Waste? I think not !!! A Stamp and Paper step by step x
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Let’s talk Background Designer papers and stamps today.
The 4 books we launched in January have definitely hit the spot.
If you’re anything like me, you hand on to every little piece and sliver. Can’t bear to throw it away, right?
All those bits and pieces lend themselves perfectly to some layering, paper piecing….
We just need a starting point, and this lovely large Claritystamp will do the job beautifully.
Comes from the Making a Point Stampset.
Treescape with loads of brilliant little texture stamps.
So let’s stamp the trees onto a clean piece of background paper from the Brighton Rock pad.
Stamp the tree again onto matching scraps….
Cut out the elements on the scraps…
Glue them into place with Zig Glue.
In my humble opinion the best wet glue there is.
Goes on blue, dries clear, and doesn’t buckle the paper or card.
Position the pieces, starting at the top.
…and easy.
Just make sure you don’t use too much glue,
or you will experience the Mayo effect.
That being like when you put too much mayo in your sandwich,
and it all squishes out the sides!
Cut out the piece.
That’s the way to replenish your scrap stash too!
Here’s another cool stamp: the chequer border.
Comes from this arty stampset.
Stamp it onto another piece of matching designer paper.
Can’t recommend this enough!
Stamp yet another funky Claritystamp to the right.
This is one of my faves.
Here’s another one in this style which Jim designed….
That would work well here too.
Now attach the centrepiece
and outline the edges with a Sharpie Pen.
Colour in the words to match the background papers,
and add a little shade to the trees where they overlap.
Add a drop shadow to the box with a grey pencil.
Trim the background paper and attach it to a wild fold card.
I like Hunkydory cardstock best.
It is lovely and strong, to hold mulitiple layers etc.
Clean out a corner, eh?
I need a skip !!!!!
All good.
Time to go roast a chicken!
Love & Hugs,
47 thoughts on “Waste? I think not !!! A Stamp and Paper step by step x”
Lovely project. I'm in a creative mood today. This morning I made a huge pot of cauliflower cheese soup and this afternoon I fancy getting my gel plate out for the flower challenge. Enjoy you chicken.
Enjoy your soup best of luck with your challenge you know I'm not FB but I am able to see the site.. whoa how good are some of those guys… so good luck Julia your good so go for it..Love Dot..xx
Oh… My … Goodness.. Yes!! Of course – I hated to waste my paper as well. Thank you ever so much for showing this wonderful piece.
Warm regards from Copehagen
Love this 🙂 and we are roasting a chicken in this household too lol xx
Great idea, I've got that first set so gonna dig it out – in trying to declutter my craft stuff but as soon as I find something I have to use/make something – not chucked anything yet 🙈
This is very fun. Love it
I like it! Been doing a bit of needlework this morning, trying to make a tote bag. Should be fairly simple, but my sewing machine isn't playing ball today. I shall persevere after lunch. Love a good roast, especially the potatoes, yum! Enjoy your chicken x
Lovely cards Barb. Xxx
Great card Barbara. Just love the backing papers xx
Absolutely fabulous Barb! Paper piecing at its very best, and you could always come and play with us in the Snippets Playground Challenge if you like. Joke, I know you have better things to do – I can already smell that chicken roasting! One tip I was given yonks ago is to put the glue onto the base stamped image, within the lines of course, rather than the snippet you're adding. Makes it easier to manage – and I so agree about the Zig glue pens! And of course I now NEED that fabulous tree stamp 🙂
Sending you a Sunday hug!
Di xx
Love this, just finding it hard to use papers- still just enjoying looking 😂 ……know that mayo effect!
Wish I was having a toast, but didn't get to the supermarket yesterday, so it's raid the fridge, freezer and cupboards to see what I can create in the meal department. I'm knitting today, on the last sleeve of an Aran jumper for hubby, can't wait to finish, I'm bored of it and want to start something new!! Need to make a birthday card for Wednesday so it's out with my new Groovi plates tomorrow, yippee, and I've got the set of papers so I can use them too xx. Enjoy your roast chicken Barbara xx
Love the card and the words. Wondered if at some stage in the future you would show us some examples for using the making a point little stamps. Haven'the ever used mine. Enjoy your roast dinner.xxx
Hi to all you lovely blogging friends, hope you are having a good Sunday and keeping warm. Love Pam
Hi Pam it's chilly here today, we went for a bracing walk and came back glowing. Sending hugs xxx
Hope your having a good one to hugs for yi…love..Dot…xx
Hi Barbara, love this, thanks for sharing. Great you've showed us we can still be arty with paper piecing, adding shading and stuff. Never dawned on me!!!! Will definitely be getting stuck into my large pile of background papers now. Hopefully anyway, no, must make the effort, this year being my back into all things craft properly year.
By the way, your art room pic, looks a lot tidier than I've seen it in previous photos!!!!!!😉 So I think you're ok for leaving the tidiying up for a while longer!!!! Or maybe that's because I'm sat here looking at my craft room floor (which is my desk) and it's looking worse than yours!!!! Some of it is Daisy's mess though, but she'd be quick to point out that I made that too playing with her and then not tidying up after she'd had enough!!!!
Hope you enjoy your roast chicken. I was never keen on meat, the texture of it, but I did love the gravy from roasts. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday. Love Brenda xx
Hi Brenda sending hugs to you and Daisy. Xxx
Nae craft room here although got two spare bedrooms that could be would I sit upstairs and craft eh1!! NAW.. so will keep the mess down here (till visitors are coming) then it's a panic ti stash it away but hey ho I don't think I'm alone..cuddle on it's way..Dot..xx
Thank you, hugs and cuddles back xx
If I had upstairs I definitely wouldn't be going up to any craft room, or anywhere else!!! If my living room was usable I guess there'd be plenty crafty piles in there too! My bedroom's not that bad, mostly just do wee bits of knitting and sewing, cutting out, in bed so that's small enough to get piled on my wee table and bedside drawers!!! Sadly the amount of craft mess is far bigger than it ought to be for the amount of craft I actually manage to do! Dread to think the state of the place once I get going proper!!! I know the panic tidy up one if someone is coming, my craft room has to be used like a living room. Hate it when it's folk I don't want to come, my craft room is my wee safe ok daytime place.
It got ridiculous with the teeny wee bits of scrap I was keeping, and that's just the coloured copy paper!!! So I did manage to set a size, below which it gets chucked, quite a small size mind you!!! As for scrap patterned paper and posher coloured paper, well, every wee bit of that gets kept… I'm lucky I live alone, I can imagine the conversations that must go on on a regular basis with all the 'I can find a use for that' stash we squirrel away for 'later'. I've got big boxes of the stuff! And that's after my ruthless clearout last year!!!
Hi Barbara, A beautiful card project, really lovely.
Enjoy your chicken.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Hi Barbara
I do enjoy a chicken dinner. I have the trees and the texture stamps and I love paper piecing. The papers are gorgeous and I have used some of them already, which is a first for me. This is because they are so lovely that they need to be shown off and not just kept to stroke, sniff and drool over.
I am going to try reproducing your lovely card for a male relative.
Hugs from Chris X
Just had my chicken now can I go through your skip before it's emptied?!Xx
Fablass project. I've got quite a few pieces and slivers of the designer papers and was going to do the coaster thing with them. Wouldn't dream of ditching any of it. Even done little flowers out of punched paper hearts with the tiniest scraps.
Waste paper is so good but can end up with so much I surpose key is to use it as soon as possible. Enjoy your roast chicken on this cold dull wet day great seeing your bright coloured trees to brighten the day xxx
Gorgeous, love to use my scraps for paper piecing and matting and layering.
Linda xxx
There will always be a supply of off cuts. And you have done a wonderful card here using some of the bits you have collected!
I have a bag full of bits waiting to be used!
Today is our last evening with Amy here with us! She is moving in with her boyfriend into their first proper house that is theirs! So we're having a nice meal.
Enjoy your evening.
Love and hugs! Xxxx
Fabulous paper piecing Barbara and the trees are a great choice for this and the added colour shading and then added to the lines of the sentiment. Hope you enjoyed your roast chicken, thinking about it is making me feel hungry. x
Wonderful use of spare pieces. I love to do Iris folding which is another good way of using up those scraps. Quilling is another good way, bit fiddly but that suits me. Enjoy that roast chicken. I have been out all day with all the girls in the family shopping in Birmingham for wedding accessories. Good day but gosh my feet really hurt. xx
Roast chicken for us too. Jim making the gravy then ready to roll. He makes amazing gravy using all he juices etc. Can't wait! Then back to Groovi flowers for a comp card. Enjoy your evening. Xx
Hi Barbara
What a lovely set of stamps to use with scraps. Yes we all have them, yes done the mayo trick too with glue and in the sandwich too! The hunky dory card is lovely isn't it, it's a good weight. I think your craft room looks quite tidy at the moment, better than our study! Ive put my heat gun somewhere safe again and can't find it anywhere!! Enjoy your roast chicken mmmmm lovely.
Love Diane xxx
Hello lovely blog friends hope you are all keeping warm. Sending hugs xxx
That's made me laugh Diane – I've now got 3 heat guns because I kept losing them!
Hi Diane heating here full blast happy and cosy till the wee brown envelope arrives here's yir hug..xx
Lovely project! Got the stamp – love it! xx
I love this tree stamp and use it for paper piecing a lot. Great project today, and it would also work well with all those gel press prints that don't quite work out how you want them to. Enjoy your chicken x
Evening Susan here's a wee hug fir yi…xx
I love paper piecing and the effect it produces but I rarely remmber to use it. Another great use for those gorgeous designer pads.xx
Evening Barbara great work with the tree stamp need to try this fussy cutting lark with the huge amount of bitty bits I keep you know the (might use that one day box) or the maybe I can do something with this wee (naw it's a big) something box.. even keep those Clarity packaging polystyrene bullets ..God knows what I'm going to do wi then (Any ideas) anyway hope you enjoyed your chicken on my own tonight so I'm having home made steak pie my Aunty Bessy made lol..xx
Take care .. Love Dot..xx
great way to use all those scarps. i tend to keep them too, but if they are too small i have started binning them to avoid the house overflowing, hugs xx
What a lovely alternative way to use the lovely trees stamp that has been languishing in the drawer for ages!!! thanks Barb. I trust you enjoyed your roast chicken (better than our baked beans!!!).
Lovely card, xx
Hi Barb, a brilliant step by step, loving the colours and that sentiment is one of my favourites too. Hope your Roast Chicken was good. We had cider poached chicken. Take care. Bx
Morning Barb,
I'm running a day late for some reason ( don't know why!). Anyway, love this and it's such a brilliant use for the scraps of those gorgeous papers. Really love the " Clean out" and " You light up my life" stamps so much – I got the latter in the recent members sale but have used the other one on loads of projects. I was on the Clarity website last night and noticed the little pack of the Pergamano tools instructions and black mat you've put together so thank you for that too. I must say your craftroom isn't looking too untidy – I can't see the floor in mine and as for my desk well, it's just under a mound of stuff!! Love and hugs Alison xx
Hi bloggy friends,
Sorry I haven't commented on your individual posts – promise I'll do that tonight once I've caught up with myself! Waiting for someone to come and measure our kitchen properly who was supposed to come at the weekend. Not happy that he didn't come as it's the second time we were told he was coming. Anyway going to have a knitting day – I've got a sleeve to finish on Dave's Arran jumper and then it to sew together and then I can start an Arran waistcoat for me. Have a good day everyone, love and hugs Alison xxx
Beautiful inspiration, thank you x
Hi Barb,
Just received my order of paper and stamps so today I I will be creating some cards with my new stamps. Instead of roasting a chicken I will be having prawns and salad here in Australia it is hot. I am really enjoying your videos and all the wonderful things you have. I’m having an exhibition of my artwork this year so the cards I’ll be making will reflect my theme, seaside holidays, fishing, dolphins and whales.