Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness

Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
Sorry I am so late blogging again today.

Had an important supper date with some special people
who aren’t in town very often.
We spent the time hatching a brilliant Groovi plan –
to be continued tomorrow evening!

You know I sometimes use the expression,
“We are much greater than the sum of our parts”?
Well, believe you me, each one of these ladies is formidable,
but put them together and they are a force to be reckoned with!

More will be revealed…..

So to the blog.
In the wake of all the violent atrocities which have been ripping the world apart recently, it is not difficult to become sad and negative.
Good grief! It’s all too dreadful! It beggars belief!

But I do believe that we attract what we emit. 
It’s called the Law of Attraction.
So if we emit fear and shock because of evil events, 
then we attract even more fearful, shocking events.

Perhaps, if it is possible, we should focus our minds on positive 
and not negative things, on kindness not cruelty.

Indiscriminate, random acts of kindness are a brilliant way to release positive energy. 

Lovely Brenda M talked about RAKs yesterday, about Random Acts of Kindness, and I think she is absolutely right. 

So imagine if we doubled our efforts?!

If each one of us made a decision 
to do two kind things for somebody else every day,
– for a stranger, for a friend, for an animal – 
I think we would make a difference.

I believe it would help at different levels too,
apart from redirecting the energy of the universe!

There’s nothing quite like putting a smile on somebody else’s face;
especially when it is in response to an unexpected act of kindness.

During the retreats these past days, our crafting friends have given Dave and myself the most thoughtful, considerate presents. It’s not only the fact that somebody would go to the trouble of wrapping a gift or making a card – it’s the thoughtfulness, the amount of actual thought which has gone into the gifts! You know that these generous people really took time to consider you, to think about you. And that feels so good. 

But Random Acts of Kindness need not be material.
You can give your time, you can lend a hand,

Tell you what though – it feels extra good if you keep your kind deeds to yourself and don’t tell anybody what you have done. 

It’s one thing to talk about kind acts you have experienced;
it’s another to shout about what you have done 
and what a great guy you are!

So how about it?
How about we make a pledge here, 
starting tomorrow, to do 2 random acts of kindness 
for somebody else every day?

Who’s in?
It starts with me.
I’m in, and I mean it. 
Who’s with me?
Brenda M, Barb,

Hands up.
Positive Energy has to rise.
Copy this and paste it 

Love and Hugs and Peace,

88 thoughts on “Random Acts of Kindness

  1. I love doing random acts of kindness, usually just simple things but they all count.

    My easiest one is to offer to take a colleague's mug when I go to wash mine at the end of the day – it takes a few seconds longer to wash and dry two or four than it does just to do mine but it saves people a job.

    A good reminder Barbara and you are right, if we all did two RAKs each day we would make a difference

  2. It is is very true that if we are kind to people then people will be kind to you. I do believe the world would be a better place if everyone took the time to be kind. When I have been given a RAK it makes me feel special and I think it is nice to share that feeling with others.

  3. I am in Barbara. Funnily enough I have been instilling RAK into my grandchildren (6 and 4), and have phoned them each night this week to hear what kind deeds they have done, so count them in too! Peace health and happiness Caroline

  4. Definately a good idea …and wouldn't it be lovely if we could make it grow, and grow. Then we would have a chance to turn the world back around. Baby steps, but I'll take them tomorrow, along with the rest of you

  5. Definately a good idea …and wouldn't it be lovely if we could make it grow, and grow. Then we would have a chance to turn the world back around. Baby steps, but I'll take them tomorrow, along with the rest of you

  6. Obviously I'm in Barbara :-). Thank you so much for taking up and promoting my mission to get us all spreading kindness and compassion to all our fellow human beings. It's so true that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Just watch this space for the proof!!!

    I need to be totally honest with you all though. I'm going to really struggle to do 2 every day with being so isolated, but I'll do as much as I can. And I'll be happily reminding everyone each month, as well as inviting any new people to our community to join in too.

    Thank you Barbara 🙂 Love Brenda xxxx

    1. Hello Brenda, do you know I think you should count posting your words of wisdom on this blog each day as one of your RAKS. You are always so wise and if you don't post we worry about you so you are an important part of our lives. That to me ticks the box. Sending a hug for you and Daisy. Xxx

    2. So Well said Diane your help and kindness to me and us all on here Brenda counts definitely…Love Dot…xx
      p.s Wee Ian got word back Charlie was released into the wild and flew like a crow does thot you might like ti ken…xx

    3. Dear Brenda, You are the embodiment of an Act of Kindness. You are a blessing to us all, so just coming here every day, as Diane has already said, ticks the box. Love and Hugs xxx

    4. Morning Brenda you should be proud dear blog friend as you are always there to help us on this here blog I agree with Diana you should count each one as you RAK hugs to you and daisy xxx

    5. Good morning Brenda! I totally agree with everything that has already been said. You are already doing RAK's on here for so very many of us, and we truly thank you for that. I would also like to ask you to keep talking to us, about the problems that you face each day, when it all just gets too much for you to cope with. Both Sheila and I are not able to go out every day – so I am sure that I can speak for Sheila too – that if we can be of any help to you, that you would enable us to do a RAK for you – here, on this wonderful blog! I hope that my ramblings make some sense. Love and special hugs, Gilly xxx

  7. I agree a good idea and something I try to keep going on a daily basis – harder now I'm not at work but you can always do something for someone even without you or the person concerned realising it at the time. xx

  8. Definitely agree with this sentiment. I am also trying to make sure I smile at everyone I can. You can get so hung up with whats going on in your own world rushing around that you can forget to just engage with others in the simplest way possible – smile. Kindness shall make the world go round. Much love Jayne

  9. Hello Barbara
    What a lovely post today, yes count me in. I was out with my daughter the other day and I did my RAK, she spotted it and said that was a lovely thing to do so we had a conversation about RAK. She likes to do them too, I hadn't realised, we've obviously bought her up well, although washing up for mum apparently doesn't count!!! Lol. Take care
    Love Diane xxx

  10. I am in….and, I would be interested in hearing what others do for RAK to get more ideas…no tin a boastful fashion, like you mention, but would love to see ideas shared…to get more inspiration.

  11. Hello Barbara

    I am with you on this. Bad things will pass and good will triumph. We all have to stay positive, think good thoughts and do good things. Wish I was with you again this week.


  12. Hello Barbara, absolutely in on this too, what a lovely thing to focus on and feel we are doing something in the face of all this madness in the world. Love to Brenda, who always, like you, is so thoughtful and articulate. This blog really is a lifeline to so many of us…

    Love, Ruth x

  13. I'm in! Yesterday, my frequent buyer card said I was owed a free Diet Pepsi. I paid for my drink and let the lady in line behind me take the free drink. Today, a young man was obviously in a hurry; I was ahead of him and another person was soon to be checking out. I said to go ahead, and he thanked me. It always feels good to do someone a good turn without expecting it. Thanks for reminding folks!

  14. I'm in done it many times it's a lovely feeling to do a random act of kindness knowing in your heart you have done something nice for someone else in secret and to receive a round dome surprise gives you s real boost , if more did this the world would be a better place I agree. Love and hugs Joy xxx

  15. Hi Barb, I'm in, I do try do small things, and it does make you feel better. I also believe that people like you and others that take time to blog, are already sharing kindness. Take care. Bx

  16. This is such a lovely idea, paying it forward. In my town we have a phantom florist, who leaves little posies etc on benches and things for whoever finds them to have. It boosts the recipients so much. I know it's not always material things, but this is such a sweet custom and makes me love my town! So I'm in – redoubling my efforts in this direction! As the Dalai Lama says, "Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible."

    I had a wonderful day yesterday at the retreat, and a great dinner with some new friends. Looking forward to getting a bit messy and painty today x

  17. Morning folks – this is such a great idea. As someone said to me yesterday " everybody just need to be nicer to one another! " – the vast majority of the population are lovely human beings and I really feel it's time that this 'majority' were heard. Brenda m ( I don't know if you'll read this ) you say you'll struggle to do two RAK a day , and I can understand this, but I read your posts every day and your comments help me ( and I'm sure I'm one of many ) – so please please don't underestimate yourself!!!! Charlotte x

  18. I have a sign in my car 've an Angel, practice random acts of monster's one morning I went out and my car and others in the road had a doormat placed on them . Lol

  19. Barbara count me in ,It's always good to say a thank you or make someone's day with a special thought and it's always brightens ones day to come here to this blog with like minded people and know your not alone sending hugs and smiles xxx

    1. Morning dear family of blog friends and to all on the blog I was early to sleep last night so playing catch up now .hugs and smiles to all xxx

    2. I was another one in bed early last night. We got a call to say we could pick our little puppy up at teatime today, so not much sleep for the next couple of weeks! Love and Hugs xxx

  20. Good morning Barbara – yes, I am in – and it's just so nice to come here and feel so much warmth, positive and caring thoughts and actions! Love and hugs Gilly xxx

    1. Hi to all of my blog friends – I hope that you aren't getting too much rain at the moment. I shall make an extra effort to look for more opportunities to help people. I must finish now, as my O/T is due very soon. Love and hugs to you all, Gilly xxx

    2. Hi Gilly, the rain has just stopped here. It looks as if it maybe brightening up a little. Or is that just wishful thinking!!!! Hope your O/T session goes well. Love and Hugs xxx

  21. Hi Barb,
    Sorry I'm mega late today! Went to bed really early for me and then woke up with a blinking migraine – that will teach me! Anyway I'm definitely in , I will do as much as I can. Love and hugs to all, Alison xx

  22. I've been trying to do this for a while – helps me to stay positive, and hopefully brings a little sunshine into the lives of others. Glad so many people are joining in x

  23. Just catching up on blog reading as I've had no internet access, but I couldn't agree more about needing more kindness in the world so count me in too. X

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