much for supporting us through our GRAY FRIDAY SALE. It’s the Sale of the Year here at Clarity, and it helps us massively to bridge the December lull into January. And so it continues today, too. In case you were thinking about going back to the Clarity website, to see if there was anything else you might fancy, or want to build…

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It will be ok…

It will be ok…

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Back in the Clarity saddle today. Early start, and heads down to get all the demos set up for my upcoming TV shows on Friday and Sunday. Paul’s also showcasing Part IV of Linda Williams wonderful layering Collection on Thursday, and there are some really exciting new ideas coming through to fruition at 9am on Friday… more will be revealed. I know I know. I can hear you… no sooner is she back in…

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Design of the Week – Top 10 favourite

Design of the Week – Top 10 favourite

Yep, it is Tuesday again so it is time to shine a light on a favourite design and this week I thought we would have a little fashion parade with Hats, Bags & Shoes. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE these designs by friend Mel Turner!! They are in my all time top 10 for sure. Available in stamps and Groovi To celebrate being in business for 30 years this year, we focus on a popular design, with 30% off +…

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