Twas the Night Stamps – Finally finished!
Hi there!
Good of you to drop in.
Big day tomorrow for us on telly, so I do hope you have time to tune in to HOCHANDA, 2-4pm
From 2-4pm I shall be showcasing a collection of Claritystamps which are very dear to my heart. I drew them myself –
Twas the Night before Christmas.
Years ago, when Grace and Mark were just toddlers, I – like many parents – used to read them the poem by Clement Clarke Moore. This became a family tradition on Christmas Eve at our house, because we celebrate Christmas on the 24th.
So I decided to draw the poem for the kids. It started with the first three. Then I added 2 more. Or was it 3?
Years later, I got round to drawing the next couple,
…and so it went on. Every few years, when I had the time and the inclination, I would settle down and draw another few verses.
I did draw what I call a Universal Framer, to frame the little verses on cards and in booklets, because by now many of you had started collecting the stamps, and were looking for a way to present them . The mice on a crescent were a big favourite, too.
If I had a pound for every time somebody asked me when I was going to finish the poem, sheesh!
But you know how it is. Life gets in the way, busy busy busy, and not much time for drawing. It’s been years since the last batch, hasn’t it?! Then, early this year, I dug deep, and this is what I realised.
I think that I actually shut down a bit on the poem because it brought up the past way too much, and made me remember that I miss the kids so much nowadays. So I turned it around in my head and decided to embrace the whole thing, and find some kind of closure. Grace and Mark are healthy, beautiful, balanced, educated and very happy adults, so what is my problem?!?!? That’s right – it’s MY problem, and it really isn’t one in the bigger picture, is it?
So I set to work, and then thoroughly enjoyed drawing up the last 5.
That’s it. That’s the end. I finally got there. There are several stanzas which I have omitted over the years, because the poem is very long! But the chronology is there, and the story is right.
Each of the little verses stands lovely alone, too.
Julie Dunn
Or they can be used together to create a whole Christmas tale.
Linda Spencer
Use them with our stencils….Carole Panksztelo
…or marry them up with Jayne Nestorenko’s wonderful Christmas Claritystamps. They have a similar flavour, don’t they.
Andy Duggan
When you tune in tomorrow, I will be able to show you a couple of superb little story books which a few of the ever clever Design team have made. Very precious gifts they would make too.
Anyway, that’s what’s in store from 2 to 4. I just want to give you a little background, and level with you about why it has taken soooo very long to finish the job. I’m usually not bad at project completion; taught myself that discipline years ago. But this little project did a number on me, and it took me a while to figure out why.
Hope you like the new 5. There are 15 altogether now. Get one, get a few, complete the set – or get the lot!
I’ve got lots of tricks and techniques to share with you tomorrow, time permitting.
Love & Hugs,
42 thoughts on “Twas the Night Stamps – Finally finished!”
And very lovely they all are too!
I for one am so glad you have found the time to finish the story…. I now have my five nieces and nephews Christmas cards covered!!! As my sil keeps all the cards I make them they will have the full set this year!
Really looking forward to the shows!
Love and hugs! Xxx
Wonderful display of these fabulous stamps, love each and everyone! x
Hate to ask as we crafters always want more will this be created as groovi plates as well look beautiful xx
Oooh, I hope so Lynn as I have all the stamps and all the plates so far.
Love, Roz.xxx
And me. Rosalind. That poem is very dear to me too, and it will be wonderful to have the full set. Well done,Barbara. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)
Yes, I hope the come out as Groovi plates too…
Yay. I have the first 10 in both stamp and Groovi formats so it will be great to finally complete my stamp set. Fabulous art work.
i have all others so need to get rest then they lovely x
Thank you Barbara for completing this set. I bought the Groovi plates early on and was so pleased with them. Looking forward to getting the last 5 which I assume will be coming out soon as you now have the artwork.
The TTN stamps are on my shopping list for this weekend.
I have typed and printed the missing verses (yes it is a long poem) in a compatible font and sized them to fit into the framer and these will be slotted on he appropriate places on my projest.
The samples above are lovely, well done design team, looking forward to seeing more on the show.
sorry about the typo’s – its so hot here my fingers won’t behave.
I have the original ten in groovi so can I ask if the final five will also be be done in groovi as well
How lovely, so pleased you were able to finish the poem and find a positive spin. Looking forward to their Groovi release xx
Very lovely designs, and thanks for finishing the poem, and for sharing your personal challenge in completing them. It’s funny how we makes links in our head which stop us from doing something which seems to have no real connection, isn’t it? x
These will be so so popular and am looking forward to seeing what you do tomorrow Barbara. I can understand why you found it difficult to finish the story but It’s great you got your head round it and got there in the end. x
Thank you Barbara – these final five are a definite must have to complete my set. Love the original 10 and these are just as lovely xx
what lovely stamps just a little question are these stamps the same size as the original ones only I’ve those
will be taping and watching and maybe ordering
How fab are these. A definite must have to complete the set me thinks. Great work from the design team as always. Glad you were able to put a positive spin on the poem in order to finish it Barb. Looking fwd to watching the shows. xx
Love this poem, just makes Christmas. Looking forward to the techniques you show us tomorrow. I know how you feel about wanting (and not wanting) to finish a project. I have a scrapbook with one month to finish but it’s a very painful month even a few years on. One day I will complete it, when the time is right. Xx
Afternoon bloggy friends, just stopped crafting and remembered I was hungry a few hours ago! Fed Phoebe and thought about lunch for me but got side tracked! Better go and see what I can rustle up for dinner. Xx
Hello Barbara
How lovely. I will be tuning in and definitely buying these as I already have the first 10.
Will then sit back and wait for them in Groovi plates.
They’re fabulous. I’ve made each of my children a book with the previous collection of stamps, but I can’t add more to the books. Guess I’ll have to make new books, and I shall enjoy doing those.
Dear Barbara. I do love reading your blog. Always so interesting. The stamps look great. I haven’t heard much of the poem must look it up. Like you I miss my three children very much, especially as they all live so far away. Look forward to watching you on Sunday. Xxx
These are stunning Barbara, as are the samples made by the DT. This post really brought me to tears, as it was also tradition in our house to read the book on Christmas Eve. My two daughters, who are now in their 40’s, have kept it going and read it to their children. I made books for them when they were born and wish that your artwork had been available then. My younger daughter and her three children live in Vancouver, so I can relate to how you feel about them living far away.
I was told that you should give your children roots and wings, as they are then able to fly back to you. I didn’t realise how true this would be.
Looking forward to the shows tomorrow, which will be another sellout, I am sure. Take care. Annette X
Oh what a great ending….both for you and the stamp collectors! Now going to be naughty and ask if we’re also getting them in Groovi as I’ve got all the other plates…fingers crossed. Looking forward to tomorrow and Monday’s shows, recorder is set and I’ll be watching ‘live’ too. Safe journey both there and back and try to ‘chill’ in the studio despite the heat! xxx
Hello Barbara – the stamps are lovely. Whatever memories these stamps evoke you should be proud. Have to work till four tomorrow but will record the shows. Will definitely be watching the ODS. Relax and enjoy your evening. Lots of love Donna X
What a labour of love, Barbara. I’m glad you have managed to get your head straight. You have every right to be proud of Grace and Mark, they are credit to you. It must be so hard for you with them being so far away. Good luck to you and Paul for the shows tomorrow and Monday, not that you will need it.x
Got the first ten so will have to get the last five love what design team has done with them. Looks like going to be busy converting them to groovi as well haven’t got any in groovi was thinking though how could use stamps on coloured parchment and groovi etc may be that’s something your doing so will watch closely for more ideas. Love how Andy added Jaynes stamps for back ground staff traveling be watching xxx
I’m off on holiday tomorrow so will miss the show. (sad face) Might be able to catch up next week or maybe you could do a bit on You Tube Tuesday! Loving the stamps.
Just one more sleep! I can hear the first 10 doing a happy dance …. No wait, that’s just me 😁
I’m glad that you have been able to bring yourself to complete the set and find closure. I can imagine that preparations over the past year or so for the 25th anniversary must have brought back a lot of memories. I hardly ever comment, but I have been reading your blog from the start Barbara. One post that particularly stood out for me was the one with the post it notes everywhere and yet here you are all these years later, not only “still standing” but also knowing that Grace and Mark have grown into confident, happy and as you said well balanced adults. That’s definitely a cause for celebration and what better way than with the long awaited final ‘Twas the night stamps. I think night shifts are in the air again 😁
We love these stamps and have collected them over the years. Can’t wait to finish our collection. Fantastic work Barbara and team as always. We are looking forward to the show x x x
I’m taking Samuel to a charity event for his old school today but don’t want to miss the show so will be recording it. We shall watch it together when we get back. I think Samuel recognises you on the telly ❤️ xx
Hi Barbara
I’m so pleased you turned it round to a possitive to finish the set as these stamps are gorgeous. It wasn’t a poem I knew but bought a few of the first ones a few years ago to make quick Christmas cards with, gave one to a friend and found out the poem has lots of happy memories for her. One day I will collect the set and give her a lovely treat. The new stamps are fantastic and the design team samples are amazing. Have fun today, I will be watching.
Love Diane xxx
Hello Barb, what a superb set of stamps, so pleased that with thoughts of Grace and Mark, you decided to finish the last 5. The artwork shown here is gorgeous as always. And I am sure there are going to be lots of happy crafters this afternoon, and plenty of buying. Looking forward to the shows. Take care all. Bx
WOW! love the new ‘take’ on presenting these. I had a sneaky feeling these would be around soon – the new ones are on my Leyburn shopping list! I hope there will be some left.
What do Grace and Mark reckon to them?
Maggie (Yorkite) the ONLY Maggie.
PS have you been listening to the Maya Angelou story on radio 4? – I think SHE may be your next revisit to old stamps!!
A beautiful set now finished out must be so proud looking forward to the shows xxx
That was supposed to say you
That should say you xx
That should say you
Crafting hugs to all on the blog love sheila xxx
Hi Barb
Wishing you and Paul every success with your shows. I have set them up to record, but will try and watch them at the same time.
I think that many of us look at our adult children and wish to see them as children again, I know I do, so you are not alone in missing those childhood years.
Love & Hugs
Hi Barbara
Many good wishes to you both. Xxx
So pleased to have got the remaining five stamps as have long awaited them. Barbara, when your grandchildren come along, God willing, you will indeed see your children again through their eyes. Blessings.