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Tag: Gelli Plate

Tuesday and time for a little Reflection…

Tuesday and time for a little Reflection…

Hi there! Thanks for popping in! And thanks to Paul for holding the Bloggy Fort  in my absence yesterday. Got back from the Fatherland yesterday evening and was very happy to sleep in my own bed. The hotel room in Frankfurt was so blimming warm!! Windows open – City of sirens. Windows closed – Schvetty Barbie. Woke up this morning with this picture in my head,  and decided to blog it. So here’s a simple step by step project for…

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Tonight I heard this strange noise in my artroom…

Tonight I heard this strange noise in my artroom…

Hi there! Thanks for dropping in so late. I know. I just can’t seem to get ahead here. But hey. Haven’t missed a day yet! Long day at the office,  trying to get a handle on the mini explosion we are experiencing in the middle of our little company. The Groovi Revolution has turned us upside down! Sorry if we are slow in getting your orders out at the moment. It’s not for lack of motion, I can tell you!!! But…

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YouTube Tuesday – Style Stencils on a Gelli Plate

YouTube Tuesday – Style Stencils on a Gelli Plate

Hello there! Thanks for stopping by on YouTube Tuesday! Blogged this Gelli Plate technique last week,  and decided to do a video of it, so that you get a real feel for the timings and the amount of paint you needs etc. Items Used: 6×6 Inch Gelli Plate 7×7 Inch Clarity Mega Mount Speedball Brayer Elegant Ladies Stencil Set Dotty Wave Stencil 7×7 Inch Gelli Card Phthalo Turquoise Acrylic Paint Titanium White Acrylic Paint Buff Titanium Acrylic Paint Spectrum Noir Pencils…

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Tree Box and Memories.

Tree Box and Memories.

Hello there! Thanks for stopping by. What a blimming run around! That’ll teach me for having a weekend sale! Didn’t see that coming, I can tell you! Plenty of jumping around today at Clarity Towers! So here’s a late after supper blog… Actually, I really like being able to unwind alone, with a little blog task. Monday’s blog is flowers and trees, right? Here goes then! Dig out a Gelli Plate inky background from my stash. How did I do…

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It’s Showtime!!

It’s Showtime!!

Happy Sunday. TV in the morning, then lunch with Mum and Dad. Slow drive home in the fog, and now a little chat to my Blogfriends before a film and a log fire with Dave.  I hope you enjoyed the show this morning. My God! Those Wee Folk didn’t hang about for long! I can’t remember a show when a stampset shot out of the door before we even had time to complete  the product walk down the counter! If…

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Foxtrot in the Moonlight…

Foxtrot in the Moonlight…

Hello there! Thanks for stopping by. Advent Day number 17 and Blue Blog Thursday all in one… Well, yesterday’s blog with the car and snow could have worked well for today, so you can always pop back to the snowdrift if you missed it. I think I would like to show you  a Gelli Plate step by step I prepped for the TV last time,  but then decided it would take too long to attempt on Live Telly!  I used…

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Time to make a scene.

Time to make a scene.

Hello there! Sorry I’m so late with this ‘ere blog! One minute I was at Waitrose at 10am, getting some groceries,  the next minute it gone 6, the boys are all fed, and it’s dark outside! Nonetheless, I have spent a pleasant hour or so here  in my little art heaven, just letting it take me away. I nearly spoiled my evening firing up a resentment about all the super professional, not very bloggy blogs  which are piling in nowadays. …

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Hares in a Tangle…

Hares in a Tangle…

Hello there! Thanks for stopping and and supporting the daily blog. Thursday blog is always blue, right? So I decided to have a play with my hares.  (That sounds awful!) Ready? First we need a dramatic background. Here’s one I did earlier, using an 8″ x 10″ Gelli Plate, Process Magenta acrylic paint (pink) Process Cyan acrylic paint (blue) and one of our stencils: The Tangle Stencil I cut round a cup to make this huge moon mask! You can…

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Hello there! Thanks for stopping by on this dreary,  leaves-falling-off-the-trees Wednesday! Wednesday’s blog is something new. So here’s a brand new stencil, hot off the press. I had a lot of work this morning – catch up and all that jazz. So I really REALLY enjoyed stepping away from the business side of the business and turning my attention to the blog. Introducing the new Maple leaf Stencil. Place the 6″ x 6″ Gelli Plate on the 7″ x 7″…

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A Tear in the Gelli Plate!

A Tear in the Gelli Plate!

Hi there. Thanks for popping in.  Thursday’s Blog is always Blue, and I thought it was about time  we got our Gelli Plates out again. Let’s see what I used: A small Gelli Plate 6″ x 6″ The Clarity Gelli Card 7″ x 7″ A Speedball Brayer Leafy Swirl Stencil Process Cyan Acrylic Paint Process Magenta Acrylic Paint Buff Titanium Acrylic Paint Centre the Gelli Plate on a sheet of the card; this will help no end when you go to…

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