YouTube Tuesday – Style Stencils on a Gelli Plate
Hello there!
Thanks for stopping by on YouTube Tuesday!
Blogged this Gelli Plate technique last week,
and decided to do a video of it, so that you get a real feel for the timings and the amount of paint you needs etc.
Items Used:
Phthalo Turquoise Acrylic Paint
Titanium White Acrylic Paint
Buff Titanium Acrylic Paint
Don’t forget a Pencil Sharpener!
And YES.
I’m not wearing my pyjamas!
That’s me, trying to look arty! Hahaha!
Lots of love,
42 thoughts on “YouTube Tuesday – Style Stencils on a Gelli Plate”
Was great to sit down with a YouTube tuesday video again loved it and technics something else to try glad you feeling lot better hope daves feeling better too lots love Joy
Thanks for the comments Joy, and yes , I am much better thanks… No peace for the wicked etc.
YouTube tuesdays back wonderful Barbara ,got to get ready for an hospital c.t. Scan so looking forward to watching it when I get home happy crafting xxx
Really happy to see YouTube Tuesday back. This was a brilliant card Barbara and will definitely attempt myself and hope it comes somewhere near yours. Really glad you feeling better.
So enjoyed watching this as I have just ordered these stencils , which I got on Saturday , I also ordered the little stamps too, your special deal,,. Lovely video , and funny,,. Xx
Hi Barbara Thank you , really enjoyed you tube Tuesday today and this fab artwork. I thought your shirt was nice then read the PJ comment, haha didn't even cross my mind! I love the way you keep your videos intact with just a bit of editing, I was roaring with laughter as you searched for the pencil sharpener, that's just like me!! (Was it in my daughters bedroom? That's were I find my stuff!) . The music is lovely too, is that Dave playing? Have a great day and thank you again for sharing . Love Diane xxx
Oh Diane – I have just sat down after searching for the handle off my guillotine !! – our youngest dog has been using it as a chew toy – be grateful only your daughter borrows your stuff as she is unlikely to wreck it like dogs do !! jx
Oh no Jayne! What a pickle, yes at least I know here to look first! Xxx
Will have to come back and look Barb, no time this morning.
Hi Barbara,
that´s a good idea.
The video is very helpful especially for making this card.
Thanks for that
Rolf xxx
Lovely Video – does make it easier to gauge time than a blog – jx
Love this and now seriously wishing I'd dropped these ladies into my shopping basket over the weekend! ~~~Deb
Hi Barb,
Breat to have the YouTube Tuesday's back again! This is great, really love what you've done. Love Alison xx
The u-tubes are so helpful in so many ways – not the least to see how much paint you take of the gelliplate! I've done a few nice pieces, but I think I've been a bit too heavy handed with my paints – back to practice then!! Thanks, Susan x
You are one classy lady EH? I thought just we Canadians said EH?…lol..love watching you work! This is an awesome project. I'm going to CASE this today! Smile
Magic as you said. Really enjoyed that. Just put another order in! hey ho its pay day weekend.
Best wishes
Anne (Reading)
Thank you for showing us this technique Barbara. I love the way the ladies appear just by adding the subtle shading and then the added spots on the dress and then finally a lovely yellow, and the background layers complement if perfectly! x
Hello Barb, loved the artwork on the blog last week, love the video even more.great to see the steps with allowing the paint to dry. A great image can't wait for my order to arrive . your shading is superb, and although mine will probably be a bit ŕopey, am going to give it a try. Talking of ropey, your voice stiĺl sounded a bit throaty? Hopè you ànd Dave are both feeling heaps better. Also loving your craft space, those units are awesome anď so tidy. Take care. Bx
Great video Barbara especially as I have just ordered these stencils lol. I can have a good play when they arrive.
Great video, always good to see a professional using the gelli plate so I can see how to do it! Will be getting an order together soon and these stencils may have to pop into the basket. I love that turquoise colour too so will have to add that to my paint stash if its in stock. Great to see you back on You Tube Tuesday. XX
I've been thinking about you, you being back to work yesterday, how's it going? xx
Thank you for thinking about me, sitting here smiling now 🙂 things are much better! I think holiday came at the right time. How are you feeling now, hopefully you have had some of the sunshine we have had for the last few days. Still very cold though, although its probably colder where you are. XX
That's great that work has improved :-). I've had sun on and off to sit in in my craft room, it's been trying to snow today but not for long enough to lie. It's tomorrow afternoon that Nicola is coming, not sure there's anything she can do to help make things better, but if nothing else we should get a few things ticked off the lists, and it will be good to see her, and the boiler service at last, been trying to get them to come since December! I'm going to take the opportunity to get Nicola to move a plant and plant out a couple more for me that have been sat outside in wee pots since Christmas, they were a present from the guy that used to help me do my gardens :-). I think I've got my Jane art sorted in my head as far as I can. It's all new to me, never done anything like this ever. Just have to go for it now, one wee bit at a time so it's not too overwhelming and scary, doubt I'll start this week, tomorrow will probably make me feel even more ill. Started to write my story for Barbara today, craft being my lifeline one, but somehow ended up doing who knows what!!! Having loads of days like that just now!!!! So that will need to wait for another day too! Just as well I've got a year!!!! Bet you've got your Jane art all done and loads more on top? 😉 Me, I always seem to be at the coo's tail!!!! xx
Errr no my Jane art is on attempt 2 so I will let you know how that goes. Hope you get your plants sorted out and planted in the right places. I think Nicola may need a warm drink to thaw her out after!
Hi Barb,
Fab video, love the gelli plate. xx
Hi Barbara
Fabulous background. I love my Gelli Plate. I had a session this morning inspired by Sunday's blog. I have to wait for a week or so to get any more goodies as I have used all my crafty budget for February. I need open Acrylics and more stamps and stencils. I will see you at the NEC.
X Chris
Wow Barbara, I've really enjoyed watching the master at work :-). I thought your finished artwork was beautiful when you did a photo demo of this, but to see the detail and depth materialise in front of my eyes, sooo amazing. With me never having been taught any art, I often struggle to work out how you got from one step to the next, which has put me off trying. This youtube is going to be invaluable to me both for learning to use my gelli plate and for learning how to make detail and depth and make it work. Thank you sooo much. Your artwork yesterday is lovely too, thank you.
I live in my jammies, literally!!!! I only put clothes on if going out anywhere!!!! Feeling so ill and rubbish all the time and with extra sensitive skin too, cotton jammies are sooo comfy and with a big hoody over the top so cosy too 😉
Barbara, please try your best to still take it easy and have enough rest /chill time, your body is still needing time to fully recover 🙂
Love Brenda xx
Hallo liebe Barbara,
ich bin wieder begeistert von der genialen Möglichkeit in drei Schritten so einen genialen Effekt erzeilen zu können. Die Damen sind wirklich wunderschön und sie stehen auf meiner Wunschliste.
Ich liebe deine Videos und deine so natürliche Art, uns mit deiner kreativer Begeisterung anzustecken. Für mich ist es bei all den traurigen Nachrichten die mir das Herz schwer machen ein Moment großer Freude gewesen. Meine Gelli-Plate nutze ich noch viel zu selten. Das muss sich unbedingt ändern. Vielen Dank für den schönen Dienstag. Ganz liebe Grüße Silvi
Really helpful video tutorial, I was how you added shade very carefully, really enjoyed watching this video as I do with them all. Thank you x
Hi Barbara
Love your blog but it's great when you do a video as I love watching the art work coming together.
Hi Barbara, thank you so much for posting this video, I have earmarked it to watch later but I know it will be beneficial as you give lots of tips x x x
great that you did a video tutorial of this. i need to give it a go hugs xx
This is a gorgeous card. X
Thank you all for your encouraging comments. Encouragement always a good thing! X
Hi Barbara, super video. Wonderful to be able to watch how you get the shadow & depth close up and make it all come alive. I contemplated getting these stencils but backed out thinking I'll never be able to make it look good. Having second thoughts now after watching your video. You made it look so easy. I put in an order last night to take advantage of your generous sale, must have them though and give it a try. Fantastic end result. Thank you. xx
Hi Barbara. Beautiful, I love watching you shading and adding all those lines etc. It is so helpful as I just don't seem to have the knack so thank you for making the videos.
I live in my snuggly onesies at this time of year, just wish I could wear them out too as they are so warm and comfty : ) Take care.
I enjoyed watching the process of preparing the gelli plate. Thanks so much, the finished project is superb.
Hi Barbara, just watched the video. You make it look so easy!
Just managed to catch up and it's great to have you back in my craft room again. So glad you can't see me in my jammies. I can't even pretend they are arty! Hee hee. Time to have a play with gelli plate again. xx Margaret Col.
Good to see you back on YouTube Tuesday Barbara. Video was very helpful, not just the use of the Gelli Plate, but also the shading. Anne x
Great video Barbara, full of useful techniques. Hugs xx
Hi Barbara
Just caught up with the youtube Tuesday – great one too!!! Always lovely to hear your voice and comic whit when describing the art – the ladies look absolutely great – can see that as a Mothers Day card for my Mum
Much Love