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Author: Barbara Gray

Once upon a time…

Once upon a time…

Hi there Thanks for popping in. It’s time to start writing that book that’s been sitting inside me, writing itself for years and years. It’s time for that story to come into the light. Thing is, where does it start? At the beginning, I hear you say. But which beginning? I actually started writing a childrens’ book many years ago. It was quite romantic, a little socio-political, definitely had potential, and was going swimmingly – until my then husband left…

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Town Houses

Town Houses

Hi there, Thanks for popping in. I came home and retreated to my artroom for an hour. Needed to do something for a project at work, and was in the right mood. So carpe diem and all that! It’s using one of my favourite stamp sets, drawn by our friend Mel: The Town Houses. CLICK HERE When I went to the website, lo! There was already a Youtube embedded underneath the lovely 3-way overlay stamps, showing you how to use…

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Hippie Chick!

Hippie Chick!

Hi there! Thanks for popping in. TGIF!! Grace is here in England, being Grace! She is such a fun energy. Honestly, she never stops chatting and larking about! We had fully intended to go to Brighton on the bus today, but chatty chatty, giggly worky just got in the way. So we’ve rebooked our excursion for next week. Brighton’s not going anywhere, and neither is the bus. Back in the SHAC though, are you ready to have another Thursday Craftalong…

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Hi there, Thanks for popping in. Big day tomorrow in Clarity world. It’s PinkyGray day, you see. Finally, we’re unveiling our new company! It’s been many, many months in the planning. Years since we hatched the concept actually. But COVID got in the way, and put paid to ANY new ideas. We’ve been pedalling like crazy ever since lockdown, just trying to keep the good ship Clarity buoyant! But at long last, we’ve made it! Literally! What’s it all about?…

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Craftalong tomorrow evening…

Craftalong tomorrow evening…

Hi there Thanks for popping in, friends! I’ve been busy preparing our 3-course craft meal tomorrow evening! I do hope you’re going to join in. If not, you can always catch up later on Youtube, and even if you don’t craft along with me, you may just enjoy the banter and the company. Think of the session as a hands-on tutorial, with loads of tips and tricks. And it’s FREE. Free and available any time, to anyone. Here’s a tick…

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Clarity Crossword – Answers here…

Clarity Crossword – Answers here…

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Happy Bank Holiday Weekend! The sun is shining, I’ve been in my element all day, doing you know what – yep! P O T T E R Y !!! #madeinmay. It’s time to stop starting more, and start finishing what’s already half done! And there’s lots of it now! This is a bisque kiln load. So on the bottom shelves there are a few bowls that are going in for the first time, but…

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Looking through the window…

Looking through the window…

Hi there Thanks for popping in. This morning was so busy! I do like that LinoCut kind of artwork. It’s very Lewes or Brighton Gift Shop vibe! Thank you for supporting Clarity. Where would we be without you?! The #madeinmay campaign that is in full swing certainly makes clear what a creative Clarity family we are. Heart-warming. Don’t forget the #MADEINMAY10 discount code, which you can use as many times as you like between now and next Tuesday on our…

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Bijou Lino Cuts Friday Morning!

Bijou Lino Cuts Friday Morning!

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Greetings from a warm, sunny south of England in East Sussex today. Paul is up in Peterborough – Middle England – at the TV studios, showcasing those lovely hearts and bells by Linda Williams, and I am all packed and ready to set off once the M25 commuter traffic has calmed down. For our friends abroad, the M25 is an orbital motorway, which encircles London. For us here in the south of England, it’s…

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The final wrap

The final wrap

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Starting tomorrow, we’ve got quite the TV bonanza on Create & Craft. Paul’s on first, at 1pm and 5pm, with the last in the It’s a Wrap series of fabulous Groovi plates, designed by Linda Williams. Bells and Hearts this time. It is certainly perfect timing for the Wedding season! We are also looking forward to a big family wedding in September. Our son Mark and his lovely fiancée Alex are tying the knot…

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Pugmill rocks!!

Pugmill rocks!!

Hi there Thanks for popping in. Busy Monday. Always starts well in the SHAC, and today was no different. What a great way to tee up the week, with a lovely bunch of like-minded buddies, doodling and colouring in our Hippy Chicks! If you missed it, then you can always catch up here: You may have caught me telling you about a pottery breakthrough I had yesterday. Well, #madeinmay friends! Sunday was a big day in the life of Barb…

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