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Category: From the heart

Once upon a time…

Once upon a time…

Hi there Thanks for popping in. It’s time to start writing that book that’s been sitting inside me, writing itself for years and years. It’s time for that story to come into the light. Thing is, where does it start? At the beginning, I hear you say. But which beginning? I actually started writing a childrens’ book many years ago. It was quite romantic, a little socio-political, definitely had potential, and was going swimmingly – until my then husband left…

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Craftalong tomorrow evening…

Craftalong tomorrow evening…

Hi there Thanks for popping in, friends! I’ve been busy preparing our 3-course craft meal tomorrow evening! I do hope you’re going to join in. If not, you can always catch up later on Youtube, and even if you don’t craft along with me, you may just enjoy the banter and the company. Think of the session as a hands-on tutorial, with loads of tips and tricks. And it’s FREE. Free and available any time, to anyone. Here’s a tick…

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Clarity Crossword – Answers here…

Clarity Crossword – Answers here…

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Happy Bank Holiday Weekend! The sun is shining, I’ve been in my element all day, doing you know what – yep! P O T T E R Y !!! #madeinmay. It’s time to stop starting more, and start finishing what’s already half done! And there’s lots of it now! This is a bisque kiln load. So on the bottom shelves there are a few bowls that are going in for the first time, but…

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Pugmill rocks!!

Pugmill rocks!!

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Busy Monday. Always starts well in the SHAC, and today was no different. What a great way to tee up the week, with a lovely bunch of like-minded buddies, doodling and colouring in our Hippy Chicks! If you missed it, then you can always catch up here: You may have caught me telling you about a pottery breakthrough I had yesterday. Well, #madeinmay friends! Sunday was a big day in the life of Barb…

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A Clarity Crossword for you to try…

A Clarity Crossword for you to try…

Hi there! Thanks for popping in. Sunny day here in the South East. Crowborough, East Sussex, to be more precise. It was fresh early doors this morning, but once the sun came out to play, it started warming up nicely. What about you? Where are you, and what’s the weather forecast? Leave a post below, tell us your whereabouts, look out the window, then tell us what it’s doing outside! It’s just interesting for all of us to know where…

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Pinch me!

Pinch me!

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Last minute blog. before we head up the apple and pears. #Madeinmay today? I received a lovely email from another Barbara, who said I had #madeherdayinmay, which was rather gratifying to hear. Me? I watched and cheered for our good friend Deborah Wheeler on Create & Craft today. She was evidently still feeling pretty poorly, but nonetheless, she kept going. So a big cheer to her for keeping the show entertaining and informative. I…

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She’ll go even faster!

She’ll go even faster!

Thanks for popping in. Oh happy day! Just watched Paul do a cracking job launching our new Paper Stitch Collection, by Tina Cox. So gratifying to see that you see what we see. Now we just have to get back to printing more of the Design packs! Trust me. We made LOADS! In the meantime though, the Paper Stitch Starter Kit (the actual One Day Special Offer) is still available, so Paul will have something to hang his demos on!…

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Made in May starts Today!

Made in May starts Today!

Hi there Thanks for popping in. It’s been a busy day back in the Clarity saddle. The SHAC at 10 is always a great way to focus the mind. And those girls are certainly Hippy Chicks! Here’s a pic of the Hippy Bus we drew together previously… As I was saying this morning in the SHAC, I spent pretty much the whole week and weekend making, making, making. Making prints, making pots, making nice meals, making cards. Dave too. He…

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A SHAC Spring clean!

A SHAC Spring clean!

Hi there Thanks for popping in. It’s that time of year, when the days are getting longer, the sun is peeping out, leaves are starting to appear on the trees, the birds have taken up residence in the Yew trees outside our bedroom window – and are twittering up a veritable symphony every morning! The dawn chorus is quite something! There’s a particular stencil which always springs to mind, when I think of the birds in the trees in the…

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Open Days 2024

Open Days 2024

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Hope you enjoyed the G for Giraffe this morning in the SHAC. I must say, I really had fun drawing Gary and Gill!! 😂😂 As I always say, all you need to join in is a pencil and a piece of paper. If you don’t believe me, just go back and have a look! HERE And here’s a preview of our Open Days. So much fun! Get your tickets soon, so we know how…

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