I have no Words.
Hello there.
Thanks for popping in.
Came home from a lovely day with a smashing team
at Crowborough
to shocking news of the 84 year old French priest,
who was murdered during this morning’s mass.
They slit his throat in front of his congregation
and took 4 others hostage.
Came home from a lovely day with a smashing team
at Crowborough
to shocking news of the 84 year old French priest,
who was murdered during this morning’s mass.
They slit his throat in front of his congregation
and took 4 others hostage.
What a mad mad mad world this is.
So I came away to my room, to think about that priest,
and the other poor souls involved in Rouen.
Words fail me.
I have to have a time of silence,
to speak with the old man.
I need to tell him that
I am so very very sorry that he suffered such a violent end.
Such a senseless, atrocious execution.
I am Priest.
Our good Brother Jacques Hamel.
May he rest in peace in heaven.
I have put his memory respectfully by the window,
with the others who went before him.
I have no words.
Love & Peace.
74 thoughts on “I have no Words.”
Horrendous is all I can say. So so sad. X x
Your window is too full. I hope there are no more additions for a long time but that feels so unlikely given the events of the last few weeks.
We certainly live in sad times.
There are too many troubled people, we need to spread smiles and joy to try to banish all the pain there seems to be all around us.
Beautifully put for such a sad atrocity! The world has gone completely mad! I've stopped watching the news some days as it depresses me so much that I cannot function! Hugs xxxx
Today was one of the days when I deliberately did not watch or listen to the news. xxx Maggie
So sad – no words. Xxx
A true tribute to a priest who Lived a long life to be ended like this .i did some colouring tonight some clarity stamped ones takes the mind of such cruelty hugs to all xxx
Evening dear family of blog friends sending hugs to you all hugs to all on the blog .xxx
Hugs back Sheila xxx
Hugs to you too xx
Another day, another atrocity. No words just deep, deep sadness. X
I don't understand :'-) xx RIP Father Hamel
Amen x
Shocking…The Arch Bishop of Rouen, was at the time speaking to a group of young Catholics in Krakow, and after hearing this dreadful news, asked they should not give up, but become apostles for a civilisation of love…..Whatever one's faith or beliefs may be ,
now is a time for unity, for humanity….
Well said.
Hear, hear Dave. xx
I think that's one of the most compassionate things I have ever read……………..
France, Japan the sadness goes on in this mad world. There are no words..
Oh my! IVe been out for a happy day with friends and completely unaware of this horrendous news. What a sad world we live in right now – I Just don't know what to say!
Such a sad and tragic end of a long life. RIP xx
Indeed it is all chocking as people showing a behavior like that… Unbelievable…
Glad to know you are safe and sound. Take care out there and believe you are safe by the Love Light of the God … Bless you 😀
Yeah, me no coping, very distressed and hurting.
All I come up with is we make even more of an effort with our RAKS/ATC 'just to brighten your day' RAKS, if you're up for it guys. Lets spread as much love, and compassion, and kindness round as we all can, and think about Father Hamel as we do. My heart and head is not in it today though, but I will be making an extra effort. It's a pity we can't make a collection of ATC RAKS from us all and send them to France.
Take care Barbara, love Brenda xx
love to Father Hamel too xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Random acts of kindness. 2 every day. But we must just do them, not speak of them; otherwise they don't count xxxx
Thanks Barbara, I can understand what you're saying. Sorry if I got something wrong. Is it wrong to be suggesting it to everyone who would like to join in, and suggesting we make extra effort? I was just trying to do my bit as I am struggling to come up with ones that are extra to what I would normally do, being so isolated. Sorry everyone, I won't mention it again xxx
I think Barbara is backing you up Brenda your the kindess person I know here's yir cuddle..xx
Hello Dot, so good to hear from you. I think about you every day. Hope things are as ok as they can be for you. Big cuddles back xxxx
I'm really lost here, so not understanding. Stupid Asperger's brain. I'm feeling 'locked in' (is what I call it). Can someone please help, explain to me? I thought Barbara was trying to explain to me that I did something wrong by talking about us doing more RAKS, and increasing our efforts, but Dot is saying she thinks Barbara is backing me up. That's opposites. I don't have a clue. And now I'm making everything a huge mess, and getting upset because it's all going wrong, I'm making it all go wrong, someth8ng that was supposed to be a good thing. And I don't understand, and don't know how to make it all ok again, and I don't know what's right and wrong to say/do, and I don't have anyone to ask to help me. Sorry, sorry, sorry everyone. I shouldn't have spoken today, and then I wouldn't have made this mess. xx
Brenda, I really don't think that you have said anything wrong at all. I think Barbara was just clarifying RAKS because there may be people on here that are not familiar. Please don't worry, and try to calm yourself. You have no need to apologise, you haven't made a mess. You suggested we all make more effort to do RAKS, and Barbara just made it clear that we keep what we do, or plan to do, to ourselves. I hope you can settle yourself down Brenda, I hate to think of you being upset, and worrying for no reason, just a misunderstanding. Big hugs xx
Thank you so much Lorraine. I understand now 🙂 Relieved I didn't do anything wrong. And I'm glad Barbara explained what RAKs are and what to do, for any new people, I'll remember to include that next time I say. Thank you so much for taking the time to help me. I really appreciate it xx
I think also Barbara means that it is better just to do them knowing we have helped someone and not tell lots of people what we've done and how good or kind we've been. It's a lovely idea and a good way to do something to make the world a better place for someone else.
Thanks Chris. I agree with you and Barbara. Saying what we've done then makes it about us, and it's not about us, it's about making things better/brighter for other people in the world. And if you can manage to do any when even the recipient doesn't know it's you, they're the best ones, I feel. It's like being a wee fairy 🙂 xx
Brenda Dear. It's obvious that you understand it perfectly now. There will be many people happier because of your kind suggestion. "Like being a wee fairy" is a lovely way to explain it. Love and Hugs xxx
Tonbridge Sue
Barbara your window ledge is getting too full, such awful atrocities, there are no words.
Love and peace xxx
So sad. Xx
Sending hugs to all my bloggy friends. Xx
Yes, we're living through a terrible time. Poor man. All we can do is honour him with our prayers. And beautiful artwork. Thanks, Barbara.
Hi all,another very sad day. There are no words to describe a senceless act this was.
Bless Father Hamel
Lynn xx
Your art is beautiful and peaceful. God bless Father Hamel , our prayers are with you
Another sad day. Words fail. RIP
Just gets worse no words to say complete shock love you peace of art very appropriate just so sad seeing it increasing ray the others are alright what a horrible thing to witness that poor church family xxx
We are here yet again, sad and disbelieving. What is happening, why such awful things happening. I said only a short while ago that I hoped that your shrine wouldn't grow and yet it has.I pray for all affected and that there will be an end soon. We all walk together with you Barbara x
Hi Barbara,
last week in Germany:
Axe attac in a train close to Würzburg – gun rampage in Munic – Bomb attac in Ansbach (all cities in Bavaria)and a machete attac in Reutlingen (Baden-Württemberg).
Everything happened during one week!
I have no more words as well.
Hi Barb,
Words fail me today. I don't know what is happening in our world at the moment. There is too much evil in it. It is just beyond my comprehension. My thoughts and prayers are with all those who have been affected by these atrocities. Your art is beautiful as is your shrine, but I earnestly hope that you do not need to add to it. Love and hugs, Alison xx
Senseless. Rip
A wonderful picture for such a terrible thing. So much sadness RIP father.
that is a lovely piece to remember by and to honor the priest
Love and peace x
Your piece art is beautiful. I feel desperate for our world, the pain and sadness which is being inflicted seems unbearable and we need peace. Thank you for art.X
Your art is beautiful Barbara so tragic for a priest that has served our blessed Lord for so long rest in peace xxxxxxlove you Barbara June Horrocks xxx
God bless you Father so very sad..xx
A beautiful tribute, I was brought up Catholic and to me killing a priest is just unthinkable, but to do it in such a way and in front of his congregation, you are right, there are no words.
A beautiful tribute, I was brought up Catholic and to me killing a priest is just unthinkable, but to do it in such a way and in front of his congregation, you are right, there are no words.
The terrible news of the last week makes one feel completely powerless as an individual to fix these problems. We can only hope that there will come a time when we can learn to live with one another and accept that we are all different and celebrate that not decry it. Your art is perfect as a memorial for that priest Barbara, but your window sill will soon be full up so let's hope there will be no more reasons to do it. x
That is appalling news. I had not heard any news today so reading your blog was a dreadful shock. I try to look always for a positive but now I can only be thankful that most of us can still be so disbelieving that people can behave in such a way. xxx Maggie
People could share the RAKS that they have received and use that as a inspiration for expression through any kind of art work…
Hello Barb, a simple blog, expressing most of our thoughts. Thank you. Bx
Sometimes I could just cry for the things that are happening in this world, but that's what theses people want fear and distrust, I can't put into words how sad I feel for the world, but things have to go on and not let these awful people win. xx
Such shocking things happening in the world,in places you would not expect to hear of such atrocities.
A beautiful piece in honour of the priest. It sure is such a mad world we live in at the moment. I hope and pray that it will stop!
Linda xxx
Just so sad. No boundaries to the evil xx
No true religion would condone the taking of life. These people have hate and evil in their hearts. Where does this hate come from. My thoughts are with the priest and the others caught up in this madness. A life of dedication to others to end like this. Pure evil. How do we stop these atrocities happening. How do you fight evil. With good you might say but will that protect innocent people who are being killed in increasing numbers and we seem powerless to stop it. Love will triumph – we must cling to that belief. We must spread tolerance, compassion and caring for others in everything we are and do. I know that the good in the world out weighs the bad and it will triumph. Much love Jayne
Too sad for words.
I am so sad and helpless.
Liebe Barbara, da ich weiß, dass Du deutsch versteht schreibe ich es in Deutsch.
Ich wohne in Zirndorf, das ist bei Fürth/Nürnberg.
Wir haben hier ein Erstaufnahmelager in Zirndorf. Glaube mir, mir ist nicht wohl.
Meine Tochter (17 Jahre alt) fährt tæglich von Zirndorf nach Nürnberg. Sie hat angst, jeden Tag.
Bei uns in herrscht ja fast schon ein Ausnahmezustand mit diesen fürchterlichen Anschlägen in kürzester Zeit.
Die Menschheit vernichtet sich selbst😞
Hi Barbara, An horrific end for a man of God, and in front of his Parishioners too, such a senseless killing, whatever has this World come to !!!!
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Great project Barb, so senseless and tragic my heart breaks, what is happening with the world!!! X X X
Like you Barbara I'm beyond words. I can only send love and hugs to the world. xxx
Barbara, your way with words and art moves my soul xx You wear your heart on your sleeve, and for that I thank you xx
After such a fantastic day at Crowborough, with some amazing crafters – was so shocked to hear the atrocity of the poor priest who died for his faith. Absolutely numbing really how depraved some people can be – we can only do our best to make sure we lift ourselves to a higher level by being kind and good to each other. So sending hugs and love to everyone – we are all one xxx
Barbara..I watch you avidly as your work has always inspired me…However your beautiful words in the wake of such an horrendous act have taught me that you are an inspiration in a new way. Fr Hamel is in a much better place now…and would not swap with us,here, for anything.Eternal rest grant…
it is definitely mad. i only learnt of this today as i was swimming…. shocked to the core, hugs xx
I am like you Barbara I have no words. I worry like mad for my kids future, at least we only had atomic bombs to worry about. These days it's just far too close and personal. Xx
Not all are true. Everyone has their own way of thinking but I think they have to reconsider. I like to argue for the most accurate results.