Clarity Crossword – Answers here…

Clarity Crossword – Answers here…

Hi there

Thanks for popping in. Happy Bank Holiday Weekend! The sun is shining, I’ve been in my element all day, doing you know what – yep! P O T T E R Y !!! #madeinmay.

It’s time to stop starting more, and start finishing what’s already half done! And there’s lots of it now!

This is a bisque kiln load. So on the bottom shelves there are a few bowls that are going in for the first time, but the rest is all oxides, 2nd firing. I guess I’m finding my style, and it’s a bit grungy. I love highlighting the texture and markings in the raw clay. Anyway, we shall see. Tomorrow I’ll glaze some others, ready to go in once the kiln has cooled down. But the bisque load won’t be cool enough to open until Tuesday late. Fingers crossed they come out ok!

I had a chat to myself today – Barb the workaholic -, and to Dave, and we (the 3 of us!) concluded that this is not work; this is pure pleasure and passion. If I am happy with the results, then I may set up a table at the Open Days, next to Mum, and sell some. I love hanging out with her, keeping an eye on her, chatting to everybody, mingling. But I can do that without pottery there! So there’s no pressure to produce and sell. No, no, no. It was great last year, when some many folks bought my pottery, of course it was! It was the first outing it had ever had – a virgin voyage! So it really gave me a confidence boost, which was much needed. And for Mum too. We had been pretty low since Dad had died, and the Happy Open Days coupled with our little pottery success gave us both a lift. You get that for sure. But quite honestly, I’ve got enough pressure on at work at the moment, without turning my lovely hobby into a performance too! So it all depends on the outcome. I was thinking of trying out some underglazes tomorrow. And some spot glazing. So much to learn, so much to try!

Last week I made a crossword puzzle for you to try, and I thought you might like to see the answers. You probably knew all the answers anyway, but just in case…

I’ve made a Parchy Crossword for you too, which I’ll post tomorrow. Happy Days. I’ll also figure out what we are going to need for the Craftalong on Thursday evening. It’s been a scramble at Clarity, with so many TV shows. You cannot imagine how much time and work goes into each hour! Oh! Here’s irony for you! Remember the other day, I talked about the M25 being a rolling carpark? Well, after the fabulous launch of the clever doors and panel dies and the pretty Pocket Poppets on Create & Craft on Friday at 4pm, I headed straight home, because our darling friends Debby and Gill, from Texas, are in town, and we were spending the day with them on Saturday. FIVE hours to do what usually takes 2 1/2 hours. It was pants. By the time I got through the door, I was done in.

Bank Holiday Weekend plus Friday evening = absolute chaos. I got home at 10.30. That makes for a very very long day, friends. That reminds me. All the craft stuff is still in the boot! 😃 😃 😃 😃 😃

Here’s the truth though. I’d rather be busy than not busy. I’d rather be able to work than not be able to work. I’d rather have a never-ending list of things to do than be scratching around for things to do. It’s better for this old bird to stay busy, to keep on making. Keeps me sane, keeps me grounded, keeps me grateful. And I know I’m not alone. #madeinmay. Dave’s the same. His woodwork is so lovely!

How about you? What have you made today? Tell us, pray do !

Love always,

Barb x x x

PS. The ferns in the garden are unfurling so beautifully too! The very first thing I’m going to do tomorrow morning, is pick a couple of ferns and go pulls some prints on that old printing press in the other shed!

I do need a plan on my days off, otherwise I waste them.

Have you seen these prints from a couple of weeks ago?

We’ve got something so special in the pipeline using these prints! I reckon this will mark a turning point at Clarity. More will be revealed…

Pots and Prints. Add Dave’s beautiful wooden art to the mix…

Sounds like the

14 thoughts on “Clarity Crossword – Answers here…

  1. What a busy but productive day you have both had. Dave showed his candlestick earlier on Facebook which was beautiful. I was lucky enough to get a piece of your pottery last year & it sits on my bookcase along with this years PTC swaps. You should not feel any pressure to complete another stall full for this year – its your hobby after all but if not perhaps a piece each day as one of the raffle prizes.
    I enjoyed the crossword & did manage to get all the correct answers so look forward to trying the Parchy one tomorrow.
    My #makeinmay today was finding the dining room table for a family lunch – 4 generations but forgot to take any photos !!

  2. How busy you have been and so productive the pair of you. I am away from home, travelling in Portugal without much craft stuff but I do have my pencils and a sketch book. Looking forward to standing still long enough to use them.
    Will be away when the open days are on and won’t be able to see your lovely pottery. It’s my sapphire wedding anniversary ,45 years, at the end of June and I would dearly love a piece of your pottery with that colour glaze to celebrate and commemorate the event. Pretty please?
    Hope the gods of the Kiln shine on you. Thanks so much for all the tuition , inspiration and care. Much love to you all xx

  3. It’s lovely to see and hear that you are enjoying your pottery….as you say it’s not work it’s what you enjoy and long may it last. Shame you had such a pants journey home but you made it at last. Hope you and Dave enjoy the rest of the bank holiday.

  4. WOW WOW WOW! Barbara I absolutely love your pottery and prints, especially the multi coloured one….stunning, I would buy that instantly! Is there a brayer tutorial using a jelly plate and leaves to get a similar effect?

    Can’t wait for what you’ve got up your sleeve. I’m so excited about the open days too, can’t come quick enough for me.

    My #MADEINMAY believe it or not….Christmas Cards, as I have about 60 to make for my neighbours, friends and family. So they can’t be started early enough. Sending big hugs. Penny xXx

  5. I’m so glad you have had an enjoyable day after the fraught journey home.
    I finally have something to post for #MadeInMay
    yesterday there was a fundraising coffee morning for our local foodbank, so on Thursday I measured out all the ingredients for each bake. Friday was bake day. flapjack, caramel iced buns, chocolate iced Buns, fruit tea loaves, and small bakewell tarts.
    I can’t tell you how much I enjoy baking, but i enjoy even more the feeling when very little returns home. (My waistline also approves!) I did make something else …. a big mess and lots of washing up! 😂
    Thanks for all you do, but please do take care of yourselves too.
    Alison xx

  6. I love the wooden pieces that Dave has made, beautiful! I treasure the pot of yours that I bought last year and am looking forward to the Open Days – I am coming on the Friday.
    I have just got back to my hotel after a concert in the West End – Jon Robyns – fabulous music 🎵 🎶

    Back to parchment craft tomorrow……!!

  7. Oh the joys of the M25 my local motorway and the junction with all the works. I try to avoid it but have to use it to visit my son. 5 and half hours – you could have jetted off somewhere in that time. I feel for you – exhausting after all those brilliant shows! I did laugh when my poppet jumped off the display in one of Paul’s shows.

    I too love your pottery, I bought one of your small bowls with the legs in blue – I use it for my tablets so it’s always used. Such a great ‘HOBBY’ for you. I’m at my happiest playing with colour and getting messy. I agree the ferns are beautiful this time of year and the acers, maybe I’ll get my gel press out tomorrow and have a play. Maybe use the prints with the latest DT project.

    Dave’s woodwork is amazing – love the latest piece he posted and shown above. What a talented crafty pair !

    Looking forward to seeing you and the team at the Open Days. Much love ❤️

  8. M25 – say no more. Love the pottery and the woodwork – very tactile. With the pottery it can be a surprise at the end and the same with woodwork. You can never tell what the wood will be like until the bark has been stripped off and work has begun. Most is so beautiful.
    Take care.

  9. Hi Barb, I love your pottery, I am sure it will all turn out fabulous. Dave’s woodwork is amazing too. You are both really making the most of #madeinmay. Whoohoo, I got all the crossword answers correct. I hate the M25 with a passion, and refuse to drive on it by myself. Take care everyone and enjoy the bank holiday. Bx

  10. Your pottery is beautiful. I love the little vase made to look like rose petals. Brilliant! You deserve the opportunity to enjoy making things, whatever it is. I have made something this week. After years of cataracts hindering my Groovi and other crafts I have had my operations and yesterday I made the Victoria lace frame! I felt so excited because I have been losing my mojo, so it’s wonderful to back in the groove! I’ll be at the open day on the Friday and look forward to seeing everyone from Clarity, you, your Mum and Paul. With love xx

  11. Years ago, before I retired, I was travelling between Essex and Newport in South Wales for work. One day I left home at 7.30am, got on the M25 at 8am and shortly came to a standstill. It took almost 4 hours to get to the M4. More holdups. Total journey time 7 hours instead of 2 hrs 45 mins. Those were the days !!!
    Your pots look wonderful, hope the firings all go well. Dave’s woodwork is making me envious, loving the candle holder.
    The fern prints look amazing too.
    Such a busy weekender for you and Paul. Your energy seems boundless and I understand your need to keep busy. I always have something to do with my hands even when I am unable to be physically active.
    I got the crossword right and look forward to the next one.
    What’s next I wonder? Patiently waiting to find out.
    Currently enjoying beautiful sunshine after yesterday’s deluge. Off now to do some more Groovi tracing ready for a new batch of cards.

  12. Looks like you’ve had a happy and productive weekend (following that nightmare journey home!) Enjoy your print making tomorrow! I’ve got an early start for the 6.30am flight check-in to Canada…

  13. Your pots look great, as does Dave’s woodwork. I’ve been making cards , using the square panel dies with toppers (not Clarity) for the church, trying to use some of my other craft stash up, to make room for more lovely Clarity goodies. And, have just placed a order, using the made in may offer, so thank you for some extra discount. xx

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