Three Doves & Sprig Swirl
Hi there.
Thanks for stopping by for this last Groovi Day!
I just wanted to say thanks for all the feedback on the Groovi week and the orders – the machines have been on overdrive trying to keep up with the demand!
And I want to thank my dear friend, Paul Church,
for prepping this blog for me,
so that I would have an evening off.
How kind is that?!
Below is another Groovi set – Three Doves and Sprig Swirl
Designed to work individually……..
Or together.
The Doves can be used for so many different occasions, but I thought I would make a nice wedding card.
Lets make a list of what we need
First, I am going to uses the boxes from the Groovi Plate Mate for my message
Then I am going to put the smallest of the 3 Doves in between.
Then I put the Sprig Swirl in place and embossed the design making sure I stayed out of the boxes and the Dove
Next I wanted to create a frame around it – so I used the Nested Squares Groovi Plate
If you place your design over the squares, you will find that the largest square is not big enough. So what you need to do is make it bigger by moving the parchment around.
I started by lining the left hand part of the Sprig Swirl up with the 3rd square in from the outside and embossed the first two squares until it came to the end of the design. Then I shifted it along and lined it up in the same way and then continued with the frame
I now have a nice frame – although it needs a little something extra
So I went freestyle and picked up different parts of the design from the Sprig Swirl to fill in the border
That’s much better!
I then added my greeting, trimmed it back to the frame and so that the Dove did not get lost in the Sprig Swirl, I used my ball tools to add some white work
Doesn’t that make a difference, I also did some white work on the top part of the letters.
Finally I mounted it onto some pink card.
The lighting in my art room is not great,
but I’m sure you see the magic of these plates!
The lighting in my art room is not great,
but I’m sure you see the magic of these plates!
I love this Groovi System!!
Love Paul
42 thoughts on “Three Doves & Sprig Swirl”
That's really lovely!!!!!! And how fab of Paul (can I call him Paul?!) to step in and give you a bit of time off. I hope you used it to relax and spoil yourself….
Still haven't decided if I can afford the Groovi system but the more I see of it the more I love it. Would be great to take to our 'van I keep telling myself!! Will I decide yes or no before the end of the evening? What should I do? Thanks to Paul for a great demo and for giving Barbara tIme off Mxx
Go for the offer you won't regret getting the groovi its a award winning product xxx
I was not a parchment fan but have succumbed to the starter kit with the free Christmas tree and the decided square, having watched Barbara demoing the kit! Arrived today and I LOVE it!! Have done 2 already and just looking for some lovely backing paper to put behind it. My husband did say now what do you do with it? But thinks the tree is lovely. Need to save up for more plates, as I love so many….. Paul's doves is lovley too, enjoy your night off with Dave, and thanks for all the inspiration and teamwork to get my order turned around in 3 days Xx
Hi Barb & Paul,
First of all thanks to Paul for doing this and allowing you to have some time off. What a good friend he is to you and Dave. The design is gorgeous and makes a beautiful wedding card. Love the sprig plate as well. Very clever to extend the frame as well. Love Alison xxx
That should be deckled square , xx, rotten autotype!
Hi Barbara and Paul
This is really beautiful Paul and aren't you lovely letting Barbara have a quiet evening with Dave. What a fabulous friend. Is this a hint Barbara? Have you and Dave decided to tie the knot after Daves health worries? Just teasing, you haven't time for that. My husband thinks I've really flipped, walking along a hotel corridor and we found a Waitrose trolley outside a room just abandoned – reminded me of you and your mum in Germany last Christmas taking your trolleys back to your room and then down to the car! You and your mum aren't out on a shopping trip are you?! Enjoy your evening off. Love to you all. Diane xxx
What a little star he is! So kind of him to offer to do the blog for you Barbara, you deserve a well earned rest after the week you've had entertaining all of us. I think Wednesday and Thursday were two of the best days I've had in a long long time, I soooo enjoyed it and you helped me discover that I do have a talent (of sorts)! Can't wait to get started on some creations of my own with all the kit I bought. You are such an inspiration. Can't wait 'til next year!!! xxxx
Hi Barbara and Paul!
I love what you've done here using these plates and can't wait to try them out! My order arrived yesterday but I've not had time yet to play..really looking forward to using them all!
I'm loving the groovi plates and it's such a clever idea with endless possibilities especially as you can freestyle with the plates!
Enjoy your evening and your day off Barbara! And Paul put your feet up after a hectic but enjoyable week!
Much love and hugs! Xxxx
Hi All
Thanks to Paul for letting you have some quality time together, after a week of reteats you do need to have a little rest.
The Doves are wonderfull, so many plates i need but are trying to get to grips with all i bought when you launched these products. I am getting better as i go along thank you so much for bringing such a wonderfull product out for all of us to use and get some great results in no time.
Need christmas plates next so an order may be comming at the end of next week.
Have some lovley time together and hope Dave is on the mend very soon.
Hugs to you both
Lynn xx
How kind of you Paul to give Barbara a break. This is a wonderful project and the Groovi system is amazing. Thank-you Paul for all you did at retreat, you worked so hard always in the background ready to help. Have a relaxing weekend all of you. xx
Another stunning card Barbara.
I am eagerly awaiting my groovi order I placed on Monday hope it arrives soon I want to play with my goodies
How lovely, card is beautiful and Paul is a treasure. Friends are just there when you need them. Just read your letter in design club pack, sounds like the Clarity team are rallying round which is just a testament to what you've given them. Groovi week has been fantastic, my new plates arrived today so I predict a riot of parchment this coming week. I have to say that I am tempted by this plate and yesterdays to a further purchase. Christmas came early literally with the lovely tree and other plates I got. Thank you, thank you for this lovely system and enjoy your evening off, hopefully you get tomorrow off too. Karen xxx
Hi Barbara /Paul
I'll just be honest – I'm really confused here, my Asperger's brain doesn't know how to interpret what which of you said or who is talking to me or who's done what, and reading the previous comments has just confused me even more! So can I just say, this parchment artwork is beautiful, the white work is amazing, which ever one of you it was that came up with it and made it, thank you for sharing. Something for me to work towards, not that I think I'll ever be as good as that, but I know what direction to aim in now. I'm so glad that you, Barbara and Dave have such wonderful friends around you, helping out in every way possible. Thank you Paul for looking after oor Barb, you clearly have a heart of gold yourself. Hope you're enjoying a well earned evening off Barbara and you and Dave have a lovely quality time day together tomorrow. Big hugs, love Brenda xx
Hi Brenda have you been groovi—ing big hugs xxx
Hi Barbara and Paul
Love it love it can't wait for my order to arrive to start grooving with my Groovi plate and other goodies, thank you for this weeks bloggin as you have had more that enough on you plate. Hope Dave getting lots of rest and is on the mend. Thanks again lots love to you all. Xxx Annette
Hi Barbara ,stunning work paul, glad to know your resting with Dave and Paul has made this possible wonderful friends you have , I'm waiting for the tree to come on sale will that be tomorrow ???? Are we getting anymore new groovi products Barbara ??? As wanted to take up the offer but if you release some more wonderful groovi products I will want them all too dilemma I am in big hugs xxx
what a great card. Paul always rises up to the challenge and he has been a friend in need. take care, hugs xx
Beautiful, and love the step doing the white work to bring the dove out – really shows the effect it has.
I've had a fun day making backgrounds with inks and salt and clingfilm and stencils – about to put the baby to bed then off to see how they've turned out!
Hope Barbara and Dave have had a lovely quiet evening prior to their day off tomorrow – lots of recharging.
That's such a sweet thing to do Paul & I hope Barbara is making the most of an evening off to relax after a hectic time at the retreats.
Hope you get some answers soon to put your minds at rest about Dave.
Both take care and enjoy some "you-time" tonight and tomorrow.
Love & hugs, Carole xOxOx
Fab card by the way Paul – sorry, I forgot to mention it 🙂 x
Hi Barbara and Paul,
I knew I should have bought those Groovi plates today!
I wanted to sign in to say a big thank you to you both for a fun and educational two day retreat.
I left today feeling very inspired and creative. Thanks so much for all the hard work and preparation you've put in these past two days.
I will definitely be back next year!
Hi Barbara
Paul is a star and a true friend. I have my new Groovi goodies which I ordered last Saturday. The tree is beautiful, but the first plate I tried was the doves and now I know why I chose it. When I came home from town today my prize of your Paris collage card and the gift voucher was waiting for me so I am a happy bunny. Thank you so much. Have a lovely peaceful evening with Dave and enjoy your day off tomorrow. You deserve a little downtime after the last 2 weeks.
Hugs from Chris X
Beautiful card using beautiful products. I hope you get some R and R tomorrow. X
Hello Barbara
What a beautiful card. Enjoy your day off. Take care of yourselves.
Hi Barb and Paul, love these tutorials on the groovi plates, I have already placed another order so am looking forward to the postie arriving very soon and I can have a play. They truly are a great product, Paul when are we going to see you demo'ing them.
Enjoy Sunday, stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx
Thanks Paul and Barb for a great blog post, love the doves and the lovely white work. Hope you had a lovely quiet evening Barb and Dave, and a restful Sunday
Hello Barb and Paul, thanks for this beautiful work Mr Church, a real inspiration, love the way you have used the different elements of the plates together. Have a great day everyone. Bx
Well isn't that just beautiful! I love it. These 2 GROOVI plates landed at my house on Friday and guess what I will be doing all day Sunday! Well done Paul! Your are so talented and an amazing friend to Our Barb! She does sing your praises and we do too! Take care everyone and happy Grooving! Now where are those tumble drier sheets! xx
A beautiful card Babara. Love the groovi plates.
Well done Paul, and thank you for giving Barbara a night off! Love the card!
Great blog Paul thanks for helping Barbara and dave xxxx
Lovely sample and great designs! I really like the idea of your friends/design team taking a spin on your blog to showcase their talents and designs too – it's always really rushed when they show the samples on TV, and I learn so much from seeing how different people create something so different from the same basic ingredients. Thanks for giving Barb an evening off Paul, and thanks for sharing your lovely work with us all, Susan x
Stunning card Barb, though I think a darker background would have showed off your marvelous work more. Fabulous design, love it and what a keepsake for a wedding day card.
Hope Dave is on the mend
Love & Hugs
Jacquie J xxx
Fab card, can I ask Paul a question how did you mount the parchment onto the pink card, I can't see any stitching, brads or glue ?
Love the groovi system it has so many possibilities. Went to a class with Maria yesterday and she demonstrated the use of clarity stamps and stencils with parchment – possibilities are endless, my head is spinning just need more time
Have a restful weekend
Oh wow Barbara, you always amazed me with how you put so many stamps or stencils together and they work. What a beautiful card. Thank you so much for sharing as always, I hope you and Dave and family are all well. Xxx Claire
This is a gorgeous piece of work Barbara and I am not sure whether it was your work and Paul put the blog post up for you or whether he did the artwork too, but whatever Paul is a great friend to have to give you a break for the evening. Hope you are having a good Sunday too. x
This is absolutely wonderful! xxx
Hi Barbara
A gorgeous card and the white work really jumps out.
Hope yourself and Dave are enjoying your weekend x
Gorgeous love the groovi system and God on yer Paul!
Much Love
Fab project team BarPaul. So nice that you have people around you that can anticipate your next move Barbara. I have to say that Paul worked so hard on the retreat, always ready to help, wherever he was needed. Your systems worked a treat and everyone always had whatever was needed whenever it was needed. Am hoping to be able to play next weekend as time seems to have run away with me this weekend. Really need to win the lottery and then retire to my craft room. Lol. Enjoy your time off Barbara and Dave and you too Paul. xxx