A Perfect Storm

A Perfect Storm

Hi there

Thanks for popping in. It’s been quite a Monday, I can tell you! It started very early with a serious rainstorm. Like a proper flash flood, such as I have only ever experienced in America. Grace is always encouraging me to download an app which gives you ambient sounds, like the sound of water. Apparently, it relaxes you. I imagine the app offers waves gently lapping up onto a sandy beach, not rain pissing down stair rods at the window. Certainly wasn’t very relaxing anyway. The storm calmed down to steady rainfall, and I was lying there in the dark, wondering whether to give up on sleep for the night, get up, and put the kettle on, when I heard more raindrops – but they sounded much closer than before. Flicked the lightswitch, and yep – the ambience had moved indoors. Water was coming through the ceiling. Tell you what, you don’t half move fast when you see a puddle of dirty water forming on a cream carpet! Really REALLY fast!! In fact, Dave was back upstairs with a basin to catch said leak before I could even get my dressing gown on! Quick Draw Mcgraw!

And then the games began. Ladder dragged up the lawn cum quagmire in the deluge, and Dave up the ladder. Me at the bottom of the ladder, ready to catch him. Ha ha ha. No, apparently, I was there to stop the ladder slipping.

Leaves and mud cleared out – and cascade of water released. In this crazy world we live in, one this is still certain: Gravity sure does work. Down Pipe blockage cleared, disaster averted. Dave and Barbie soaked, but nothing major. Nothing that a little stain block and a lick of paint won’t fix. We are lucky, very lucky. I am very lucky to have a fella who chases up the ladder in the pouring rain to fix the problem too.

And all this before 6am! So much action on a Monday morning! Then the stamp machine broke down at Clarity so we went there next, then the M25 en route to the hospital was blocked, then Dad couldn’t be discharged after all, because of further complications. That was the low point. Not the rain or the knackered stamp machine or the leak or the traffic jam – my Dad thinking he was coming home, and being told he had to stay in longer. It’s been over a month now. That’s a long time. But hey. We talked it through, and he gets it. Better safe than sorry. Patience, Acceptance and Tolerance.

So yeah. A perfect storm. Fires in one place, floods in another. Where will it all end? Who knows. One day at a time, one thing at a time, we will get through this. What we will find at the other end is still debatable.

So on that cheerful note, how about treating yourself to some of our Wonderful Wordchains? Great!! Perfect!! I love these !! Designed them myself too…


Here’s a Gelpress piece I made a long time ago, using a great Word Chain word : TRUST. I have to trust that things will work out just as they are supposed to. Not perhaps as I want – but certainly as they are supposed to.

In fact, I’ve just scrolled back through my photos and found lots of Word Chain examples….

As useful and arty today as ever – and Half price this week.

Love always

Barb xxx

35 thoughts on “A Perfect Storm

  1. Love reading your blogs, fell as if I am there with you.
    Sending positive thoughts to you re your dad.

  2. You poor souls. Sorry Papa is still trying to get home. I have been thinking so much about him and Oma. I am home now but not in a good place physically. However your blog, rewind programmes etc are really helping. What admiration and love I send you

  3. Oh Barbara, it never rains but it pours they say. I so hope things turn around for you and that your Dad will soon be home. Love and hugs ❤️

  4. Oh Barbara sorry your Dad’s discharge from hospital has been postponed and hope this this is a short delay, hugs and thinking of you. Glad you got your leak sorted out and that it wasn’t more serious. Xx

  5. Oh Barbara! You do have a knack of making me laugh…..and yet the subject matter isn’t funny at all. I have “found” you fairly recently and I honestly can’t put into words how you have lifted my spirits. I just love watching your Shac shac “you tube” videos (I am still working my way through them from last year!!) and you have literally had me crying with laughter. Such a joy. I’m sorry your Dad is still in hospital….but each day he is there is a day nearer recovery. Thank you so much for everything you do . You brighten my days so very much x

  6. Oh no so many things to contend with and only Monday. Hope your dad can come home soon. Take care xxx

  7. Oh dear! That was lucky that Dave could quickly get the ladders and sort things out but it’s still gets the mind in a whirl! We had the very heavy rain Saturday and Sunday but thankfully no problems!
    Sorry to hear your dad is still not out but better to be safe than sorry and for him to be sent back in a few days would be so disheartening for all. Here’s hoping your week improves. Xx

  8. I do hope that your week gets better and that your dad isn’t kept in for too much longer. Your poor mum must be missing him too. Hugs. Annette X

  9. The hight of my day is reading your blogs. You have the most amazing sense of humour, and you can turn a tragedy into something so funny. You can see the bright side to any thing . My thoughts are with you and family 👪
    Have a better evening.

  10. Fantastic Dave and you from stopping the ladder slipping…..that’s usually my job too.
    Sending love snd hugs x

    1. Oh no I’m so sorry your day started out so badly but hero Dave to the rescue. Your Dad will be home in no time, have faith, the doctors know what they’re doing and he’s in the best place possible getting the care that’s required. Hope today was the lowest point in your week and things pick up from now

  11. Oh blimey, what a nightmare to wake up to! I see you had a little helper coming out of the door. What a shame about your Dad, I do hope he’s allowed home soon but, as you say, he’s safe and in the right place until he’s right enough. Good old NHS for being there. X
    P.s. I have the word chains and must use them more often – not to self. X

  12. They say these things come in 3s so hopefully that will be your lot.
    Fingers crossed your Dad will get home soon, disappointing for him not to be allowed out today, but better safe than sorry.

  13. What a start to the day, but glad Dave was able to sort out the problem quickly.
    Sorry to hear that your Dad’s discharge has been delayed but better to be sure than get home & then have to go back again. With the stamp machine problem that is your 3 things so only positive things from now on.
    Take care x

  14. Useful husbands in a crisis last week the cat and I spotted a leak on the new carpet, through newly painted ceiling, sent hubby up to stem water at 3am, this week I have no kitchen a lounge full of cabinets and a delayed granite work top, a poorly friend with COVID, so crafting keeping me sane, love to you at this challenging time

  15. Hi Barbara I am so sorry your dad wasn’t ready to be released. What a day you have had. The art work is gorgeous. I hope you can have a sit down and a nice cup of tea. Tomorrow is another day. Take care. Hugs xxx

  16. One thing after …poor you. Well done Dave, always ask a farmer in an emergency! My husband was a farmer…so many skills.
    Hope your Dad is on the mend. Good to see you back on the Craft Shop. Take it easy.xx

  17. Oh Barb such a shame, but hooray for Dave saving the day and your cream carpet. You’ll be wanting your Dad home, its horrid to build up hope and have it dashed again. Sending love and wishes he will be home soon. Hope you Mum is managing too xx

  18. Ditto, we’ve got a leak too. Part of our sitting room ceiling looks a mess. I fear the repair to the roof could be costly. Fingers crossed the insurance may help. So sorry your Dad has to stay in hospital. Hopefully not for long. Thinking of you lots. Love and hugs. Xx

  19. Hope your dad will be home soon. As you say amazing how quick you can move when disaster threatens. x

  20. What a way to start the week – we hope it can only get better from here on.
    Disappointing that you Dad can’t come home yet but the Docs know what they are doing and have his welfare at heart.
    Noticed one of the kittens creeping out the back door. Does he not mind the rain?
    I didn’t buy the larger word chains when they forst came out but bought all the smaller ones and they have been well used. Now I may indulge myself and get the larger ones. The artwork is super as usual.
    The Groovi plates on the up-coming show look interesting too.
    Love and hugs to all. Stay safe.

  21. Oh dear what a start to your week. Glad a major water disaster was averted at home. Sorry your Dad wasn’t allowed home today, hopefully he will be home to stay very soon. Thoughts and hugs xx

  22. Blimey – what a start to your day. Lovely looking back through all these samples – I remember the ‘trust’ one, as we did it on a retreat and it was the first time I managed to pull a successful Gelli plate print! I was so chuffed! Keep on going – one day at a time (as someone said!) Hope your dad is allowed home soon. xxx

  23. Tough day, Barb, but today is now nearly over and tomorrow is a new day. Hope your dad is ok. Bless him. So disappointing for all of you but he’s being taken care of and that is what matters right now. Hang on in there. Hxx

  24. Wow what a day you’ve had, hope your dad is home soon. One day at a time 🙂
    Me and hubby stayed overnight in a pub, picking grandson up, woken up by hubby he says ” it’s raining ” me ‘yep” then I realise we are in bed and it’s raining inside !
    Told the owners that morning and guess what they said “thank you for letting us know” and walked off 🙄 we won’t be staying there again xxx

  25. Glad that’s your three things identified then. Trouble does seem to come grouped like buses. Good you have so much support around, especially that wonderful man with the ladder. Hope your Dad is home soon, properly well. No point spoiling the ship for a ha’porth of tar. Wish you rest and recovery soon.

  26. Hi Barbara
    Sorry to hear about your Dad hopefully he will be home soon❤️. Noticed one of your boys in the picture hope he didn’t try getting up the ladder as well 🤣🤣.
    Keep your chin up things will improve.
    Looks Ruth & Jackie xx

  27. What a Monday! Hope today pans out better and the rest of the week. Thanks for all the sample photos, going to get the gelpress out and redo that sample again, loved that one. Hope your Dad is home very soon and gesso is great for covering over stain marks! X

  28. Hello Barb, well that is sure a Monday you will never forget, what a way to start the day. Thankfully Handy Dave was there, hopefully not too much damage to the cream carpet. I do hope that you Dad gets to come home soon, and we will keep him our prayers. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx

  29. Oh no seems to be one thing after another but they say it comes in threes so hopefully that’s it and everything will be on the up xx
    Hope your Dad gets home soon but definitely better to be safe than sorry and would be so disheartening if he came home then had to go back whereas staying a few days extra he can come home for good and start back on the road to recovery xx
    Much love and hugs to you and your lovely family xx

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