Dream Believe Hope
Hi there
Thanks for popping in. Had a hankering to make something arty, after cleaning up the mess a certain cat with a dodgy leg made today (Grrrr. Little git. I know he’s bored because he can’t go outside yet, but I really hadn’t expected to spend half a day mopping up after him!). Want to know the best bit? He actually HID behind his brother when I came flying down the stairs to find him!! Honestly, it’s like having cheeky children again! Ah well. Apparently, Duvets need a professional clean every 6 months…
So, rather than growl at Erik, which serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever, I disappeared up to my little artroom for an hour, and completed a card, which I had half prepped for a TV demo, but we sold out of the KISS stamps before it could be showcased. That happens when the stamps are as exquisite as these… Tina’s Designs: CLICK HERE

The KISS Range which was launched in September this year, has been a BIG hit. In a bid to Keep It Simple (KIS-S) we came up with a range of stamps which are uncomplicated and fresh, which help you create lovely artcards simply and quickly. We have been selling out of these stampsets as fast as we could make them. They are so delightful to work with. This stampset is just one of many KISS designs. Here is one set of Tina’s Flowers:

Right. Here’s a little step by step project to try, using:
Clarity Basic Shapes masks. A simple and easy to use set of framing masks:

- Pick a shape. Circle is good.
- Lay the outer mask sticky side up on your table, and place a sheet of Clarity Stencil Card down so the circle will sit in the centre.
- Flip over and cover the 2 outer exposed margins with masking tape. Low-tack masking tape please
- Pick 3 Inkpad colours, and use the lightest one first, to brush through the centre of the circle. Clarity Stencil Brushes are ace. And we have most of the Oxide Colour pads.
- Add the orange around one edge and sweep ink in off the mask using a Spot On Sponge.
- Do the same with the blue ink. Use a different brush for each colour .
- Flick water at the ink and allow to soak in before blotting with tissue.
- Remove the mask and replace on carrier sheet for next time.

Next thing to do is add a faux letterpress edge using our Embedders. If sales are anything to go by, I’d say they were the idea of the year at Clarity! Very, very simple, but oh! So effective!

Allow the ink to dry before you stamp and colour the flowers.

Layer up on a Northern Lights Companion Paper, and mount on Kraft Card .

As I said. So simple. The Basic Shape masks, the Embedders and the Companion papers – all very straight forward in their application – are almost essential products for me when cardmaking. They give me a starting place and a lovely finish.
I hope this step by step gets your crafty mojo going! I’m going to ask the Clarity Design team to post their lovely KISS Flower samples on Facebook now, so you can see lots of other ideas !
Love always,
Barb xxx
17 thoughts on “Dream Believe Hope”
Really excellent step by step. Shame you mentioned the feline mess. I would have been sick. Wishing you a very happy new year
Absolutely gorgeous – nice and fresh for the new year!!
Maggie (Bendy Yorkite)
PS perhaps you need a puke and poo kit too (Bendycat has colitis and has been nicknamed ‘bum smasher’).
Ooh naughty Erik! However, he did produce a beautiful card ! X
Gorgeous card Barbara – I love the KISS stamps. Haven’t got this set, but you’ve seriously tempted me now! You have my sympathy about Erik – our lovely Tom has a degenerative neurological condition. His mobility is getting worse and he doesn’t always manage/choose to stumble to the litter tray… (which is now a potting tray so he doesn’t have to negotiate steep sides!) The love outweighs the challenges though!
What a nice card you made after all the trouble, but it will be better in the new year , not everything will work out fine , but most of it will … thanks for the card, will try a similar one tomorrow …. have a soft start into 2023 all the best for the family and cats…
Simple and refreshing. I have these stamps, must get going! Thank you Barbara.
Oh dear, poor Erik..he didn’t mean too , I sure! his little face look full of worry, and he has had so much pain etc. I’m sure he would say sorry…if he could. we get used to hair balls etc.
love the Kiss range of stamps, I have some of them so now I have my craft room back after Christmas visitors have gone home I can get back to creating some artwork.
Sorry to hear about Erik’s mishap but hopefully he will be more mobile soon & can resume normal activities. Funny that he hid behind his brother as if to say ”it wasn’t me Mom”
Lovely card, not got these stamps yet, but they are on my ever growing wish list. Thank you for the step by step. xx
I’m sure Erik gave you lots of cuddles to say sorry 😢 beautiful card came from the mayhem though. Made me think I really must get round to more stamping. Thanks Barbara and Erik xx
Thank you Barbara for another fabulous step by step- and wonderful card- I am truly inspired. I am excited to order some of the Kiss stamps.
I received an order including embedders and other products just prior to Christmas – excited to be crafty this weekend and use the embedders.
Thank you kindly Barbara – I truly appreciate all your time/energy and your impressive creative talents that you have shared and continue to share on your blog, on Create and Craft and the SHAC. Watching/learning from you and spending time with you is the absolute best. Wishing you a calmer day tomorrow. Happy New Year.
Lovely step by step. Funny that I spent the other day creating with these same stamps. X
Fabulous step by step. These KISS stamps really are lovely and always make such beautiful, elegant cards quickly especially with the embedders.
Hello Barb, what a beautiful step by step. I am hoping to get some crafting in before heading back to the day job, and as I have most of these products am going to give it a try. Naughty Erik, had to laugh about hiding behind Ragnar. In case I don’t get online tomorrow, I would just like to wish you, Dave, all the family and the Clarity Team, as well as the Blog family and followers a very Peaceful and Happy New Year in 2023. May it be a better year for everyone. Take care and stay safe and warm. Bx
Hi Barbara,
Just caught up with your blog after a quiet Christmas, but no time to craft. new I needed this stamp, so looking forwards to receiving it. New start for 2023.
May you be blessed with love, peace and happiness.
What a beautiful card, which when you look at the break down can be achieved by all. Hoping 2023 will be kinder to all.
This is why I do not keep animals of any kind, adorable as some of them are. Had to chuckle though about Erik hiding behind Ragnar.
A lovely project came out of this mayhem so not a total disaster. I have some of these stamps but have not used them yet. I will dig them out today.
Am starting on Valentine and Easter cards shortly and promised myself I would get started early on Christmas cards. A few each month should save me a last minute rush.
Let us hope 2023 will be better for everyone.