Keep Calm & Carry On!
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in. I was looking through the Member’s Half Price Sale Sheets today (If you call the office, Jeannine will send you out a hard copy too, you know. I always prefer to look on paper, don’t you?) Anyway, I saw a brilliant little set of stamps which Jim designed ages ago, which is really really clever: The Union Jack Flag Set:

Let me show you how it works….
First, mount up the elements on mounts and find the right flag colours. I think Blue Chase and Blaze are perfect. I like the names, too; very appropriate just now!

Stamp the red part first,

Then the blue part…. BINGO! A perfect Union Jack which even looks like it’s flapping in the wind!

Add the flagpole, attach the flag to it, and then add a little shade.
Now for the best ABC stampset ever! The Word Chain Set. I love it.

Time to start writing… I mock it up on scrap first mind.
Dust around the edges with a inky blue Clarity brush, run a red Promarker around all 4 sides, and mount on a white cardblank. Done.
And that’s about the sum of it here at Clarity at the moment. I have thought long and hard about whether to pretend everything’s Business As Usual, because I hate confrontation, and personally go to great lengths in my life to avoid it where I can. However, I also want you to hear what’s going on in the industry from somebody you trust to be telling the truth, who’s not gossiping, just wants to dispel rumours which are kicking around, and put you in the picture. Because I think you deserve clarity.
Several companies are about to move back to Create & Craft from HOCHANDA. Crafters Companion and Tonic are the main ones. The why’s and wherefore’s are none of my business and not my story to tell. Was I approached? Yes. Were we at Clarity tempted? Not for a minute. Correction. Not for a second. We love the HOCHANDA team. Will it impact our little craft channel? Of course it will, but there are a lot of very talented people in that building, and the boss, Paul Wright, is a really good bloke.
I really can’t get involved in other company strategies; I can only nail the Clarity colours to the HOCHANDA mast – as I did right at the inception of the channel, because it promised to represent the Craft Industry properly and fairly, and was a more creative fit for us. Our business has flourished with HOCHANDA – we have blossomed, (you know that) and we have done it with ease and fun. No pressure, no bullying, no angst every month.
We have delivered new and innovative products regularly, we have built up a Customer Service which is second to none, to support our very fast growth, and I would like to think that our Clarity community is enjoying the creative journey. Hochanda gives us – Paul, Maria, Linda, Tina, Leonie and myself – time to demonstrate techniques, to show tricks and tips. Of course, they are a shopping channel, and they rely on sales to survive! But the channel has delivered what they promised, and I for one am proud to be a part of that family. They are really good people.
They let me shout about this blog! They let me promote our clubs! They encourage customers to go to Groovi Worldwide and ClarityWorldwide for inspiration. It’s all about give and take – it’s two-way traffic at HOCHANDA.
So NO. We aren’t going anywhere. Am I concerned? Well, of course I am! I’ve got an eye infection, a banging headache and a mouthful of ulcers to prove it! Stress does that shit to you. But I have to be true to myself, and I have to do the right thing for Clarity – and for the Clarity community. And I have to stand tall and show loyalty! If all I am doing is chasing the dollar, I really should retire right now. Because that is neither nourishing nor good for the soul.
So there you have it. Keep Calm and Carry on !!! #stickingwiththewinners.
Love & Hugs,
PS. Will you see more of Clarity in the coming months on HOCHANDA? Of course! We will be helping fill the TV schedule gaps that others have left.
PPS I think I will send this card to Paul Wright. xx
152 thoughts on “Keep Calm & Carry On!”
Loyalty is to be commended Barbara. I think I speak for many people when I say, anything you need, let us know!
It’s lovely to know what goes on, it’s sad that you are not feeling well, and hope you recover quickly,your shows are brilliant, thankyou Barbara and Team xx
Wow wasn’t expecting that but you must do what you feel is right for you and your business. Your loyal fans & customers will stand by you whatever you decide. Look forward to seeing more demos hints & tips over the coming months xx
I’m certainly happy that we are staying put Barb, Hochanda is a nicer place to be, far better atmosphere. And I’m looking forward to getting my teeth into the extra shows. All will be well xxxx
….and a big AMEN to that from me, Maria. Great to hear we’ve all got our heads down to carry on.
This Clarity family stick together like ramadamdingdong, innit! 👩👩👦👨👩👧👦👨👩👧👨👨👦👦👨👨👧👦👩👩👧👧👩👩👧👧
I’m thrilled that we could be seeing more of Clarity on Hochanda. Clarity is a true innovative craft company, you don’t copy another companies idea and tweak it a little to make it yours, like a few large craft businesses do. Clarity’s ethics, commitments, products and support to us crafters is just first class. So thank you Barbara for bring us Clarity. I hope your stress levels soon leave you and you are feeling healthy again. xxx
I hadn’t heard the rumours Barbara but I am pleased you are staying put.Business is business and there will always be movement – comings and going.
I enjoy what you do on Hochanda and the banter with the presenters.
Don’t let the stress get to you, we are all behind you. Have a great weekend. Try to get some fresh air with Dave to blow the cobwebs away. xx
I truly think you are doing the right thing. At the end of the day you have to true to yourself which is my ethos in day to day life. You have such a huge following you will be just fine.
Love n hugs
Trudy x
Thank you for the clarity. Not doing social media means I don’t know about these things until they happen. From a personal viewpoint more Clarity on Hochanda suits me just fine! I also applaud your loyalty & providing the programme format gives more uninterrupted demonstration time the customer base will only suffer a temporary hit. I know sales are key but product over personalities for me every time. Please try & take some me time this weekend, listen to your body, it’s trying to tell you something! Xxxx
I just wanted to thank you for your ‘clarity’ on the rumours and wish you every success for the future. On a different note and harking back to your blog yesterday about Barter Books – did you know that’s where the original Keep Calm and Carry On poster was discovered? What a Segway – was it deliberate?
Blimey! I didn’t know that! Magic! Xxx
More of what we love , sounds like a win, win situation.
Look after yourself Barb, sounds like you need a rest x
Barbara and dream team. I for one am right behind you. What a stressful time. Ignore daft politics. You give us a great time, provide a fantastic service and Hochanda is a far superior channel. Love you all. Besides we need our picnics with Tina. Xxx
So pleased you are staying at Hochanda love watching the shows and learning new things from people who love their craft, I’m sorry to say l don’t like watching the other channel xx
Thanks for your honesty. I love watching Hochanda and rarely watch any other crafting shows these days. I love all the guests and presenters and love being able to see the demos. I can’t believe how much hochanda has achieved in such a short time. There will always be changes and stresses in life but I agree with other comments – take a step away and find some time for yourself (perhaps plan your next pot or a refreshing but breezy walk). Thanks for all the inspiration as always 🤗🤗
Oh Barbara I wouldn’t have expected anything else from you and the team. I love Clarity and all you have done for us and long may it continue. I have been a clarity fan since forever and I can’t see that changing ever. X
With you all the way! Love Clarity, love Hochanda. Onwards and upwards – ethics, honesty and innovation make for loyal, happy customers.
I do so admire your ethics Barbara, we love seeing you on Hochanda. They give you the time to demonstrate properly.
I hate this new business world where there is no loyalty and everyone chases the money. It’s probably my age 😅.
I wish a wonderful year in your business and we look forward to all your new innovations xx
I’m proud to stand tall, by your side Barbara, and to sing the praises of you, Clarity, and Hochanda as loud as I can. (As loud as I’ll be singing “Oh flower of Scotland” in a wee bit 😉!!!) I love the Hochanda family, and the direction they are going in. And what a brilliant bunch of presenters. THE BEST CRAFT CHANNEL EVER. Hands up who agrees? Hands up who is going to support Hochanda and help them through this, in sales as well as words? Both mine are up! Obviously we’ll also all be giving as much support as possible to you Barbara, and all things Clarity, that’s a no brainer, eh everyone?!
There must be plenty wee innovative and original companies out there who would be happy to bring diversity and new custom to Hochanda. Why don’t we all have a think and send Hochanda wee suggestions of any good companies that fit this? That would be far better for the channel, and all us crafters, than the same old from the likes of Crafter’s Companion, and Tonic, in my opinion!
Love you, for sticking to your morals and principles Barb. So few people do these days, in all walks of life!
And thank you for being upfront and honest with us all, and giving us the correct info, before the rumours take off. Much, much appreciated.
Time to circle the wagons folks, big circle, not just round Clarity, but also round the Hochanda family too! We, as a whole, are greater than the sum of the parts…
Finally Barb, please, please listen to what your body is telling you, AND REST UP when you can. Plenty distraction doing what you love to when you can too. You won’t be any help to Hochanda, nor Clarity, if you get very sick, eh! And that’s what your body is currently warning you of…
Love you xxx
Hello Brenda, good to see you here again. Well said and well put ! X
Well said Brenda, lovely to hear from you xx
Well said Brenda. it’s lovely to hear from you again. x
Well said Brenda. Xx
Great to see you on here again, Brenda. We have missed your insightful common sense. I totally agree with everything you have said today. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)
Brenda says it all really were sticking with you and Hochanda aye its a no brainer..love Dot x
You’re so right, Brenda. It’s good to see you back here.
thank you everyone xx
Read this with interest Barbara! You and Clarity must be true to yourselves to move forward. Your Clarity family will support you no matter what! We trust your choices and experience. I for one thoroughly enjoy watching you on Hochanda. I also think that Hochanda have got the right mix on there. Hope you can get away from the madness with Dave for a few hours this weekend. Look after yourself! Xx
Your honest approach and communication with your staff and followers of all things Clarity has always been evident. Rest assured we will continue to support both you and Hochanda. Please make time for yourself and Dave and try not to let the stress get to you (easy for me to say I know!). Jx
I hadn’t heard the rumours but thank you for the clarification. I am delighted that you are staying at Hochanda, I love the presenters and the Clarity shows on there are terrific with great demonstrations .
I’m glad you are staying on Hochanda, I love watching you and all your great creativity and products you bring to us. I love watching Hochanda and if the Tonic and Crafter Companion are moving that will just mean that I’ll have more money to spend with you.
Thank you Barbara for sharing the true picture. There has been so much crap on FB recently. Staying true to yourself and your company ethos is why we love Clarity,your team and you. Everything you do is thought through and you never do things just to make money, your team design amazing original artwork. Clarity always offers the best customer service too. Staying with Hochanda is great as together your companies have moved my craft along to areas I would never have tried before seeing the demos on screen. Having more Clarity time is great, more ideas to use the lovely products we have. I know it must be worrying for you as you care about the people you employ and us the customers but I think there will be so much support for you and Hochanda. Please look after yourself and know that we are all here for you! Xxxxxxxxx
That’s a shame and well done you as I think loyalty is sadly missing in a lot of this modern world. I don’t like watching the other channel and will remain loyal too. I love your ethos and thank you for the pergamano you tube educational videos. Hope you feel less stressed and better soon. Take great care x
Glad you are staying with Hochanda. Love watching you and the team and there’s nothing wrong with loyalty. Hochanda is a brilliant channel, I have it on in all the rooms during the day so I am a huge fan. My bank balance screams at me though 🙃 x
Thank you for clarifying Barbara.
I love everything Clarity. Your self and team work so hard and are such an inspiration to all regardless of their ability.
I am so pleased your staying with Hochanda also and will continue watching and supporting you all.
Afternoon bloggy friends, off to the craft room this afternoon, too windy outside! Sending love to you all. Xx
Thank you Barbara for info’. So pleased you are remaining. Love all the demos from Clarity. Learning so much particularly parchment crafting. Groovi has encouraged me to return to the skill after many years. Loving the Pergamano lessons.
Put all this behind you for now, rest, get out and get well. We all need you. Best whishes to you and the team.
Thank you Barbara for info’. So pleased you are remaining. Love all the demos from Clarity. Learning so much particularly parchment crafting. Groovi has encouraged me to return to the skill after many years. Loving the Pergamano lessons.
Put all this behind you for now, rest, get out and get well. We all need you. Best wishes to you and the team.
Had no idea this was all going on. Perhaps all the moans that C&C had become Tattered Lace forced their hand to try to persuade others back who knows. We invested in Hochanda at the start so am with them all the way. Would expect nothing more from Clarity and definitely keep calm and carry on with Hochanda! Ditto all the supportive comments on here too. Hope your stress symptoms fall away, it must be a worry despite being at the top of your class ! Look after yourselves. X
I’m not on social media sites so this is news to me. I agree that Hochanda is a brilliant craft channel and more informative than any other craft channel I have seen. Keep up the good work.
#ClarityRocks #DreamTeam
Well said Paul !
I totally agree, a great company with such talented designers and staff. The dream team.
What can I add to what others have written? You have my admiration and my loyalty. I just hope that Hochanda have other companies with your ethics that will stay and that they will continue to broadcast.
Try to have a relaxing weekend, look after yourself and enjoy the rugby. Hugs. Annette X
I don’t do social media so haven’t heard anything.thank you for the update.
Try to get some rest barbara your body is telling you too .
On yesterday’s blog I love my books stunning book shop thank you for sharing love and hugs to help you get well soon xxx
Love and hugs to all on the blog xxx
Thank you Barbara. I realised a couple of companies had already disappeared. A shame but I will stay with Hochanda. I generally prefer the style of selling on this channel so will buy from the companies that stay with them.
Glad you are staying put Barb, dont bother with the other channel anymore, not enough demo time and far too much me, me me, from certain presenters. Love Hochanda, new companies will come along soon enough, just wait and see. Take care of yourself in the meanwhile.
I agree with you I enjoy the presentaters on hochand er better. They are very professional. More Clarity on hochand er that can only be good. Love the shows
Don’t worry and stress Barbara you are doing the right thing by being loyal to a company who have been very loyal to you. You have so much comradery with the presenters it’s great to watch and have a giggle ourselves. You just carry on as normal doing what you do best, not worth getting stressed and ill in the process, wish you and Clarity all the very best to get you through any bad feelings, we are all behind you. The others may come running back with their tails between their legs if it doesn’t pan out for them. By the way loved the shows on Thursday.xxx
I wasn’t aware of the rumours, and must thank you for being upfront and for putting us in the picture. I will be staying with Hochanda and Clarity. Bring on the new shows / ideas / inspiration – we will all stick together just like Clarity members always do. Thanks Barbara xx
Barbara, I’m so glad that you and the team are staying with Hochanda. My kids grew up with the mantra that some things are more important than money. What’s the good of having all the money in the world if you lose your integrity along the way?
There will be hiccups for both you and Hochanda, but it will all work out. If you find yourself looking back later, it’ll be to say: ” there were some scary times and a lot of hard work, but we didn’t just survive, we thrived!”
I didn’t know about this, but I agree with all the great things people have said about you. You have lots of faithful followers. Sorry your not feeling so good, please get some rest. Hope the sun is shining, it is here. Xxxxx
That is a real shame that those two companies are leaving Hochanda. I can understand the concern but so glad you staying ( as if there was any doubt). Personally I never switch over to C& C these days, I much prefer Hochanda. I do so hope they manage to get through this hiccup. You are doing a brilliant job with your company but I hope you will not take on too much with more shows. xx
I absolutely love the mast/flag set and have had and used it for many cards and projects. I am so pleased you are staying with Hochanda, I stopped watching the other side before Hochanda came along, I was starved of craft for a year or so, I was over the moon when Hochanda started, such a fresh and vibrant channel. I know in my Heart the Hochanda is the place to be. I’m flying the flag too.xxx
I too hadn’t heard the news but am so pleased Clarity is staying with Hochanda. I rarely watch Create & Craft now as there is too much of the presenters talking and not enough demonstration time. Hochanda give the ‘experts’ more time and that’s how you learn. Long may it continue.
Hi Barbara hadn’t heard any of that but then don’t like gossip and some of the nastiness that’s been going on really upsets me. Cannot say willmiss them have looked onCC last couple weeks have noticed some companies on there that were On hochanda so realised bit of swapping around but not keen on presenters on there Dean is Dean but the newer ones well won’t say no more but will follow you were ever as been with you a long time love and respect you as a good friend . but glad your staying with hochanda. I am worried about you your health is say need a rest you and Dave haven’t had a break for months may be time to head off to sunshine for a rest and may be a good book look after yourself lots love Joy Xx
There will be an awful lot of crafters sunging a happy dance knowing Crafters Companion are going. For too long people have been complaining they are always on Hochanda. What with all the bad press about Sheena etc.
I for one am thrilled we will get to see more of the companies we love. Smaller, more attentive, caring companies.
I spent my birthday at Hochanda last year winning a dream day via facebook and I loved every second.
So glad you are staying at Hochanda. So much better to watch than the other channel. Felt it was beginning to lose its way especially with one Company in particular seeming to take over especially as I feel there etics are questionable to say the least. Hope it will get back to more of what was planned at the beginning…. Demos…. Letting the quality of the goods sell themselves…. Championing smaller companies. Loving the new ideas you are now putting in place for Clarity. Just one other of the larger companies I hope stays with HOCHANDA. The other two I’m not fussed about so won’t miss. Try to find time to relax…… Things change all the time…. Life will go on… For the better I’m sure. Onwards and upwards!
I can remember when you were trying to decide TV or not TV? You made a decision then that has taken you from strength to strength. The early days at C&C were brilliant, the classrooms were awesome and so so many people joined in with them and sent in their homework which I seem to remember you donated to a charity? Over time the joy seemed to go out of the shows, they cancelled the classrooms, big mistake in my personal opinion and the demos seemed to get less and less and you looked frustrated. The move to Hochanda was a brave one – new station and all its teething problems but it seemed to bring out a new enthusiasm in you and together with the Hochanda family you all grew and oozed happiness. Yes there were a few technical hitches but hey, all new channels go through it I am sure but for me the thing that changed was the energy. The energy of the presenters that worked with you, eager to learn and to let you “do your thing” and as you have said, positively promoted the company, the blog, the clubs and came across as genuine friendly people. I can only speak as I find and I think that the move to Hochanda was quite possibly one of the biggest and best decisions Clarity has ever made. All of the presenters, Paul, Maria, Tina, Linda and yourself all have that enthusiasm back and thoroughly enjoy what you are doing and it shows by the bucketload. Clarity is and always will be my “go to” company because not only are the products absolutely first class but the customer service is second to NONE!! I have said this to you on many occasions but it is what sets you apart and way way higher than the majority of other companies. You say it often – “Team Work makes the Dream Work” and you are right – so time perhaps to remember that team and give yourself and Dave a break. He has had his own issues of late and you sound pretty run down and stressed so maybe time to kick back a bit and slow down. Let that team handle the dream for a while so that you can come back relaxed, refreshed and ready to face the onslaught once more. A ship is no good without a Captain (and her first mate of course) so let the crew take the helm whilst you go landlubbing!! I wish you, Dave and the Clarity family nothing but good things for the future and long may you continue to be a Leader in your field. Much love. xxxxx
There is very little I can add to what Dawn has already said so perfectly. Hochanda have proved themselves over and over again and have listened to their customers. In my view, they are the perfect partner for the Clarity ethos. We know we can trust what Clarity does for us. I, for one, can remember the awful way that C&C treated you towards the end. They do not deserve your custom nor ours. As Sarah said, if there is anything we can do, just let us know. In the meantime, you do need to take care of your own health, both of you. We all need you, but not at the expense of your health. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)
Beautifully eloquent Dawn x
Beautifully eloquent Dawn x
I wasn’t aware of the rumours, and thank you Barbara for informing us. Your honesty is second to none, and I will be staying with you on Hochanda, and the shows on Hochanda are far superior to the ones on C & C. Everything seems more relaxed at Hochanda too, and the presenters there really care about their work plus the demonstrators of which Clarity is one do too. You will go on from strength to strength Barbara with your dedicated Team and yourself. I am sorry to hear you are not well and wish you well soon. Thank you once again and long may both Clarity and Hochanda go from strength to strength. Looking forward too to the extra Clarity shows. Marilyn
Hello ,
Might I suggest some high power Manuka honey for your poor mouth ulcers and just for the good of you!!!
Glad you are staying with Hochanda and for giving – we know it’s true now (ps you can’t see me clapping my hands!)
I can only reiterate all the previous comments. As a Hochanda investor from the beginning, of course I support it, but I was delighted Clarity were also involved. Like others I dip into C&C on passing but rarely stay. I don’t do Facebook so knew nothing about any rumours. Thank you for the clear and honest account of what’s going on. Now go and put your feet up with a cup of tea and a good book. (Now Alnwick is on a must do list. Thank you for telling us about the bookshop.) Big hug. Xx
You can trust your intuition Barbara, and I trust you. I hope you can be kind to yourself to get well soon. With love xx
Thank you Barbara, your honesty and integrity are to be applauded and your loyalty is admirable. I remember watching you, in your first TV shows, creating a beautiful image using torn paper sheets and a brayer and like many I was mesmerised. Over the years things have evolved and your company has grown in size and you have expanded your range, but it seems to me, despite the inevitable pressure that goes with shopping tv. you have never succumbed to the temptation to cut corners and for that I thank you, long may it continue.
Good luck for the future, Barbara. I’m glad you are staying with Hochanda.
Good for you Barbara. I’ve always respected your company ethics. It’s a pity some of the others don’t take a leaf out of your book. I for one like Hochanda where crafters get the chance to demonstrate without the constant hard sell.
Well done Barbara, honesty is rare. Thank you for updating us, but I must say I enjoy watching Hochanda more than C and C, less pressure and as you say it allows companies to shine.
Clarity have chosen well, and so agree that if it’s about the money, stop now, that’s not what crafting is about, it’s about fun, inspiration and watching good friends.
Now, go rest, you’re are definitely overdoing things as your body is telling you. 💖💖💖💖
So pleased you are staying. Xxx
I’d not heard the news either, so thank you for the update. Pleased you are staying with Hochanda. I’m with you and Hochanda, rarely watch Create & Craft now, too much waffle, prefer Hochanda. Love all Clarity shows, youtubes and your blog. Hope you get some rest and relaxation and feeling better soon. xxx
I was not aware of these shenanigans as I do not do social media. Yours is the only blog I read so thank you for the update. Never watch c&c now.
I have been viewing Hochanda since day 1, and was delighted that you got more time to demonstrate. Several times I have been undecided whether to buy an item but after seeing the samples from your team and the demos on screen the purchase has been made. I truly believe it is this and the consistent superb quality of the products that achieves so many sell-outs.
I will keep faith with Clarity and you and the team till I peg out as you have given me much inspiration and joy through some rough times.
Sorry you are not in the best of health, try to delegate some of the tasks to the team. Perhaps they could fill in some of the extra tv slots with some of the older products as a refresher for us and to take the pressure off you for a while.
We love and admire you Barb, and wish you well.
Hello Barbara – I’m so glad you are staying with Hochanda. Please try not to stress. You can see the effect it is having on you. Things always have a way of working out. I believe Hochanda are strong enough to weather the storm. So Barbara, as I said yesterday find that book, relax and as the saying goes, everything WILL be alright in the end. To you Barbara and all the wonderful Clarity followers out there, have a really lovely evening, lots of love to you all, Donna X
Considering how often there are Crafters Companion shows on Hochanda I am blooming surprised and somewhat dismayed at the same time – where is their loyalty?!!
I’ll be staying with you and where you go Barbara, I know that you’ll always do the honest and honorable thing so I am more than happy to stick to you like glue.
Try to take some time out to R&R – running yourself into the ground like this is not good for you xx
Ah well each to their own , i haven’t heard any rumours but all the same I am glad you are stll with hochanda I love how they let companies demonstrate.
And they have
Excellent customer service too.
Take care of yourself xxxc
Thank you for taking the time to explain about the moves…..So glad to hear you are staying with Hochanda and that your business is doing so well…. I find you a very honest and lovely human being….. All the best..
Thank you Barbara for telling us what is happening, Clarity is No 1 for me. Take care and rest over the weekend. Sue xxx
Good for you Barbara. I am so looking forward to the Craftalong and more Pergamano tool instructions. You know by your blog we are all behind you and love all your products, whichever line ofcrafting we follow.
Hope you feel better soon, keep smiling.xxxx
My note failed to print so you just got my name. Keep up the good work Barbara and we shall continue to follow Hochanda and wish it was on my TV but its not on cable/ Have to watch on my lap top
I was ripped off by Create and Craft and haven’t shopped with them since. I regularly shop with Clarity. Ethics and honesty are everything. You will keep your customers because you treat us well. Some businesses think they are so big that it doesn’t matter as they can always get another buyer, and maybe that works if their product is really good or they are a monopoly. But even the really lazy are leaving the big six energy companies… Take heart, Barbara, and relax, get well – Clarity will survive this and thrive but not without you.
Hi Barb,
As I don’t do Facebook, I didn’t know anything about rumours etc. I agree with everything everyone else has already said, especially Dawn. I rarely watch C&C these days as I get very frustrated with the downright silliness of some of the presenters and lack of demonstrations and education,unlike Hochanda. The presenters are good and are becoming more and more knowledgeable and you can see that they are enjoying their journey as well. I am very surprised at Crafters Companion considering the amount of time they are on air – I did at one point think it was becoming their channel!! Please try to take some time off to get yourself better – you have an absolutely fabulous team working for you and I’m sure they wouldn’t begrudge you the time off. If I lived closer I would volunteer to help out with anything, but it’s a bit far from Durham! Long live Clarity and all it stands for is what I say. Take care, love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi Barbara
Sending you a big hug, you sound as though you need it. Thank you for telling us what is going on, I don’t do social media so was unaware of the rumours. I’m so glad you are staying with Hochanda, youalways talk about the company and how they respect you so well done you for sticking with them, all will be well. It’s a shame the other companies are going but they probably look at the bottom line rather than how well they are treated. Things will work out I’m sure but in the meantime, more clarity, yeah. It’s lovely to see an old stamp revisited, I’m sure Paul will appreciate it. Now go and look after yourself and try and relax.
Love Diane xxx
I, for one, purchase the items i like, need and enjoy using regardless of which TV channel they appear on. Keep on producing your fantastic goods and we will continue to buy them.
Many thanks for putting us all in the picture.
Hadn’t heard the rumours either, but have to say that CC and Tonic must have been offered something of a spectacular deal to return to C&C, considering the airtime they’ve both had at Hochanda! Anyhow onward and upwards for Clarity and Hochanda. Hope you soon feel better Barb, take care xx
Hi Barbara, follow your heart then we will follow you and your team.xxx
A surprise to me too not doing social media. Never watch Create and Craft these days either. Let those who want to hard sell go and take over there and hopefully Hochanda can find plenty of new talent to complement those staying who are interested in education as well as profit. Do take care of yourself xx
So glad that you and yours are so committed to Hochanda it has a very different vibe to create and craft don’t see the attraction for them to jump ship but for sum it’s a revolving door mentality I will be loyal to Hochanda.
Remember Barbara-you can do anything😃 Reflect on how far Clarity has come over the last few years, that kind of success doesn’t just come from selling stuff, it comes from the heart with passion for what you do. We can’t control the wind but we can adjust the sails xx
Well done lovely lady for sticking by your principles. I enjoy what Hochanda is doing. I like the format and the presenters. Lots of demos and some very different products. I won’t miss Tonic or Crafter’s and never watch C&C now. The most important thing to remember in all this is to please look after yourself and Dave and the team.
we’re all with you
Hugs from Chris X
Thank goodness for the common sense approach that is Clarity, I for one will be pleased that Hochanda will no longer be dominated by these two companies (although I like them both in moderation).
Definitely look forward to seeing you demonstrating more and a bigger platform for some of the smaller companies.
Hope you feel better soon. X
Keep on keeping on Barbara!! You are appreciated greatly for your openness, honesty and integrity. Your team , ethic and products are totally amazing and the inspiration and knowledge you share has encouraged SO many. Bumps in the road are pesky and troublesome, but make for more confident driving, so take a breather, recuperate and get back to the journey. Take good care
I hadn’t heard the rumours as I don’t do social media. Glad you are staying at Hochanda. I haven’t watched C&C much since Hochanda started. When I have I have tuned in it always seems to be computer based crafting.which is not my thing. I like my stamps, stencils & inks. Long live Clarity & Hochanda!!! Do take care of yourself Barbara, nothing is more important than your health. You have a great team, let them take some of the strain while you & Dave have a bit of “me time” if you can. x
Well I for one believe Hochanda is a far superior craft channel, they have the right mix of crafts their presenters are far better than another channel I could mention and you Barbara were the first to go to them and now you show your loyalty – bravo you have made the right choice, and I like many others are so glad you have and will support you and Hochanda all the way. Good luck to those who are/have moved they are finally showing their true colours – money money money, at least I won’t be missing them same old same old……
Hello Barbara
This is the first I have heard of any problems but well done you and the team for sticking by your principles. Hochanda is by far and wide the best company for you and for us.
There was a reason why the other companies left Create & Craft in the first place. Why go back? They all deserve each other. I, for one, am looking forward to watching Clarity on Hochanda.
Keep your chin up and look after yourselves.
Well second try!never left a reply might get right this time, good luck to those who are jumping ship will they be missed errr I think not. I love Hochanda love the presenters and love that you Barbara are sticking to your guns you were the first big name to join and that sealed it for me you like some of the other smaller companies bring such a wide variety of goods demos etc, Hochanda and you are my number one and there’s only one way from here and that is up! Xxx
OMG. I, like others, do not follow anything on face book etc. What on earth has gotten into the others that they are even contemplating leaving Hochanda!!!!
I really like CC and have been a keen follower of theres. BUT I will not follow them on C&C as in the past I too have had unhappy experiences with them. I hope they have not jumped from a safe frying pan into a hot fire. I will follow CC on their own site because, as you have Barbara, they have wonderful people working for them. I will miss them on Hochanda.
I am relieved to hear you and your integrity are staying put as am I and look forward to the future with you.
Who knows the others my find the grass is not greener!!
Best wishes to all at clarity, long may you reign
E xxxxx
I am
I don’t write here very often, but read every post.
Each company must as always do what they believe is best for business. Reality is with so little choice, its one channel or the other or none. These are businesses after all.
I wonder though with two companies, who have a lot of air time, if already existing will be pushed out.
Demonstrators have though appeared much happier and relaxed on Hochanda.
I, personally, won’t watch C&C, I don’t want juvenile presenters, either screamy or being stupid.
You can pass on to Hochanda… its a much better viewer and purchaser experience.
Hochanda has everything, is a breath of fresh air, giving craft companies time to demonstrate their goods which is essential to give the viewer the best insight to want to buy. The presenters are all lovely, happy, fun loving people and if we are to get more of Clarity, what a bonus! Just make sure you look after yourself and listen to your body, your team are there and always step up so let them. Going forward is progress, going back is a sort of failure, clutching at straws. Change does cause disruption but when you have the right recipe, the results are rewarding. Xx
Thank you for keeping us informed. Like previous comments I to was unaware of the channel swapping, however I will not miss the very pushy Sara from cc she makes change channel. I felt that Hochanda had become crafters companion tv like C&C has become Tattered Lace tv. Will all the other companies that cc took over also be going like Threaders etc? What you must not do is over stretch yourselves as your health is important. Take care keep the faith and all will be well. Regards Bev xxx
Good evening Barbara
Well there is not anything left for me to say other than I agree with everything the other loyal followers have said.
I admire your loyalty and having been with HOCHANDA from day one and an admirer of everything Clarity I won’t be going anywhere soon.
Please heed the well wishers and take some me time and look after your health
#Clarity Rocks xx
I have always loved everything Clarity, and I love that you are staying with Hochanda. Rarely watch C&C much these days.
Look after yourself, and remember health comes first.
C = Class
L = Loyal
A = and
R = Real
I = Integrity
T = Thank
Y = You
That says it all !!!
Brilliant Serena x
Hi Barbara and the Clarity Team, well I think everyone on this blog have said it all I totally agree with everything.
Thank you for keeping us all in the loop, I had notice some companies had moved over to the other channel but just check the odd time to see what they are doing.
Nothing new and inspiring, I have joined the Die Club this year and from the dies I have bought from Clarity now they are inspiring and different.
Everything else is same old, same old.
Please let the others do what they do , you learn us new and different things so we can grow and get better in all different aspects of what ever craft we do.
Please look after yourselves and we will all still be there watching your brilliant team help us as always.
Sorry you are not well, we all know you have had a busy time we won’t mind if you step back , look after yourselves.
Lynn xx
Glad to see that Clarity are staying with Hochanda. Really enjoy the shows since Hochanda started, not only do you get to demonstrate the products but they are also on Rewind which is a brilliant bonus. The presenters are lovely and you can tell they are really interested in learning, you only had to see Yannis on the brilliant Pergamano show. The other shopping channel I’ve heard have had a change of management but it hasn’t changed the reason an awful lot of people were looking for more variety on craft channels. The grass is not always greener on the other side!
Looking forward to continuing to watch the Clarity shows, the continued growth of BOTH Clarity and HOCHANDA. You take care and thank you for your honesty.
Hi Barbara
I would like to add my two pennith to the above. So glad that you are staying with Hochanda. Where we get to see your demonstrations and products without the silly and enighn waffle on C&C with their constant interruptions. I know that they are a shopping channel as is Hochanda. But you seem to enjoy your demo’s on Hochanda ( I hope that is true) and we get to see the products and how to use them. I first got into Clarity at the NEC watching your demo’s. Before you went on to C&C. I have so many of your stamps and handels. Now I am into parching with Groovi (all made in the UK) which makes it so much
easier. Your team does indeed make the dream work. As others have
said. Do take care of yourself, no pressure, but we do need companies
like you and yours. As the inspiration keeps our crafting going.
Such support for you and your wise decision Barbara. Love Hochanda , love and adore Clartiy. Look after yourself pleeeeeease X
Well I’m very pleased that Clarity is staying with Hochanda, very disappointed that others are leaving, tho I feel they will be back again. I really dislike the way C&C rip their customers off with postage charges I won’t say more.
Please do look after yourself x
Thank you for sharing what is going on. Here in the US we don’t even have one crafting channel. We have a shopping channel called HSN that has a few “crafters” days a year. I found Hochanda thanks to Crafter’s Companion mentioning their facebook page on HSN and then several members commenting on Hochanda on CCs facebook page. Until then I had no idea I could order crafting supplies from the UK. I am most grateful because that is how I found Clarity and you! I have been a big fan and loyal customer ever since. I don’t know if you had heard this but HSN recently did a survey to see what companies we want on HSN and Clarity and Groovi were requested several times. I don’t know if you have any interest in that but I thought it might cheer you to know you are very loved on this side of the pond as well. I will happily continue to watch you on Hochanda for as long as you choose to be there. Now please rest up and feel better.
As I don’t do social media I haven’t been aware of any rumours so thank you for putting us in the picture.
I’m very much a fan of Hochanda, the presenters are all very good at what they do, allowing the demonstrators ample time to show us their work and all the samples. They all seem to be genuinely interested in the products and to have a great amount of knowledge of crafting and I like the way they allow you to continue a demonstration from a previous hour. I haven’t watched C and C for ages, some of the presenters get right on my wick and obviously have no great interest or knowledge about what they are selling. With Hochanda I sometimes find myself watching a show about something I will probably never do but is fascinating to watch.
Loved the Pergamano shows, learned so much, and great camera work with really good closeups.
Well done to the Clarity team for being loyal to hochanda and true to yourselves. I personally believe that C&C and Tonic get to much air time. I much prefer the new companies that are coming through not only with good products like yourself but new ideas. Quality counts and I think you are quality. These other companies churn out one thing after another and a lot are the same old not exciting. That’s where your different you bring quality and class to hochanda and I believe that Hochanda will thrive without these companies as people start turning off when it’s the same old all the time. Good luck.
Right noo Mrs stop awe this stressing out stuff and making yerself no well, you have made the right decision you went with your heart no your purse good for you girl and remember where you and Clarity are all of us will be to, so look after yerself, time for a wee bit weed whacking in Mexico me thinks . Love Dot xx
So Barbara writes that Crafters Companion and Tonic are going back to Create and Craft, yet Jodie Johnson stated yesterday afternoon that Tonic are NOT going back to Create and Craft.
Who is telling the truth?
Hello Barb, firstly, slow down on the stress, yes it is inevitable in the business world, but we want a well Barb! As you say, it is their decision and probably a very lucrative business decision. It is a pity, but at least you are sticking to your decision and being loyal to Hochanda. And I for one am glad, I do think Hochanda allows more time for demos. Anyways, take care all. Bx
I find going back to the start always helps when I feel lost in a fog of confusion and doubt you have done that guided by your moral compass you have found the centre of why you are here doing what you do money is a necessity to live but not a God to worship grounded by your integrity mindfulness and calm in the unrelenting online noise and chaos keep calm and carry on is a banner we can all carry.
Thank you for the update Barbara so glad you are staying with Hochanda. Sad to loose Crafters Companion and Tonic it will leave a big hole I look forward to more shows from Clarity. There’s always an up, I will have more money to spent on Clarity. I definitely won’t be shopping on Create and Craft I don’t like the service they provide. Love and hugs hope you feel better soon.
Thank you for sharing…..the bottom line…..there is more to life than £signs….money is great but happiness in yourself is priceless and I think thats what you have acheived ….and you are always so willing to share that happiness, your enthusiasm for what you are doing shines through and the team you have built also reflects that….take care of yourself and those nasty ulcers x
Oh Barbara, what a carry on. So glad to hear you are loyal to Hochanda, I rarely watch C&C these days, just skip through the schedule briefly and then watch Hochanda. I don’t understand how C&C. win all those awards. Hochanda give much more time to demos and the shows are so much more relaxed. It is obvious to anyone how much time and effort you give to your Company, even when your wedding, trade shows, retreats, etc are happening, you are there, inspiring us to stamp, stencil and groove. I never saw myself as anything but a sewer, but now …….
Try to delegate a bit more Barbara, as in your pottery class, we want you there for ever, but not worn out.
Thanks for the update on happenings on TV, and hope some more inspiring companies join you on Hochanda soon.
Love and hugs
Ros xx
Well I expect I’m going to be in the minority here as I’ve not watched either C&C or Hochanda I know shock horror 😂. I’m a stamper and have bought from a company for last five years but a couple of weeks ago I was poorly and laid up I decided to recline in my chair with laptop and You Tube channel. I found you Barbara and I spent a whole day glued to your videos. I was enthralled with the Gelli Plate techniques and your stamps are so different. Bet you know what’s coming next…. yep I went off and ordered from Clarity.
At the weekend I was expecting a couple of friends round to craft and I mentioned the Gelli plate were they aware of it. One of the ladies had brought three plates round for us to play with and I was even more certain I had done the right thing ordering your products.
Then on Friday another long term (and crafty friend) came round for a craft session and I introduced her to Clarity and Barbara Gray videos like me she was in craft heaven with all you had shared on your blog and You Tube and as a result we both ordered more stamps.
I’m going to be making up samples for the five ladies who craft with me once a month and hopefully they will enjoy them enough for me to be able to order for them also and we can do sessions with not only your products (but I was happy to see all the products I have here already work hand in hand with yours) so thank you for that.
I may based on your honest Clarity Barbara take a peek at the channel (I love Leonie also) but to be honest if I can now follow you where I found you that’s fine for me.
But I’m glad the lady I saw shine through on her videos is standing true to her company her team her customers and her followers.
Sounds to me though that your in need of some rest and respite for you and your man let that wonderful dream team of yours help you do just that xx
Jude welcome to the Clarity Family.xx
Thank you Annette xx
Barbara thank you for keep us up to date, and hope you feel better soon.xx
Hi Barbara,
to all of this I have to tell you that I can´t order at Hochanda for months. They have a huge problem and the result is it is not possible for customers from other countries to pay by paypal. They are not able to work it out. I have no credit card so paypal is the only way to pay for me. I´m sorry but that is a fact.
Goodness, I do do social media, but apparently with my head in the sand! I’m sure you have made the right decision for yourself and your wonderful company, and as HOCHANDA is the only shopping channel I have on my TV I’m pleased I don’t have to re-tune. We’ve had Time to Talk day this week, trying to encourage people to talk about their mental health, so thank you for sharing about your personal stress. I can recommend Mindful Art Journalling as a way to process some of those feelings. Try Workshop Muse, who seems to be a very ethical young woman offering free online workshops, just aiming to help others, and they only take 30 minutes of your time, which I know is precious. I’m not on commission, but have personally found them very helpful.
Do love Clarity products even though I don’t do the craft. I used to but it’s too painful now for me. I do love watching the programmes and am glad you are staying with Hochanda. I enjoy this channel and haven’t watched the other in years now . Too many things talked about but not craft or the demos. Good luck to you all. xxx
Wonderful blog post Barb. It just goes to show how true your Mantra is “dream work makes the team work” team work isn’t just about working together in harmony, it’s about loyalty, kindness, friendship, support and inspiration (and that’s just the start of the list!). We all love you and we all love Clarity. Hochanda are part of that team and we love them too xxx
Thank you to everyone for all the support you have shown to Barbara, Clarity and Hochanda.
The number and the size of the above posts are a measure of how well you are regarded Barbara. They say it all about you and your company. Hope reading all of them has made you feel better.
Here’s a HUGE HUG for a very special lady.
Crikey! Barbara! That’s a bit of a surprise! – Nice people stick together. You and all your team are NICE. Your products are quality and your ethics are quality. Great, we will get more Clarity on Hochanda! – Sadly, for those who are going over to C&C may well be jumping back again sooner than they anticipate when many, I know cant bare some of the C&C presenters annoying voices!, me included! Hochanda is far more superior and I am definitely not paying those P &P prices on C&C!
Feel better NOW Barbara, you are loved more! – Jules xx
Hi. Have read through above comments so will say how hard it must have been when you were approached by c and c. You have many employees and your own income to consider alongside principles etc. I watch craft shows for demos and quality products not for hearing about presenters lives and silly behaviour as cc presenters constantly behave childishly. I encouraged my son in law to invest in Hochanda at the beginning and still hope they will attract more companies to replace their income they will loose. Seems ex highlands CEO now CEO of cc is making offers too good to turn down for some c companies but high rates of returns can’t be maintained by them for ever. I’m old-fashioned in that I believe in morals and principles and loyalty and sad that some people are hopping back and forth on a whim. I d I d not renew my membership with cc last year after 5 years due to too much chat and only dip in to see sewing demos if interested. I admire your ethos and commitment and will continue to support you.
Barbara, thank you for sharing the update and a big thank you for your integrity, honesty and overall enthusiasm. So much has been said above in support and love of you and the whole Clarity team, I can only agree and add my small voice to the “Clarity chorus”. I have been crafting with Clarity since the beginning, and look forward to a long and continuing crafty relationship. You are the best in all you do and that goes for the whole Clarity team. As Paul so elegantly puts it – Clarity Rocks. And Hochanda are a perfect partner and window for all things Clarity. However, first, foremost and most important of all – look after and take care of yourself! We need you and Dave to be fit, healthy and full of life! Stay Calm and Keep on Clarity!
Hi Barbara – I have been on the missing list for quite a while, due to illness and sorting and packing for our big house move.
Even though I do go on FB sometimes, I’m by no means an avid user of it, but I haven’t noticed anything about the move back to C & C for those companies. I haven’t watched C & C since the launch of Hochanda and have watched it grow and improve. You have been there to guide them through some troubled waters at times.
I really feel for you and for Hochanda, but I am sure that all will be well. Their format is way superior to any other craft channel and I think that they will continue to thrive. It would be lovely to see other smaller companies coming on board with them, with perhaps some totally different types of crafts.
Please don’t wear yourself out with trying to fix it all yourself – your body won’t be able to take that and we all need you to continue to be well enough, as do your family (which includes your employees). You really do underestimate what a big part you play in all of our lives!
When I went to the Open Day in Leyburn in 2017, I can truly say that it was one of the best days of my life. Meeting you was so wonderful! After our initial hello and lovely hug, I felt as though I had known you for years. Which of course I had, but only through tv. I love that you are just the same on tv and in real life.
Sending you and Dave love and special hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi bloggy friends – sending you all love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hope to see you Barbara at Birmingham and to tell you personally that you have made the right decision, we are all right behind you and trust your judgement, what do they say as one door closes another opens and i have found in this life that is true, you will come through this unpleasnt blip stronger than ever with us all behind you, Marion
I don’t watch or use C&C, don’t like their ethics or format, I won’t miss either company you named, I would miss clarity and definitely Leonie and her shows which bring companies previously unknown to so many of us. Hochanda was like a breath of fresh air, a complete ‘and relax’ kind of moment giving the guests time to demo properly, I shan’t change my opinion, just hope they can weather the storm, fingers crossed, and here’s to more clarity on telly x
So pleased that you’re stick g to your principles. I did worry when Jamie Martin moved back to C&C that some of the Hochanda companies would be wooed back – but C&C have such a bad reputation and such a different business model, I suspect the honeymoon may be over quickly for those who move back. Trust your instincts! I’m proud to be a Hochanda shareholder. X
Long may you and Hochanda continue to work together and flourish. What a brilliant force you make – inspiring and encouraging so many crafters. I am so grateful you have decided to remain part of the same family. Here’s to your well deserved current and future success.
Sorry your feeling rough but great to read so much support not just for Clarity but for Hochanda too. By far the best channel and their philosophy of learning and entertainment mean the selling comes naturally and the focus on the guest and products really works. So much better than the irritating self promotion of the presenters elsewhere. Others might move away but H seem to keep finding little gems of originality.
I followed Clarity to Hochanda from the other channel when you didn’t appear one Sunday, no explanation was given. Your web site was promoting Hochanda, so I gave it a try, OK those early days were a not so professional. but hey, Leonie joined and all was great. I also know a small company who occasionally appear and I was told that C & C don’t have a very good reputation.
With you and HOCHANDA all the way Barbara. Sometimes you just have to stand up for what you believe in. I don’t watch the other channel and like others have no intention in doing so. I’m sure HOCHANDA will continue to grow whilst maintaining its philosophy. Hope you feel better soon xx
Found it! So many messages of support for you & your lovely team. I wanted to thank you for your blog & for explaining things so eloquently Barbara. I’d seen a few comments, but was a little confused as to what was happening. I truly appreciate your honesty & am very relieved that you will be continuing with HOCHANDA. I look forward to enjoying your products & demos in the future. Hope you feel better soon. Take care, all good wishes to you & everyone at Clarity. 💖💖💐💐 😻 xx
Sorry to hear you are under the weather and feeling stressed, and no wonder with all this going on. I like most others had no idea what was happening, but for some people the grass is always greener on the other side and I expect when the grass becomes a bit parched there they will want to return back where they came from. I think you are wise to stay put and be loyal to Hochanda as they appear to have the right ethos and have helped you to grow in the right way. Those that are pushed too hard will eventually crash and burn, and I don’t think that will happen to you because they rightly value you Barbara, as we all do too. Just continue to be the lovely person you are. x
What a lot of lovely feedback for both Clarity and Hochanda! I hope that you get chance to read them all. Hochanda was my doorway to Clarity and crafting and appreciate the underlying family ethic and inclusiveness of Hochanda and was disappointed to hear about the imminent departures. I only watch Hochanda and find the other channel unwatchable.
It will be very interesting to see how things evolve. Good luck and keep up the good work x
I love how honest and open you are Barbara! Good for you, and well said and all that. Stay true to yourself, it’s the best way. I used to be a C & C viewer, but I’ve moved over to Hochanda. So much better, it’s fun to watch, it’s about the crafts. They spend time on the demos, and show passion for the brands they share. On the other channel I find myself cringing at the behaviour of some of the presenters, all the pathetic giggling and private jokes between them doesn’t make good viewing in my opinion. I wish you and Hochanda the very best of luck, you both deserve it!
I live in the US and had never known about craft shopping channels. I found Claritystamp on YouTube somehow and Barbara led me to Hochanda. I’ve been following both for a couple of years now. I’ve had very good experiences with both companies. I now start my day with coffee and Hochanda. (much better than watching the news!)
I’ve looked at Create and Craft a few times since reading this post, and just could not watch for more than a few minutes. I watch on my computer and the window with the show is much smaller, the rest of the screen is very cluttered and I did not enjoy the style of the presenters. Also, their privacy policy is rather frightening. (Yeah I read that stuff- it’s why I will never have a facebook account)
Thanks Barbara for keeping us informed. Your blog is the first thing I read when I come home from work and I always watch your Youtube videos and never miss you on Hochanda. They are my happy places in a crazy world.
I am new to your blog only with Horganza for several months. Here in the states we have HSN craft day it is fine but not much time given to demo! Before Hochanda I watched CC only channel available! Then discovered Hochanda quite different from the chaotic job of selling! I could relax with a cuppa for an hour & could see demos that were so helpful. I was sold & have been a loyal fan since. Hosts are amazing not interrupting the guests! So many new things I was introduced to! Clarity & your lovely team are among my favorites. I quite admire Hochanda for bringing the small businesses to their show so many new designs & lovely people to view! I do enjoy your blogs Barbara Gray & have learned so much from you videos. This blog says it all. There is something to be said about loyalty! Looking forward to all your fab demos. Bless you & your talented team!
First Barbara, your health is the most important issue at the moment. If you don’t take care of yourself, no one else will, please put yourself and family first. Now, on the other issues, crafters are very fickle people, but on the other hand, they are also committed in their own way. It has been very interesting to watch the changes that have occurred in the USA since the introduction of the UK companies. Actually, when create & craft introduced the crafting channel, the industry started to change due to people starving for demos, new products, social media, and the lack of this due to the shutdown of maw and pop stores here in the US by the big industries. As a long time crafter, I don’t think I have ever seen the massive amount of competition as there is now. I own many of your products and it does not matter which channel you are on, I will continue to shop with you. I am sure that your followers will continue to do the same. Your decisions should be personal one, where you are most secure. Follow your heart and lots of luck. Again, stop and take care of you, this will past as all things.
Barbara I do hope you take strength from these comments and assurance that you have made the right decision for your company and team.
Drawing on my business experience and intuition I would suspect that c&c have engaged this strategy to reduce the competition risk. Therefore the companies that are moving across are likely to find that after the honeymoon period they will find themselves supressed or unable to compete directly with the large dominant brands that could “copy” products and could reduce pricing to maintain share.
It would be great if hochanda could secure some key brands to move across who no doubt are finding themselves in this position today and concerned about the potential issues. Hunkydory? They also need a paper and card supply company that offers good quality at reasonable pricing. Linda Chapman?
When you feel your stress levels rise just sit back and enjoy the pleasure of not being involved in what is to come. You have stability and loyalty and of course high quality products.
Stay strong and positive!