Mr Sunshine, please come out to play!
That’s England for you; if you don’t like the weather,
wait a minute!
I’m thinking of getting one of these for Glastonbury next year.
Would look quite fetching with my new,
outrageously expensive Wellies.
Which reminds me, I really must wash them….
I decided to step away from craft for the morning
and do a bit of housework.
Dave was building a new machine room at work,
so I thought I’d have a tidy up.
There’s nothing like cleaning the kitchen listening to loud music to clean the head.
Actually, I had fully intended to listen to some mellow Al Green,
but in keeping with the upside down life I lead,
the wrong CD was in the Al Green case,
so I got Led Zeppelin instead !!!
Good though.
Then I let the wrong cat in the house.
Note to self: LOOK WHO ENTERS!!!
(Either that, or all black Romeo has treated himself
to a new Tortoiseshell coat!)
I just caught sight of a silver-grey striped tail sloping off into the back kitchen, so had to eject the interloper. Had a little chase, all very harmless, but Romeo has been standing/sitting guard by the back door ever since!
So the boxes are packed, ready for tomorrow’s tv shows,
and the kitchen is spotless.
Here’s a little peep of the first demo I’m doing,
using the new WEE SAFARI STAMPS
It is so fun and simple !!
Art doesn’t have to be difficult or complex to be cool.
I will blog the step by step for this one tomorrow,
just in case you don’t watch the telly.
Got to go and cook something now.
Domestic Chick !
I’d love to go and see the new ABFAB film at the flicks later….
I love Joanna Lumley!
Maybe I’ll wait until Grace is here, and go with her.
Has anybody seen it?
Love & hugs,
67 thoughts on “Mr Sunshine, please come out to play!”
Oooo housework and Led Zep….a great combination to make you feel good!!!!
When is Grace coming? I bet you're looking forward to that!
I'm looking forward to the shows tomorrow…. I have artwork to do while I watch you!
Love and hugs xxxx
Heard good reports about the film but not seen it yet. .. one of my cats sits guard by the cat flap especially if she's seen a cat in the garden. Its got so bad we have to block the flap with a board, she's broken 1 cat flap already trying to get out of it!!! Looking forward to the shows tomorrow. ..take care
I haven't seen it yet, but would like to. Looking forward to tomorrow, but hoping you don't clash with the tennis, haha xx
Music has to loud and lively to get me thro Housework, a necessary evil lol but also quite therapeutic at the same time. Not seen the new Abfab film yet, sounds like a good girly night with Grace , enjoy xx
LOL at wrong cat! There's a similar one to our Sally around here (not so pretty as her and her arch enemy!) and we have to double take when the other one walks down our path! Housework – that reminds me the tv table needs a dust – why did I have a glass one !! Looking forward to the Ab Fab film when we can fit it in – next week is a round of doctors, nurse for blood test, mum's cataract check up (my sister is away and I'm in charge) and John's 12 week prostate check on Friday so we may know the results of the treatment them. So positive thoughts required this week!
Looking forward to the shows tomorrow and Monday, will have to record tomorrows as am cooking lunch for Mum and my nephew. I shall sit back in peace and quiet to watch. Good luck, not that you need it ! xxx
Hi Jackie – sending you many positive thoughts for this coming Friday! We will be thinking of you both. I had intended to ask you how long until John had to go back after his treatment ended. Neill starts his on treatment 18th! Sending you both positive hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi Jackie sending my very good wishes for next week. Love Lynn xx
Best wishes for you and yours xx
Sending all the good wishes for a positive outcome hugs xxx
All the best for next Friday Jackie, be thinking of you and John.xx
Hi Jackie,
sending lots of positive thoughts your way. Love Alison xx
Hi Barb,
good luck for the shows…
Can´t wait to see the ABFAB film here in Germany in september.
Rolf xxx
Cannot wait for the shows all your fabulous inspiration and all the design teams Stunning art work .
Crafting hugs xxx
Evening to all my dear family of blog friends thinking of you all sending lots of caring hugs your way and crafting hugs to all on this wonderful blog xxxx
Even though ive had pain on today I've mannaged to do a little crafting so a good day xxx
Hi Sheila, good to hear that you have managed to do a little crafting – that must have been such a nice change for you! Keep resting and enjoy watching Barbara tomorrow, I know that I will. Many caring and healing hugs, my lovely – love Gilly xxx
Glad you managed to do a little xx
A little is so much better than none it helps through the depression and the pain so looking forward to tomorrow xxx
Hi Sheila, glad your day was good. I looked back a few days to see what Brenda's advice was to Morag, had me crying like a baby. Brought back me losing my dogs. Probably did me good to have a good cry. Brenda is so full of good advice and understanding. Anyway afterwards I did a bit of white work and colouring on some groovi Xmas cards that I did whilst away at Hastings which all went well, so today was a good day for me too. Live and hugs,Pam xx
Hi Sheila,
really plessed that your psin wasn't as bad today and that you've been able to do some crafting. I bet you were really chuffed. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Late evening call, Sheila. Hope all is getting better with you. That you're able to do a wee bit of crafting is so positive. Been out in the back garden today, rockery and borders back to normal; wildlife corner left for the hedgehogs to gorge themselves. Take care. ;~}
Love the look of that card. Can't wait to see it all. So you are part time domestic goddess as well as full time crafting guru – girl power! I'm looking forward to seeing Ab Fab soon. It has to be done! Enjoy your evening. x
I think those stamps are going to fly! I hope you have lots! You may be tap dancing at 5pm – my prediction! You are onto a winner. Angela has hinted we may get to use some of them in the Clarity workshops with her – I hope so! Very much looking forward to the shows tomorrow. Have to get my work done early! Hope it all goes well x
Hi Barbara – sounds like you have enjoyed a very positive day, away from craft and being a true domestic goddess! I would love to see the Ab Fab film – I saw exerts from it, and an interview with June Whitfield too – can you believe she is 90! Amazing! So pleased that you will be enjoying some time with Grace, very soon! So looking forward to seeing you on tv tomorrow – hugs Gilly x
Hi to all of my lovely blog friends – the weather here has been much better today, with just a few showers. We took our next door neighbours out for lunch today, to thank them for always being there for us. Looking after our cottage when we are away and for helping me so much when Neill was in hospital. We had a very good time and a beautiful meal. Looking forward to seeing the shows tomorrow and Monday – love and hugs to you all, Gilly xxx
How lovely to have good neighbours. We are in that fortunate position too, the lovely thing about our small village of a couple of dozen houses is that there's always someone to turn to xx
It's always so good to say a thank you xxx
Hi Gilly,
Sounds like youve had a great day. Isn't it lovely to have good neighbours? We live in a cul de sac and have to say that everyone gets on really well and will do anything for anybody ( apart from one family who have just moved in – but we are gradually getting them trained!).Anyway, your day out will have done you good and im pleased you enjoyed yourselves. Love and hugs Alison xx
You are lucky to have and appreciate good neighbours Gilly, always a lovely bonus. On one side of us were brilliant neighbours, been friends for 34 years, but unfortunately the husband passed away and his wife has dementia and has now gone into a home. The other side are not at all friendly and their garden is a jungle of brambles front and rear and are probably 30 years younger than us. We've tried to be good neighbours over the years but to no avail.xxx
I saw Ab Fab last night and really enjoyed if. I was chortling throughout, probably too loudly!
Hello, to you and all the lovely bloggers. Did get wet three times on my allotment but came home with some beautiful sweet peas to cheer the day.
Aren't things brighter with some flowers in the house, despite the little beetles.
So looking forward to tomorrow and thank you again for all your lovely comments – really keep me going. Everything can only get better. Leaf out of Barbara's book. PMA.
Love Anne (Reading)
Sweet peas are such a beautiful flower to have in home goodnight hugs xxx
Hi Anne,
i love sweet peas, but mine are really struggling this year because of the weather. They havent even got buds on them yet! Sorry you got wet though. Enjoy Barbara's shows tomorrow – I know I will. Love and hugs Alison xx
Well done Anne, just love sweet peas and the perfume is divine. That's good you're being positive. Love and hugs Pam xx
The wrong cat, hilarious! I am glad you enjoyed the wrong cd! I am looking forward to the shows! xxx
Hi Barbara, I haven't seen the Ab-Fab film, but would love to, have seen lots of excerpts on Good Morning Britain and Lorraine shows.
Sounds like everything turned out OK at your house, in the end haha. My Lizzie would have been doing exactly the same as your Romeo, the cheek of it – the interloper just walking in as if he owned the gaff haha.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Hi Barbara, I haven't seen the Ab-Fab film, but would love to, have seen lots of excerpts on Good Morning Britain and Lorraine shows.
Sounds like everything turned out OK at your house, in the end haha. My Lizzie would have been doing exactly the same as your Romeo, the cheek of it – the interloper just walking in as if he owned the gaff haha.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
have a good day tomorrow, hugs xx
Looking forward to your shows tomorrow, hope you enjoy a lovely meal tonight. Your blog made me smile remembering two cat stories. The first was when my sister had a cat flap fitted & came home from a night shift to find 7 cats asleep on her bed. The second story was of Jack, a neighbour's cat who used to sneak in through our bedroom window to sleep in our airing cupboard. Not a problem but Jack preferred to sleep on the bare slats so would push my freshly ironed laundry onto the floor before settling down for his snooze! Oh happy days xxx
My claim to fame in my life is that I sat next to John Bonham (Led Zeppelin drummer, in case anyone does not know that) at school, and his grandfather built the houses in our road. John used to practice with his drums in his grandfather's garage behind our houses. I love the idea of that extended umbrella. Perfect! Hope the shows go really well tomorrow. I get the feeling that my shopping list for the Retreat is getting longer by the minute. Have a good sleep tonight and safe journey tomorrow. xxx Maggie
Yeah, music has to be loud when doing housework AC/DC is perfect, too😁 So pleased for you that Grace will be home for a visit soon. Bet you can' wait! As for your sneak peep – ooh, the Wee Safari stamps look fantastic! Really looking forward to your shows tomorrow!Was going out but my back's really bad atm. So will probably have to stay home but the good news is I'll then able to watch both shows.😊 Catch you on Hochanda tomorrow xx
Heidi Hi!! Sorry to hear you are having problems with your back . I hope things improve love xxxx
Rest up Heidi enjoy the shows xxx
Really feel for you Heidi, hope it improves soon.xx
Yeah, music has to be loud when doing housework AC/DC is perfect, too😁 So pleased for you that Grace will be home for a visit soon. Bet you can' wait! As for your sneak peep – ooh, the Wee Safari stamps look fantastic! Really looking forward to your shows tomorrow!Was going out but my back's really bad atm. So will probably have to stay home but the good news is I'll then able to watch both shows.😊 Catch you on Hochanda tomorrow xx
Hi Barb
I have found neglected football boots in the shed with grass growing all over them so best clean your wellies. IF I do ironing it requires a glass of sherry and a sing along to Queen. I love all the Wee Stamps so an looking forward to tomorrow.
Hugs from Chris X
Do you wear your wellies when ironing too? I have a great picture in my mind! (Only teasing!) Xx
Do you wear your wellies when ironing too? I have a great picture in my mind! (Only teasing!) Xx
Almost booked tickets for the AbFab but didn't want to be disappointed re the Dad's Army rerun. Film and TV are such different entities.
WRT the boots hadn't heard of Le Chameau until you mentioned them (Rocket Busters – well that's another story) then Taylor Swift is spotted wearing such. If they're good enough for Clarity Barb, then they're good enough for the summer visitor. (Swift!!!!! )
Looking forward to tomorrow's shows. ;~}
Vey good Shelagh xx
Evening Shelagh xxx
Hi Shelagh,
Have to agree with you about Dad's Army – so disappointed with it. Love Alison xx
Your cat story reminded me of a few years ago, and this really happened. We had a cat and a dog, the dog used to chase other cats off and our cat used to stand behind her until the coast was clear. One day a ginger cat swanned in the house past both our pets and us and took up residence with no protests from them. She (we took her to the vet for a check up)became known as Ginger Thing, stayed about 18 months, cost us £30 in vet bills, came up the garden path one Sunday dragging a big lump of beef (didn't mention it to the neighbours) then disappeared never to be seen again!
Will be recording your shows and have every confidence that they will be brilliant xx
Hello everyone. I am really going to try not to be tempted tomorrow!!
Forgot to say well done yesterday to the winners, both made me laugh.
Alison your guest designer piece is lovely, plus I shall be able to recognise you at Leyburn now!!
Good luck been good Chris xxx
Hi Chris,
Thank you. You have no idea how much i hate having my photo taken! Loved your cat tale. Love and hugs Alison xx
A little housework is necessary sometimes and we all have to eat unfortunately .. lol, also love the cat story Barbara, and I'm sure no cat will get past your Romeo in the future. I really love your new stamps and look forward to seeing you on Hochanda. x
Hi Barbara, roll on the shows tomorrow and Monday, need some inspiration. Like the look of the safiri stamps but thought I may have seen them before, so I had a look and I have your Zebra, Elephant, Giraffe, trees and warrior. Are these new ones a different size I can see there's additions, Monkey and Hippo? Safe journey to and from the shows. Love and hugs,Pam xx
Hi Pam,
Hope you've had a good day, love Alison xx
Looking forward to seeing new stamps ( stamper and messy crafter at heart) . Enjoying nest of Glastonbury on tv at present. Less atmosphere, but infinitely more comfortable from the sofa!!!xx
Hi Barb,
i can just see you with that umbrella at Glastonbury! I like to have music on loud when I'm doing housework too – Led Zeppelin seems like a good choice to me! I had a chuckle reading about the visiting cat – poor Romeo! When i was little , about 5 or 6,I found a ginger tom in the backstreet and took it home to be friends with our cat. BIG mistake!! World war 3 developed! The ginger tom ran off, our cat jumped on my back and hung on then scraped her claws all down my back (Tom and Jerry style). She wouldn't let me in the house for a week! My Mam had to grab hold of her and wrap her in a towel until i got in the house – for some reason once i was in the house she was ok! My Mam always said she was amazed that i still liked cats after that! Looking forward to the shows – bet you have early sell outs, love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi to my blog friends,
Hope you're all ok and have had a good day. Looking forward to tomorrow and have got cushions ready! Love and hugs Alison xx
Poor you, that must have hurt. Cat scratches are really sore, had a few of them. We had cats when I was little, one of them a tabby had her kittens in my dolls pram. Yes Alison I have had a good day after getting really emotional this morning. Thank you for asking. Love and hugs,Pam xx
Hi to all my lovely blog friends, hope you've all had a good day. The weather's been better today, hope it has been where you are. Doesn't feel like Sumner at all though. Love and hugs to you all, special hugs to Dot, Brenda and Morag and anyone else who needs one.xxx
Saw AbFab on Friday. Lots of laugh out loud moments but felt it went on too long in places (which is usually the way when a TV show is transferred to film). Can't help feeling it would have been better as a two part tv special. Looking forward to your shows xx
Great show! Really enjoyed seeing the new inks such a great idea too, projects by the DT are brilliant! I do love Joanna Lumley too!
Linda xxx
Just catching up, and need to watch the catch up of the shows on the Hochanda site, as I forgot to set the recorder! But before that I need to read a few more chapters for my book group – strange tale of a family of vampires living in suburbia, but I'm actually quite enjoying it. Would love to see the AbFab movie at some point if I can twist John's arm x
Hi Barb, love the umbrella, think it would look fab with the wellies. The sneak peek would have been very intriguing, if I had not watched the shows already. Love the new goodies, looking forward to todays shows. I want to go see ABFAB too. Take care. Bx