Chantilly Lace & Netting Plates Sale
Hi there,
Thanks for popping in.
I was having a sort out the other day, and came across a little file of Groovi plays and experimental pieces, which Paul and I did when we first started out on the Groovi trail. Basic maybe, but we were pretty chuffed!
They were all done using the Lace borders, and there was one using a netting plate too…
Simple square frames,
Different corner options on the frames,
Nested lace frames,
Different shaped frames,
Wrapping the lace round circles,
Using the lace to make message plaques,
and there there was our very first ButterflyWreath plate
with the netting in the background. Blimey! That took me back.
(Still one of my faves)
I think that sometimes we are so busy trundling forwards, that we forget the loveliness we have already got in the cupboard!
Our Jim designed these – they are fantastic really.
So this weekend, we are dragging all 3 lace borders and the 3 netting plates back to the top of the pile.
Tomorrow, we can look at some lovely finished samples from the team, and I will do a little step by step, to show the newcomer how it works, how you wrap a straight lace border around a round frame. It’s very simple.
In the meantime, if you haven’t got these plates, now would be a good time to treat yourself! Pound for pound, hour for hour, these you will get A LOT OF mileage out of.
See you tomorrow,
Love & Hugs,
PS. Your Clarity Club Members 10% -15% discount is added too.
If you’re not in the clubs, new year, new beginning? Might be a good time to join!
25 thoughts on “Chantilly Lace & Netting Plates Sale”
Well, would you believe I have all these LOL ! Not sure I’ve used the border plates either – must get them out or a go ! X
I know I have some border plates but I'm not sure which they are lol. I must dig them out and have a play again. It's been quite a while since I played with my Groovi plates, even the baby ones that I get every month with being a diamond club member xxx
Guilty too. I forgot about these beautiful plates. Inspiration is always great, just helps to get you started. Thank-you. xx
There was one of those missing from my collection so I ordered it last night. Gorgeous, delicate and just the right amount of ornamentation.
I've got all these and remember them being 'aired', loved the lovely designs,demo's and samples which is why I bought them in the first place. As it's a football, dates and horse racing TV marathon for my OH this afternoon I may just be playing in my craft room! Xxx
Oops that should be darts, if it was dates I'd have something to worry about wouldn't I?
Definitely!! xx
It’s surprising what we have in our stash that we have forgotten about. Love the way you have done the frames using the corners & border plates, I need to get mine out & have a play.
I love these plates and hav often used them. They are so versatile for so many projects.
Hope you are having a good weekend. Today I need to arrange the flowers for church and then we have the church ceilidh this evening which Hubbie is playing in the band.
Have a lovely evening xx
Thank you for digging these out again. I have the borders and one netting plate. You are so right that we forget what we have already, I must have a go again with them! xx
Love to all bloggy pals. I am up and running with my new laptop and I can actually watch Hochanda on rewind now!! Only downside is that publishing any posts on here takes ages. xx
I have all and have used two – hence remaining true to my New Year Resolution. Toying with an idea of creating a Groovi Journey Journal with all my play pieces! (I don’t mean my school playtime snack – affectionately known in areas of Scotland as a play-piece!) ;~}
spent the day clearing my craft room and my paper etc room! As you say it is amazing what you find that has been lost for months, nay years. I have been banned from any craft site by my husband until I use what I have! He is kidding. I can hide my orders to Clarity, or so I think. Going to make something tomorrow. As my mother used to say, the dust will still be there tomorrow
Best wishes and love to everyone
Anne (Reading)
Very pretty work and beautiful plates Barbara,and I hate to say that I also have all sorts of things that unfortunately get forgotten and it's only when having a clear out I find and resurrect them…lol. I tell myself every new year that I muat not buy things and not use them. x
Hello Barbara
Love these plates and I am sure I remember some, if not all, those samples. Beautiful. It is good to go back and revisit.
Having the three lace border plates on my wish list, I can feel another order coming on. Have a lovely relaxing evening. xx
Thank you for the reminder, I have them all except the large netting plate so will be ordering it. It's funny how we use all the newer plates as they come but forget the older ones, can't remember using the border plates at all, so must remedy that. Looking forward to seeing more tomorrow as they look so pretty.xxx
Remember playing with them great fun loved them xxx
Hi Barbara
I've got these plates too tucked into my stash, I must get them out and use them as they look lovely on the nesting squares. I'm looking forward to finding out how you wrap a straight boarder round a curve, think I tried it a couple of times and got in a real mess. I can hopefully craft along with Barbara. It's amazing how far you've come isn't it, the cut edge looks fab but it would now be a picot cut edge. I have to say the butterfly wreath is still one of my go to plates, lovely isn't it. I renewed my membership on Friday, thank you for the reminder email, one of those things put to one side to deal with after Christmas, now sorted.
Love Diane xxx
Hello lovely blog friends, hope all is well. It's been a reasonable day here and it's staying lighter longer in the afternoons too. Dare I say I've got daffodils out in the garden! We've just put Emma on the coach tonight heading back to university so a 17 hour journey ahead of her. It looks like a whirlwind has gone through the house and we've already found a couple of things to post on Monday, oh the house will be quiet. Sending hugs xxx
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Love your work Barbara love June Horrocks
Hello Barb, a super offer, and some really beautiful ideas. Look forward to seeing the other samples from the design team. Take care all. Bx
Really pretty lace plates. I look forward to seeing the samples tomorrow x