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Month: August 2016

Brand new Beautiful Stencil and a Gel Print Step by Step from the Retreats xx

Brand new Beautiful Stencil and a Gel Print Step by Step from the Retreats xx

Hi there. Thanks for dropping in. So much for a lie in! I was up by 6am! Couldn’t sleep. Wanted to know whether: a) Mo Farah had won Gold in the 5,000 metres, and b) Brazil had beaten Germany for a gold medal  on the football pitch. And the happy news was YES on both counts.  Get in there!!!! Even my German Mum said she was happy for the host team. They so so so needed some validation, some reaffirmation….

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Resistance is Futile!!

Resistance is Futile!!

Hi there! Thanks for popping in today. Just got home from the last day of our retreats. The Clarity team have moved in to mop up,  break down the shop  and clear the hall, and I have taken myself off to chat to you. Well, what can I say? Glad it’s over for another year, sad it’s over for another year. I have really enjoyed all the groups,  and this last one was no exception. There was one lady with…

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A Handmade Quilt – a Gift

A Handmade Quilt – a Gift

Hi there, Just got back from supper at the Spa Hotel  with our last retreat group of the year. Good food, good service, great company. We’ve had another cracking first day, although I was pretty wiped out by the time the bell rang at 5! Friday’s blog a private peek right? During the days at the retreats, so many lovely customers and friends have showered me with their generosity: flowers, plants, chocolates, handmade cards, beautiful books, cups, smellies, lavender –…

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A for Ability.

A for Ability.

Hi there. Had a goodday? Mine’s been absolutely brilliant. We had such a good, productive, pleasant day today at the retreat. It was tops.  So two more to go… But the Blogathon continues!Aren’t Team GB doing amazingly?! I don’t think I’ve ever been so attached  to the Olympics as this time.  Something which has really struck me is that these young people who are representing us over in Rio are just regular  neighbourhood kids. Not from privileged backgrounds, or from…

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Need a laugh? Click here.

Need a laugh? Click here.

Hi there! Thanks for dropping in. Day 3 of the retreats today, so I must run. Talking of running –  have you watched this? I curled up when I watched this. So funny. Just about sums my life up right now. Running round like a headless chicken,  in no particular direction. I just need to stand still for a moment, and get my bearings again. Do you know what I mean? Life seems to gather momentum here. Business picks up…

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GOLD GOLF and 3 GORGEOUS INK COLOURS – a simple stencil step-by-step.

GOLD GOLF and 3 GORGEOUS INK COLOURS – a simple stencil step-by-step.

Hi there! Thanks for popping in! Tuesday’s the day we take a look at colour blends  and the new ink pads from India.  Every Tuesday, I showcase a selection of the new inks  and then promote them at a special price.  This price is valid until the next Tuesday.  We LOVE these colours! So today I have used 3 very lovely colours together: Cotton Candy Ocean Reef  and Morning Dew Easy little project to celebrate the Gold Golf Medal  that…

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Magical Gentian & Columbine.

Magical Gentian & Columbine.

Hi there! Thanks for popping in! What a glorious day it has been down here in Sussex! Day 1 of the Retreats,  Monday’s blog is Flowers and Trees, right? So I dug through my stash of finished step-by-steps, and procured this one, which fits the bill! I was wanting to find something a little magical, a little tropical, a little Rio.  After all, Team GB really have blown the doors off this year! I never thought I would see a…

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Beauty Grace & Strength. A step by step. ….

Beauty Grace & Strength. A step by step. ….

Hello! Enjoying the sunshine and the Olympics? We spent the day getting the Rugby Club venue ready for all the lovely Clarity crafters who are arriving for Day 1 of the Retreats tomorrow. It was all going so well! Breakfast for the lads to give them energy – Hahahaha. It always makes me laugh  how I can paint such an idyllic picture on here… We like charred, they cheered! “Let’s have a Bar-B in the garden and kick back this…

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A step by step using a stencil on parchment….

A step by step using a stencil on parchment….

Hi there. Thanks for popping in. What a grand result Team GB had on the water and in the Velodrome yesterday! All very exciting.  I was jumping up and down and shouting at the telly  when Bradley Wiggins and his crew  were up against Australia for the Gold.  My word it came close !!! Local girl, Jessica Ennis-Hill, is set to get gold in the Heptathlon (oh I do hope so. I do like her); and on the water, the rowers…

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Hi there!Thanks for popping in! It’s Friday, the sun is shining, Team GB is having a blast over in Rio, so it’s time to get our Team Clarity involved, and have a  GROOVI FIESTA! First of all, let’s get the Dutch involved! Let’s have a 25% sale on ALL Pergamano Tools. If you’re really getting into your Groovi Parchment Art, now is a perfect opportunity to invest in a few of the top quality  Pergamano tools and scissors. By the…

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