Oh how we laughed!
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
I am feeling so well.
Just had a real belly laugh watching back over a couple of funny videos we took during Christmas, when the kids were home. It was the one with Dave playing Mouthtrap which did it for me.
It wasn’t even that he looked ridiculous and that nobody could understand him. It was his infectious laughter.
It wasn’t even that he looked ridiculous and that nobody could understand him. It was his infectious laughter.
What I love about him is he is game for anything – well, within reason. And we really do laugh together. Proper wheezing, legs-crossed, crying laughter.
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Charlie Chaplin once wrote,
‘Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain.’
And Victor Hugo wrote,
‘Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.’
We all feel better after a good laugh, don’t we?
I think the Brits have a real knack for turning the funnies on seemingly not-funny situations. Shrinks would have a field day with the way us Grays can turn something round to humorous.
I don’t drink,
I don’t smoke,
I don’t do any mind-altering substances.
Laughter is my drug of choice.
Love & Hugs,
16 thoughts on “Oh how we laughed!”
So good to have a good old belly laugh! Hope you have many more!
Love and hugs! Xxx
I haven't heard of this game before Barbara but leads to some hilarious situations I can see..lol. You are right that laughter is the best therapy. x
Agree with you there about laughter. I am mostly a very happy person and can always find something funny. Far the best therapy and that game is a real hoot. We played it Boxing Day. X c
Laughter is the best medicine…definitely! Poor Dave, now we're all laughing…but with you, not at you (well maybe a tiny bit at you). Thanks for sharing, has made me giggle! Xxx
I love the thoughts of laughter as the best medicine – it is true. The video provided a good giggle BUT the best bit of this blog Barbara is the warmth and love you have for your Dave. As always your love of family and friends is beautiful and in my book that makes you such a beautiful person inside and out !
Thank-you for being you xxx
What a tonic you are Barbara! Even better than the one I will have in my Friday gin later. Having been laid low with a dreadful cold all week and no sign of it abating yet, I really needed a good laugh. Thank you.
You are such a wonderful family and the love you have for each other just shines out of every picture. I wish you could bottle it and sell it as a Clarity product! 😂 have a great weekend.
I will never be able to cook Pasta Bake again without laughing.
Brilliant! Lol Pasta bake has a lot to answer for! He's a great sport Barbara. Hillarious and cheered me up no end. Xx
Ha ha! Pasta bake had me in stitches too – thanks Dave…..what a sport!
Love it…..I will never make a pasta bake again without a smile on my face!
Have a lovely evening & weekend, Carole xxx
I was thinking about this game for Christmas, just ran out of time to order it. Looks like a great laugh, will have to get one. Have a good weekend. XX
Evening bloggy friends, crafty time for me this weekend. Planning on playing with my new mini word chain stamps, can't decide if I should do some cards or a bit of my art journal…or both! XX
What a great sport Dave is. A good belly laugh is a real tonic for everyone, thank you for sharing Barbara, I needed a laugh after seeing my poorly friend today. I was so near to tears all day.xxx
Hello Barb, thanks for sharing this, laughter is the best medicine for any ills. I think we should get this game, it would be constant hilarity in our house. Take care all. Bx
Hilarious! We have a game called Humm Bug where you have to hum, not sing or la-la tunes for your team to guess in a set time – best played with my mum who is tone deaf. I have many happy Christmas memories of tears rolling down my face playing it! x
Blooming Hilarious, I love this game xx