Tonight’s the night….

Tonight’s the night….

Hi there,
Thanks for popping in!
Well, here’s the big day.
The first live show on the new channel Hochanda.
In case you haven’t figured it out yet: 
Home of Crafts, Hobbies and Art.
Cool name.
Say it like a Chinese person. Go on, I dare you!
Enough flippancy, Gray! This is serious business!!
As if I didn’t know that.
I’ve been up since 6am!
This is mostly due to the early morning coffee room delivery
 I asked for on the first day, but keep forgetting to cancel! 
So at 6am I was knocked out of bed by a wide awake night porter with a pot of coffee.
Could be worse…could have been 5 o’clock.
Is it okay to be nervous?
After all these years of doing TV shows, 
it’s like going back to the first time again.
There have been a few technical glitches, 
and a lot of negativity around that, which is wearing after a while.
It’s like standing in the kitchen all day sweating bullets, preparing a roast dinner with all the trimmings, and then after you finally serve up and sit down with the family to eat, the first person pipes up and says the gravy’s cold. Then the next one says the roast spuds are a bit soggy, and the next one says the meat’s a bit tough. By this time you want to throw your plate at the nearest picky offender and go down the pub!  
Like we don’t know that the lighting was duff, and the sound was off! And that the website’s still not up and running!
And that Virgin viewers in many areas can’t watch yet, unless they get an aerial, get their hubby to climb up on the roof and wave it around (the aerial that is!), and tune in on Freeview!
Just conjuring up an image of hundreds of men, standing on their rooftops, waving it around, shouting 
You’ve got to laugh.
A few demos this evening, 
a bit of banter with the lovely Lee;
how hard can that be?
Keeping it simple, because there will be a lot of newcomers.
Shall I show you a few little clues ?
We’ll have a hoot with The Wise Old Owls 
and try some Funky Foliage tricks…

Stencilart with texture paste…
There’ll be plenty of Wee Folk there to jolly us along,
even if you can’t make it because you’re bailing out the old man for his rooftop aerial display!
So this evening at 6pm, and tomorrow morning at 10 am,
I hope you can make the time to watch.
Sky 663
Freeview 39
Freesat 822
or online:
love and hugs,

132 thoughts on “Tonight’s the night….

  1. I hate the negativity – glad you have pointed it out. I am loving the channel – looking forward to seeing you tonight. This could be the new Saturday night tele instead of repeats of the Bourne ruddy Identity!

  2. I have a family bbq and not sure if we'll be back in time so have set the Sky to record. Don't worry about being nervous, it's only natural when you do something new and unfamiliar! I had a real laugh at the vision of men on the rooftops waving 'it' around, lmao. Even Samuel joined in although he had no idea what he was laughing at!! I'm seriously nervous about our fundraising party next week but I just keep thinking that it will be over and done with in 8 days and Samuel should gain a lot from it so I can't complain!! Whatever you share with us on screen has us crafters mesmerised so just keep doing what you always do Barb and we will all be happy. Love always Ruthxx

  3. Hiya Barbara. I will be watching. Got my daughter's flat all to myself….well apart from the three cats….even got my grooving stash to play with. Have a good show. Hugs xxxxxx

  4. Morning – I really wish you and your team well – I think we all are so used to things being instant that it has been a disappointment I don't have a TV so will wait to make my decision on it once website working fully . I love Lee and your demonstrations so I am sure it will be great – how can it not be – I havent been able to see much but love the fact Kay and the sewing ladies really allowed to show a full project . My friend who does have a TV has been in stitches over the poor chap opening and stacking a box for an hour – she has had me in tears describing it ! Lol – much better to laugh than moan – Take care Barbara – I hope Dave has managed to join you Jx

  5. Hello Barbara

    Don't worry. It will be a blast, we are all behind you, supporting you and sending love and hugs (can you feel them yet).

    Sounds like you will be packing a lot more into the hour than you were able to o the other channel. Hooray. And I think I read somewhere you will have Dave and Paul there in the flesh to support you. Go girl, Clarity rocks!


  6. Hello Barbara

    Don't worry. It will be a blast, we are all behind you, supporting you and sending love and hugs (can you feel them yet).

    Sounds like you will be packing a lot more into the hour than you were able to o the other channel. Hooray. And I think I read somewhere you will have Dave and Paul there in the flesh to support you. Go girl, Clarity rocks!


  7. Really looking forward to seeing your shows, Barbara. I love those wee owls. They've been on my wish list for a while. Accept the feedback that's constructive and well meant, ignore the snide comments (some people would watch the 2nd coming and complain 'Where are the loaves and fishes then?'). The forum is full of great crafters with great ideas and suggestions. Your shows will be fab, as usual! Hope Dave continues well.

  8. Hi Barb,
    I agree with you about the negativity – there were always going to be some glitches and I'm sure they will all be sorted out quickly in fact there has been a big improvement since the first day. Just think even the BBC can't get it right all of the time and how long have they been going?! I have some weird vision in my head now of all these blokes standing ( or hanging on for dear life) on the roof! I wish you good luck for tonigh and know that you will be brilliant ( as usual). Love Alison xxxx

  9. Loving the new channel. Would have been surprised if everything had been perfect from the word go (I'm sure C&C wasn't perfect when it launched). Having to record your show as I'm out at Phantom of the Opera having some mother/daughter time before she heads up to Hull to live. Will look forward to the shows. Don't worry about the nerves, you'll be fine!! xxx

  10. Loving it ! Always going to be teething problems but who cares we will have been in it since the start and will see how things evolve. Had to ring my neighbour this morning to tell her she can learn to crochet a dog coat today ! LOL.

    Now, have I got the wise owls……. better check. I've had a deliver this week of the mask paper, parchment scissors and the A4 parchment. Better get on then.

    Good luck Barbara, I'll be taping as well as watching in case of interruptions !!

    Hope Dave is well x x

    p.s. a year ago today my Dad died and crafting has helped keep me going plus reading your blog everyday for inspiration helps no end. I'm always pleased to see it pop up on my FB page x x

  11. Can't wait for your show this evening Yes, there were glitches but in a way it gave us insight into the future. The team acknowledged them and feedback was immediate on the likes of FB which was fantstic to see. All amazing customer service and at the end of the day, that's all that people want. I am loving the variety that there is and the focus being on the demos. Long may it continue.

  12. Love the format and yes there were glitches but some things have already been sorted. But sadly there are always people who will knock something because it isn't 100%……… forgetting that the slick channels we've got used to weren't that good when they started all those years ago.

    Do what you do, the way you always do it and both your expertise and love of the products will shine through and it will be yet another great show.

  13. Hi Barb. Oh my, have you met my husband?? I think the whole adventure is wonderful and you will have so much fun tonight. What a lovely channel it will be when the problems are solved – the presenters actually seem interested in what's going on and the hard sell is missing – which we don't miss at all. I'm looking forward to watching this channel and your involvement with them for many years to come. xx Margaret Col.

  14. Don't know why people have to be negative as there are bound to be a few glitches. If they are going to be negative why are they watching. I recorded the first one and can't wait to see this channel grow. It's so go that there is a channel that are going to do proper classroom demos and that's what a lot of us want to see as we want to gain new skills and techniques. Good luck on your shows you will be great as usual and I just love the fact that you write as you speak and it always makes me chuckle and brightens up my day. Love Sam x

  15. I think the show is wonderful .What is the matter with people its good not perfect but I don't care it adds to the fact we are human.
    I am ready for 6 o'clock . Good luck with tonight of course you wont need it ,it will be amazing

  16. Hi Barbara
    Early Bird today. Of course you will be a bit nervous. That's the sign of a true artist. No one is perfect and you will be your usual lovely inspirational self. It is early days for Hochanda and people are so quick to criticise. Let's be positive please folks. The channel is only 2 days old.
    X a big GOOD LUCK HUG from Chris X

  17. Good Luck Barbara, although I know you won't need it. I shall tune in on-line because I am one of the poor Virgin viewers that cant get Hochanda yet. Be kind to yourself and know that you have a lot of people rooting for you. All the best Jenny x x

  18. I watched the launch show and thought you came across as really natural and happy/contented, so you will really be in your element this evening when you are doing what you do best, demonstrating and teaching us all your techniques and tips – can't wait. I, for one, am so delighted the channel launched straight away on Freeview as that can often feel like the 'forgotten' tv provider. I would love all those negative people to try and launch a brand new channel (or a brand new anything) and get it 100% perfect from the off. Bet they couldn't! The few minor glitches will soon be ironed out and there are much more important things to moan about, surely.

  19. No wonder I couldn't find your usual slot on C&C at the start of the month, thought you must be on holiday, instead of Dave giving you a scare. Hope he is still on the mend tell him to "gan canny" geordie for take is easy!! I can watch on the T.V. in the kitchen so I'll be there with a cuppa at 6 pm You are great teacher and I've learnt a lot from watching you and I'm now confident to create hills and skies etc thanks to you. I'll miss the Barbara/Dean double act on C&C but I'm sure you'll be just as a good on Hochanda. Love Barbara xx

  20. Barbara you are naughty, but you've made me laugh. I can picture it, men all over the land on their roofs at 6pm waving 'it' about, it's like an x rated version of Doctor who!!!! Best of luck, you'll be great no matter what the gremlins do. I think Dave will have the biggest jelly legs of you all though for his first appearance on live TV. It will be nice to 'meet' you Dave. If this wedding talk is for real, that's the best news, fantastic. I'll be watching and recording both shows love Brenda xx

    1. Yeah, Brenda is here, good to see you. Hope you are looking forward to the show tonight as I am. You're doing well, checking in with us and tonight we have Barbara on the telly which is a definite improvement on the other stations as far as I can see. Karen xxx

  21. hi Barbara … and hochanda … yes I said it in chinese lol … did you hear me … well I just loved the launch and will be watching when ever I can … I just love your demos and have learned so much from watching you … oh and don't worry there are always some people who will love to complain but as you said its only minor glitches … have a great weekend happy crafting and love sandy xx

  22. Hi Barbara, after a stressful morning it has been good to sit and chuckle over your blog and imagine the men on the roof tops! In all walks of life are people with their negative comments but hey ho 'thats life' .I wish you all good luck and am looking forward to seeing you in the new studio.x

  23. Ooh I have such a vision of men on rooftops waving 'it' around! I have tears of laughter!!!!!!! I have been so enjoying Hochanda and am looking forward to your shows so much! You will be fabulous as always just don't think of men on rooftops or you may just lose it! Tee hee! xxx

  24. Looking forward to watching you later. Ignore the haters, takes time and practise just like crafting to get it right, so I have to turn the tv right up, it's no buggy. I've been dipping in and out of other shows and love the relaxed easy approach of the programmes on Hochanda, does sound very Japanese lol xx

  25. Hi Barbara, well there will always be some People waiting for the opportunity to be negativ. Just don´t care about them. Es ist einfach wichtig sich auf das Gute zu konzentrieren und nicht auf das Negative. Früher haben wir in Foren immer gesagt: "Don´t feed the Troll" – so never mind the Sound ….. I like the Feeling this Channel gives us. Plenty of Time for demonstrations, Kindness and Humor. It is already wonderful – man kann es sowieso nicht alles Recht machen, also was solls ? Looking Forward to see you on HOCHANDA –

    Best wishes Josefine

  26. Hi Barbara. I'm sure this evening will be great and a few technical glitches are to be expected and for those who find these first days too irritating, and instead of moaning, there is always the 'off' switch. Me, I can wear it and know you will be fantastic as always and it will be good that Dave and Paul will be there for you, and I hope Dave is doing good too. x

  27. Hello Barbara wish you only the very best for both shows why do people have to be negative everything new always has teething problems. Got both shows on record as don't want to miss anything have a lovley day with Dave & paul big crafting hugs xxx

  28. I can't for the life of me understand why people are so negative, it's early days, give them a chance for goodness sake. I am looking forward to the shows, and am confident that you will be fine, and if something does have a blip, just laugh, best way to handle it, it's not the end of the world, honest!! X

  29. I can't for the life of me understand why people are so negative, it's early days, give them a chance for goodness sake. I am looking forward to the shows, and am confident that you will be fine, and if something does have a blip, just laugh, best way to handle it, it's not the end of the world, honest!! X

  30. Hmm …. Negativity …. just remember that most of that will come from folk who either have never stretched the boundaries of what they know and/or do, or those who are jealous that they are not invited. Of course there is the 'professional complainer' too who enjoys moaning & making others glum.
    Lets hope to drown them out by appreciating what we *have* been given & look forward to even more in the near future. We all have to learn. No team, be it an orchestra, football team, restaurant kitchen or tv production company works at its very best straight away – but with practice & perseverance the possibilities are immense. A bit of tolerance, compassion, understanding & patience from us and the Hochanda team will soon be forging ahead at full steam. Do i mind a few ragged edges? No – i'm too busy being shown new & exciting items & techniques.
    So, i'll be there at 6 tonight sharing your nerves but also the excitement of a new start & a fresh approach. It will be fine.
    Many hugs (()) Alison

  31. I'm sorry I will miss your 6pm show today and wish you all the very best with it and tomorrow's show too. Hope I can "catch up" with today's show later. It's still early days yet and so it's not perfect, but I have enjoyed the shows I've seen so far and I'm looking forward to more and better to come. Demanding instant perfection from the outset of a new venture is a sure path to disappointment and to overlooking new opportunities. It takes courage to try something new and I hope you, all the Clarity Team and those at HOCHANDA reap real rewards.

  32. Afternoon Barbara, good luck for tonight, although I am sure you will take it in your stride and the nerves will settle down once you get the first demonstration out of the way.

    I have set the show to record and am looking forward to watching it.

    As I was at work on Thursday for the launch I kept checking Facebook and noticed all the negativity and felt that the team behind Hochanda dealt with it all admirably. I watched a recording of the launch show last night and couldn't see what all the issues were and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Wish both you and the team at Clarity and Hochanda a great future!

  33. I personally think the channel is fandabidozy (forgive the spelling) The variety of crafts is so refreshing!!
    I've put my money where my mouth is and I'm going to invest in the channel!!
    It will undoubtedly be a great succes.

  34. I think the show did brilliantly the first day! Teething problems should be allowed! Good luck later will be glued again at 6. I have been playing wilth grunge paste and stencils , so looking forward to some more ideas later
    Good luck. And lots of love Jx

  35. Have to say, I love Hochanda. I don't care about the small glitches. What I care about is the refreshing way it's being presented, so the experts can share their knowledge. I also love the fact that more crafts are being showcased. Most craft can cross pollinate, which is food for the imagination. I look forward to tonight to see you demonstrate ( and tomorrow), but I will be happier if virgin take it on, cos I want to record some shows I won't be able to see. Oh well, can't have everything, from baby steps………….xx

  36. Have to say, I love Hochanda. I don't care about the small glitches. What I care about is the refreshing way it's being presented, so the experts can share their knowledge. I also love the fact that more crafts are being showcased. Most craft can cross pollinate, which is food for the imagination. I look forward to tonight to see you demonstrate ( and tomorrow), but I will be happier if virgin take it on, cos I want to record some shows I won't be able to see. Oh well, can't have everything, from baby steps………….xx

  37. Have to say, I love Hochanda. I don't care about the small glitches. What I care about is the refreshing way it's being presented, so the experts can share their knowledge. I also love the fact that more crafts are being showcased. Most craft can cross pollinate, which is food for the imagination. I look forward to tonight to see you demonstrate ( and tomorrow), but I will be happier if virgin take it on, cos I want to record some shows I won't be able to see. Oh well, can't have everything, from baby steps………….xx

  38. Hi there Barbara! Really looking forward to the show. I agree with you about the moaners re the glitches and of course, the website needs to be right before it launches. The channel is great with such a fab variety, it's exactly what us arty folk wanted! I am one of the annoyed Virgin viewers though! Plus I don't have an aerial that works for freeview, I had aerial man out yesterday and it's going to cost me £150 to have one that I can use on freeview. Apparently down here in Southampton loads of people have had to have a new aerial because of something to do with signals on the Isle of Wight! I'll give it a month to see if there's any Virgin news, if not I will pay for the aerial as I can see how great this channel will be! I'm really enjoying the dog coat show at the moment, but it keeps buffering which is annoying. I hope it won't be like that for your show. Does it get repeated during the night? I'll happily watch then as I imagine there will be less buffering because of less viewers. Us Virgin people aren't slating the channel, we just desperately want to see it! YOU HAVE MADE EXACTLY THE RIGHT MOVE GOING TO HOCHANDA, I'M SURE IT WILL DO REALLY WELL!

  39. Nothing, but nothing will stop me watching you. Highlight of the day and the weekend. Beats digging up weeds. Have a great time.
    Best wishes
    Anne (Reading)

  40. Loving the new channel and was great to see you on the launch show. Yes there were teething problems, but who cares, just shows we are all human. Will definitely be watching you tonight so good luck. Xx

  41. Luving hochanda, great its on freeview & a big rapsberry to all the 'doom & gloom' brigade! Its refreshing to see the demos without the constant sale updates (I know they are there to sell but) its good to see how to use the products as well. I'm just watching the fab Kay from IndigoBlu, its good to see her back on tv again. Looking forward to seeing your 1st live show after the teaser the other day. Are you going to have regular time slots? so I can set record in plenty of time, Big hugs & 0odles of good wishes x

  42. Hallo Barbara,
    ich wünsche dir für heute Abend alles Gute!!!!
    Du bist ein Profi und deine Shows sind für mich immer eine Bereicherung.
    Leider konnte ich den Start von HOCHANDA nicht sehen, da der Live-Stream nicht funktioniert hat. ( Ich war sehr enttäuscht und hatte schon Angst, dass ich dich nie mehr live sehen kann )
    Ich habe es gerade wieder probiert und kann jetzt an meinem PC HOCHANDA sehen.
    Ich freue mich schon total auf heute Abend.
    Vielen Dank für deine tollen Ideen und Anregungen. Vielen Dank für die tollen Erklärungen.
    Durch deinen Blog und deine Shows traut frau sich auch mal etwas Neues auszuprobieren;-)
    Ich hoffe, du bist auch bald wieder bei HSE24 zu sehen.

    Liebe Grüße aus der Nähe von München und Toi Toi Toi für heute Abend.


  43. Good luck Barbara, knock their socks off! I will be sitting here watching. Have been watching and its so nice to see the guests being able to do a demo properly and the hosts are doing a great job too. Onwards and upwards! Xx

  44. Good luck Barbara I'm sure you can feel the love all will be well dear and lee is brill I think this new venture is going to be a great success once you are in front of the camara you come into your own sweaty palms or not xxlove to Dave xx thank you love June horrocks xxxx

  45. Best of luck for tonight and tomorrow, have set recorder but also hoping to watch live. Have encouraged hubby to go out tomorrow morning so I can watch live, not devious at all! Very easy to criticise, lot harder to have the nerve to go out and do. How are we ever going to learn anything unless we make a few mistakes along the way, who cares anyway, does it mean its ambition is any less brilliant. I think something new always takes time to find its feet, we know where it is heading we know what we want it to be and it will get there so lets enjoy the ride. Sound issues, websites and other ones are easily fixable, getting the right people to the party less so. You are there and doing what you love, so the rest of us get to fall in love all over again with the step by step classroom, hurrah, I've missed it so. Can't wait and if there are more shows like yours, there will be even more pleasure. Best of luck, with you all the way. P S do we get a live proposal on air! Karen xxx.

  46. I too got a bit peeved off with those who moaned Barbara – what on earth did they expect on the first day of a new live tv show? I loved it, warts and all. It was so refreshing to see the demonstrators get on with what they do best, with no interruptions. i do hope they don't go down the line of stopping every 5 minutes to read out emails during demonstrations – really off putting. Will be watching tonight and you will be great – as usual – so go and sock it to them! Helen and Mike xx

  47. You go for it! I know you will be great as always. Hopefully any sound gremlins will have been sorted although I didn't have any difficulty hearing you. As someone with a hearing impairment it is frustrating when you can't ask the presenters to repeat what they said!
    All the best to you and all the team.
    Gill xx

  48. Did not expect it to be perfect but loving what I have seen so far.Ignore the doubters and do what you do so well. Well I have not quite sent Fred to the roof but have got him working out how we can install a small TV in the kitchen. Bless him he is on the case. Good Luck for later. xx

  49. Just finished my first Clarity Challenge entry, just in time to tune in! I've been reading a lot of the commentary around the launch – really interesting to see the range of comments, and how and what people choose to say. People watching of a sort! So many comments you know people wouldn't say to someone's face, or if they had to deal with any follow up to it. Strange how some people's minds work – kindness doesn't cost anything! So I hope you can all take it with a pinch of salt and a healthy distance – take the useful feedback and comments, take the compliments and good wishes, and leave the rest in the rubbish.

    Good luck, sure you'll be great, looking forward to an hour of Barbara (and friends!)

  50. I was quite taken aback with one woman I met this morning with her negativity, but realised that she is one who would be negative about anything, so nuts to her. It is her loss. The way Hochanda have addressed those initial problems is brilliant. C&C often had problems with the website anyway, so what is different here is the way Hochanda are talking to us and listening to what we say. Long may that attitude last. I am sitting here, coffee in hand, ready and waiting for tonight's show. Go Barbara. you will be brilliant. xxxx Maggie

  51. Hi Barbara
    Great show looking forward to tomorrows show with the Groovi plates.Enjoyed the fact there was no interruptions,great format for a show it really works.
    OMG Dean looks so different 🙂 You did make me laugh

  52. Hi Barbara well the girl did good brilliant awsum camara work brill lighting very good loved every moment so pleased for you love June horrocks xxxxxx I hope you see this

  53. Wow Barbara what a wonderful show! You certainly cracked it, as did Hochanda! Filming, sound and Lee's presenting were spot on! Ready and waiting for tomorrow morning. Any chance of your two hour shows coming? No pressure! Xx

  54. Barbara that was brilliant!!
    We loved every moment. Hubby watched too. I was shouting about the pink box too! – so grateful to the lady who rang in!!
    Looking forward to the morning show now 🙂 xxxx

  55. Fantastic show Barbara! Full of fun and laughter. Well done to you and all at Hochanda. Dean ……… Oopps I mean Lee did a great job too. Did try and email in but it kept bouncing back, does anyone know the email address? Can't wait to see the Groovi show tomorrow.

  56. CONGRATULATIONS!! You did great girl. I was sat here in Yorkshire watching and really it took me back to being in Crowborough in July, it is the next best thing to being in the same room as you and learning from you. My flabber is well and truly gasted! In fact at the end tears were shed because I was so pleased for you and you can be so proud of what you have achieved in what is your new home of creativity! Your passion came across so well and Kay bless came to help out, just as you would have done for her. Lee was amazing and his experience shone through, even being called Dean! Well that little faux pas made me howl! I have now set the alam for tomorrow morning! Can't wait. Hochanda is really listening to us, acting on things promptly and importantly keeping us informed. I LOVE IT! I was a bit sceptical I will admit but OMG I am a convert now! Chuffed to little mint balls for everyone involved. God bless Vanessa XX

  57. Hi Barbara just watched you on hochanda brilliant as usual. One question what's with the fruedian slip calling poor old Lee Dean? loved it, it did make me laugh. In my last post to you I did say I missed the comedy duo of you and Dean. I haven't seen on C&C for a while mmm?!

    1. Dean's on holiday before any rumours start! 😀. He made a big point of saying so on his last show before he went off for the weekend. Create & Craft have really missed a trick losing Barbara and Clarity. They've lost my custom too after a packaging disaster that they aren't interested in rectifying! Well done to HOCHANDA I say! A great show with Barbara and Lee and so many other great crafts being shown.

    2. C&C lost my custom a very long time ago as they didn't care about the customer prefare to go direct .i agree with you they have lost something very special in Barbara but we have gained xx

  58. Well done Barbara & Dean on a fantastic show, even my husband was glued to it. I have missed the classroom format so much & it was great to see every detail with no interruptions. Can't wait till the next show. Great work everyone!

  59. Well done Barbara everything is going well. There are going to be a few glitches but with something so new that is to be expected. Just keep doing what you are doing you are fab. Hugs Jackie

  60. Wonderful show! Now if that doesn't inspire a woodlouse to unroll itself (do you remember that, when woodlice always rolled up into a ball, pretty extinct now) well, nothing will!
    Forget the negativity, it can only get better, onwards and upwards. Wait 'til it's all running smoothly, they'll have to find something else to quench their misery.
    I praise you for the vision, the concept and the guts to pick this project up and go with it. It is exactly what the customer would have ordered, if they'd seen it from your side of the fence.
    As always, Barbara Gray, you are one of the few ingenious, inspiring and lovable women, of our time!
    Don't stop…
    Let the 'Gray' times roll…

  61. Fantastic show Barbara, really enjoyed it and as many of your shows as I have seen, still picked up a couple of tips not heard before. Loved the format, thought it worked really well. Husband thought it was good too, seemed much more relaxed. Thought it was very professional, only saw launch show as I was working but can see improvement on this and don't think there is anything to worry about now. Well done and congratulations. Karen xxx.

  62. I seem to remember the launch of BBC2 going badly wrong. I'm sure the gremlins will soon be banished, and we can all enjoy the diverse nature of the new craft channel. Onwards and upwards..:-)

  63. Wow wow wow Barbara fantastic show you nailed it it was wonderful to watch you demonstrating
    It was spellbinding cannot wait for the groovi show tomorrow it's on record well done to dean oops lee even when he had to go you where brilliant well done to hochanda for fetching us a proper crafting channel to learn all your wonderful teniques .even when the pink banner was spoiling the view to your demonstrating it was moved and sorted straight away buzzing with enthusiasm big crafting hugs to all xxx

  64. Couldn't believe the difference with the production between Thursday and today: well done Hochanda – better lighting, better sound 🙂 Barbara, you were brilliant as always and it is so nice to be educated again!!
    Sadly, I won't be in tomorrow to see the Groovi programme so hope it is shown later on in the day. Mxx

  65. Hi Barbara
    Fantastic show. You looked wonderful. I picked up even more tips. Lee was great too and the lighting and camera work was so good. The samples were brilliant of course. Hochanda is coming on in leaps and bounds. I am all set for Groovi Sunday.
    Well done everyone
    X Chris

  66. Well said Barbara. …everyone have problems when one starts something new. Life is a learning curve and by having problems one gains experience. And along the way fun. I remember my first card I made it was terrible.

    I have recorded your show so have something to look forward to watching tomorrow.

    I love the new show thanks for being part of it.

    Big hugs pen x

  67. Brilliant show Barbara – I think this channel will go from strength to strength. Your nerves didn't show as I thought it was such a relaxed atmosphere, and how lovely not to have to constantly be told how much stock is left! Customers can actually concentrate on what the products can do! Well done. Lynn x

  68. Just finished watching the show as I couldn't watch it live… what an improvement. The guys at hocanda must have been working their little socks off. The sound was much better and the camera work brilliant. I love the fact that you are able to do full demonstrations without the constant interruptions of the presenters (who I appreciate are only doing their jobs) but the banners are there if I want to order anything – can't wait for the web site to be up and running. Many many congratulations to all concerned for all their hard work over the last few days. Love the new Dean/Lee, that was so funny. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's show – have set the recorder ready. Big hugs to all but especially you Barbara xxxxx

  69. Well done Barbara and Hochanda fantastic first show and brilliant camera shots, I will be there at 10oclock tomorrow I was amazed how quickly things have improved already congratulations to all even LEE/Dean great show. Pam.x

  70. Great show Barbara,
    So many useful tips and as usual fantastic demonstrations.
    Loved the art work you created.
    Think Hochanda is improving daily…I have been watching online a Virgin viewer …but as long as I can watch I don't care!
    P.s the blooper with Lee was a hoot ( sorry ..but there were owls around)!!!

  71. Barbara you were amazing, so relaxed, so calm but excited too, so informative and enthusiastic. Even when Lee went wandering off you were the ultimate pro and just continued on as if there was just me and you in the room (I wish). Oh, and when you called Lee 'Dean' I was giggling away with you too. THANK YOU for a lovely relaxing and inspiring hour

  72. You were fab, you were you and when you called Lee Dean it was so funny. Relly enjoyed the hour and looking forward to Groovi hour tomorrow. Thanks Jx

  73. Fab as always Barbara. Lee took it in his stride too when you called him Dean. Looking forward to tomorrow. Hope to catch some other shows too between cooking dinner and hoovering etc.

  74. Wow, wow and thrice wow. Loved every minute of your show this evening. I am a 'Virgin' viewer but watched you on the laptop. As a novice stamper / stenciller you made every look so easy that I am determined to give it a go. Thank you for a fantastic show and good luck to everyone at Hochanda.

  75. Great show Barbara, well done! Lovely to see demos in full, without all the interruptions we have been used to! Love the new Dean too!!!! Looking forward to tomorrow as my wonderful H2B bought me the Groovi starter kit a couple of weeks ago, and I need to get some new plates, can't wait to see the show. Love, Ruth

  76. I'm a VM viewer and knew I wouldn't be able to see the live show tonight so I decided to get a Freeview recorder and I can honestly say I haven't been disappointed. It it lovely to see the demonstrations. Well done Barbara, can't wait for the next show. X

  77. Hi Barbara. Was watching here in NZ – 5AM Sunday morning for me !!! How's that for dedication and loyalty?? I am getting the show, Live Stream, on my computer with fantastic picture quality and good sound quality too. Only snag is buffering time. I get about 4 seconds of 'action' followed by about 10 seconds of buffering time so I miss dialogue and demo gems in that 10 seconds. Frustrating but hey ho it is what it is. Thought it was possibly my broadband slow speed but I tried The Other Channel (LOL) and got continuous streaming (boo hoo). I have posted on HOCHANDA FB page to see if there is anything they can tweek?? I'll still be tuned in at 9PM tonight to watch you. Serves me right for relocating as far from the UK as I possibly can be. Great demos this morning. Loved them. You can't have been that nervous 'cos your nose didn't start dribbling. Remember how that happened in the early days of your TV career? Funny. Keep going all of you. You're doing a great job.

  78. Loved every minute Barbara – great show. I think the fact they're having a few teething problems makes it all the more fun. They improvise so well and make light of it which is more fun.
    Great chemistry between you & LEE lol – that was funny,,,,handsome guy too 🙂
    Looking forward to tomorrow's show.
    Must be great to have Dave there with you to snuggle………Sleep well, Carole xxx

  79. Wow, wow, wow. What a fabulous show Barbara. You must be so pleased. Even though I have seen all your videos, you still amaze me with new tricks and tips. Love the concept of the show and was pleased when Sandra, I think, called to say remove the screen at the bottom as it was blocking our view of what you were doing. They sure were quick to remove it. So looking forward to watching the Groovi show tomorrow. Will have to set my alarm for 4:30 am wakeup to see the show as I live in Canada. It will be well worth the lack of sleep. I have just started with the Groovi so looking forward to seeing the master at work.

  80. Barbara, back when C&C started it was a nightmare! but look how far they came, well up to a certain point anyway! Dont let the negativity get you down, I only watch online, so missed the launch, am getting good pictures now, and thoroughly enjoyed your show today, and I can see the improvements hour by hour, some good close ups now, getting that box out the way was inspired! Some of us will be laughing in a little while when everything has settled into place properly, and others will be sitting there saying, "HUH? wasnt like that when I watched! what have I missed?" and kicking them selves. and personally I think the freedom club is inspired! Once the websites up and running, I think the freedom club will go from strength to strength as people realise the value of it!
    Just breathe, ignore the old Aunties saying you have to peel potatoes anticlockwise! You havent served up yet!

  81. Deliriously happy when I managed to get Hochanda online and despite only receiving intermittent reception, even trying two different wifi systems I didn't care as there were fractions when you were LIVE. I particularly loved the way you are allowed (I think) to demo uninterrupted. Shall be tuning in later today, intermittent or not. Spending the day in the Groovi anyway – my mum's 'C' cards! ;~}

  82. brilliant show Barbara, Loved the Dean slip up and didn't Lee handle it well. The demos looked really clear and my Oh commented that he reckons you have some clout in getting the technical bits resolved. looking forward to getting Gtoovi

  83. Hi Barb,
    What a great show! I couldn't find anything wrong with it , apart from the pin box which they were very quick to remove when Sandra told them about it. I m not sure C& C would have done that! I thought Lee was excellent too and the two of you looked as if you were having fun. I really laughed when you called him Dean though! I think Hochanda is going from strength to strength.good luck for the Groovi show, really looking forward to it. Love Alison xx

  84. Hi Barb, have not caught up on the recorded show, but looks like from the comments that I have plenty to look forward to, and some giggles too. Ignore those that criticise, I think this is a very bold move by everyone concerned, and when does something new not have teething problems? Will have to watch the recordings later, as it is take youngster back to Uni weekend. Take care. Bx

  85. Loved the show yesterday. You had me laughing fit to burst when you called Lee Dean! Well done to your fantastic team for all the amazing cards. Was it a bit scary that I already had every stamp you demo'd? It was great to get some new inspiration on how to use them.

  86. Loved the show yesterday. You had me laughing fit to burst when you called Lee Dean! Well done to your fantastic team for all the amazing cards. Was it a bit scary that I already had every stamp you demo'd? It was great to get some new inspiration on how to use them.

  87. I am sat watching you now. You look so 'at home' parching with the lovely Lee. I am not a Parcher but do you know what? I might become one. Good Luck with your new venture.

  88. Missed this Blog last night got home missed first 10 mins after are craft day clarity East Midlands was great day fantastic project are Sazz is brill anyway show was fantastic all those little problems are getting sorted great close up shots sitting watching today's show Sunday groovi it's fantastic only down side for me cannot record as no Virgin hopefully they will see a good thing and quickly come on board. So exciting loving it all xxx

  89. Barbara your Groovi show was amazing. I have just started with the Groovi system and picked up so many tips this morning. It was well worth getting up at 4:30 am to watch it. Live in Canada, hence the time difference. Thank you for showing how to hold the stylus if you have arthritis. Will have to give this a try as my hands hurt when I was using the Groovi. A 2 hour show on the last Sunday of every month will be wonderful. The hour just doesn't seem to be enough. Hope you can settle down now a little since your premiere shows are over. They were absolutely wonderful and so enjoyed them.

  90. Fantastic show, Barbara. It feels like you're all trying to redefine the shopping channel experience into something softer and much more user friendly. So refreshing and inclusive. Your teaching style is brilliant. I love watching you and always always always come away having learnt something and feeling inspired. And Dean-sorry-Lee is great too. What a lovely man! I look forward to browsing the website when it's ready. And I'm already looking forward to the last Sunday in every month! As ever, your courage and hard work are paying off! 🙂 Kx

  91. Oh Barbara you've really gone & done it now! Hubby watched you this morning and is very much on board with the groovi plate – I've been told to order the starter pack! I can see there's going to be his & hers groovi'n going on & much squabbling over the plate mate! Maybe you'd sell the plate mate separately as well as the mat & tools sometime? He was bowled over by todays (Sunday) show. So thank you to the whole hochanda & clarity teams.

  92. Hi Barbara. I must say congratulations on the great shows. Thank you for so many brilliant tips. I am storing them all up for Christmas when I will, hopefully, get my Groovi starter set : ) I hope you can relax a little bit now the first show is over.
    What a fantastic dining room you are in last night. The artwork is stunning, it all looked like it was real. I have never visited Stamford but want to now to visit the George. Tru and grab a bit of time to relax. Take care xx

  93. congratulations on the great shows, so nice to have you back being able to take your time showing us all the hints and tips. Sorry about the negativity, but I think Hochanda would have done better to sort out the online shopping and other glitches, and THEN launch! I joined within half an hour, because I live in Ireland and the girl at the other end assured me that free postage included Ireland. Then of course, no online shopping, so yesterday I rang and tried to order a set of your lovely brushes, have been wanting them for a long time.The guy at the end couldn't take my order, because he couldn't find me in the system! I asked if he would ring me back to take my order if he found it, and never got a reply. So you see, the negativity is down to a lot of frustration!

    1. That's a shame & very frustrating for you! I can understand your frustration & hope that you can get things sorted out. Perhaps an email to them might get a resolution quickly & a call back? Just a thought. Hope they can help you. Good luck!

    2. Lesley, having spent five days in the building with these guys, I can assure you they are doing the best they can, and if you give them the opportunity to correct things, I am sure they will.

  94. Hi Barbara
    Well i have watched part of the launch & the Saturday Show, but this morning was excellent lots of tips and Lee was excellent a good team. You looked wonderful on all shows, it was nice to have full hours just doing demos which i am sure everybody appreciated. Looks like this channel will do well with you and all your team as part of it. I was impressed with some of the other people who will be comming on board with this channel also.
    It was nice to see demos without you being interupted , a more calming way for us all.
    Hope Dave is making good progress.
    Look after yourselves wonderfull shows.
    Lynn xx

  95. Hi Barbara
    I have just watched last night's show and this mornings show. You were fantastic on both, relaxed and bubbly. Lee was also good and did not keep interrupting you when you were talking us through the demos. No hard sell, your products do not need it.

    I think the new channel with do well with you and Clarity on board. You know crafters want demos of products not a hard sell of something they don't know what to do with!! It is good to see other hobbies and crafts being given an airing.

    Look forward to the end of September when you will be on again.

    Will you be putting the samples on your web site for us to see?

    Best wishes to you and Dave.
    Jane xx

  96. Hi Barbara
    I have just watched last night's show and this mornings show. You were fantastic on both, relaxed and bubbly. Lee was also good and did not keep interrupting you when you were talking us through the demos. No hard sell, your products do not need it.

    I think the new channel with do well with you and Clarity on board. You know crafters want demos of products not a hard sell of something they don't know what to do with!! It is good to see other hobbies and crafts being given an airing.

    Look forward to the end of September when you will be on again.

    Will you be putting the samples on your web site for us to see?

    Best wishes to you and Dave.
    Jane xx

  97. Just caught up with your shows Barbara, great. I missed out on your launch programme but I am sure the same enthusiasm was there.
    Good to see you relaxed and doing what you enjoy. So pleased you will have a regular slot and 2hours.
    Where in the country is the new venture based?
    I hope Dave continues to recover.
    Best wishes

  98. Just seen this morning's show. Great work as ever and what a delight to be able to see more demos than usual with C&C. That was my biggest bug-bear with them. 25 minutes to go through all the items. Now I know them (and you) are selling the products but let's face it, if a demonstration is done and is good, the products will sell themselves. Do we really need 25 mins and then be repeated in an hour show. I've criticised the website (or lack of) and been disappointed no one has replied to my tweets regarding this but it won't stop me buying off Hochanda. So far, apart from the obvious issues, it's been a refreshing change.

  99. Barbara – am just catching up here – I have watched yesterdays and today and really enjoyed both of them – I can see past the glitches as I am tuning in to watch and listen to you – I don't care about the lack of a website and all those negative people – forget them – they know where the other channel is if all they want is cold hard sell and little demo time – give them a chance I say – tis early days – has any channel and I mean any channel the BBC included ever got it perfect in the first week? hell no they haven't – so I will be tuning in at the end of the month for your two hour slot xxx I think you have made a bold brave step and for you a seasoned business woman means you are confident of the outcome – so all the negative people need to take a leaf out of your book – xx

    Much Love to you and Dave and all the Clarity Team!!! xx

  100. I thoroughly enjoyed your shows. Your face when you called Lee 'Dean' was hilarious. I laughed as much as you did. Personally I think Lee has come into his own with presenting now he's not battling those big personalities. I watched him on Chloe's show today, thought he was fab. I for one think things have improved since the first days gremlins. Love your products Barbara x

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