Take over Bid on the Blog! Step aside Gray!
Hi there.
Thursdays Blog is something Blue !
Dave ’ere!
In Barb’s absence, ie: she’s out on the town….No seriously though, she has asked me to step in for this evening and write something for her Blog (She has a meeting involving eating tonight).
“It will be a pleasure”, says I, then realising that really I should be making a card, getting Groovi with some expert parchment craft or simply getting to grips with those lovely canvas boards and chalky paints !
Well although I did get an Art O-level, and enjoy doodling; I didn’t follow it through to college .
No, instead I went down the Music route, and that’s where I get my creative fix…so much so, that I need some every day !
Whether I’m playing it on a guitar, or listening to it, music can take me just about anywhere.
How many of us can recall a memory by the music of the time, or can change a feeling with music?
This led me to wonder ( there is a point to all this )
where the expression ‘the blues’ came from.
Why do people say “I feel blue” or “Everybody’s got the blues”?
In fact, a whole genre of music is simply called the “Blues”….
Here are a couple of possible definitions …..
Miles Davis – Blue in Green
If you feel blue, you are feeling sad or unwell, mainly associated with depression or unhappiness.
The use of blue to mean “sad” dates from the late 1300s.
There are many references as to where this expression came from, some being:
There are many references as to where this expression came from, some being:
This is because blue was related to rain, or storms, and in Greek mythology, the god Zeus would make rain when he was sad (crying), and a storm when he was angry.
Kyanos was a name used in Ancient Greek to refer to dark blue tile (in English it means blue-green or cyan).
Kyanos was a name used in Ancient Greek to refer to dark blue tile (in English it means blue-green or cyan).
The phrase “feeling blue” is linked also to a custom among many old deepwater sailing ships. If the ship lost the captain or any of the officers during its voyage, she would fly blue flags and have a blue band painted along her entire hull when returning to home port.
These seem pretty plausible as possible origins.
Dorothy Moore – Misty Blue
So “enough of the blues” I say,
lets have a Blog Giveaway !
Simply copy/paste the first two lines of the limerick below, and add the rest; we will choose a winner for the wittiest on Monday.
That winner will receive a £20.00 gift voucher !!
There once was a woman from Kent
To the Clarity Workshops she went….
Good Luck !
Peace and love —— David.
62 thoughts on “Take over Bid on the Blog! Step aside Gray!”
Evening Dave what a star you are taking over tonight's blog it's too late to put my brain into gear for a limerick so I will give it a go for tomorrow xxx
Evening dear family of blog friends sending goodnight hugs hugs to all on the blog 😴💤💤
Night night Sheila sleep tight xxx
Hope you had a good night's rest and a good day today, love and hugs Alison xx
There once was a woman from Kent
To the Clarity Workshops she went….
When she got through the door
She bought goodies galore
And now all her budget is spent.
I love finding the origin of common phrases we all use. It is amazing how many of them do have naval origins. Talking about feeling blue and depression, I listening to BBC Hereford and Worcester this morning and one of the gems that came up was that if you laugh or even just smile,it is physically impossible to be depressed. The smile or laughter releases happy hormones which swamp any depression. Music is very important to me, often conjuring up memories from long ago, and often just takes me back to the first place I heard it. I would be lost without music and reading, especially to help me to sleep. Thanks for taking over the blog tonight and I hope Barbara has a good evening. xxx Maggie
Hi Dave have to think about this in morning great to hear from you great song Bibs thing is music to listening not playing always with head phones on, night for know the lyric made me laugh as it is will come back to it xx
Fabulous post Dave, I hope Barbara enjoyed her evening.
Linda xxx
Thanks for the Miles Davis. Loving it!
Hi Dave, Miles Davis – brilliant. I've just bought a blues CD today, Chet Baker and Paul Desmond so quite apt for your post Nothing like music to transport you to a time, place, memory or peace – unless it's crafting
Good job Dave!
Evening Dave, you've done a great job of keeping the theme of the blog tonight
Hope the meeting went well Barbara and you had a lovely meal as well as a fruitful meeting
There once was a woman from Kent
To the Clarity Workshops she went
she groovied away for a week and a day
and ended up staying in kent !
loved the music x
Misty blue…a beautiful song. I love it, thanks for sharing.
There once was a woman from Kent,
To the Clarity workshops she went.
She stamped, and she crafted,
and she groovied all day.
But when she got home she was spent !
Hi Dave, I learnt a lot from this blog even though it wasn't crafting ! Going away now to work on a limerick and the two challenges ! Last minute as usual! X
There once was a woman from Kent
To the Clarity Workshop she went
She Groovied and Gellied
Till she was flat on her belly
And all her energy was spent!
First concert I went to was Miles Davis – incredible. Great blog, thanks
There once was a woman from Kent
To the Clarity Workshops she went….
She got tip to how to craft, met others and laughed
Then shopped 'til her money was spent!
Well done that man! Brenda and I are lying in bed singing along with Dorothy to misty blue!
There once was a woman from Kent.
To the Clarity workshops she went…
With a stamp and a stencil
And even a coloured pencil
Her creative side she did vent!
See you tomorrow
Love and hugs
Jane and Brenda ccxx
Well done that man! Brenda and I are lying in bed singing along with Dorothy to misty blue!
There once was a woman from Kent.
To the Clarity workshops she went…
With a stamp and a stencil
And even a coloured pencil
Her creative side she did vent!
See you tomorrow
Love and hugs
Jane and Brenda ccxx
Can't get my head into limerick zone but will try tomorrow. Well done for taking over! Xx
Hi bloggy friends, sweet dreams everyone. Xx
Hi Donna,
Hope you had sweet dreams! Have a great day with Phoebe , love and hugs Alison xx
There once was a woman from Kent
To the Clarity workshops she went
The lovely Barbara Gray
Led umpteen crafters astray
'Til they found all their money was spent
There once was a woman from Kent
To the Clarity workshops she went
The lovely Barbara Gray
Led umpteen crafters astray
'Til they found all their money was spent
Hi Dave
There once was a woman from Kent,
To the clarity workshop she went,
She crafted all day,
Just to hear Barbara say,
Let's start that all over again.
Hi Dave
Lovely to see you tonight, the music lesson was interesting, definately agree with music evoking memories. We have conversations abou'do you remember this one' quite often in this house!. I hope Barbara has had a lovely evening out and you've had a relaxing evening at home. Now let's have a go at this Limerick
There once was a woman from Kent
To the Clarity workshops she went.
She daubed, dabbed and brushed,
created art without fuss
And in the Clarity shop overspent!!!
Have a lovely evening
Love Diane xx
Hello all my lovely blog friends, hope everyone is ok and has had a good day. Sending hugs all round. Night night xx.
Hi Dave, Saw Barbara tonight working very hard over her dinner. Found all your 'Blue' facts very interesting and the music great listening in our hotel room. Will have a think on the limerick & maybe post tomorrow. Possibly See you in the morning xx
Hello Dave, nice to see you here. Interesting blog, I like to learn new facts, thank you. Music very much takes me back the moment I hear it. Used to love music, the feelings it gives you, not talking about the superficial stuff, you'll know what I mean. It gets me really sad and down now though so I don't often listen these days. It takes me back to when I was younger and had hope all was going to be ok and I was going to make a good life, and look what happened despite my best efforts! But I do still listen when I can, it's addictive, eh!
You should have included a recording of something you've composed, that's your art that you could have shared with us. I would love to hear some.
Hope Barbara had a very enjoyable meeting/night out.
Sorry, no limmerick from me, not an ability I've been blessed with!
Love Brenda xx
Can I say a huge thank you to everyone who has pledged to join our Random Act of Kindness/RAK movement, including everyone who is joining in who didn't leave a comment. I really appreciate it xx
And a huge thank you to Barbara too. You've got far more people to join in than I ever could on my own. Love you xx
And thank you so much to everyone who said all those lovely things about me on yesterday's blog (yes I do read everyone's comments every day). I really don't think I deserve it all though, but thank you anyway. Xx
Lets see how big we can spread our RAK movement, and how much compassion and kindness we can all spread around the world. Our Clarity community, you're all brilliant 🙂
Hi Brenda,
People wouldn't have said those things if they didn't mean them you know. I never got to comment so I will add another comment for you now – you are a very kind hearted, intuitive and inspirational person. I will also add selfless because you always think of others and have a kind word for everyone. Have a lovely day, love and hugs Alison xxx
Morning Brenda sending hugs for you and daisy dear blog friend xxxx
Hi Sheila, hope you have a good day. How was levels for your liver function last wek, any improvement yet? xx
Wow, thank you Alison for the amazing words. Hope you have a good afternoon when the rain stops xx
Do you know what, it's this here community – Barbara, and all you lovely guys, who have made me feel safe enough and allowed me to express who and what I am in such a big way for the first time in my life. The opposite to what I've experienced from most people my whole life. Here I can be me without the fear of being harmed or used or manipulated or whatever. I've NEVER experienced that before. That's what you guys and Barbara have given me here, on top of all your unconditional love and kindness and caring you all show me, something else that's been lacking in my life. So I say a huge thank you to you all for being you xx
Last year I promised Barbara I would check in here every day so she would know I was ok and wouldn't worry about me when I go AWOL. Didn't keep that promise very long did I! So I make a second pledge, to do my absolute best to check in here every day, so Barbara, and all you guys, know I'm ok and not worrying about me.
Hi Brenda thank you for asking yesterday I found out my bloods have gone up instead of going down so my dr has referred me for an urgent liver scan which was a bit of a shock but just go with it see what happens.
It's so good that you come here each day to share your wisdom on things we don't understand xxx
Oh Sheila, you must be so worried. I'm really sorry to hear that. I'll be sending you positive good health psychic energy. Please keep me updated. I worry about you with all your health problems. Take care, big bear hug xx
Thank you Brenda your big bear hug means so much to me I been crafting away to keep the depression and worry at bay I'm still on my steroids but dropping the dose each week I've got to ring my rhumotiod atritus consultant Monday to keep in in the loop so getting plenty of surport and toms helping me too .hugs xxx
Nice to see you here Dave and two great performers you've highlighted here and an interesting insight into 'the blues'. Hope Barbara has had good food and a good meeting this evening. Well here is my limerick effort:
There once was a woman from Kent,
To the Clarity Workshops she went,
She stamped and she painted,
With the effort she fainted,
So the kiss of life Dave did give her… what a gent!
Go get your fix of music now Dave and relax. x
Interesting post, thanks Dave.
There once was a woman from Kent
To the Clarity Workshops she went
Where she met Barb and Paul
And then had the gall
To ask where was Dave, that nice gent!
There once was a woman from Kent
To the Clarity Workshops she went….
But she felt a little "Blue"
Cos she didn't know what to do
But she Soon picked up a Barbie trick or two!!!
Nice Blog Dave. Xxx Sam
Hello Dave, great blog post. Music certainly can invoke memories, lift the spirit, or simply make you stop and think. The world would be terrible without music. And here is my attempt (haven't read them all yet, so hopefully not nicked anybody elses.
There once was a woman from Kent
To the Clarity Workshops she went
It all took her a while,
But she left with a smile
Thinking, "That was money well spent"
Take care. Bx
Hi Dave – great facts and music there buddy. Thanks for that info. I think you have a bit of a flare for this blogging lark. Lol
There once was a woman from Kent
To the Clarity workshops she went
She did Groovi and Gelli
Had great food in her belly
And at the till all her pennies she spent
Have another great two days.
Hello Dave
Lovely to hear from you, a very interesting blog with facts I never knew.
Hi Dave, lovely seeing you on this blog X Here goes with the Limerick…..
There once was a woman from Kent
To the Clarity workshops she went
Her class she inspired
With all they desired
Their creations became heaven sent
Love doing limericks Dave, but maybe too early! Not my best but you get the drift. Xx
ooooooo…love the history/word lesson – maybe you should take over again sometimes (or collaborate!)
My fella thought 'Misty Blue' was Melba Moore, so that's one to you Dave – he is quite an authority on music generally (his fave subject on Eggheads – mine is history!)
Hope Barb had a good night, has her toothy thing started to properly behave now?
Maggie (Yorkite)
There once was a woman from Kent, To the Clarity workshops she went, Hints & tips all around, From new friends I've found, Two days that were really well spent.
Deborah Lloyd.x
Hi Dave,
Thank you for doing blog duty. A very informative one if I may say so. Dave ( hubbie) loves Miles Davis and Misty Blue is one of my favourites so thank you for those too. Hope Barb had a good night out. Brain not in gear for Limerick just yet. Love Alison xx
Hi to all my blog friends,
Hope you're all ok and weather is being kind to you today. Raining here at moment, but forecast is better for this afternoon, so I hope they're right. Going to get some housework done while it's miserable. Chris – been on turbo trainer a couple of times now and am very impressed with it other than I struggle to get on it as it makes my bike higher and I use a step much to Dave's amusement. It was a bit of a palaver to get the tyre set up , so we've decided to keep my bike set up for the trainer and Dave has bought me a new bike as well for going out on! We are working on the trainer every day either outside or if wet in the garage. At the moment for me to get used to it I'm doing 5 minutes , then Dave does 15 & we do that 3 times. Next week will increase my time and resistance level. Actually quite enjoy it although I think it could be very boring if you did a long time on it! It certainly increases stamina and gives you a good work out. I'm very like you in that it's really hilly here too & don't have a lot of confidence on my bike so hopefully this will increase that too.
Morag, hope you little bundle of fluff is gorgeous and not tiring you out too much. Have a good day everyone, love and hugs Alison xxxx
Morning Alison sending lots of hugs your way xxx
Good morning Barbara hope you had a good night morning Dave .
Here is my Limerick
There once was a woman from Kent
To the clarity workshops she went
She always was blue
Till she met up with all the clarity crew
She crafted and nattered
The credit card came home battered
There once was a woman from Kent,
To the clarity workshop she went,
Lots of fun was had,
And it wasn't too bad,
Until Babs realised 'she' was a gent!
There once was a woman from Kent
To the Clarity Workshops she went….
With parchment and Groovi
This beats an old movie
For an afternoon that's well spent.
Hi Dave
Enjoyed the informative information regarding 'blue' so…
There once was a woman from Kent
to the Clarity Workshops she went
armed with a list of goodies she was bent
on using her credit card and spent, spent, spent!
Have a good weekend
June x
Hi Dave – really interesting blog, and well done for keeping the blue theme going. I'm a bit hungry, so low on brain fuel, but I'll do my best with the limerick!
There once was a woman from Kent
To the Clarity workshops she went
Her artwork creation
Was a real inspiration
To her pupils she was heaven sent!
Hope Barb had a lovely evening, and that the workshops continue to go well! Susan x
Thank you Dave, it was great to hear from you.
There once was a woman from Kent
To the Clarity Workshops she went
She was so impressed,
Felt inspired to do her best
And promptly spent all of next weeks rent!
Happy weekend to you and Barbara
Janine x
There once was a woman from Kent
To the Clarity workshop she went
Off she went in her expensive wellies
She even wore them on the tele
She danced in the mud and took flight
To everyone's delight
There once was a woman from Kent
To the clarity workshops she went
She stamped and she stencilled
And painted and pencilled
And groovied to her heart's content
What an interesting blog Dave, full of cool facts. It was great seeing you at the retreat. x
There once was a woman from Kent
To the Clarity workshops she went
She was so impressed by Groovi
She went home and watched the movie
So she considered her time well spent
There once was a woman from Kent
TO the Clarity workshops she went
Armed with only a stencil,
Ink, stamp, and a pencil,
Found that for crafting she had a bit of a bent.
Love the blog post, I am away in Scotland and Internet is a bit hit and miss so just catching up.
Hi Dave, couldn't get the Limerick out of my mind so spent some time thinking whilst on the sun longer on holiday. Here are my offerings. More then one I'm afraid as I couldn't decide.
There once was a woman from Kent
To a Clarity workshop she went,
Too busy to wee
But she needed to pee,
In a bucket a penny she spent.
There once was a woman from Kent
To a Clarity workshop she went
She didn't come far
But still needed her car
For the craft stuff that she had lent
There once was a woman from Kent
To a Clarity workshop she went,
At the end of the day
She knew she would pay
Tired but happy at the day spent.
Last one – promise
There once was a woman from Kent
To a clarity workshop she went
The hall she did hire
A group to inspire
And was well worth the money for rent.
There once was a woman from Kent
To the Clarity Workshops she went…
She crafted all day
And spent all her pay
Now, sadly, she lives in a tent!
Or a slightly more "grown up" offering…..
There once was a woman from Kent
To the Clarity Workshops she went….
She stamped with a man
Who was known as "Big Stan",
But his pokey tool, sadly, was bent!!!
There once was a woman from Kent
To the Clarity Workshops she went
She painted and brayered
And matted and layered
And then all Hubby's money she spent……………..