Then and Now….
Hi there!
Thanks for popping in.
Friday’s blog a private peek, right? Well today is a big day at Clarity. We have broken new ground – literally.
Let me explain….
I remember all too well the very first time we got a delivery ready to deliver up to Create & Craft, for the very first TV show.
It took forever to make the stock! But we were so proud of ourselves!
Dutchie and Duke wanted to be in on the action too. Ahhhh. They went off to Rainbow Bridge years ago now.
Here we see Dave, all ready for the off.
Little did we know then, that we would be making that trip up to Peterborough many times each month – for the next 10 years!
And today? Well today we have packed another truck; this time its destination is Düsseldorf, Germany – the home of QVC.
Paul, Dave and Steve have been sweating bullets over this one for many weeks, I can tell you!
This is a whole other ball park! Just look at the van this time !!!
Good job we bought a fork lift last month!
I bet Paul never wants to check another box, barcode or label again !!! Couldn’t have done it without him.
And it’ a good job Steve knows how to drive it too!
The lorry driver only speaks Spanish (muy handy), so I was just trying to tell Paul on the phone how to say, “This lot needs to be at the QVC warehouse at 7.30 Monday morning, or we are dead in the agua!”
Me? Nowhere near the building! I’ve been gearing up for the actual pilot show on 25th July.
In the words of Del Boy, “He who dares…”
But it just goes to show you. Slowly slowly, catchee monkey. I wonder if the Germans will like our Groovi system….I blimming hope so – or that Spaniard will be bringing it all back again !!
Time to have a coffee and – breathe –
Love & hugs,
58 thoughts on “Then and Now….”
Hello Barbara – may everything in Germany go smoothly. From little acorns mighty oaks grow and you certainly have grown. Relax and enjoy the rest of the day, lots of love Donna X
Best of luck with this new venture. I’m sure you will a big success
Hi Barbara and everyone, I say good on you all just remember team work makes the dream work.!!!!!
All the best for your shows over there, as always you
Won’t need it i am sure things will fly out the doors.
This is the other side which most people would not see.
All my best wishes.
Lynn xx
You’ll rock it Barbara…………. I’m sure the German crafters will love it. C xx
What’s not to like😂 The good people of Germany watch out your lives will never be the same again once you’re on the Groovi train!
Wowzo. Big changes
Well done Clarity Team!!
You will be fine. Quality always sells and there’s no better quality than Clarity.
A big good luck hug from Chris
Congratulations…..QVC Germany…..wow! I am sure all will go well and they will love you….and you speak the lingo….it was meant to be! There’s no stopping you….I am so pleased for you and have watched you grow….nobody deserves it more. xx
Speaking as a half-German person, like yourself, I think you can have every confidence that Groovi will go down well in Germany. What does your mum think? I’d wish you luck, but you don’t need it 😊
Barbara, I’m sure you crafters here im Germany will just love Groovi too! Good Luck for your first show on QVC! Am in Germany atm (and actually not far from Düsseldorf ) and of course, will be watching on 25th! What time will your show be on? Alles Liebe Heidi xxx
Cor! Busy busy! Onwards and upwards team Clarity!
Wow, that’s an amazing achievement, you must be very proud of yourself and the great team you have.
Thanks to Carol Baker I am now pleased to say I am hooked on Groovi, all the best in Germany x
My, that’s a big one!
I hope it all goes well and you sell out of everything you have to sell!
Looking forward to seeing you on Monday!
Love ya loads xxxx
well Clarity does it again the Germans will love whatever’s in those boxes I’m sure The English can’t be the only ones that love Groovi etc hope all goes well with the shows
Love Fran x
Oh, we in Scotland also love it, as do the Welsh and Irish 😉.
Fabulous product.
Wow! Fingers crossed that your truck arrives where it needs to be and that your shows are a success. The German audience will love all things Clarity I’m sure. Xx
Wow, can you remember Barb how you worried about whether or not to do TV? I bet that seems like a lifetime ago? I am sure the Germans will love your stuff just as much as we do. Barbara Gray heading for world domination in the craft world!! Lol I bet you thought that was a huge order at the time too!! Onwards and upwards eh?
Much love xxxxxxx
Afternoon bloggy friends, hope all are well. Enjoying watching Wimbledon mens semi final at the moment, both so tall! Xx
Hi Donna,
What a match! Love and hugs Alison xxx
Can’t believe it’s still going. Now I want them both to win!
No doubt about it they will love it. What’s not to like 💕💕
I really don’t see how you can fail. It’s a very addictive craft with beautiful achievable results.
Sending you lots of good wishes for your first show. What an amazing difference. x
OMG!😳 what a lot! First of all though, you and Dave don’t look a day older than 10 years ago, so obviously stress keeps you young! I remember your first show on C&C and how nervous you were. Just look how far you have come and what a wonderfully successful company you have. Teamwork really does make the dream work when you have a team like yours.
Germany will love Groovi, as many German folk put their work on Pinterest and I have seen some beautiful parchment pieces.
Have a great weekend. Annette X
Wow Barbara – there’s no stopping you is there. Do hope all goes as well in Germany as it has in the UK. They will soon find out that Clarity quality can’t be beaten.
You are an excellent demonstrator so if the nerves threaten to cut in take some deep breaths and remember WE ALL LOVE YOU.
The Germans will love it. Everything Clarity is A1 and better. Been a hard week here but next week will be wonderful at the retreat.
Also must mention Maria’s shows. They were superb. Such talent and so calm.
Well done to everyone at Clarity xx
Wow, that’s such fantastic news. Hope everything goes swimmingly in that agua and all that’s left in that lorry is dust 😀
Go Barbara, go Barbara and Dave of course … oh and Paul with the lovely red knee’s xxxx
Oh my goodness, that’s a BIG lorry. I’m certain that Germany will love all things Clarity/Groovi just as much as we do but good luck anyway.
Thank you for my Rainbow River pad which arrived yesterday and my gift voucher which I found in my spam messages ( !), don’t know why some of my Clarity emails end up there. I shall enjoy choosing this weekend.
Still hot here in Cornwall, poor plants are wilting.
Wishing everyone a great weekend xx
How could they not like it Barbara. Best of luck
Oh wow! I hope the Spanish lorry driver gets there in time, and I’m sure we’ll all be able to see your beaming smile from here when it all sells out!!! From little acorns …. x
Wow,so pleased that you recorded these moments so you can see how well you have done and how far you have come. Totally well deserved. I am sure they will love it an more to the point love you
Congratulations on joining QVC Deutschland with your wonderful products! Have already marked the 25th, 16.oo hrs British time, to watch. (It’s an all day crafting day there.) May be you offer different products there as the German “crafting taste” is a bit different to the British. But Groovi is so unique, certainly has become my favourite crafting medium; and that’s saying a lot being in my 8th decade. Many MANY good wishes for a successful show. Alles Liebe, Jutta
Hi Barb,
Blooming heck, that’s one big lorry! I hope to goodness that the Spanish driver gets it to Germany on time. I remember your first show and how nervous you were ( with your drippy nose and sweaty palms!). Seems like forever ago and look at Clarity now. No one can beat you for quality and I’m sure that the Germans will love Groovi and become as addicted as we all are. Love and hugs, Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope everyone is ok. The day has been muggy again here although at about 3pm the sun came out and it’s been lovely since then. Sent Dave out to water the hanging baskets and tubs and suddenly there was a scream! Went out to see what was the matter to find Dave dripping wet – the hosepipe had burst and given him a very cold shower!! I did try not to laugh, honest! Love and hugs to you all, Alison xxxx
Oh poor Dave, I’m sure you were very sympathetic Alison. We finally had some of the wet stuff here, not a lot but it’s made the air feel a bit fresher. Xxx
Wow, that’s some stock Barbara! It will be great I’m sure and can just imagine all the hard work from the team to make this happen. x
Wow, good luck in Germany. I am sure they will love the concept. AS far as I know they do NOT have anything like the Groovi system. Have a great weekend Pia
Wow Flipping heck Barbara hats off to ya and your team. Let Paul-out to get some sun on his little milk bottle legs lol
Congratulations they are going to love the groovi system and i would not be surprised if it was like here sell out after sell out.
Well done everyone at Clarity! xxx
Hi Barb, that Spaniards ( as you put it ) lol
Definitely won’t be bringing the groovi stuff back.
Good luck in Germany from Christine.
Hallo Barbara,
ich freue mich Dich endlich wieder im Deutschen
Fernsehen zu sehen. Du musst nachliefern.
Ich hoffe Du bekommst bei QVC mehr Stunden und wir sehen uns regelmäßig.
Du hast eine große Fangemeinde in Deutschland.
Gruß Konny
Hi Barbara
WOW! You and Dave haven’t changed a bit in 10 years!!
You and your wonderful team work so hard and support each other at every step of the way, it is amazing.
I’m sure with your inspirational tuition the Germans will learn to love your Groovi system in the same way that us Brits have.
I’m sure you will have sell out shows whilst you are there.
Love & Hugs
You mean the Germans havent seen the groovi system yet? What took you so long to get around to telling them? Seriously though, they will love it just as we do.
Hi Barbara
Well you and Dave look as glamorous now as you did then. Blimey that’s a heck of a lot of stock, fingers crossed it will fly off the shelves and you will be a huge success. I had to laugh at the Spanish truck driver, typical isn’t it. Will be thinking of you doing the shows, you will be fabulous enjoy your weekend.
Love Diane xxx
Wow fabulous how things have changed that some lorry load first of many Germany are going to love clarity as much as we do a your going to blow there socks of and their bank balances all those lovely new clarity fans. You must all be chattered rest up we are all coming to town next week we are on count down Katie’s case is backed mine tomorrow on our way Sunday morning yah we are coming to play xxx xxx
Good luck to I don’t think you’ll need it, the Groovi system is amazing, great team work x
Wow, busy, busy at Clarity Towers. Have you invented a 48 hour day as you seem to pack so much in its a wonder you don’t meet yourselves coming backwards !! I am sure all the German QVC viewers will love Groovi as much as we do here in the UK.
Hope everyone has a fabulous time at the Retreats next week, look forward to some pictures of what you all get up to.
Wow, I know everything’s gone up over the years…the size of that lorry definitely proves it!
I’m sure Clarity will be a huge success in Germany, they’ll not know what’s hit them!
Have a great weekend one and all, rest up before he Retreats xx
I am sure they will absolutely love it. The dream team have certainly earned their tea break today 😂. I’m hoping to pop in on Monday and say hi to everyone. Samuel has lots of thank you hugs to dish out!
Love always Rx
Hello All the Clarity team, what a wonderful step into the unknown. I bet that the contents of those boxes are going to be very popular, and loved as much on the continent as it is here. And I am sure the Spanish driver will get it there pronto. Good luck for the shows in Germany. Bx
Wishing you every success. It’s a given! xx
Good luck with your new venture in Germany, I’m sure they will love it.
Hi Barb, wow your dream has certainly blossomed. Good luck in Germany, I’m sure everyone will love the Groovi system just like we do. Love and hugs,
Alison D x
Hallo Barbara, viel Glück und Erfolg bei QVC. Sie haben allerdings schon viele deutsche Freunde und Käufer, die seit Jahren Ihre Präsentationen bei Hochanda verfolgen.Ich freue mich auf den 25.Juli.
Bis dann:alles Gute , guten Verkauf Ihnen und Ihrem Team
You have a winner in groovi what’s not to like. I hope you have to add extra to what you have see how it has taken off in uk. You and Bob deserve it xx
Hallo Barb,
ich freue mich Dich bei QVC Deutschland zu sehen. Ich gratuliere herzlichst.
Lieben Gruß
aus Zirndorf/Fürth
Viel Glueck . Alles wird klappen!
That’s fantastic….congratulations on the mammoth task this end…good luck with the shows…ps love yr blogg s…always cheer me up…inspired as well x