Oh Joy !!!!! Special Stamp Offer!
Hi there!
Thanks for popping in.
When you read this I will either be steaming up the M40
to Port Sunlight for the Saturday Stamp Show,
or already be there, doing press-ups in preparation for set-up tomorrow.
Oh Joy.
When I woke up this morning, those were the first two words that came out of my ungrateful mouth!
Only because the drive is gutty and the set-up even guttier.
But once Saturday arrives, it‘s always really enjoyable.
Manic, hot, crowded.
But enjoyable!
So as penance for being so very ungracious about what will doubtless be a great Port Sunny Day,
here’s a quick and simple blue step-by-step.
Nothing too challenging.
The background does the job.
Remember the rain backgrounds last week,
using our large Stencil (was Gelli) Card 8.5″ x 11″
Fantastic for wet work.
So stamp the beautiful Joy Frame stamp onto
a piece of said rainwater card,
using Black Archival.
Add the birdhouse in the centre.
Couple of birdies…
Let’s add Always and some music.
Joy Always.
Much better…
Few more birds.
Always comes from Word Chain No. 2
Now let’s jazz up the background a little.
The twig in the Birdsong set is ideal.
Edge with a black Sharpie pen and ruler.
Using a black Micron pen, let’s hang the Always from the Joy…
Tear a hill mask,
and use one of our Clarity brushes to lightly dust in the backdrop.
Instant landscape.
I used a very dry brush which still had some Stream left on it.
Pick one of the other water cards for the back piece.
Contrast, but same colour.
Difficult to choose!
Which one would YOU pick?
The cloudy or the rainy?
Leave a comment and let me know.
Then I will count the Clouds and Rains.
Whichever team wins,
I will pick a name out of the Rain or Cloud hat.
I will send that person the finished card.
with a £20 Clarity Gift Voucher in it!
Now let’s have a think…
The Joy Birdsong set is usually £17.99
The Word Chain is usually £9.99
So if you decided to buy both the sets together,
let’s change that and call it £21.99 (you save £6)
Well, I must dash, said the Mexican.
Got a van to get from Darn Sarf to Oop Norf!
love and hugs,
160 thoughts on “Oh Joy !!!!! Special Stamp Offer!”
Fab work as usual Barbara, choices, hmm………….think I would go for cloudy, that's my things must match coming out….x
Fab card Barbara. Rain for me..well you will be coming up North to see us (Thank you so much for that) so it has to be rain…cos that's what we get a lot of! Have a safe journey looking forward to seeing you on Saturday xx
Fab card Barbara. Rain for me..well you will be coming up North to see us (Thank you so much for that) so it has to be rain…cos that's what we get a lot of! Have a safe journey looking forward to seeing you on Saturday xx
Gorgeous work as ever Barbara.
Good luck at Port Sunlight on Saturday not that you need it as you will be brilliant as usual.
I prefer the cloud background better as for me the rain one detracts me from the beautiful stamped work
Lovely card as usual. I think I prefer the cloud background. X
Lovely card as usual. I think I prefer the cloud background. X
I think cloudy, we have too much rain here anyway, best look on the bright side, you never kow what's lurking under those clouds, maybe sunshine….. we can but hope. x Have a great time up there in the norf !! love that cards btw. I have lots of gelli plate backgrounds and you have given me an idea…… hmmmmmm?
I would go for cloudy for this fab piece of Artwork!
Rain for me, I like the drops and think the cloudy might be too much blue. Have a safe journey xx
Great card. I would choose rain. x
fab demo cloudy for me x
Both lovely but I choose cloudy c
I love what you have done here, Barbara. I think the cloudy sets if off beautifully. Love Joan xx
Hope the drive and set up aren't quite as gutty as they could be. After the busy few weeks you've had I'm not surprised you were reluctant to be on the road again.
I think cloudy background.
Can't make Port Sunny this time (sigh!) but I'm sure you'll have a fabulous day. Safe journey up there, and it's definitely the cloudy background for me! xx
Lovely artwork as always, Barbara. I would choose the cloudy background.
Lovely card Barbara. Cloudy background for me. Enjoy Port Sunlight xx
I would choose the rain background, because there's always joy after the rain, have a lovely day x
Good one!
I love the rain, enjoy your craft show and take it easy on the neck…. Xxxx
Shame there's not a snow one lol I prefer the pattern of the rainy card as it doesn't detract from the more solid blue of your artwork 🙂
Have a safe trip Barbara. Take it easy, love Carole xxx
I like the rain it's a nice contrast
Just watched you on Hochanda this morning and saw the clever cling film jobby! I like the rain because its more of a contrast for the edges. Love this post what a generous lady – Oh and by the way it's great 'Up North' xxxxxx
Gorgeous! I was going to choose Rain for contrast, but then I thought it would draw attention away from the beautiful stamping. So I'm going for Cloudy.
Lovely & relatively simple card, Barb – gorgeous! I'd probably go for both – like, split on the page with a ribbon border being the link, but if I had to choose between I think I'd go for the cloudy one.
Have fun at Port Sunlight!!
take care, Liz M xxx
Oh Barbara, I have this set and I've never used it, so I'm going to rejoice the next rainy day we get (instead of worrying about the dog's muddy pawprints) and line up my dodgy brayered backgrounds (…and I have a few of those, I can assure you, I don't do them any other way) on a tray to get splattered, then I'm going to take the set out of its wrapping and attempt to reproduce your design. In answer to your question, I'm going to choose the rainy, then another bit of black lining, followed by the cloudy (is that cheating?). Have a good trip, and I'm sure you will inspire countless people just like you inspired me on Hochanda last week with the three-quarters down, halfway down, quarter of the way down shading on your ribbon words (no idea how to colour properly, so it was a real eureka moment for me). Wishing you joy (always), Caroline (Alan's Mummy)
That's a really good idea. I said I would make one of each but your idea is better.
Beautiful card I like the rain one as it contrasts with the cloud on the scene card
Have a safe journey hope your neck is easier today and Dave is on a good day lots of crafting hugs xxx
Hi Donna
Hi Brenda
Hi Diane
Hi Dorothy
Sending lots of crafting hugs to all xxx
Afternoon Sheila how are you today? Xx
Hi Donna better day today thank you still haven't got my card crafted might do a little later
How are you any crafting planned ? Xxx
Glad to hear you a little better today, pain is such a wearing thing! I have a card to finish off and I want to start a bookmark for my sister too. Cant decide what design to do so will look at my plates later. I made one for my other sister a couple of weekends ago and made a really good herringbone pattern with the zigzag border. I think another abstract, geometric design will be good. Hope you get a little bit of crafting underway soon. XX
Hi Sheila glad your better today isn't it funny how you feel so close to people you have never met but feel for them and wish them well but I do and think about you often and wish you well…take care…your friend …Dot..xx
your all so very kind and it helps to know we can share our ups and downs in our crafting lives and we are not alone thank you dear friends xxx
Hi Sheila glad to hear you had a better day today, I'm sure the crafting mojo will return soon. We have had another beautiful day down south , that helps to make you feel brighter too. Take care xxxx
Oh joy I already have these stamps yeh ! Hope the journey and set up are trouble free x
Lynne T
Hola Barbara. I shall go with the clouds camp…fits my mood and the sky today here in Barcelona. But whatever you chose the finished result will be beautiful. Oh well…back to the alcohol… Might brighten me up lol xxx
A lovely card and both backgrounds look great but I think I would choose the cloudy one
Jackie x
lovely card, rain background for me for me more contrast.
Great card – I would choose the cloudy
Lovely card, you're so talented. Think I prefer the rainy background. Have a great day at Port Sinlight. We've got Clarity Anglesey that day, so while we're beavering away under the watchful eye of the also very talented Jo Rice, we'll be thinking of you xx
Fabulous card as usual Barbara and thank you for the step by step demo! For me it has to be the rain background, personnel I think it give the card a little more contrast. Xx
Beautiful card and in my humble opinion, I'd pick rain. Thank you so very much for the tutorial!!
Beautiful card and in my humble opinion, I'd pick rain. Thank you so very much for the tutorial!!
Well both are beautiful but I prefer the cloudy one myself. I need to try this rain art next time we have rain mind you it would probably wash away here! X have fun at Port Sunny x
Love it. I like the rainy backgrounds or even a mix of the 2!
I looked and looked, squinted a bit covered one eye and then the other ( which was not a good idea as I'm waiting for second cataract operation) covered one half of the card and then the other and opted for making both but if I must choose one I will go with the rainy one as I think it lightens up the card. It is a really lovely set of stamps. How many different cards could be made using the Joy stamp.
I think I like the cloudy with this picture, tough I like the rainy one on its own x
Rainy back ground lively have a great time this weekend hope you get s bit of me time love hugs Joy x
I'd pick the cloudy one as it sets off the stamping I think. Have a great time at Port Sunlight, wishing I lived nearer. Think I may just be tempted to buy these stamps!
I'd pick the cloudy one as it sets off the stamping I think. Have a great time at Port Sunlight, wishing I lived nearer. Think I may just be tempted to buy these stamps!
Hmmm! Couldn't make up my mind for ages, but now convinced the cloudy piece would create the better appearance. Such a lovely design anyway. Hope 'Port Sunny' lives up to its name!
Tonbridge Sue
Well I could keep a foot in both courts and say double mount it but think I probably prefer cloudy. I do like them both and when it next rains here I will be making some of my own. Take care on the journey and I hope weekend goes well. xx
They both look good but I think the cloudy one fits better.
Difficult to choose… I think I'd vote for the cloudy one, as it blends in with the hills. I always like the designs you do where the landscape continues across the frame.
Hope the drive hasn't been too bad today, and that the neck holds up to all the setup work and demoing.
Hugs, Ruth x
Hi Barbara,
have a safe drive…
My favourite is the rainy one because a background has to be a bit different to the card. So the clouds are to similar to the hills. By the way your card is a really beautiful one.
Rolf xxx
Hi Barbara, hope your journey up and setting up were better than you were expecting it to be. And that your neck is not suffering from it. Lovely card, thank you for sharing. I'd pick the rainy background. My thinking is because you used the word 'joy' the cloudy background makes the piece look moody which you don't want when conveying joy so the rainy one it is to lift the piece – make it stand out more and brighter. Hope Dave is behaving himself, not doing too much and feeling better again. Hope your show goes really well tomorrow, love Brenda xx
Hi Brenda good to see you here hugs xxx
Afternoon Brenda hope you are having a good day. Xx
Hi Brenda – hope you've had the sunny blue skies we've had up here and popped out into your garden today to enjoy it, X
Hi, yes warm blue sunny skies here all week so far and I got out in it Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday – 2 garden visits and an appointment thing that meant I got outside for a wee bit. Been sitting in the sun in my craft room today, not crafting though, still got a huge aversion to that. Craving ice cream, McDonald's milkshakes, and fruit smoothie type ice lollies!!! And even if I allowed myself to be naughty (most of it I'm allergic to) nae shopping until next Wednesday! xx
Dot, it's probably video capture software yer lookin fur. A havnae used it masel before but if ye wait, when I'm able I'll look intae it an download yin (ye get free versions) tae check it oot fur ye. I'll get back tae ye. It'll probably record yer wee burly bits an aw tho. But I'm guessing frae that ye must be trying tae watch videos online wi wifi? If ye plugged yer laptop intae yer router tae watch videos that should eliminate yer wee burly bits, if it doesnae ye need tae contact yer broadband provider tae check it oot fur a fault on yer line. If yer router isnae in a suitable place tae be watching yer laptop frae then ye need what's called a "TP Link", it's 2 plugs, yin ye plug yer router cable intae then plug it intae a socket, the second ye plug intae a socket where ye are and plug the cable frae it intae yer laptop. It's like wired internet nae matter what room ye are in. A hav yin as ma wifi is even affected by cars going past when I'm in ma craft room. It costs aboot £25 from Amazon, but worth it if ye watch any kind o videos /telly on yer laptop regularly. A dinnae deserve the techie title, I'm just self taught as a need tae know something, wi a wee bit input frae ma brother when a get stuck, but thanks oniewey. xx
I LOVE when you talk Scottish to Dot! I have to read it with my Scottish accent (almost passable one) such fun! XX
Yeah well glad you're practising, because there's a bit you don't know! You know how in my head I see everyone as their wee square, well I then realised I expect everyone to talk with a Scottish accent too. Dot is ok, she already does, and Barbara is ok because I already knew what she looked and sounded like, but the rest of you, well you better get practising!!!!! xx
That has jist brot tears to ma een you ma wee hen are wan special person an as av said before if ma wee Amy turns oot like you then am wan prood granny luv yi hen and someday I wid luv ti sqeeze yi ti bits…..xxx
I agree Dot she is special isn't she! (I don't think she knows it though). Xx
Behave yersels you two, a'm no special at aw. An a dinnae understand why a'v made ye feel like crying Dot? If it's fur helping ye oot with yer laptop videos that's nothing, jist what aebody wid dae fur a frein xx
You are special Brenda I'm no good at the Scottish accent so can I be excused from practice please xxx
Naw hen awebody widnae dae that just you…. but dinae yi worry yersel its like you say happy tears… please keep commenting my friend you don't know how much it means to me that AMY can be like you one day and will pass on what you can come up with to my son who wid get yer techy stuff better than me…luv ya more than yi know …..Dot,,,xzx
Oh Dot and Brenda, sorry I'm sat here chuckling to myself – I think I can just about understand! Brenda my love, think bbc news presenter English for me, no real accent there (at least I don't think so!). We've just spent two hours face timing Emma tonight in Aberdeen – can't believe she's been there a month nearly! They were given a Dorric translation book when they moved into their flat, so I quite expect some Dorric phrases to come out at Christmas, she'll be working on the accent ! Xxx
I'd need the translation book too Diane! xx
definitely the rainy one for me, although I do like the cloudy.
Enjoy good sales. I love how you say oop norf for Port Sunlight. Up in County Durham that is not up north. lol It's about halfway between us really. 🙂
Durham Lass
Hi Barbara
Have a great show, and try to relax and have a good day.
I think the rain it has a lovley contrast.
Lots of Love
Lynn xx
rain for the contrast, enjoy the show wish I was there!
Julie L.
Gorgeous artwork! I think the cloudy background for this one. I am sure both would look cool though. Have a fab time at Port Sunlight! xxx
I think the cloudy one would be the best one to choose. The rainy one would be good with the man with the inside out umbrella stamp! Love the card though!
Take care xx
I would pick the rainy one, because it looks like a good contrast to the main element. Love the card and the joy set is beautiful! Hope your neck holds up this weekend. Xx
Hi Donna ye will have a Scottish accent before yi know it ma wee hen…xx
I'm learning with all the Scottish talk on tonight's blog! I love listening to people talk with an accent I learnt all my Scottish accent from a holiday there. Unfortunately didn't hear much of the Welsh accent to do it very well. XX
Must be the Edinburgh in me, but I don't talk like that. Lol xxx
I'm from Edinburgh too Emma, too proper in Edinburgh, told off for talking slang if we used Scots words, had to talk properly or it was seen as disrespectful eh. But I learned a lot of Scots words as a kid from older relatives in the Borders that clearly I still remember. Generally I don't use many in my everyday language, I still feel bad if some slip out!!! I get enough puzzled looks from folk (usually English workers) with the ones that are in my normal vocabulary. And trying to write them, well that's no so easy!!!! I blame Dot, she's a bad influence!!!! It's good banter though, and we should celebrate our Scots tongue, instead of hiding it away or it will be lost forever. I'll remember to always talk 'proper' to you Emma, don't want you tell me off for letting the side down!!!! 😉 xx
I expect its a lot like down here in the south with different regional accents. I love the different ways we all speak the same language. Xx
Aye Emma yer a wee bit posher than us in Fife but hey what an amazing crafter so al left you aff,,,,p.s. just yaes this the next time yi see a waiter …copa de vino por favour …dae a ken Spanish …naw..but a ken a grandson wi a wee book….hav a guid time ..yi deserve it …xxx
that's funny Dot xx
Hi Emma , my daughter is in Barcelona at a conference this weekend too. My sister-in-law Joan comes from Fife, Glenrothes I have a job to understand her. Can't really understand you either Dot, Joan has a sister called Dorothy too. Enjoying all your banter, lovely that you all join in. How's that you aren't crafting Brenda, having a hard time like me, intend to do some but can't seem to get going.xx
This is lovely, I'm having great fun, I can hear you all talking together in my head. ( hold on, it's ok I've not got voices in my head, I don't think I have anyway but you know what I mean!). I hope this is giving Barbara a good giggle tonight too xxx
Gllad I made you laugh Brenda hope our Emma's giggling to ….xx
Diane your here in my head to and you know what Barbara and her morning tea will will hopefully have a wee giggle to MORNING OUR BARB………xxxxxx
Aye pam, the worst possible to do with my support, and my head has attached craft to what's going on, so I feel as sickened of craft as I do for what's being done to me. What's happening for you? xx
Glad I've helped to entertain you all last night, with my partner in crime!!! xx
Lovely focal Barb, so clever how you put it together. I would go for the cloud backing as I think the rain one distracts from your gorgeous focal. Enjoy Port Sunlight, it's one show I would love to attend if I was nearer x
Lovely focal Barb, so clever how you put it together. I would go for the cloud backing as I think the rain one distracts from your gorgeous focal. Enjoy Port Sunlight, it's one show I would love to attend if I was nearer x
Hi Barbara – hope your drive and set up go smoothly, and that you have time for a lovely relaxing hot chocolate after your press ups so that you get a good night's sleep ready for tomorrow! Rainy background for me, as it gives more contrast – would be fab with the little girl/umbrella stencil too, Susan x
Hard to choose but I think it's cloudy for me
Hi Barbara,
My choice would be the rain.
Have fun at your show x
Lovely card. I would choose the rainy background. I like things to contrast slightly. Off to play with Brushos at Maria's class this evening , woo hoo. I hope you have a fab day at Port Sunny, unfortunately I'm not coming this time, I will miss it though. Next time for sure x
Lovely card. I would choose the rainy background. I like things to contrast slightly. Off to play with Brushos at Maria's class this evening , woo hoo. I hope you have a fab day at Port Sunny, unfortunately I'm not coming this time, I will miss it though. Next time for sure x
Hi Barb,
Lovely card and I have all of the ingredients for it. I think I would choose the cloudy background as it seems to complement the stamping more. I do like the rainy one too but the cloudy one just wins. Hope you have a safe journey to Port Sunlight and that the day goes well. Love Alison xx
So beautiful. I love the cloudy piece of work. Good luck for the weekend.
Lovely card 😊. I'd go for CLOUDY as my background.
It's the cloudy for me despite it being a beautiful sunny day here up North! Have a safe journey and enjoy the show in Port Sunlight. Lots of love
Definitely the RAINY card for the background. The colour is perfect but it just adds a bit of texture. Have a great time at the show. Persevere with your meds. It will take a little time to have the desired effect. I know from experience!
Well, I've done like the others, and looked at both sides and tossed a coin in the end as they are both lovely. I therefore am opting for ………………….. ……………… erm….. cloudy! Enjoy Port Sunlight as I am sure all our fellow crafters will enjoy whatever you show them. Me – I'm patiently waiting for a ribbon greeting stamp to arrive so I can try out last Sunday's demo. Beryl xx
Lovely card, Barbara. I'd opt for cloudy. The rainy background is lovely but, for me, it doesn't quite go with the idea of Joy and Always. So my vote is for cloudy 🙂 Hope tomorrow is fun! x
I love both backgrounds but would say the cloudy one has the edge for me. Enjoy the show xx
Beautiful piece of work. I would pick clouds to go with your cloudy background. Have fun this weekend, love Sam x
Beautiful piece of work. I would pick clouds to go with your cloudy background. Have fun this weekend, love Sam x
Hi Barbara, a lovely card in my favourite colour. I think the cloudy background would be my choice! Safe journeys and fantastic show wishes to you all.x
Gorgeous card Barbara. I would go with clouds on this one, although either would work beautifully. I am smiling from ear to ear because I have all those stamps and will have a play tomorrow, given half the chance! Have a great weekend. Gill x
Great card and my vote would be for the cloudy background.
Hi Barbara, lovely artwork as always, I'd choose the rainy one for contrast. I hope you have a lovely weekend. K x
Lovely card -I'd go for cloudy. Hope all goes well over the weekend.xxx
Fabulous art work, as usual!! I would pick rain I think it would add texture without adding texture if that makes any sense at all!!?? Enjoy it oop norf xx
Beautiful card Barbara, I think the rain would compliment the colours well. Good luck everyone x
Well you are going to God's own country, said the northern stranded for 30 years down south without the sea. Got to be clouds – pretty, fluffy things and you showed me how to make them out of cotton wool and versamark – I do not miss a trick.
I hope the old, sorry young neck is not too bad. Feeling blue today, back at work with a vengeance – demon of a judge going like the clappers. I feel as if I have been hit with a juggernaut. Going to relax and replay all your old blogs.
Have a wonderful time in Port Sunlight
Love Anne (Reading)
Lovely card Barb. I would pick the cloudy background. Enjoy Port Sunlight – wish I could be there. Di xx
Rain for me as I think it compliments the main background wonderfully X
Hope the journey was smooth and your set up not too painful X
Have a great few days .. I remember the history lesson last time you were there what interesting factoid can you find us this time I wonder ?
Much love
Kim X
It's well worth the drive, just to come and see our part of Merseyside, the weather has been lovely today.
wonderful card. I'm sitting on the fence, because I like the half-half background the card is sitting on in the photo! Enjoy your Saturday. Lynn x
I love how you made the backgrounds the other day. My favourite has to be the the rainy background, it's lovely.
Busy Blog the nicht oor Barbara hen (hen Scottish endearment) mines the cloudy wan havnae wan a thing in ma life but fir me a Barbara original wid be braw and ma wee grandson Ian wid be oor the moon but send the voucher to ma wee pal Brenda cos I luv her to bits…take care ..Dot..xx
Naw dinnae bother Barbara, if Dot wins yer voucher send it tae Dot please, she deserves it xx
Naw oor Barbara hen delete the last reply you know she's worth it…xx
Hi Barbara
I'm always surprised how one colour can make a card look so stunning,I'm so used to more than one colour being used.
I would opt for the cloudy card.
Enjoy Port Sunlight
I have my ticket ready for Port Sunlight. My favourite craft show as it's smaller and less impersonal than the larger shows. So delighted that this show has survived the understandable cut backs to your time. I love the rainy background as it provides a fabulous contrast to the background of the stamped image. Toi, toi, toi!
Love this card. I think CLOUDY would look best. Dx
I would love to get just the birds .birdhouse etc,without the joy since I already have the joy
Oh I hope I win
Id use both with a jagged tear. If I had to pick just 1 it would be rain x
lovely project. very fresh feel to it. i'd go with cloudy background. enjoy port sunlight, hugs xx
Hi Barbara
It's rain for me although both backing choices are lovely. Thank you for the very generous special offer. I have always loved your designs with the aperture stamps and a miniature scene inside. I think the wee folk would love to live inside Joy. Enjoy your weekend.
Hugs from Chris
I really want to say 'rain' but doing the BG 'squint' I think it has got to be 'cloud.'
Safe drive northwards and have fun at Port Sunny.
I've got further north to much further north to do on Saturday; if it's like the drive down yesterday, it will be magical!
Wish I could have stopped on the way back from my mum's to take a photo of the most amazing gibbous moon tonight, amazing both in colour and size! Missed out last night due to mist!!
awww Port Sunny!!! Enjoy it – It seems to have passed me by this year! As things do – lol!!! I like the rainy! But the cloudy is cool – sticking with the rainy though! Hugs rachel x
oh what a dilemma, I think my choice would be the CLOUD. Hope your journey oop norf wasn't too stressful, have a good weekend,
Looking forward to seeing Paul on Saturday in Rushden, I hope he brings Clarity to us in the future
Oh, dear. Choices, choices. If I can't have both, I'd probably choose the CLOUDY. But love the contrast of the rainy. Stunning card either way. Love watching your YouTube videos and checking out your blog. Sure wish I could come to the U.K. to see you in person. You are delightful.
I go for the rain as it gives a lovely contrast. Take care on the drive oop norf. All the best, Sally
Aww, lovely card Barb. Hard to choose a background – could stamp up another and use both backgrounds! But if I have to choose it would be RAIN. I quite like rain, I love the smell you get from the parched earth after a shower, so yes, RAIN for me. Going to take advantage of the offer now – love the stamps. Have a great weekend! Enjoy Port Sunny. Don't know it, sounds like a fictitious town in Cornwall! Xx
A beautifull card 🙂
I would go for cloudy.
I hope you enjoy the show after the drive, the set up and the less enjoyable bits.
Hard choice. These are the sort of decisions that take me longer than actually making a card! I'd go with the cloudy one but would like to make sure the splattered corner is included. I agree with Ruth about the way you sometimes continue the background across the border. Lovely trick.
Lovely art work today I think the rainy back ground hope you have an enjoyable week end at Port Sunny
So hard to choose, but I think the rain, as you already have a cloudy background in the main image.
Love the card Barbara, both backgrounds are great but prefer the cloudy one with this card. Hope you do well at Port Sunlight and that your neck is not too painful. I can't take you up on your kind & generous offer as already have the word chain, birdhouse, branch and birds & verse but not the Joy, is it still possible to get the Joy on its own??? xx
Rainy one for me as it gives that contrast. Still working my way through last week's programmes, awesome! Enjoy Port Sunlight brings back many a happy memory, especially of a dear friend no longer here, with whom I visited the Lever gallery. First time I ever saw a Pre-Raphelite painting, wonderful and now lucky enough to live near Oxford, close to Ashmoleum museum, home to Burns Jones and Rossetti pieces. Ah lovely. Give my love to that lovely part of the world. Karen xxx
Oooh i would say cloudy. I've not had a chance to look at most of your blogs this week, I graduated as a Staff Nurse Saturday and started my new job Monday! Well all i cansay is i need a Barbara fix, heres hoping virgin start showing Hochanda soon! Love the card as always Barbara, cant wait for a few paychecks I know someone who'll be getting a Clarity Christmas!!
Congratulations Kelly and good luck with your new job xxx
Hi Barbara
As Dot said, it's busy on the blog tonight! It's like one of those posh parties where you say excuse me, pardon me, sorry, etc as you squeeze through the crowds! Lovely artwork today and my vote is for the cloudy background – really finishes it off for me. Hopefully you are tucked up fast asleep by now, hope the set up goes well and the weekend is wonderful for you.
Take care and night night
Love Diane xxx
Hello Barbara
Lovely card – I would choose the cloudy background. Have a fabulous weekend in Port Sunlight.
What fun, I love the cloudy background. Now I have to read back to find out how to do it. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. Have fun on Saturday.
I think rainy… as it is more of a contrast and it usually follows the cloud ! Hope you enjoy your weekend in Port Sunlight. I live in the beautiful county of Cheshire over to the south east corner.. Can't be there this weekend unfortunately but I know it will be great and you will be made very welcome !!
Hello Barb, such a lovely image, beautifully put together. You have really got me going with this hanging words or greetings, it is happening on quite a few cards. I think the backing has to be the rainy, then it will not "fight" with the cloudy background which you have stamped the birds on. Have a great weekend with the stamp show, hopefully you have some willing helpers. Travel safely, and remember to take breaks. Bx
Yet again an inspirational card, from out of no where! You are gifted! I must say I'd choose cloudy, just seems to match the master better. Especially the sketchy corner with patches of white.
Have a safe trip…
What a lovely card. I would love to try this technique and the weather down here is going to change next week, so I am going to have my ink and card at the ready. I think I prefer the rainy background as a contrast. I hope you had a safe journey.
I'd go for rainy for the background. Have a safe journey and a wonderful time at Port Sunlight. x
Hi Barbara the rain card is my favourite. Hope the show goes well and your neck isn't too painful, take care xx
Hi Barbara, beautiful card, I think the rain background. Have a fab weekend xx
I love the rain background but the clouds suit the design more. Have a great week-end
I love rainy ~ more of a contrast. Love, Love, Love the Joy set!
Hi Barbara, I have recently found your blog and I have to say Im blown away by how you make everything look so easy. You certainly give me new things to try though Im gathering a list and not sure when I will be able to try them all out. Im enjoying your groovi system at the mo…also waiting for a new delivery from last weeks shows…YAY!!!. Anyway rainy one for me ….thanks for the opportunity of winning one of your masterpieces!! Sue B
Hi Barbara. Love both the cloud and the rain but have to go with the rain as I prefer the contrast. Hope all goes well at Port Sunlight show. Take care xx
Hi Barbara. Love both the cloud and the rain but have to go with the rain as I prefer the contrast. Hope all goes well at Port Sunlight show. Take care xx
Hi Barbara – didn't manage to get to the blog yesterday, so I'm a little late to this party but I'll add my two-penn'orth anyway! My first reaction was to go for the cloudy background, because I thought it matched the main picture better, but actually you've already got cloudy in the main picture, so I've decided to go with "rainy" because, as they say, "variety is the spice of life"!
Looking forward to Port Sunlight tomorrow – just hope we don't have the same awful journey as last time (motorway was shut, due to someone threatening to jump from a bridge, and we found ourselves in endless tailbacks in the diversion across the moors – eventually reaching Port Sunlight with about 30 minutes before the close of the show!)
Well silly me…. I have already commented and not sure if I am too late to enter the challenge…. but what with one thing and another I have not been myself with all the worry going on at the moment….
my choice would be the Cloudy one…. I feel it fits in with the picture so very well.
So fingers crossed…..
Crafty hugs Pen x
I too thought I had commented but looking back I obviously haven't so just for fun if nothing else I would choose rainy because I think the contrast is better with the main image. x