Moving on….
Hi there,
Thanks for popping in. Well what a day! It has been blowing a gale out there!
And when the head goes into washing machine spin cycle, what do we do? We make art!!!
Pick a scrap. Not just any old scrap. Since it’s Sunday, let’s pick a special scrap. Using the Leafy Swirl stencil…

Then let’s take a beautiful, classy little Claritystamp. To remind myself why I got into this game. 25 years ago. I didn’t just arrive, you see. Sometimes feels like I’m from a different galaxy, but nah. The moon is still the same one.

Oooh! Look out! She’s not grounded! Best anchor her – lest she fly away…

A few soft highlights; the future is already looking brighter…

Oh yes. A little background noise always helps, too.

Love & Hugs,
30 thoughts on “Moving on….”
The future is bright. Yes. Yes it is 🙂
Making the dream work 😉
Amanda x
Oh that’s a fabulous piece of artwork!
It’s amazing how doing a piece of artwork can do your head good!
Hope you have a relaxing evening.
Love and hugs xxx
You and the team are amazing as are your products I’m a newish crafter and you have taught me so much ( as has Paul so enjoyed his workshops at Evesham CC store – hope that will continue??) Hochanda rules for me I want to learn not cringe watching “ Presenters “ love to you all xx PS sending some Reiki Healing to you
Lovely! Hope you are feeling better today. You certainly got everyone talking! Stay positive xx
Yeah Lynne, you’re not wrong. So who knows why Barbara’s Blog, with 140 comments is 6th in the blog charts? 🤔
There were more hits than number 1 on the list. What’s the ‘in’ and ‘out’ figure all about? It definitely needs a shake about😉
Please advise on this mystery. 😎
Bemused of Melton Mowbray 😵
Absolutely gorgeous! I have this stamp and do love it…you have inspired me to get itbout…thank you my lovely…x
Beautiful Barb. Hope the process helped sort out your washing machine head too. I aspire to making art to help sort out my head as I go the other way, can’t settle to craft when my head is in a mess!!! I do keep trying, maybe one day it will all click in my topsy turvy head…
Hope your week starts good for you
love you xxx
Brenda I’ve still got my birthday card you sent me for my 60th it was beautifully crafted
Love and hugs xxx
Lovely, just right to settle back into your crafty zone. Hope you are feeling better today. Xx
Evening bloggy friends, sending love and hugs to everyone. Xx
Hi Donna, same here, it is getting a lot colder tonight but the wind is quite strong.
Keep warm and stay safe.
Lynn xx
The weather said it was getting warmer this week up to 12 degrees! Xx
Hi Barbara and everyone, well the artwork is lovely and colours really great.
Hope you are feeling a little better today, look after yourself.
Lynn xx
Hopefully you have turned the dial to the delicate cycle and you will have a relaxing evening before the onslaught of a new week. Do try to take it easier and ‘don’t let the b******s grind you down’ !
Hugs. Annette X
Love this stamp. Especially done in Sepia, more gentle than black.
Turned chilly this evening so keep cosy.
Awesome art 😙
Hopefully you are now on a gentle spin xxx
Yet another great piece, love the colours set off with the sepia ink. Hope your arty time has settled you for a relaxing evening before the new working week starts tomorrow & we have 2 Groovi sessions to look forward to on Wednesday with Maria so hopefully it will be a good one for everyone. Take care x
Lovely piece of artwork x
Hope your crafting has helped you today and that you have been relaxing. Great art by the way, love the colours with the sepia. Xx
I love that stamp set – it reminds me of the last retreat I was able to come to, where I learnt such a lot from you. I hope your washing machine head stops spinning before you go to bed, and that you get to enjoy all the lovely clean laundry tomorrow!
Hi bloggy friends, happy crafting, best thing to do when it’s cold and wet as it has been here lately. Supposed to be getting warmer this week. Love and hugs. xx
Hope feeling bit better and head has stoped spinnig etc hopefully an easier or steady week for you all Joy x
Beautiful barbara love the colours you have used xxx
Love and hugs to all on the blog xxx
Hi Barb,
Lovely piece of artwork and I hope it’s sorted out your washing machine head. Just try to take things easy this week ( if that’s possible for you!) and know that there are so many friends who think the world of you . Love and hugs,Alison xxx
Glad to hear you have stepped back from the spin cycle. Feel better soon. See how fast the silent majority spread a net for you yesterday?
Hi Barbara
What a beautiful creation from a piece of scrap ( oh that my scrap looked like yours 😂). I hope your mashing machine head calmed down and you feel better today.
Love Diane xxx
Hello Barb, simply beautiful, love it. Craft should be prescribed on the NHS, to relieve stress, bring calm. I find nothing helps me more than to be creative, even the smallest bit helps. I hope you are experiencing less whirring in your head. Take care all. Bx
Hello Barbara – hope you are feeling better today, worried about you yesterday. Love the artwork, craft has a way of focusing the mind, a calming effect. Lots of love Donna X
Lovely artwork – hope you head is on a delicate cycle today x
oops your head