In a word…..
Hi there,
Thank you so much for popping in today.
Just got back from the HOCHANDA studios.
Before we settle down and chillax for the evening,
both Dave and I want to thank you for all your upbeat support
during this launch weekend.
I can tell you now, it has been one of the best experiences ever.
To be involved at the very outset of something as mammoth
as launching a TV Channel.
You just can’t imagine it.
To be a tiny part of a huge operation, but to play such a big role front of house is quite a daunting responsibility, you know.
So when I said yesterday,
“A lot is riding on this!” I wasn’t kidding!!
Aside from the obvious pressure, we have had such fun.
I shall never forget it.
Watching so many people just working together and pulling together, ironing out creases and battling to solve glitches.
Always friendly, helpful, polite and positive.
It was awesome.
Anyway, I wanted to say
to the whole crew at HOCHANDA!
We did it!!!!
Last night, we aired the Wee Folk No. 1 and 2
and a couple of Word Chains 11 and 12.
I think they work beautifully together.
You can make the most delightfully simple compositions,
with just a little character and an appropriate sentiment.
Like so:
or so:
Here’s my favourite stance!
I love positioning the little boy
as if he were carrying one of the letters!
Little things, I know, little things….
Did you ever read ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’ by John Keats?
One of the most beautiful poems I have ever read.
The last two lines say:
‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty, – that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.’
I like that.
Keeps it simple for me.
But can you not see the potential with these little figures
and the uplifting words?
Not particularly tricky stamping.
But very emotive.
One word can speak volumes.
When enhanced with a little character, the heart listens.
Do you have a favourite uplifting word?
I love the word Gratitude.
(Sorry it’s on another Word Chain!)
How about you?
Give us a word to contemplate…
to cogitate…
to ponder…
to deliberate…
Time for a cuppa.
Love and hugs,

94 thoughts on “In a word…..”
You do make me laugh Barbara. Ruminate…how's that for a word.
I think you did a marvellous job with the whole launch. Alex, my husband said he could see how excited you were and it was a pleasure to see someone that was passionate about what they did…..I totally agree.
Hugs and enjoy your well earned rest. Xx
You just stole my word, Emma. xxx Maggie
I agree with your post – Barbara was fab she is just so human!
One word to admire xx
Wonderful show.
Unity. That's what you guys at Hochanda did, right? X
Unity. That's what you guys at Hochanda did, right? X
Unity. That's what you guys at Hochanda did, right? X
UNITY. Definitely appropriate. Definitely appropriate. And thrice I say, Definitely appropriate!
Well done Barbara, Dave and team, I haven't seen todays show yet as we have been out but it it is on record and I am looking forward to watching it. My favourite word at the moment is 'SPLENDID' ! It doesn't seem to be used very much so it is my word of the the month 🙂 So Barbara, a splendid launch, so sit enjoy your cuppa, have a lovely evening and maybe celebrate with a glass of wine – just splendid!!
Yes, SPLENDID. Great word.
Tenacity Barbara – I enjoyed it all and look forward to seeing you in your teaching mode soon – the girl did good!
Enjoy that cuppa – feet up and relax
Much Love
Kim xx
Hello Barbara
Well done, your ENTHUSIASM and PASSION (ate) shine through, together with HAPPINESS at how the last few days have evolved. It is UPLIFTING to see such COMMITMENT from so many people.
How have I done? I am now going to check if these words are stamps already. I checked once but should have written them down. Lol.
Brilliant words, each and every one, Rosalind!
I've watched a few shows and thoroughly enjoyed them! Of course I watched both of your shows too! I'm really looking forward to watching Hochanda Live and the tutorial classes. You have all been very entertaining and although there were a couple of glitches they were worked out. Well done and congratulations to everyone involved.
Reflect or reflection sounds good. Great shows this weekend.
Uplifting! I'm a proud member of Clarity East Midlands ( it was our 2nd birthday yesterday) and you, your shows, the blog and our group are just that. Uplifting!
Much love,
Nicola Barnett xx
Loved the shows, can't wait to get a groovi. My word would be contemplate! Xx
Remarkable, sensational is another. Once Hochanda have ironed out all the sound problems ( they have already improved some what but it is still necessary to turn up the volume higher than all the other channels) and the zooming in on projects but these are small issues and I am sure they will be addressed and corrected. Little details as you are aware Barbara can make all the difference. But this is back to proper crafting for fun ….. Well done on the launch and onwards and upwards ! x
Missed you this morning but hope to catch up later. TEAMWORK has obviously worked well since Thursday. It is important that there is some TOGETHERNESS when a new venture starts 😉 I can't believe the companies that I have seen on the new channel: Claritystamps, of course, Indigoblu, Six Penny Memories and Stamps by Chloe. I'm wondering who else will 'pop up' at a later date! When are you appearing next?! WELL DONE everyone xx
The last Sunday in the month of September hope that's right Barbara xxx
Thank you, Sheila 🙂 Mxx
its been an AWESOME few days Well done xx
Tickerty boo does it for me. X
I love the word SERENDIPITY,and I enjoyed the shows.
i have just tuned in to hochanda as now i'm back on blighty. Lee was on with some guest and so it felt familiar. looking forward to your next shows. i like TRUST as a word, hugs xx
PERSEVERENCE! Is that a proper word? Anyway it's a good one for me! Well done to all, long may you continue! The best shows I have seen so far!
BELIEVE. Because you believe in yourself… and in your wonderful Clarity products… because you believe in your team… and in this fantastic new platform for arts and crafts that is Hochanda. Your belief is taking us on a wonderful and exciting journey. Thank you Barbara. Xxx
I think the way everyone handled the launch of Hochanda is REMARKABLE and that every problem is SURMOUNTABLE and I think this new channel will prove to be ENDURING. Well there are three words to conjure with, but the upshot is you were great Barbara and your enthusiasm is catching. x
Excellent!! In every way – as usual!! So pleased it is all going so well!!
The best word for me would be FAMILY mine are very special. So too is the Clarity family here on the blog and that will only grow now you are on Hochanda. Well done on your shows and being brave enough to make the move. Managed to get the email right this morning so hope you got my message. Xx
I agree: FAMILY is a good one! Mxx
Hi Donna they mentioned your e mail wonder if it was you Donna I thought yes she got through and yes I was very good as didn't fall of the wagon but learnt a very lot hugs xxx
Barbara, you have been amazing this last few days. You reminded me of a swan at times – so calm, graceful, funny (in a good way) and a natural in front of the camera (the bit of the swan we see gliding above the water) but 'under the water' / behind the scenes – the bit we don't see I know you have been nervous and working away thinking on your feet. I hope you get my idea ok – of you appearing very much in control but behind the scenes I can only imagine the work involved.
To me Barbara, you looked very much at home during your live hours, totally in the zone of crafting / teaching almost as if you forgot the cameras were there. I loved your shows, I could watch you all day.
I hope your sales were outstanding – it was really good to hear about queues on the phones
As for words:
TENACITY – the Hochanda team used lots of this over the last 72 hours to see the good and the not so good and have the personal and team strength, skill knowledge and experience to get the show on the road, keep it on track and make improvements sooooo quickly. I think it's also called dogged determination and perseverance but well done to everyone involved.
PATIENCE – i'm sure there has been masses of this needed over the last few weeks – patience to take time out to take care of Dave – patience not to 'spill the beans' re Hochanda (I bet it was killing you) and patience by the bucket load in the run up to the launch weekend.
MEMORIES – you have made memories this week for so many people – all the Clarity and Hochanda teams (and their families) and by launching your products to a whole new audience they'll be creating memories too
OUTSTANDING shows Barbara
Thank you for inspiring me and so many other people
Firstly a great big thank you for the most FANTASTIC ENJOYABLE weekend. ACCEPTANCE has been the key in this journey with fun going a long way to create a great show. Great.
The word I like it ACCEPTANCE as this show me I am powerless over people places and things.
Well done Barbara.
Big hugs Pen x
Bloody marvellous shows thank you Barbara, you seemed to be enjoying yourself. I seem to use gorgeous and smashing a lot also fabby dabs! And i love the word spectalcular! Looking forward to future shows and the catterick open days – i will be there, thanks for sharing and inspiring as always. Lots of love Jillyxxx
For me the word that comes to mind is APPRECIATE. Something i used to think i did, but since i've had to slow down i realise that i only skimmed the surface of things. Really looking and appreciating takes time. I try to stop myself from missing the details, taking time to appreciate things, artwork, someone's efforts … Anything.
It has been a busy few days for all connected with hochanda. Just know that all your hard work is & has been appreciated.
So glad you managed to enjoy the whole experience despite much hard work both before and during the launch.
Words that speak to me are …Grace …..journey …and Faith ….and always Love, Love , Love.
Thanks for some brilliant demos , I really love the wee folk and the way you have used them with the word chains…..Genius!
Absolutely lovely, lovely programmes. Words are not enouth – you looked so lovely and well, although I know about the groovy – still picked up hints and tips and just thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. So, so pleased for you . You certainly deserve every comment of thanks and gratitude. Looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks at Ali Pali – spend, spend, spend, – saving up for the day
Lots of love to a lovely, lady
Anne (Reading)
Hi Barbara
Sorry I didn't comment yesterday, just read the blog and you had me in stitches at the thought of all those men waving their dodas in the air whilst Ethel held the ladder and watched TV through the window! We've been doing the last visit rounds to 94 year old great granny before Emma flies off to aberdeen university next weekend so very important family time ! I've got you recorded for some quiet watching time but I don't think that will be this week! It sounds like you have really enjoyed yourself and you have been a huge success and the Channel has done well for early days. Fantastic – well done to you all. Now relax and enjoy your evening. My favourite words are family caring and tranquility.
Now can I ask a question – did Dave say yes? Or do I have to wait until I watch the show??!!
Have a lovely evening. Love Diane xxxx
So pleased you have had a lovely time with family hugs xxx
Thank you Sheila , less than a week to go until our little girl leaves home! Scary times xxx
Fantastic shows. You and Lee make a good team. Liking all I have seen so far, even caught Fred watching a gardening programme later. Hope you get some free time tomorrow as you have had a very busy few days. x
Hi Barbara,
I'm loving the new channel and thought you were excellent – a natural. Hats off to you girl! The words that came to mind this weekend were RESILIENT because those lovely folk at Hochanda worked through any small glitches with ease and humour. I also thought of GLORIOUS but then I always think a day spent crafting is particularly glorious.
Looking forward to you next show.
Jane 🙂 xx
My choice of words would be REMEMBRANCE, JOYOUSNESS, OPTIMISM , POSITIVITY – I think four are enough for now. It was a delight to watch the development of a great ambition to bring crafting back to where it should be, and to overcome all the seen and unseen hurdles to get there. I am glad you are so happy with things, and hope that you and Dave can take a while to relax and enjoy your success as part of the new team. Clarity rocks!!!! xxx Maggie
A word to describe how you appeared on the screen, Barbara – Serene! A great word for a great lady with a great talent. Generous is another as you do like to share! Did have an acrostic for Clarity but got stuck on the 'y!' Lol. Have a restful, peaceful evening. ;~}
BTW have a great photo when my iPad froze. Will send it some time! S x
"Happy" does it for me every time – I always like to smile….even through tough times – it costs nothing and makes others feel happy too………Now……thinking about it……it's hard to choose between that, and "laughter" (being the best medicine)……….I like to do both so can't choose between them 🙂
Loved the shows and Hochanda is going to be great (smile for you Barbara) xxx
Serblime (don't think I've spelt that right), stupendous and magnificent come to my mind. I have throughly enjoyed your shows this weekend…..just how they should be presented, indeed my three aforementioned words. Hope you and Dave have a really lovely evening catching up – I bet he's missed you. All the very best for a wonderful future to all those involved.xxxxx
"Cherish" is a word I like. Such a comforting and cared for feel to it.
Sorry I did not manage to see today's show but I did enjoy last nights.
Hopefully you can now have a rest. X
Evening Barb, hope you are having a restful , relaxing evening…the shows were Fantastic, very Inspiring and Uplifting…a real breath of fresh air for the Crafting Community….hugs…xxxx
hi xxxxx
Hi Brenda lovely you are here with us been thinking of you lots of hugs xxxx
Welcome and hugs should be the words for you Brenda. WELCOME HOME and loads of HUGS coming your way, although for some reason my tablet keeps translating hugs as bugs and I definitely am not sending loads of bugs your way. Karen xxx.
Hello Brenda hope you managed to watch Barbara today. Sending you a big hug and a little one for Daisy xxx
Yay! Finally able to reply. Hope you managed a bit of something and saw the shows.xx
Hi Barbara you and all the team have worked so hard. My word is Inspiring and I think it applies well to you and the ethos of the new channel. Have a great evening. Hugs Jackie
Barbara OUTSTANDING is my word of today INSPERATIONAL you are
I learnt so much watching you today seeing the groovi come into its own I cannot wait for your next show what a team what a show .
Enjoy your rest with Dave and be very proud of what you achieved big crafting hugs to all xxx
Definitely Family, so important. Mine, yours, ours, Clarity and now Hochandas. Fab weekend of craft, great channel and you were great, thanks Jx
Have managed to catch most of all of your shows plus some besides. Enjoyed them all.A fantastic few days. So many ideas to remember.
Hi Shreila and Brenda, I have been trying to reply to both of you above but my tablet is not playing ball! Great to see you here Brenda, hope you watched the shows and it encouraged you to get a tiny bit of crafting started again. Sheila, well done I too was able to resist although the dove and brach groovi plates were tempting so I may have to order from Clarity as I get free P&P. Must have missed my email, glad I managed it right today! Xx
Hi Donna i was so impressed with the samples that Barbara's team has made it made me look at what I can do with the plates I've got the ones in the groovi starter kit and the Christmas snowflakes and peace joy Noel one .did you see the one with the car in I've got that in a stamp but it looked like it was from a parchment groovi plate would be lovely if it was I'm with you because I'm in the stamp & stencil club the free postage is a fantastic perk I'm looking to get the grunge paste how did you find the grunge paste on your canvas ??? Xxx
Well I read somewhere that to save money you can use fine grade Polly filler so that's what I use! I do have have some of the proper stuff but my £1.99 Polly filler works great and it takes paint and ink really well. It looks really good on canvas very arty! Xx
Hi Barb,
Fabulous show today, liked how you got Lee in the Groove too. Two words that mean a lot to me are Empathy and Genuine and I think that they apply to you as well. Looking forward to many more shows- think Hochanda is going to be a success. Love Alison xx
How about Magnanimous! Someone has already said serendipity one of my favourite words.
Great shows Barbara!
Watching this morning my husband noticed the 'investment' bit and is showing interest. I've never known him show a lot of interest in the crafting channels but I've always made him look at the samples the Clarity team produce and he's always impressed ! He thinks Hochanda is on track to do well!
Gutted I'll be away and miss your first two hour show but I'll record it !
Onwards and upwards – there's another couple of good words ! Xxxx
My word is always COMPASSION (ATE). Compassionate mind was the phrase that coached me through really hard times – treating yourself as you would a beloved friend. Which links to kindness – "Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." as the Dalai Lama said. I also like SMILE. One of my tips for my massage clients was to smile as you can't physically clench your jaw (and so tense your neck, cause headaches etc) when you're genuinely smiling. I'd do it myself, grinning away like a cheshire cat over my clients' backs. Feels great!
Have loved your first weekend on Hochanda – really feel part of something, being there from the start. Glad to hear you'll have a regular slot.
Now I hope you have NOTHING planned for the bank holiday and can sit back and reflect on a job well done with Dave.
1. SKINT what I am now after buying all the equipment and eventually a brand new smart tv just so I can watch Hochanda.
2. KICKASS what you did on the opening shows and to all the knockers of you and Hochanda.
3. HAPPY which is what I am now that I can watch you on Hochanda and can even watch all your YouTube videos on ultra whopping big HD on my new tv.
Ta very much…. Vxxx
I just love watching, listening and learning from you Barbara, you make it all seem possible. I.would say ' Magnificent' is one of my favourite words. My other favourite word is "Decadent" – I think it sounds exactly what it means! Although, don't come across much 'Decadence'. But, that doesn't make me sad, just 'humble' – ooh, there's another good word. Think I best shut up now. Loving the Hochanda (that's a good word) shows, looking forward to catching up on the Groovi show. Xx
Hi Brab, been a Little while since I left a message. A couple of words DEDICATION and DETERMINED. You are dedicated to ensure that you share your knowledge to us all and determined that no matter what life throws at you make the best of it. Managed to see the groovy show today after getting hubby to set the free view up. Look forward to the 27 September. Take care to you both.
Hi Barbara
Fabulous shows. You were at your best doing what you love. My word for today is SMILE. I am so pleased for you and all the team at Hochanda. So much has been achieved in just 4 days. I have smiled a lot today and did enjoy the shows. Lots of good things to look forward too.
X from Chris
My word is HAPPY as we finally have crafting back on TV as it should be. Well done Barbara and the HOCHANDA team! By the way, I have to say HOCANDA with a Mexican accent. Xx
For me it's about INSPIRATION and ENCOURAGEMENT to give it a shot. Well done, enjoyed shows and will be back to see them next month. Hope you manage to get a bit of rest. Karen xxx.
Wonderful launch weekend! Congratulations to you all! My words of the moment would be 'togetherness' and 'happiness'. They are very uplifting words for me! xxx
Well done to everyone. I feel really inspired and looking forward to the next shows. X
Hi Barbara, I have watch all the shows that you have done since Thursday and what a great little Family you have gone to be part of.
Family to me is a very strong word because a family is the people you want to be with,
I find myself to be a very rich (not in money) person because of all the lovely crafting friends that I have made in my life and it all down to watching you Barbara in the telly.
I have been to your workshops a number of times. Then I found Clarity East Midlands and became apart of that Family and not to forget that I'm also part of your clarity through your club and your blog. So like I have said its the word FAMILY (Clarity Family) for me.
Love to you both and congratulations to you and your marvellous team.
Much love Bernadette Gill Xx
CLARITY now there's a word. Is that you enjoying a cuppa, or a cardboard cut out?
Passion, Wisdom, Courage and Faithfulness are some of my favourites. Honestly Barbara, I have absolutely loved the shows you've done this weekend. You seen much more relaxed and the demonstrations have been amazing. As I said on Hochanda's Facebook page the close up camera work was amazing, especially when you were doing the owl demo. It can only go from strength to strength. Congratulations to everyone involved.
Hi Barbara, Thoroughly enjoyed your shows with Lee. After attending the Crowborough 2 day training I now have the confidence to produce credible work. Thank you for your teaching, inspiration, kindness and lovely ways. My words are LOVELY SURPRISES. Wishing you lovely surprises!!! Kind regards Marian Costello
Hi Barbara, really enjoyed todays show, already got it in my diary for the 27th September, I love my Groovi plates, just need to get some good pencils now but they are not cheap. The samples on the show were truly amazing what a wonderful team of designers you have.
Enjoy you Bank Holiday Monday, stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx
Hi Barbara. I have been watching and enjoying the shows. Well done and congratulations again for helping to give us great shows. I bet you are exhausted after such a busy and exciting week.
I have two words as I can't pick one over the other, they are Family and Memories. They go hand in hand to me. I hope you can get some quality time with Dave now. Have a good day. Take care xx
Hi Barbara content is my wore after all you worry and planning everything went well and now time to breath!!!!!! Love June horrocks xxxxxx
Hello Barb, glad to hear you are now home and relaxing with Dave. Love the ideas with the wee folk and word chains. The shows were super, the content was fab, tips, tricks and inspiration by the bucket load. Take care. Bx
You did great Barb, as did the whole team at Hochanda. I even had Tom CAPTIVATED by everything Groovi !!! I love the words PERFECT, BLESSED, BEAUTIFUL and ADORE.
See you soon and keep being you xx
At the moment, I'm trying to decide whether it will be quicker to save up for the Groovi starter pack or get Tom to buy it for me lol!! Word of the month will have to be GROOVI 😊
I think my world at the moment is acceptance. Loved the shows and a new date in my diary every month
SERENDIPITOUS… how different things can come together to make something work beautifully. And here's a word for you: overdraft! (because I want too many of your FANTASTIC designs). Great shows, Barbara, thanks!
Contentment is my word Barbara, but not with Hochanda.
Have watched John's shows, and cant buy a thing from Hochanda! I thought I had bought the Freedom membership on the first day, tried to buy something yesterday and I cant because their computers will only accept addresses with post codes – we only got them for the first time two weeks ago, and Hochanda have no way of recognising them.
On the first day I was told that the Freedom membership would extend to free P&P to Ireland – FANTASTIC! I was over the moon. Gave them all my details and thought I was ok to indulge in a set of your stencil brushes that I have wanted forever. Tried to buyt them two days running. First day he couldn't do it , but couldn;t find out why, promised to ring me back and didnt' . Yesterday half an hour on the phone, and finally a talk to a supervisor, and they have no way of taking orders from anyone in Ireland, and if they did, I was told the wrong information on the first day, and Freedom membership does not mean free P&P to Ireland – if, of course I could buy anything in the first place. I am not a happy bunny at all! What company goes world wide, (online) but wont take orders ? lacelady4@gmail.com if you want to contact me.
Oh no! So sorry to read that you have struggled to buy Barbara's products. I didn't know hochanda didn't supply Ireland 🙁 However, all is not lost – Claritystamp do ship to Ireland and are online at clatitystamp.co.uk (or give them a ring tomorrow! ) i have always found them very helpful.
Too many negative comments!!!! Sitting here with my beloved OH who is struggling with a whole pack of health issues, my words would be love, respect, trust and health. Sums up my wonderful marriage perfectly!! Plus tolerance, tenacity, patience (from him) and energy, excitement and contentment (mine)
perfect xxx
Hi Barbara a great launch weekend – im sure all the niggles will get ironed out soon. I agree with the words already mentioned and would add PRAISE. It's so easy to be negative these days that we miss what is praise worthy in people's attempts. Looking forward to seeing how the channel develops. Hugs to you and Dave xx
Congrats to you, your team and all at Hochanda on a great launch! Really enjoyed your weekend shows and can't wait for Hochanda Live xx
Great launch show, such a great positive start, good positive vibes. Have to quote you Barbara, "Teamwork to make the Dream work, so I would choose Teamwork, Positivity , Aspire, Reflection as in a moment of reflection xx
Loved the shows over the weekend, it was so nice not to have stock updates every 5 minutes. I think Hochanda can only get better.
and Dave I'm so pleased you are feeling a bit better. K
Don't have any word chains yet, but they are on my wish list! Hope, Sincerity and Blessed are words I would love to see in the mix, and maybe Wish upon a Star – would work so well for children's birthdays and with the wee folk kits. S xx