A new, very lovely landscape stencil….

A new, very lovely landscape stencil….


Hello there!
Thank you for stopping by.
After yesterday’s YOU TUBE TUESDAY, 
and all that hilarity with Clarity,
let’s get arty with a brand new stencil 
and some rather lovely new stamps. 
 I used:
Woodland Stencil 7″x7″
there are 2 other 7″x7″ stencils which make up the set:

Flyaway Boy with Birds Claritystamp
Love is in the Air Claritystamp
(watch TV on Sunday for the boy and the girl stamps)
New Word Chain inc. Dream
(watch TV on Sunday for the next 4 Wordchains)

Make-up sponges
Promarker nibs
Clarity Cloud Mask
Clarity Hill Mask
(get the Moons, Clouds and Hills in one, AND the Castle and Rooftops) Barrrrrgin!
 Ready? Here we go then!
Attach the stencil to the card at the top with low-tack masking tape.
Add a moon mask.

Sweep across the top back and forth with a Clarity Stencil brush 
loaded with Cloudy Blue.
Add some small clouds using the Clarity Mask.
 Work your work down the sky. Go gently though.
You can always add it…..
This is where we are headed.

Using a make-up sponge, wipe the ink off the stencil into the artwork. This will make the lineart sharper.

Now let’s use the Hill mask to …
add some hills?
Stencil brush loaded with Willow is ideal.

Tear a piece of paper and use a make-up sponge to 
add hills to the hills!

Now it’s coming together.
Where do I get my ideas from?
I remember Mandy Branston – a cherished member of the Clarity team – did something like this a while ago.
Can’t find it, but my internal head camera reckons it went something like this.

when you take the stencil away, 
it looks like you are peering through an aperture.

Let’s enhance the illusion of an aperture.
Use Pastel Blue fine nib Promarker 
on the lower edge of all the branches.

See how the sky area looks set back now?
Do the same to the grassy area, 
using a Lime Green Promarker with fine nib tip.

Lovely. But now what?
I thought I would use the boy and his birds in Archival black.
With Dream – one of the NEW Wordchain sets.
Mount it on a piece of the dark blue stencil paper 
(the paper in the stencil packaging).

I like this effect.

It really does look as though there is an opening in the white card.
Especially if you squint.
Go on. Squint. See???

 Squint again.

It is brilliant, because I can see you squinting at me!
Anyway, hope you enjoyed that one. 
I certainly did!

87 thoughts on “A new, very lovely landscape stencil….

  1. This is fab! I'd noticed the new stencils on the website – now they are definitely in my wish list. Love the new stamps too, I have the stencils though not used them yet!!! Really looking forward to Sunday to to see all the new word chain stamps. xx

  2. Hi Barb, fabulous new stencils, I think the bank account will be taking a hammering. Love this card, was I really squinting?. Great idea. Happy Wednesday all. Bx

  3. Lovely card. I love the extra depth the promarkers have given the image. Your comment about seeing us squinting made me laugh. How did you know I was squinting? 🙂
    Internet connection on my phone is rubbish but I look forward to reading your blog each day, so I am persevering, as it always brings a smile to my face. I will never moan about my wi-fi connection at home again! 🙂 x

  4. Thank you as always Barb, your blogging is fabulous and I love your step by step blogs. They help so much. I am really liking the new stencils, April is going to cost me, I love the offers and the new stencils and off course the new word chains are sounding fabulous. I will have to buy them.

    Will the word chains be available to buy from Sunday from Clarity or will I need to buy from C&C. When will they be available on Clarity? Dx

  5. Another masterpiece – the final effect is so cool, even without squinting (got to be careful about those wrinkles at my age!!). Love the boy and birds stamp as well as the stencil – oh the wish list grows daily! Susan x

  6. Love the stencil, what an amazing illusion you've created. I can see the word chains being very versatile – they're gorgeous too. Hope I haven't made any spelling mistakes 'cos I can hardly see my keyboard ….. am I still meant to be squinting ??

  7. Hi Barb,
    Love this! I bought this stencil and the farmhouse one last week so I'm so pleased that you've done this today. Haven't got the little boy though but I'm thinking that possibly a hot air balloon could look quite good – will just have to have a play. Thanks a lot, love Alison xxx

  8. Ab Fab as per usual. Can't wait to try something like this it's so so effective. I said the other day that I'd like to spend some time inside your head but I'm sure there wouldn't actually be any room!!! Keep on keeping on but look after yourself too. Xxxxxxx

  9. Love the step by step blogs they work well look forward to seeomg what your doing every day hope the neck is a bit better today still smiling after yesterdays you tube x

  10. Morning, love the stencils and the idea, will be giving this a try. Another thing to add to my list of products that would like. Thanks Jx

  11. I love this card. Just what I was looking for for a young boy's birthday. Thank you for your blog Barbara. It's my first call every morning. Sets me up for the day. :))

  12. Nooooooo! another gorgeous stencil I NEED to go with the Woodland stencil. I already nabbed the Woodland and the Cottage ones but missed the Bullrushes. I liked what Mandy did with the Woodland one when I first saw it, so it is so good to have a step by step. That tip with the fine liners would translate so well to many other stencils and stamps. Where I would have a real problem is using a whole piece of that lovely blue paper. I know it is silly (I bet I am not the only one), but I keep the pieces I don't leave between stencils in the storage folders. I keep them all together just in case. In case of what, I am not sure. It might be easier to use some like this if you would sell that paper on the Clarity site???? I love how you can create so much depth on a card and still have a totally flat card, especially as I am told the postage has gone up yet again. Not only a beautiful card, using limited equipment, but saving on postage too. Great ideas, thanks, Barbara. xxxx Maggie

  13. That is an amazing stencil! Well, all 3 are amazing! Thank you for making us squint and laugh and give us inspiration every day with your blog!

  14. Ha ha don't need to squint as I already have a slight squint in one eye, very handy sometimes. Lovely artwork very clever as usual. Already waiting for an order to arrive, not sure I can get any more past the guard dog (husband) for a little while. He does not quite understand how we just need these things. He does like watching you though and is going to bring me to your open day so can't grumble really. Lynne xx

  15. Wow how beautiful I'm so pleased you used the new stencil it came in my parcel yesterday so will have a go it is so good to be able to look back on the blog to follow what you make .
    Happy crafting xx

  16. Beautiful Barbara 🙂 I can hear your voice through your words. Love the way you write and your sense of humour comes shining through. Thanks for making me laugh today. Maddy x

  17. I'm squinting Barbara which makes it hard to type……..oh you mean I can stop now so I can type ….ok! ………….you are making me as mad as you lol but it is fun and a brilliant effect with these masks which I "need" my wish list is ever growing 🙂

    MaggieH 🙂

  18. Ha, ha!! And did you see me pull tongues and cross my eyes? Lol, I wasn't doing anything, that's my natural look, lol.
    Beautiful card, and it really does look like the birds are carrying the boy away into another world, magic!!! xx

  19. These new masks are fabulous and what you do with them is just amazing. I love that you love blogging. Now I get to see you create wonderful artwork everyday – not just once a month on the telly.

  20. Barbara, you need to market that blue stencil packaging in a pack. It's a gorgeous shade and I can't keep buying stencils at this rate ;0) love the card today. Thank you for a fabulous tutorial. Looking forward to Sunday. Lynne.x

  21. A very clever card, the shading techniques have created a great effect which tricks the eye into seeing dimension without the decoupage layers-brilliant! x

  22. I love this Barbara! I got this stencil on Saturday at Port Sunny but not had chance to use it yet! What with you and Mandy I feel so inspired!!! xx

  23. Beautuful and yes I was squinting away and it did look like I was peering out through the papee. I'm very good at squinting…was an expert at those magic eye pictures. Now it's because I'm trying to see through my varifocals! Looking forward to the shows this weekend xx

  24. B E A Utiful love this stencil as it reminds me of a photo I took in Ashdown forest. Standing looking out across the valley and the scene was framed by the trees just like this stencil. I am always amazed how 3D it looks just by edging with a pen, such a great technique. Can't wait till the shows at the weekend. XX

  25. Yet again you have done it – the new stencils I loved instantly as got my little brain a whirring .
    BUT once you showed your idea I had a whole new set of uses .
    How do you do it ? Do the ideas just pop in to your head while shopping or is it something insures you and starts the journey to these end results ?
    You have also made me happy as I get on so much better with brushes than I do with the brayer ( I will not be beaten and keep practicing ) but the brushes I feel I have got to grips with and get a pretty good result so love to play – all I can say is thank-goodness I am at work on Sunday as I might have already blown the bank balance this month and it's just the 3rd lol!

  26. I love the look of these – like peering through a misted window out on the world – loving the look of those new stamps as well – you have an amazing amount of stencils now – from little acorns eh!! And you were worried about introducing them not that many months ago!!! Fantastic – can you sell time though – there are not enough hours in the day to go to work and then come home and play!!xx

  27. Hi Barbara – this was my first visit to your blog and so glad I found it. Loved the "aperture effect" and the stencils. Made me smile thinking of everyone squinting at the screen too!lol x

  28. I love these stencils which make you feel as though you are looking into the scene through a tunnel. I think the extra ink and Promarkers give it great definition, and the girl and boy stamps work with it perfectly, as do those lovely Wordchains. Squinting is great when looking at a scene to see where the lights and shades are too. I'm not sure why but I suppose it is just that it makes you look at the big picture and not all the little bits which make it up. Your stencils are so unique and well designed and will be added to my wish list. x

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