Agg & Wurry – DO ONE!!!
Hi there,
When all around you are losing their rag, when things are just rubbish, and the rain is running down the windows, there are two instant tonics:
- Stop your moping, and think about somebody worse off than you. I could list 10 people in a nano second. No. Actually, I could list millions. The poor people in Florida this evening, the poor people in war torn countries, the poor people all over the world in hospitals. There. And I dare to mope about our business being distressed ?!?! Honestly. Sometimes I forget myself. And then I just need to pump the brakes, look beyond my little world for a moment – and boom.
- Don’t you sometimes just think a laugh is the best tonic? I don’t know whether it’s a British thing, but I really do have a wicked sense of humour – especially in the face of adversity. And so do most of the people in my tribe! Grace sent me a little video from 2016, of when Paul and I were visiting her in New York. Click the link here. If that doesn’t make you crack a smile…
There was a big sign right next to this pink camel, that said, “strictly no climbing on the sculptures.” Whatever…we certainly got off fast when the cops turned the corner though! 😂😂😂
We couldn’t NOT climb up on it!! Well, Paul made it; I couldn’t get my leg over!!

Can you believe it? This was in 2016!! Tell you what though. I was wearing those very same boots today at work. And yesterday. I LOVE THEM! I’m going off piste here, but I bought those suede bootlets at Russell & Bromley over 10 years ago, for an eye-watering amount of money. But there we have it! Still wearing them after all those years. They’re still my firm faves, and they still look really cool. Fit like a glove too. When you go to New York, you NEED comfy footwear. Because you walk MILES. I think I’ve had them heeled and soled a couple of times – but hey! That’s what cobblers are for!
And there it is. I’ve chatted and laughed and reminisced with my mates here on the blog for half an hour, and I can’t even be bothered to think about work any more tonight. It gets boring. Dare I say it? I have had enough. And enough is enough.
My two lastest interlopers, Agg and Wurry will be doing press ups in the car park waiting for us first thing tomorrow morning. They’re Wurka and Hollick’s cousins – and I find them detestable. Agg is trouble, and Wurry doesn’t even work!
That’ll do! Much more constructive to giggle about Paul, Grace and me being daft in New York! And say a prayer for the poor people everywhere, who really have absolutely NOTHING to laugh about.
Speaking of giggles, Tina Cox is at Clarity Towers tomorrow! Please join her and Paul at 10am and 2pm, for what promises to be a grand reunion! Lovely Parchlets and art on offer, great prices and a general great vibe.
Then, in the evening, I’m hosting a Craftalong at 7pm. I hope you’re up for that too. We’ll have a play with a Gel Press…
Love always
Barb x x x
25 thoughts on “Agg & Wurry – DO ONE!!!”
So looking forward to tomorrow with Tina and Paul and the evening with you and the craft along also have to catch up with this week’s Shac and Groovi Tuesday So I’m in for great Clarity day 😀😀
Watched the video, 🤣😂 like two kids who see a wall (or camel in your case) and just have to climb on it. Will have to get my jobs done early tomorrow so I can sit with my feet up and watch all the TV/lives coming my way. Can’t wait, thanks for keeping us entertained.
Thank you, Barb, for showing Grace’s video of you and Paul attempting to climb the pink bactrian! Good to see the pair of you not getting the hump, even if the camel has two! It’s put a much needed smile on my face and made me laugh out loud! Laughter is definitely the best tonic!
Really looking forward to watching Tina tomorrow, inspiring us with her perfect parchlets! And then your good self with a magic craftalong in the evening! sounds like a Terrific Thursday to me! 😄👍🏻
Totally unrelated an of no interest to anyone but myself but drove passed the village church today and there is a humongous statue of a frog in the church yard. It’s grey it’s weird and it has completely distracted me. Xx
I’m looking forward to having Tina back in the house.
My thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the hurricane. Scary times.
The video certainly made me giggle – would love to have seen your faces when the police came into sight. Isn’t it great though that we can look back on our photo memories so quickly these days, especially useful when we are feeling a bit down – nothing better than a giggle to cheer us up.
Sorry Wurka & Hollick have invited their cousins to the party but hopefully they will be on their way back home soon. ( Hollick was my M in L’s maiden name)
Looking forward to tomorrow shows with Tina & Paul, although I will have to catch up with the 2nd one as I have a hospital appointment, just hoping the eye drops have worn off before 7pm for the craft along. I have gathered my ingredients together ready except for the distress oxides – undecided what colours I will need. I will sort that issue out in the morning x
Oh I must get my stuff out ready to craft along with you tomorrow night. I’ve been driving home from the studios the last couple of craftalongs so it’ll be good to be able to join in. Silver lining and all that!
Love and hugs. Xxx
Oh, Barbara. Thank you so much for making me laugh, that video of the both of you is hilarious 😆 I’ve been worrying about my brother and friend who both live in Florida along the coast near Tampa. No reply from phones, so a working night ahead😟
Loved your blog tonight, priceless.
Thank you 😂
I’ve just heard from my cousin who lives near Brandon, inland from Tampa. All is OK except from a falling tree has slightly damaged their pool cage. They are feeling very grateful now. Their 2 dogs & 2 cats slept through it all.
Wishing your brother & friend are unharmed.
Sometimes you just have to deal with what today brings as best you can. I hope you left Worka, Hollick, Agg and Worry on the doorstep as you went through your front door tonight? Uninvited guests, one and all!
😂😂😂😂 Just what was needed tonight.xx
Enjoyed watching the video and having a good laugh.
Just wanted to thank you and the Clarity Team for despatching my Poppet order so quickly. It arrived today & I have already made a beautiful card using one of the characters.
Laughter is definitely the best medicine. For all his problems hubby still has a wicked sense of humour and always makes me smile when things get rough.
That camel looks a lot more comfortable than the one I rode when I was in Tunisia in 1967. I had sore legs and nether regions for a week. Great holiday otherwise.
Will be joining Tina and Paul tomorrow. Have all my gear to hand and will be crafting with them.
My Mum had two friends Percy Verence and Will Power xx
There are so many people all over the world who are in dreadful situations that my prayer time each morning takes longer and longer……
For the people I know personally, I send a card as well to let them know that they are in my thoughts and prayers.
Looking forward to the shows and craft along tomorrow – remember to have some chocolate ready for Tina!! xxx
Just got into bed and was thinking about the poor people in Florida and hoping those in the traffic jams got to be where they needed to be and the people who didn’t join them are holed up safely. As for the poor animals as well I’ll be awake worrying about them all. My sis is on a cruise (nowhere near Florida) but they’ve been warned of a rocky night but they’ll be fine if a little wobbly.
Love my R&B shoes, had them when I was working and still got some now 10 years on and I wore one pair to death at work and they’ve been heeled loads of times ! Dread to think what I’ve spent in that shop over the years but gave it up after I retired!
Hope the news isn’t too bad in the morning. X
Laugh !!!! You are as naughty as me – I also climbed a statue, of a racing horse (I believe Rum I think) At our local Race Course. Well like you I didn’t quite get there but I tried.
Your story made me smile ❤️.
Hope your 4 visitors stay in check today. WURRY is quite often here with me but he gets bored when I’m crafting so I’m looking forward to crafting along tonight.
I tried to climb the lions in Trafalgar Square; once when I was little and my father effortlessly placed me there, and another attempt in my mid
20’s but my legs were too short!!
Hi Barb, what a great laugh with that video, reminds me when I was on a work trip in Brum, and me and my work mates climbed on the bull statue at the Bull-Ring. Luckily no cops arrived! My prayers to everyone affected by the weather and the conflicts around the world, and anyone facing problems. Bx
Well that made me laugh. You telling us about your boots reminded me of a very expensive pair I bought in Italy. I did fret about the cost but I wore them for years and years, re-soling & heeling them until I eventually wore through the leather at the back from the inside out! So price per wear they were actually cheap as chips in the long run saving me money by not having to keep buying replacements each year. I still miss those boots xxxx
Hahaha! Confession time! Those fabby boots in the photo… A few years ago, the same pair came up in a half price sale at Russell & Bromley online. Guess who has a brand NEW pair waiting patiently for the day these old ones croak!! 😂
Loved the video Barb. It reminded me of a family photo took when I was very young. We all climbed on the statue of Robin Hood outside Nottingham castle. To this day everyone still comments on where my hand was. Well being short I had to hold onto whatever was in reach 😮😂 Laughter is the best medicine as always.
Love and thoughts for all those that find themselves in difficult circumstances right now 💛
Thank you for making me laugh. Just what we need at the moment.
Take care.
Just want to say how much I’ve enjoyed the two shows with Tina and Paul. So much more informative than watching create and craft. We’ll done to all of the team x
That made me laugh so Much!! You are so right Barbara re laughter as we do remember all those who have nothing to laugh about.
My spine is crumbling, I have two more broken bones, and I can’t craft at the moment as my right hand isn’t working – but I can laugh and count my many blessings and enjoy all the beautiful work you and all the lovely extended Clarity family ladies and gents are producing! Blessings on all of you – and especially Barbara! xxx