When in doubt, get your Garden birds out!

When in doubt, get your Garden birds out!

Hello there!
Glad you dropped in.
Been a lovely day! 
Thoroughly enjoyed the company of my dear friend Debby Berry.
Hence the rather tardy blog.
But what is this life all about if I can’t spend a day 
with a good friend?
So here’s a quickie that I did for one of the US TV shows last week, using our wonderful Garden Birds.
Apparently, Debby, being American, watched the shows and this demo, and only counted me say tits once!
Right. Let’s crack on!
I’ve got a date with Poldark at 9 o’clock !!
Here’s what I used:
(see yesterday’s blog for super saver!)
Stamp the Big Garden Bird onto a piece of Gelli Card 
using Black Archival.
I did it 4 times, because I needed the different stages for the TV demo!
No wonder my neck is shot !!!

Use the outside of the mask to cover up 

I cut a hole in a piece of copy paper to cover up the rest of the card.
If you struggle to get the hole the right size, then just fold a piece of copy paper in half, open it back out, stamp the bird onto the fold and cut loosely around it. 
Add blue ink to the tips of the feathers with a make-up sponge.
Faded Jeans is a great blue tit colour.

Add the yellow. 
Mustard Seed the perfect blue tit yellow….
Remove mask.
How easy is that?!

Next cover up the tit with the other mask,

and stamp the large blossom branch + little tits into place.
I LOVE these little fellas.

Colour them in exactly the same way, using the mask.
Quick and easy.

I used Spectrum Noir pencils to colour in the Blossom Branch.

Cover up the little birdies with their respective masks.
Attach the square shape stencil.
Using a large Stencil brush loaded with mustard seed, 
just swoosh around the inside edge of the shape stencil.

Remove the stencil…

Using a Micron Pen, jiggle round the edge of the yellow box.
Avoid the birds and branches.

Looking good….

Mount on a matching colour. 
I decided to draw out the colour of the flowers.

There you go.
Stop the clock!
And there’s still half an hour to freshen up 
before my last date with Ross Poldaaaaark for a while!
Wonder whether he’ll get his scythe out again…
much love,

53 thoughts on “When in doubt, get your Garden birds out!

  1. I've been looking through my stash today to see if I've got these stencils – I should know shouldn't I but I don't think I have this but a little bird is telling me I thought I did ….. darn it might have to get them again. Also looking forward to Poldark – last one tonight 🙁 but at least we know he is to return.

    This is my last week at work – retiring on Thursday – after 38 years at the same place. Must remember to get my parcels delivered to home now – oh dear hubby is going to find me out now LOL!!!

    Glad you had a good day, I went to next door but one to meet the new puppy on the block, she's a cutie, a cross between a Jack Russell and a Yorkie (dog not choc bar!) and she isn't as big as our cats yet. Apparently she's already met one of them in her garden and stood and stared at him. He's loved by everyone around here so hopefully Millie will love him too……..

    Anyway, Poldark here we come and roll on Thursday which will be such an emotional day but it has to be done! Have a good week everyone x x x

    I can't wait to get to grips with some of these projects now I'll have the time – I've got most of the kit but don't tell anyone!

    1. Hope all goes well on Thursday Jackie and you hold it together until after your leaving speech! I suggest you do a deal with the postie, so that hubby doesn't get to know the extent of your addiction!!!

    2. Oh we are a crafty bunch aren't we with our parcels. Lol. Good luck for Thursday Jackie and I hope you don't have a too stressful week. Just think of those we rainy days when you didn't want to get out of bed at silly o'clock , you can have a lie in and a cuppa in bed! Xxx

  2. Hi Barbara
    Just beautiful. Those little birds are still my favourites. I have an idea for a card for my bird loving friend and I have a month to do it. Thank you for the inspiration. I am recording Poldark and will watch it tomorrow accompanied by a bar of chocolate!
    Hugs from Chris C

  3. Lovely artwork, must invest in the shapes and little blue Tits, I already have the large tit. I love watching the birds from my kitchen window, the blue Tits are my favourite.

    Very pleased you've enjoyed a lovely day with your friend x

  4. Wow – might just have to have some garden birds of my own – can't believe how quickly you managed to colour those in. I've missed all the Poldark fun it seems, so I'll have to wait until it comes on catch up TV and have myself a little festival! Glad you had a great day with your friends – nothing like it for restoring the soul. X

  5. Lovely card, love the spring colours, the stencils are great to frame the picture.
    I have been distracted for the last few weeks with a major overhaul of the garden ahead of my retirement 'open house' a great opportunity to finally ' sort the garden'

  6. Hi Barb,
    This is just beautiful. I love all of the stamps that you've used in this especially the blue tits. I must get the masks though as you didn't include them originally.
    Well Poldark has finished for the time being – Sundays will not seem the same! Had a few tears at one point – I won't spoil it for those recording.
    Thanks for the inspiration, love Alison xx

  7. I LOVE this card idea Barbara and will definitely have a go tomorrow. I remember Poldark so fondly from the 1970s. What a dashing hero Ross was back then too. Read the first four books – must check, I think there should be more. An absorbing and deeply romantic series… [sighs contentedly]. Have another great day tomorrow! Gill xxx

  8. ha ha – no scythe but still looking very handsome! used to love watching aidan turner in being human too – that was fabulous! I digress – beautiful card and great tip for colouring – fabulous – hugs rachel x

  9. Thank you for giving us a beautiful step by step using some of my favourite stamps. Glad you had a lovely day relaxing with your friend. Does the soul good. Don't fall down laughing, I spent a few hours in my craft room tonight making a few Christmas cards using the flame stencil that you demonstrated at the NEC. Thought it may give me my mojo back and I think it has. Hope you enjoyed your Poldark.xx

  10. How lovely to spend time with Debby, she is so lovely and friendly. Love the blog and taken to printing off each day as my memory is not good to find them later.
    Have a great week, whatever you do. Cannot wait for the retreat, but the allotment calls!
    Best wishes
    Anne (Reading)

  11. Hi Barbara this is a gorgeous card. I am so pleased that you had a lovely time with your friend. Poldark was fab I have really enjoyed this new series. I am so glad it is coming back and I am so regretting get rid of the books last year. Oh well. I hope you have a good week. Hugs Jackie

  12. Hello Barbara

    Glad you had a good day with your ftiend and you enjoyed Poldark. I have all the books and all the videos from the 1970s! Have read and re-read them over aad over.


  13. Hello Barbara. A very lovely card and a great tutorial too. I purchased the birds a while back and I actually haven't used them yet…they just looked so good when I unwrapped them! Must get them out and use them. Can always count on you for inspiration. Thank you.
    Emma xx

  14. Hi Barbara This is so beautiful and just right for this time of year. I think I've got a garden bird nesting in my box but they are very shy when going in and out and take such a round about route to get there I'm not entirely sure! I hope you enjoyed Poldark – did he take his shirt off in the 70s too? I hope you recorded a few episodes for private viewing when needs must!
    Love Diane xxx

  15. Lovely as always, what a great idea for being able to colour your tits!!!, why did you not think of this before, probably you too busy with Poldark,like the rest of us, and it was great, can't wait for it's return. This idea of adding easy colour can be used for a lot of your stamps me thinks. I'll let you calm down now, and just think another one on the way, so lets hope we do not have to wait too long. Take care

  16. Hello Barb, another beautiful creation. Love the colouring, and they look just like the ones that come to the feeders in our ornamental cherry tree. Did you enjoy Poldark, it was a very good final episode, even though it was sad. Looking forward to the next series. Have a lovely day. Bx

  17. Morning Barb, just catching up on things….I love this design, the colours are so beautiful and bright. ….this would make a lovely piece of wall art…and would make me smile every time I looked at it……I do love watching the garden birds……so glad that Debby and you had a lovely day…bet you had great fun…..hugs…xxx

  18. These garden birds are beautiful Barbara,and love the way you have framed with your wiggly outline which finishes it beautifully, and the edges of the images over the edge of the square looks gorgeous. Will have to give this a try. Glad you had a good day chinwagging with your friend. x

  19. Hi Barbara, lovely, and great to have these as blog demos since there is no way of recording your USA TV shows, thank you. Glad you had a good day with your friend, sounds like you've had a very good weekend chilling and doing what you want to do :-). I've not watched last night's Poldark yet, don't know if I should if it's going to end sad. Love Brenda xx

    1. Hi Brenda, must watch, but useful to have tissues with you and the joy is there is going to be another series, but trust them to keep us all in suspense, hope you doing OK and love to read your writings. Lynne

    2. Thank you Lynne. Ok, I'll be brave and watch it later, if I can keep my eyes open long enough – one of those days today!!!! Hope things are going ok for you too xx

    3. Far to much Haggis and Neeps last night then was it belly to foo couldnae get tae sleep lol…worry when dinae see you here but that's jist me …love yer posts keep them comin….xxDot

  20. Oh, Barbara, ist die Karte wieder schön.
    Und ich habe alle Stempel und Schablonen.
    Ist es eigentlich okay, wenn ich auf dem englischen Block, deutsch schreibe?
    Bin zwar wieder dabei mein ENGLISCH in der Volkshochschule aufzufrischen.
    Macht auch mit fast 70 Jahren noch Spaß.
    Liebe Grüße aus Hamburg

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