Coloured Grunge Paste fields.
Hi there!
Just a quickie, to recap the coloured Grunge Paste technique from Sunday’s TV show. Several people wanted to see that part again, so let’s take a closer look, shall we…
So what was used?
Attach the stencil to A5 Theuvacard with low-tack tape.
Dust Butterscotch Adirondack or a yellow ink through the hills with a Clarity Stencil Brush.
Add shadow with the green along the lower edge of the fields.
if you splay/flatten the bristles into a line, you can really get into the dip of the hills.
Now the background is done, you could stop there, and just move forward with the stamping etc.
But I decided to try another trick; to add a little texture and colour with some Grunge Paste/Texture paste.
I added a small portion to a pot.
You can mix on a craft mat, too, if you prefer.
you only need a tiny amount of the acrylic paint. Honest!
Like a pea-size! Mix it up with something you’re not likely to stir your tea or eat your yoghourt with,
deposit some of it at one end, on the copy paper or the stencil,
and then drag it through with a spreader. We actually sell pretty good ones, green ones.
See how the paste starts out solid, then reduces and just clings to the one side of the stencil as you pull it through?
I like that shade effect!
And when you remove the stencil,
you can really see how it has added depth.
It takes about 15 minutes to dry. I found that by adding the Daler Rowney Acrylic paint, the paste dried more quickly than usual.
If you can see here, I put the clean stencil back in place once the paste was dry, and added some additional Butterscotch ink to the paste with a make-up sponge in the dip of the field.
Stamp the farmer and his horses into position with a Potting Soil Archival Ink Pad. It’s just a beautiful colour for this. The name of the pad says it all really…
The Spectrum Noir pencils are fantastic for shading
and building up the colour.
You can add shade to the Grunge paste with them too, by lightly running the side of the lead over the paste.
So now we just need a verse…
After all this work, I think it might be best to make a little banner, and attach that!
Layering and framing with matching paper or card always more more of an impact, don’t you agree?
So there he is. One man and his horses.
I often listen to my Dave talking about his childhood as the son of a farmer, and as a farmer himself. He was reminiscing about walking behind his dad’s tractor for hours and miles as a little boy, so that he would be allowed to ride home with him at the end of the day.
Great picture in my mind.
One wonders whether all our advancement and all our technology nowadays was and is for the common good….
But there we are. Wouldn’t have a blog….
much love,
37 thoughts on “Coloured Grunge Paste fields.”
Thank you for explaining (and filming) this technique so clearly. I did enjoy your show on Sunday and this was one of the many highlights.
Beautiful Barbara – I think that reminiscing brings back very good memories – ones to treasure and hold tight too – progress is essential – look at yourself – but looking back you quickly realise that without those moments, that valuable part of life none of us would be where we are today – did you see yourself playing with GP and then learning to colour it a year ago?…..
Much love
Kim x
Good morning Barb,
This technique is cool especially adding color to the grunge paste. Nice tribute to Dave.
I too was brought up on a farm and have amazing memories from my childhood like going in the field, moulding the long grass into the shape of a car then my cousin and I would 'go' to the seaside in it. I work in a school and often tell stories of what we used to do. Happy times :0)
Love this card and will certainly give it a go. Hoping to see you at the Dome on Sunday :0)
Hello Barb, great idea, which results in a fabulous card, love the idea that the paste is not solid all the way along, adds a lot of interest. Treasured memories are something everyone should have. I bet Dave loves talking about growing up on a farm. Technology can be a blight on our lives, but also has it's benefits, otherwise we would not have your wonderful daily inspiration. Bx
Hi Barbara… love your card today …happy crafting ….x
Hi Barbara. I love the effect that the paste gives, a beautiful scene : ) Farming is in my families blood too and I am lucky enough to have many happy memories of all of the time spent in the fields etc. Teaching calves to drink from a bucket was always a favourite of mine : ) Technology has it's place but some of the "old fashioned" ways are sill the best : ) Take care.
That should read still, not sill X
Barbara, I love this work because it reminds me of childhood days with my dad, watching Out of Town presented by Jack Hargreaves. The opening shots were very similar to this work & the mysic brings back memories of my dad who has now passed away. Take a look… http://youtu.be/Q9um3r4hpGQ
Growing up initially in a SE London suburb then in NW kent I always wanted to move to the country and now I live in a rural village in Cumbria, surrounded by beautiful farmland with stunning views. Wishes can come true!
Coloured GP looks fab & love the way it lies in the farrows. Xx
Lovely technique glad you recapped it from Sunday. I think it depends what you do and how you use technology that makes it good or bad. For instance your blog is absolutely a positive use as it brings so much happiness to you and others that read it everyday. However sometimes we hear that people have experienced such terrible things while online that they have taken their own lives. Ultimately it is people that are responsible for what they do online or offline and if it isn't something you would do or say to anyone face to face then it isn't acceptable to say it through your phone or computer screen…………. As a respectful caring person I never understand why people feel the need to treat people horribly. Sorry bit of a rant for a Wednesday morning!
Ah yes, Jack Hargreaves, I loved his style.(You can get those shows on DVD I believe)… And yes I would would, for seemingly days, walk behind my father when he was ploughing, just see the soil turn over and perhaps catch a field mouse! Tractors were much smaller and slower then…Hmm or perhaps its because I am slower now !
Loved it when you did it on Sunday and love it ever more now. Am using more and more the Grunge paste and absolutely adore it, you can create so many different effect with it.
Laurence xx
Lovely card and great technique. I haven't tried grunge paste but you do inspire me to have a go. I like the way it peters out and isn't solid all along. Lovely sentiment too and a tribute to Dave and all farmers happy times. I love watching shire horses when you see them at country show beautiful ans majestic . I too thought of Jack Hargraves and Out of Town that program was very gentle and soothing. Have a great day. Love Diane xxx
Hi Barb,
Really liked this when you did it on the show on Sunday ,so pleased you have given us a step by step today. Love the way you have used the grunge paste and how you've coloured it. A very nostalgic scene – love it! Love Alison xx
Love the card Barbara thank you for sharing love always June xxxxx
I am so glad we have technology and your Blog x. But I also like the simple things, the things you cannot buy in life, like time spent with our Children x
I love this card and never thought I would be interested in a farmer stamp, but this is gorgeous, I love this big horse, he is Grand.
I have to say a massive thank you as I won the monthly stamp challenge, it means I can join the stencil club, I am so excited as I wouldn't of had the money to join so thank you thank you thank you xx
Have a lovely day Barb xx
Shire horses, they remind me of my granddad who was a farm labourer. He loved them, he used to scare me a little as he was a big man with a deep voice but I know he thought the world of me. Wish my mum was still around so I could do this card for her. Anyway beautiful card and thankyou for showing us again. xx
This is a beautiful card Barbara, thank you for recapping the steps. The stencil with the farmer makes a great image recalling past times. Also thanks for yesterday's blog recapping the reflection technique using the Gelli plate. xx
Thank you for repeating the process. The finished card is beautifully rustic, reminds me of my childhood and the sight of the wonderful Shire horses. Tis really lovely.
A stunning card. Love the fields and the farmer with the horses.
Sorry Barb, we can't go backwards yet. If we could only use technology for good I admit life would be better. Still, lovely picture with all that texture. xx Margaret Col.
Hi Barb,
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, it's a pleasure to watch a true artist at work. Love the card, love the stamp, love the gelli plate, love zzzzzzzz. Oops, didn't mean to send you to sleep! have a good day everyone xx
P.s. thanks for the recap! x
This is beautiful and thanks for sharing with us again. I love the effect of the colour shading, and the added Grunge Paste makes all the difference to the finished piece. Technology has its place, and we wouldn't have the fun of communicating on here otherwise, but we should all endeavour to make it a tool for good. x
Love this image, as a child I used to spend my holidays with my grandmother in her cottage in Yorkshire dales. Farmer had a tractor and shire horses and it was a magical time, hay making and ploughing watching the birds swoop. I'm sure Dave must have some wonderful memories too. The use of the gunge paste looks really tactile, I must try this. Joan x
Lovely technique, fab card. I think reminiscing is good for the soul. Certain memories are discussed time and again, you never tire of listening or telling, and you laugh all over again. It brings you closer, forms a bond. I love my family, wouldn't change a thing. I love this Clarity family too, and reading this blog is good for my soul too. Thanks for that Barbara xx
Love the stencil and stamps beautiful art work you have brought back some lovely memories for me today thank you xxxx
i just adore this set and loved seeing what you did with it on the show on sunday – brilliant – and that verse is perfect too. hugs rachel xx
Love this and my stamps and stencil arrived this morning so already been having a play but haven't got any grunge paste yet so I just came on and had a look again.xx
Wonderful stuff ! This was a fab demo on the telly too. xx
Thank you for the tutorial, a lovely design with the paste giving great dimension. I agree Barbara that maybe the 'progress' we've made is a little too much, in some ways a slower pace of life seems very attractive, then again, we wouldn't have all our lovely craft goodies to play with! x
Great scene you have created Barbara ,thought that too when I saw you on C and C.
I really like using texture paste with stencils and I think it looks so effective the way you have used it with your great stencil.
Technology is fine as long as we are controlling it and not the other way round!
Thanks for sharing Daves memories Barbara . They are precious,
I really like how you only use the texture paste through part of the stencil – very effective! Thanks for sharing, Susan x
great effect with that grunge paste. i like the way it breaks hence adding depth. hugs xx
I enjoyed watching this one on C&C so it is good to have it written down as well. I really like these horses anyway. Grunge paste has only just appeared in my world so I am fascinated to see it used in this way. In fact, grunge is only just creeping into my world – the jury is still out on that one. xx Maggie
Saw this demo Barbara and was really impressed. Pat x
I would never have thought to mix paint with the grunge paste so thanks for the tip! x