It’s Limerick time for a competition!
Hi there!
Good of you to pop in.
We just got back from a crazy week in Glastonbury.
And I mean C R A Z Y .
Great music, amazing vibe, hooking up with friends along the way.
Great music, amazing vibe, hooking up with friends along the way.
But the mud!!!! T H E M U D !!!!!!!
Apparently, the muddiest, wettest Glastonbury on record.
Even the woodchip sank.
According to Michael Eavis, the Festival founder,
who ironically sang “I did it my way” with Coldplay for the finale,
“I’ve never seen mud like it in my whole life.
This is worse than 1997. In all 46 years, it hasn’t been as bad as this”
Our maiden voyage with a new caravan too!
Hahahaha x
There had been talk of moving the festival to Longleat,
but apparently, Mr and Mrs Longleat came along this weekend,
to see how it goes, and needless to say, they weren’t too impressed!
Yeah about 180,000 people will descend on your land,
pretty much churn it up and destroy it.
Many will get completely wasted,
there will be an inordinate amount of alcohol consumed,
and illegal substance abuse will be rife.
In fact, you can get high on the fumes.
Then after a week they will clear off again,
leaving tons and tons of garbage,
even their tents, chairs and wellies.
My guess is Longleat’s not gonna happen – especially if they used the long drop loos!
Heard about one girl losing her phone down the toilet.
Not going in for that one….
The sheer scale of the debris mop-up is staggering.
Armies of litter pickers are now faced with the job…
I can’t help the thoughts that have come into my head during the last few days, but I am not going to voice them.
Just know that I had them.
Best personal investment of the year thus far?
These little puppies:
When we dashed over to East Grinstead on the way out of town to buy a pair, I nearly choked on the price.
£100 for a pair of wellies?!?!?!
Blimey! For that money, you want a personal piggy backer!
However. They were the last pair of turkeys in the shop which fitted me, so I swallowed hard and bit the bullet.
Dave had his hardy farmer’s wellies, so off we went.
I can only tell you, that was the best £100 I have spent all year.
Vive Le Chameau!!!!
According to my fitbit/app, I walked over 45 miles !
Through the mud and s**t !!!
And believe you me, your boots get stuck and it’s slippery too.
We saw several people faceplant.
Either their wellies stayed behind and they tried to keep walking,
or they were just plain pissed.
And you daren’t laugh, because it might be you next!
But imagine walking 4 miles in a pair of £5 wellies,
let alone 45 miles!!!
These pricey styley ones were deluxe, comfy,
not too hot, not schvetty at all.
Just blimming lovely.
Great buy after all.
And at £100 the pair,
there was no way no how I would ever have left them there !!!
And that sets us up perfectly for a limerick!!!
Are you up for this?
I will give you the first 2 lines,
then you copy-paste them below,
and finish the limerick.
On Friday, we will get out the Laughometer,
and the winner will receive a £20 Clarity Gift Voucher….
Here goes…
There was a young hippy called Flo,
Who to Glastonbury did go;
can’t wait to hear what you come up with….
And how about a caption for this picture?
Best Caption winner will receive a £20 Gift Voucher too xxx
Time to empty the caravan…
Peace man!
88 thoughts on “It’s Limerick time for a competition!”
Barbara you do make me chuckle, pleased you had a great time, got my envelope today,love all three, can't wait to play……much love xxx
Glad you enjoyed Somerset, come back soon 😀
Hi Barb,
the caption for the picture:
And the Limerick:
There was a young hippy called Flo,
Who to Glastonbury did go;
He smoked funny things –
with his smoke he made rings
and all around him fell in a row.
Rolf xxx
Caption : Has anyone seen the dog?
There was a young hippy called Flo,
Who to Glastonbury did go;
After a pint pot of grogg,
Then the hair of the dog…
She fell in the mud 'fore the show
Glad you had fun, in spite of the mud. Boy it does look terrible! I was just saying to someone the other day I wondered why anyone would spend more than £20 on a pair of wellies, but now I guess I know.
My caption: Has anyone got that sinking feeling?
And my attempt at a limerick:
There was a young hippy called Flo
Who to Glastonbury did go
She danced in the mud
She swam in the flood
And sang songs in the evening glow
Hi Barbara, I don't know whether to say glad you had a good time, or sorry for what you had to go through for the good bits!!! You'll appreciate your home comforts more than ever now! Hope Dave has the job of cleaning the caravan and wellies, and your washing machine copes with the rest!!!
What's happened to society, it used to be you always took your rubbish home with you? And I never realised the true extent of the "throw away" society I'd heard today is!
And why has some people started telling anyone who doesn't have British ancestry, they've to leave England and Wales because the leave the EU vote won? What an abhorrent and inhumane thing to do. Makes me feel sickened. How can people do that?
For the caption
when you said you were treating me to a mud bath, I thought you meant a spa
Can't do limericks sorry.
I got my diamond club envelope today too, guess I really have to get my gelli plate out its packet now! I've lost count of how many years I've had mine and it has never been used!
Hope you enjoy a luxurious shower/bath and sleep in your bed tonight
love Brenda xx
Hello Brenda I've not had the tv on today so have missed the news and the football, well I haven't missed it at all. I've finally planted the last few plants, only been 3 weeks since I bought them and it hasn't stopped raining! How exciting there's an envelope on the way, I just got junk mail this morning. Sending hugs to you and Daisy xxx
Hi Brenda – like Diane I have been trying to avoid the news, sending you and Daisy hugs, love Gilly x
Evening Brenda hug for you and daisy xxx
Thank you xx
There was a young hippy called Flo,
Who to Glastonbury did go;
After a pint pot of grogg,
Then the hair of the dog…
She fell in the mud 'fore the show
There was a Young lady called Flo
Who to Glastonbury did go
But nothing did Flow
At Glastonbury she couldn't go
As those long drop loos………..oh no!
Caption – does my bum look big in this?!
Glad to hear you got home safely despite the mud :).
Caption: You know the weather's good when your umbrella stands up by itself!
And the limerick:
There was a young hippy called Flo
Who to Glastonbury did go
In the mud she would swim
And she'd dance, shout and sing
By gosh, it's one hell of a show!
Glad you had a good time but rather you than me! Thank you for my design club Groovi plate, already playing with it!
Hi Barbara
What an experience.I don't envy the folks who are doing the clean up. Your wellies are fab.
Here's my Limerick attempt.
There was a young hippy called Flo
Who to Glastonbury did go
She abandoned her wellies
They did get so smellies
And all so she could see ELO.
My caption for the photo is
"Never mind Mum you always said he was a stick in the mud"
Hugs from Chris X
Gosh Barb, braver than me. Nice boots, worth their weight in gold, weren't they. So glad you had a great time.xxx
Caption: Oh dear, are we shrinking or is the table sinking.
There was a young hippy called Flo
Who to Glastonbury did go
She went with her family
Which she thought was pretty dandy
Till she slipped down and broke her toe
Oh well it's the taking part isn't it. Ha ha!!
Hi Barbara
Ther was a young hippy called Flo
Who to,Glastonbury did go
She got sticky and smelly
Amongst all that melee
But still enjoyed all the show!
Caption for the photo. Who's getting the first round in?!
Hi Barbara – I didn't realise wellies could cost that much! However, they sound so good, that really is money well spent!
My caption for the photo is:-
Only in England!
I will have a go at the limerick later, if I can manage something – not my forte I'm afraid!
Good luck to you both with the cleaning up! Hugs, Gilly x
Hi to all of my lovely Blog friends – I hope that you have had a good day. I just went to the hairdresser's (in Charlestown) this morning – the sea didn't look too good today – very grey! Still it has been fine all day, but rain forecast for tomorrow – not all bad, I will get to wear my new waterproof jacket – love and hugs to you all, Gilly xxx
Evening gilly glad you got your hair done hope your resting with Neil now hugs xxx
Evening Sheila – yes we are resting! Got an appointment with the optician's tomorrow, in the morning – so it will be resting again in the afternoon – extra hugs, Gilly xxx
Evening gilly hope all goes well at Optitians I'm at Podiarty in the afternoon then rest for me too xxx
Hi to all my lovely blog friends, hope you've all had a good day. Weather's been dry today so there's a bonus, even a little sun earlier. Hope you've had some too. Thinking of you Sheila and hoping your pain is easing. Hope Pheobe is better and enjoying all her cuddles Donna. Thinking of you Dot and Morag goaltending hugs,your way. Hope you're not listening to the news Brenda and staying in your little bubble of nice memories until it all blows over. Love and hugs to you all and everyone on the blog xxx
Goaltending aye, should read "and sending hugs your way".x
Hi Pam – glad to hear that you have had a dry day too! I hope that you are feeling a little better after your stay with your family, love and hugs Gilly xxx
Evening pam how's your back pain ? My consultant has put me on oral steroids now for a short while so keeping fingers crossed they will take the pain away soon sending caring hugs xxx
Hi Barbara
Good to hear you arrived home safe and sound. I hope the traffic wasn't too bad. I should imagine you've seen some sights this weekend and had to put your mum head away! Do you think the kids will join you next time? We were talking about the clean up last night, we knew what the floor was like at Wembly after the Coldplay show so heaven help what the mud looked like although I suspect the confetti was biodegradable. I think those wellies were worth every penny by the look of it.
I think the caption should be ' it's ok Michael Fish said it was light showers clearing later!'
I will be back with the Limerick , I need a little think!
Love Diane xxx
Hello my lovely blog friends, the sun has shone today, washing has dried and plants have been planted. Think I might relax with a bit of groovi tonight. I hope everyone is ok. Sending hugs all round xxxx
Hi Diane – glad to hear that you have had some sunshine and that all of your plants have been planted. Sounds to me like you can just play now – hugs Gilly xxx
Evening Diane glad you have done all your planting hugs xxx
I've had a little think Barbara and I've come up with this
There once was a young hippy called Flo
Who to Glastonbury did go
With mud up to her knee
And no cups of tea
But boy did she enjoy the show
Love Diane xxx
Glad you enjoyed all the mud……..not, but it sounds like a real experience……
There was a young hippy called Flo
Who to Glastonbury did go
Her wellies were nifty
Each one cost her Fifty
But now she has a clean footed glow
Caption: "When I said I'd like to do something Groovi, this isn't quite what I meant!"
I hear Simon Says Stamp has had a rush on your stencil brushes. Do you follow Jennifer McGuire? I thought you might start selling a lot there when she raved about them in a recent blog post.
Caption for the photo could be
" We'll just sit here till the mud dries……."
Hi, glad you had a memorable experience, I'm sure you will remember the mud with fondness……….maybe!
Here is my limerick:
There once was a young hippy called Flo,
Who to Glastonbury did go.
She thought it'd be trippy
To have glittery lippy
And grooved through the whole of the show.
My picture caption would be:
"Don't worry I have a boat in this box and later we are booked into the spoon whittling class so we just need to make big ones and then we have oars."
Brilliant Donna ☺️
Hello bloggy friends hope everyone is OK today. Xx
Evening Donna cuddles for pheobe hope she lets you craft tonight xxx
Sounds like you had a fab time, Barbara, despite all the mud and the rain😊 But then, that seems to be the typical festival weather😉 Here's my first attempt writing a Limerick:
There once was a young hippie called Flo
Who to Glastonbury did go
Despite her new wellies in the mud she got stuck – what a mess!
But having a ball and loving it all
She tossed her head, laughing and couldn't care less
Caption for photo: Damn, no mobile signal
Have a good week xx
Caption for photo " what no grass! ….. "
Great blog have enjoyed Glastonbury at home.
Caption for photo – ' this pack pack is getting heavier and heavier………splat'. Or 'how long do you think we'll have to wait before they come and dig our feet out? I need the loo'.
Like the wellies!!!! Well worth the money!
There was a younger hippy called Flo
Who to Glastonbury did go.
She slipped and she 'slud'
Down deep in the mud
And ended snorting some sludge and not 'blow.'
As for the caption, mine has already been aired, however here's another –
When you said
'Follow me, follow
Down to the hollow
I expected a bit more than the 'wallow in the glorious mud bit!'
Evening Barbara & Dave I thought hunter wellies where expensive glad you have had a fabulous memorable time xxx
Caption(.i thought you said we was having a summer picnic )
Evening dear family of blog friends thinking of you all hugs and hugs to all on the blog xxx
There was a young hippy called flo
Who to Glastonbury did go
And thought Adele
Ooooo ! what a show
I knew I should have gone to Westwood Ho
Evening, again, Sheila – glad to hear that your consultant has put you onto some oral steroids – I hope that they will lessen the pain, very soon – take care, love Gilly xxx
Hi Sheila, how are you this evening? No crafting for me today – housework! ;~}
Hi Shelagh on no housework , I've had my first lot of steroid tablets today so hope as the days go on the pain will go .will you be crafting tomorrow? Xxx
Probably not – must get my blog up to date!!!! ;~}
Hi Barbara, Great piccies, great wellies, I don't envy the litter picker-uppers.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
I'm new to this blog and I'm not from the UK, but I could not resist thinking up a caption. I just hope I'm not ruffling anyone's feathers with this one:
We wouldn't be stuck here if we had decided to stay in…
Haha…very clever. But the storm will pass and the grass will grow back greener than ever xx
So true. Over here in Crete, most storms carry yellow sand from Libya and the sun is scorching the grass lol.
Glad I'm not clearing the fields of all that mess. Your going to love your dry warm home nice shower and your lovely bed mind you some car and have lovely showed bed we had one with a fixed bed for short time was sure luxury air con too king sized based was like home from home but was so big and heavy so went back would love to have it back and take of in it for few days love it xxx
sounds like a brilliant time –
There was a Young lady called Flo
Who to Glastonbury did go
There was so much mud
But the music was good
Oh Vive La Chameau!
Hugs Rachel x
Definitely sounds memorable! I just saw on Facebook that my cousin, who's a farmer type from down that way, has been there in his land rover as part of the team pulling the cars out of the mud!
I'll have to have think about the limerick, too late for that now, but I am going to try to start my challenge entry tonight – better late than never!!!
There was a young hippy called Flo,
Who to Glastonbury did go;
After a pint pot of grogg,
Then the hair of the dog…
She fell in the mud 'fore the show
Hi Barb, love the wellies, brave of you to venture out in them with all that mud.
Here is my attempt at the limerick
There was a young hippy called Flo,
Who to Glastonbury did go;
She took along a dress
Oh what a frightful mess
She's a bit dizzy like that is our Flo.
And the caption – "Well at least it's stopped raining, so I can roll my new brolly up"
Have a great day all. Bx
There was a young hippy called Floor
Who to Glastonbury did go
When caught short she found
She was stuck in the ground
Thank goodness she took her own po.
For the caption
"The lavvies aren't very private here are they?"
Sorry, both are quite lavatorial, must be my age. X
Oh goodness, the computer is taking over my spelling again…
There was a young hippy called Flo
Who to Glastonbury did go
When caught short she found
She was stuck in the ground
Thank goodness she took her own po.
It didn't get any better the second time round. But at least it made more sense. X
There was a young hippy called Flo
Who to Glastonbury did go
She felt slightly dippy
In mud up to her lippy
But it was worth it to see such a show
Caption. Not sure about Barbs idea of lovely places to sit and have a coffee at the Leyburn Open Days
There was a young hippy called Flo
Who to Glastonbury did go
She pulled on her welly
But mud came up to her belly
Now she's stuck till the end of the show
Caption: 'Next year I choose the holiday!'
Hi Barbara you are one amazing woman going to Glastonbury!! We watched Adele on Saturday night and I don't like crowds so watching the crowds there was painful but Adele was amazing!! We are travelling on our narrowboat at the moment and only get tele signal in some place so could only watch Saturday.
No limerick but my caption would be "So, we're staying at this table then?"
Thank you for the photos and the laughter at your description of the event. xx
there was a young hippy called Flo
who to Glastonbury did go
with a mile long queue
to go to the loo
thank God for a portable po!
I see littlewendles and I are on the same wave length
Caption for picture
I think I'll have the mud pie
Good job you got those willies, we have hosed down our son's several times inside and out after Glastonbury.
Caption — 'So then, mud therapy next, all inclusive.'
There was a young hippy called Flo
Who to Glastonbury did go
In the mud she did slip
It turned into a flip
And the hippy became a hippo
Picture caption : (With apologies to Lionel Richie) Stuck with you, there's a feeling down deep in my wellies that I just can't move
LOL!! To both! X
Hi Barb,
Glad you got back safely. I bet you are so pleased you bought those posh wellies – mind you I would've died having to pay that much! Still you get what you pay for! Saw some of The festival on tv and loved it , but I couldn't stand all that mess and mud even with a caravan to go back to!
My caption would be : "Can we come again next year – it's the first time in years I've felt the earth move!"
There was a young hippy called Flo
Who to Glastonbury did go
She had a rockin' good time
In spite of the slime
(But was glad she'd brought her own po)
Caption – well mud is good for the complexion, but I don't know about the a**e!
Glad you are home safely from the muddiest Glastonbury ever.
There was a young hippy called Flo,
Who to Glastonbury did go;
She met our friend Barb,
Said "I DO love your garb –
It's those super posh wellies you know!"
Caption – I told you this wasn't the site of the dry stone walling course.
Hi Barb
Glad you had a great time, despite the mud. I think we can all imagine what your thoughts were about the mess left behind. I had similar ones walking the site the morning after the Reading Rock Festival ended. It was unbelievable!
Sorry to say I drew a complete blank with Flo, so had to go my own way on the limerick. Hope you like it anyway.
Here's our Barb in a mud-covered picture
In her wellies she cuts a smart figure
On her face is a smile
It's stayed more than a while
'Cos she's gray by name only, not nature.
Got my June baby Groovi yesterday. Love it! Thank you.
Debbie xx
Back again with the caption competition –
' I thought this was the church fete! Should've gone to Specsavers!' xxx
There was a young hippy called Flo,
Who off to Glastonbury bid go,
She wore her DM's,
Drank Scrumpy with friends,
Then dropped her phoned down the toilet, oh no!
Your Wellys are fab and I am so glad you had a fab time! xxx
Took Artistic Licence and changed her to an old hippy.
There once was an old Hippy called Flo
Who to Glastonbury did go
to tick it off her Bucket List
She soon became Brahms and Liszt
Now claims to be a festival pro.
Glad you enjoyed yourselves, hope to go one year.
Looks like your wellies were worth their weight in gold with all that mud. I hope you have recovered and had a wonderful time.
Linda xxx
Caption for the photograph:
'Don't look around Ethel, it's the bxxxxx Paparazzi'.
Anne x
There was a young hippy called Flo,
Who to Glastonbury did go;
After a pint pot of grogg,
Then the hair of the dog…
She fell in the mud 'fore the show
There was a young hippy called Flo,
Who to Glastonbury did go.
It poured down with rain,
she was freezing again,
now her nose has a rosie red glow,
Caption for the photo :
Her Majesty's guests felt that the usual standards of the garden party had taken something of a downward turn!
And my limerick suggestion :
There was a young hippy called Flo,
Who to Glastonbury did go;
Man! That vibe got her movin'
She was cool! She was groovin'
T'ill the mud harshed her buzz, don'cha know!
Glad to here you had a good time & love the posh wellies!
Capiton: Look, we've been sat here two hours now, I'm telling you they don't have table service Floyd!
Limericks (sorry I'm inflicting two on you all!)
There was a young hippy called Flo,
Who to Glastonbury did go;
She met Barb and Dave
And said I’ve had a brainwave
With those wellies you need a chapeau!
There was a young hippy called Flo,
Who to Glastonbury did go;
Michael Eavis said stop
Before you ‘long drop’
You’ll need clarity afore you can go!
There was a young hippy called Flo,
Who to Glastonbury did go;
On the mud she did slide
from all the scrumpy she tried
but at least her cheeks were aglow
There was a young hippie named Flo,
Who to Glastonbury did go,
She raved with the best but was put to the test
when her phone down the loo it did go
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