A Pergamano Gift Bag and a Winner!
Hi there!
Thanks for popping in. Oh boy! I have had a day off today. Switched off from Clarityworld and all that mallarkey, and just poodled, tidied and cleaned the house all day. Was completely engrossed in something on the box just now. “Don’t you have to blog today, Darling?” asked Dave. And you’d have thought I’d just had a blast of 40 volts up my derriere!! Sorry xxxx
So here’s a delightful little Youtube, starring dear Paul. He is so good at this paper engineering, isn’t he?! And these Pergamano templates lend themselves to this job perfectly.
How cool is that?!? Such a nice bottom there at the end!! Well done Paul !!! I really must get in that recording studio and record a few Youtubes too. It has all just been a bit radio-rental here at Clarity the last couple of months.
Check out the 4 Pergamano Templates. Great prices as always…click the names to investigate.
Time to go back in. But before I climb back on the couch, remember the Location Competition about the lovely Hovis Stencil last week? Several of you did guess Rye, which was what the town I had in mind. So I did a random selection, and the winner of the Artwork and the £20 gift voucher is ….. drumroll….. KELLY.

Thank you to everybody who joined in, and well done Kelly! Please call the Office 01732 868215, and give us your details.
Love & Hugs,
Barb xxx
18 thoughts on “A Pergamano Gift Bag and a Winner!”
Yehhh you had a day off. Good for you Barbara
Brilliant video I have a couple of those templates and I have ordered some 12×12 papers so we’ll be giving them a go
Enjoy the rest of your evening. Hugs 🤗
Hope you are feeling better today.
Will have to watch Paul later as Ray has been faffing around with our computer setup for the last few days updating some of our equipment and I’ve been forbidden to do anything on the system. I can only use this ancient ipad which will not let me access YouTube.
Looking forward to the weekend shows.
Have a relaxing evening. Hugs 🍒🍒🍒
Congratulations to Kelly. Glad you had a day off although you deserve a few more for sure. Xx
Well done Kelly. Glad you had a day off Barbara, even housework can be relaxing sometimes. Our eldest daughter and husband celebrated their silver wedding anniversary today, where have all those years gone. xx
Evening bloggy friends, nearly Wednesday…where does the week go? Xx
Glad you had a day at home but of you time those jobs at home never go away do they but nice when all done feels good. Night night sleep well xxx
Glad you had a nice day. Congratulations Kelly ! X
Glad you had a day off today if you can call doing the housework a day off but hopefully you will be off to pottery tomorrow. I don’t think we have seen the squat pot after it had come out of the kiln or the tiles with their waxed bottoms !!
Already the 20th so not long now to the next batch of Clarity TV shows & this months NDC goodies. A quarter of the way through the New Year as well !!
Congratulations to Kelly on winning the art work. I should have stuck with my first thought rather than looking too much into it.
Well done, Kelly. I would never have got that one. Enjoy your prize. Glad you took some time off today to just poddle around. It will do you good. You need to build up your energies for when lots of keen Groovers descend on you next month. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)
I should have known you would be thinking of Rye as it is one of your favourite places Barbara, but was sidetracked by the Hovis advert, especially as we have visited the place, although have been to Rye too, which is indeed lovely. Congratulations to Kelly though for getting it right. Glad you had a day off today and although housework isn’t my favourite task it does give a sense of satisfaction when it is done. x
Glad you managed a day off Barb. Hope things calm down a bit soon.
Hi Barb, glad you had a day off, love the video, Paul always explains so clearly. Well done Kelly, enjoy spending your voucher. Take care all. Bx
Well done Kelly! Glad you’re getting a bit of down time Barbara xx
Go Kelly🤸
I’m keeping a note of all your fave places Barbara, so one day when we can’t decide where to go I can dig out these ideas 🤗
Who knew that Clarity would add travel agency to their box of delights❣️
Loving the Youtubing that goes on. Such unique footage, especially love the little messages from Simon. Always raises a smile😝
Really enjoyed Paul’s YouTube. I must get the templates. Anyone know if Jayne is sane again yet, as I could really do with some more blending nibs too? Enjoy your voucher, Kelly – delicious agony choosing! Amazed and so glad to hear that you finally switched off, Barbara.
Well done Kelly.
I looked up Rye and that street represents it on Google! Perfect!
Enjoy your day off doing whatever you want.
Love and hugs Xxxx
Congrats Kelly – you got there before I left a comment about Rye as I’d never heard of the place the other ladies were talking about!
Catching up on bloggy goodness and got the shock of my life to be in the post! Thank you so much.