Start again! And SMILE!!!
Hi there.
Thanks for popping in.
How’s your day going?
Mine ?
Wurka and Hollick are in town!
It’s been rubbish. One thing after another.
From the minute I woke up until the dentist an hour ago, which culminated in the front crown coming out in the mould we were having to redo because it hadn’t worked a week ago.
We have an expression at Clarity for these occasions:
it’s called a Clusterf**k.
So there’s only one thing for it:
I have decided to start the day again.
RIGHT NOW, before I ruin the rest of Wednesday.
It’s important to know that you can start your day over
at ANY TIME, no matter what time it is.
So if by chance, you have been struggling with things today,
as have I,
then can I ask you to join me ?
Studies suggest that smiling, forced or not,
can have a positive effect on your mood.
Good start to a new day then!
There are lots of other benefits to smiling, you know!
1) Apparently, smiling reduces stress levels.
I tried it. Just on my own (after they’d put the tooth back in mind!) I took myself off to a quiet place,
and smiled at the window and beyond.
It worked instantly.
Try it!
2) Endorphins are chemicals which make you happier. Turns out smiling releases endorphins. That makes sense. We are always being told that physical exercise is great for releasing endorphins. Smiling sounds a lot more appealing to me than running around the block though!
3) Smiling makes your immune system stronger. When you smile, your body produces white blood cells which help fight illness.
4) You look more attractive and are more approachable.
Pretty logical really. If you’ve got a face like a slapped derriÈre,
nobody’s going to come near you!
It’s ironic really though, that at the very moment when you feel least like smiling, that is when it would benefit you greatly.
Must crack on.
Keep smiling…
Love & Hugs
(aka gappy Lil)
163 thoughts on “Start again! And SMILE!!!”
The sun is shining and I have just got back from my regular massage, so I have every reason to smile, and the lovely Maria is just about to appear on our screens for the first show today. I also.have my second class with the brilliant Matthew Palmer near Leamington on Saturday, and a parchment lesson on Sunday with Pat White. I am definitely smiling, even though my bank account is just about to take a dive. Have a good day. xxx Maggie
Hello Maggie, I just thought I would let you know that, 'touch wood' Penny seems so much calmer this morning. You are a star pointing me in the right direction. Hugs xxx
Smiling back atcha! (or at least I think thats how to spell it!!) anyway, I'm into week 3 or root canal treatment – so I sympathise with the dental problems! and how could you not smile at that lovely orang-utan baby? take deep breaths!! (there will be an order placed online this afternoon – just warning you!!)
Never thought about starting the day again, good thinking will remember to try it next time things not going right or I'm feeling down.
I'll start my day again too….plumber's just been and we have no boiler til tomorrow. He needs a part to fix it and if that doesn't do it we'll have to have a new boiler! Good job it's not winter….no hearing and no hot water!!! But if that's all that happens today that's fine! I can live with it for the time being!!!
Hope your day restart works OK for you! Love and hugs! Xxx
And I have read that laughing is good as well, you can't physiological be upset and laugh at the same time. Plus all you said about smiling. Happy Wednesday.
And singing out loud is also a wonderful stress relief apart from getting lots of air through your lungs at the same time. xxx Maggie
It wouldn't be stress relief for those listening to me I'm afraid xx
Hello Barbara
I am smiling, I am smiling! My troubles are only little ones today and I am sitting here watching the lovely Maria.
Sorry to hear your day didn't start as well as it should have, especially after your lovely day with Dee.
Onwards and upwards.
Hi Barbara. I have just tried putting a smile on too, and you're right it does work! I hope the rest of your day is much improved. Hugs xxx
Ditty for the day:
Number six, to lead me astray
Is my favourite pick of the day
Of course, no other than Barbara Gray
A rose by any other name, Dave will say!
…and so say us all!
Ahhh. That made me smile Morag xxxx
Hello my dear friends. I hope you're all having a good day. Penny is definitely calmer today..so fingers..and everything else crossed. I will catch up with each of you later. Love and Hugs xxx
Afternoon morag pleased to Know penny is more settled hope you get some rest too hugs and cuddles xxx
Hello Morag that's good news, it's good to know something so simple can help isn't it. Xxx
Hi Morag,
Oh I am so pleased for you and of course little Penny as we.. It will be such a relief if this works. I'm keeping my fingers, toes, everything I can, crossed. Love and hugs Alison xx
That's good news Morag, you will feel better too xx
Yay! So glad to hear that Penny is improving, hope that it continues that way what a relief for you and her. XX
Hello Morag – really good news about Penny! I will keep everything crossed that she will continue to get better and better, bless her! Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Oops! Almost forgot to say, I LOVE your ditties each day! xx
Fantastic news about Penny. You must be so relieved Morag.xx
What do they say – smile and the world smiles with you?! I try and smile at people throughout the day at work – sometimes they smile back and sometimes they don't but it always makes me feel better for doing it! Enjoy your new day Lil!! 😂😂😂
I have had a day so far of cleaning my son's room. He has lost his keys and he thinks they are in his room. So far I haven't found them but I have fiend over £20 in lunch money change that I will recycle for next weeks' money. Don't think he will realise as the coins were scattered everywhere. Also have cleared out a bin bag of rubbish which makes me feel good as his room is now looking better. Still got a few bits and bobs to go through and he will have the tidiest room in the house!! Must crack on as soon as Maria finishes her amazing demos.
Afternoon Barbara good to start your day again smiles for you 😌😊☺️ (I'm always upside down 🙃) Xxx
Afternoon dear blog friends thinking of you all send heartfelt hugs to all who need them ,I'm on a rest day today as will be tomorrow too ready for hospital Friday morning might do a little groovi -ing but see how I feel as fatigued today but that's usual after bloods taken by the nurse yesterday only got a small bruise.
Sending a wee extra hug Dorothy xxx
Hello my lovely Sheila enjoy your rest day and a bit of groovi, it's a lovely way to relax. What's your weather like today, it's blooming hot here again, I quite enjoyed being in the supermarket in the cool. Sending hugs xxx
It's far too warm here but the good part I don't have to go out .xxx
You just enjoy your rest day and your Groovi- ing. Probably just what the doctor ordered. Lve and hugs Alison xxx
Hi Sheila, what does your little bruise look like today?
Keep resting and enjoy watching Maria xx
Enjoy your rest, glad the bloods didn't give you a forest bruise this time only a little bush. Have fun doing a little bit of Groovi work. XX
My bruise looks like a little flower popping up from its bulb .i didn't get to groovi as my day took a dip
Life eh xxx
Hello Sheila, my lovely! Sorry to hear that your day took a dip – but as we well know, it happens. Glad that you have just got a flower bruise this time! It will take your body longer to recover from having bloods done, at least you had some good tv to watch today! Thank you for your comments, they helped me a lot! Sending you lots of patient and loving hugs, love Gilly xxx
Barbara you say clouds pass can you make them pass a little quicker 🤔 Xxx
Ok Sheila, I'll see what I can do. Xxxxx
Thank you Barbara xxx
Did you see my message to see if you could do some parchment the same size as Jaynes frame I've just ordered both size of parchment going to get Tom to cut me some down to the frame size it's a fantastic frame and the plates are stunning are we getting any more of Jaynes frames I love the size xxx
Oh, poor Barb. I can quite understand that you wouldn't want to smile after your dental treatment, but I'm glad you did smile. I'm sitting here after a hard mornings gardening, having a bit of lunch and watching Maria on Hochanda! It's all so lovely and she is so good at the demos – very inspiring. I'm going to try smiling all afternoon! 😀😀😀🌺🌺🌺🌻🌻🌻
That's it Barb smile, I like your philosophy. I'm smiling now, I really think it can work. You had such a lovely day with Dee yesterday, and having to go to the dentist and have that happen with your crown today is a bit of a b….r. I'm sure your day will only get better though, keep your lovely smile on.xxx
Dentist for me yesterday too – jaw has finally stopped aching at lunchtime, so was out in sympathy with you! Been to do the grocery shop this morning – got carried away singing (I use the term loosely!) along to Diana Ross 'Why do fools fall in love' – which entertained an elderly couple who said it made their day seeing someone so happy doing the shopping. Just goes to show 'smile and the world smiles with you'!
Hi to all my lovely blog friends, better day today here. Not so dull and no thunder and rain. Been pottering in the garden, then watched Maria, more lovely plates. Have a good day everyone. Love and hugs Pam xx
Afternoon pam hope your pain is controlled sending hugs xxx
Hello Pam it's a warmer day here today too. It was a nice treat to sit down with my lunch and watch Maria , the plates are lovely aren't they xxx
Hi Pam,
Very dull here today and forecast for fog tonight. Just about to sit and watch Mariay show on catch up before I head up to Durham to pick Dave up. Love and hugs Alison xx
There's nothing better than a good potter in the garden on a nice day xx
I have Maria recorded so plan to watch them later, or tonight when I can't get to sleep. Happy pottering! XX
Hi Pam – our weather has been better today too, after the lightning show at about 3.00 a.m. I haven't been able to watch Maria's shows, but have recorded them to watch later, love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Can't help but smile at the view we have here and the pony in the field next door who is as artful as a barrel load of monkeys as my Dad would have said -haven't said that saying for years ! In addition to his friend the cockerel (horse's not Dad's) we had a cat visit us today who went off with a bit of the horse's doughnut and a slice of ham. When we shop here – very little – we have to think of the 'pets' here it's like being at home!
Hope your tooth gets sorted soon and you can smile without a gap! Xxx
HI everyone, just had my daily photo sent of my great niece and she is truly scrumptious ! Can't wait to get back to give her another cuddle. Well, I can wait as it's rather scrumptious here too! Hope everyone is ok and it's not too hot for you all over there – I reckon it's been a degree or two higher than it has here ! Oh well, sun bed is calling – can't swim yet as tummy is full ! Xx
Pleased your having a wonderful holiday and your great niece is doing well xxx
That sounds a wonderful place Jackie, enjoy yourself, that lovely cuddle will come soon. Love that expression, I can just imagine the horse – does he look like a Therwell pony? Xxx
Hi Jackie,
Sounds like you're having a little vely holidat I'm pleased to hear. You'll soon be back to give your great niece a lovely big cuddle. Love and hugs Alison xx
Hi Jackie glad you'r having a good time and can keep in touch xx
Glad you are having a lovely time on holiday. Wish I had a pool to relax in, definitely needed one the last couple of days. Enjoy your cuddle when you get back. XX
Buenas noches Jackie! Sounds like you are having a great time, and just think when it is time to come home – you will have all those lovely cuddles to look forward to! Hugs Gilly xx
Oh dear dentist troubles again. I have a visit to the dentist today, not for me but driving my son to have a wisdom tooth removed. I am dreading it, he had a tooth removed when he was 14 and it took the poor man one hour before he even got the injection in. took him less than two mins to remove the tooth. Will he be any better at 33 yrs, I flippin hope so. Same dentist so he knows what awaits him. Hopefully I might be smiling later when it is all over even if Greg is not. I hope you soon get yours sorted as well and will be your usual smiley self. xx
Hi Lynne I feel for you, my daughter had teeth out when she was little and I had to sit and hold her hand whilst trying not to watch. I hope you don't have to do that for your son! Have you got him some ice cream as a treat fir when he gets home. I can recommend arnica tablets for him as it will bring out the bruising and help the area heal along with the salt water the dentist will recommend. You can buy them over the counter in most chemists. Xxx
Thank-you Diane, did not have to hold his hand. He was fine had the jab straight off but dentist did have a job getting tooth out. They showed it to us and was huge. He is ok now. Thanks for your advice. xx
Afternoon everyone hope you are all enjoying the sunshine. Barbara I hope your day improves and as they say "keep smiling" x
A good laugh helps too, but when one is down or in those moments of stress it is not always easy.
finally finished Mums cards for her been a major project I have to say.
Now time to relax hopefully.
Hi Pen, you can do something for you now xx
Evening pen hugs xxx
Sending you hugs Pen xx
thank you dear hearts xxx
Hi Barbara
Sometimes you just feel like going back to bed and starting the day again don't you. The was a real pain having problems at the dentist ( sorry!), he will be able to retire in luxury thanks to you!! I agree though with smiling and singing, I always smile at people when I'm out walking, it's nice when someone smiles back, I like to think I've put a bit of sunshine in their lives, sometimes they stop say hello. I hope the day carries on being a good one and the blooming teeth behave themselves soon.
Love Diane xxx
Ps really enjoyed Maria's show at lunchtime xxx
Hello lovely blog friends, hope you are enjoying today, our weather is much warmer today ( dare I say a bit too warm!). I'm off to sit in the garden and do a bit of groovi if the sparrows will let me sit at the table, they have decided the chairs have lots of bugs around them so are having a feast! Sending hugs all round xxx
Hi Diane,
Enjoy! You wouldn't want to sit out here! Very dull today. Lovely to sit outside with your Groovi too. Love and hugs Alison xx
I know what you mean about the sparrows, we get "told off" if we sit out under the apple tree which has a feeder in it xx
Oooo careful Diane, I've seen that film if they start pecking RUN….. XX
Evening Diana hope you managed to groovi i didn't get to groovi as my day dipped sending you hugs xxx
Hi Diane – I hope that the sparrows behaved themselves, and you were able to do some Groovi! Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi Barbara, the title said it all, didn't really need to know anymore to know what kind of day you were having. You poor soul, hope it hasn't wiped out the good from yesterday. I often have those days/weeks, too, didn't know there was a name for them!!! Starting my day/week again, I do try, as you've spoke about this before, but, so far, that technique has eluded me. Guess it's because my Asperger's brain doesn't let me 'forget', put things away, or whatever it is that your normal brains do.
I do need to join you today, rubbish day for me too, rubbish week actually, new stuff to worry about/fear, and it taking it's toll on my CFS too. I can do all the steps except the detach bit, how do I do that?
Somehow I don't think you'll get away with smiling as your 150mins of exercise a week!!! But it's a good extra! I didn't know smiling boosted our immune systems, that's another good reason to smile even when I don't feel like it.
Definietly autumn up here, not nice. Smiling won't stop the dread of the winter to come, the effect it has on my body and mental health. 🙁
I voted, everything Barbara and Clarity 😊 They are being even sneakier this year, no box to tick saying you don't want them or third parties using your contact details for advertising 🙁 we're going to get spam, which freaks me out, and if they phone/text it, it's going to freak me out even more. But had to do my bit, Barbara and Clarity deserve the recognition of winning awards.
I hope you get your teeth sorted soon. Going by your aka, smiling must be even harder for you just now! And hope your second Wednesday is far better than the first one. Love Brenda xx
Hello Brenda we must have been posting at the same time. I wish I could help you come up with a solution for your worries, with children we used to write them down and put them in a box so they can be shared and then put away, I've even seen them tied to a balloon and let go to float away. Not having someone to help or talk to must be so frustrating for you, it makes me cross you've been let down so badly. Sending you and Daisy a big hug, it's not much, I hope it makes you smile to know we care about you. Xxx
Thank you Diane. Yes it has helped me through, to know you, and my other bloggy pals care, and want to help if you can xx
Hi Brenda,
I do get really annoyed that the system has let you down. You certainly shouldn't be left to cope on your own. I do hope that coming onto the blog does help you even if it's just a little bit. I'm sending you a big smile and a hugs cuddle for you and Daisy. Love and hugs Alison xxx
I really do wish I could think of something to help you apart from being here xx
Hi my lovely, hope you are feeling better and your rubbish week has been put in the bin! Hope you are still enjoying the Paralympics, I am watching every night. XX
Evening dear blog friend an extra big hug for you and cuddles for daisy too xxx
Evening Brenda – sending you some supportive hugs, Gilly xx
Aw, sorry about all your dental difficulties. There are times when you really don't want to fully appreciate just how rotten it is to feel "down in the mouth". Glad you've found a way to smile through and feel better for it. I must remember about starting the day again, positively. Hope you can tell Wurka and Hollick to "sling their 'ook!" You've brightened a lovely sunny day again.
The film soundtrack is only instrumental, but the Turner and Parsons lyrics must have been inspired by this scene.
Smile, though your heart is aching
Smile, even though it’s breaking
When there are clouds in the sky
you’ll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You’ll see the sun come shining through
for you
Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness Although a tear may be ever so near
That’s the time you must keep on trying
Smile what’s the use of crying
You’ll find that life is still worthwhile
If you’ll just
Charle Chaplain composed the music for this wonderful song so go on SMILE .
Perfect. Xxx
Well done Isobel. This was and still is a great song, didn't know that it was Charlie Chaplain who composed it.
Like you Barbara there are any days when I wish I could "start all over again" que for another song there!
Any way glad you can push works and hollick away and restart your day and what a wonderful day it is, we've had Maria on with the new boards and the work from the design team are second to none.
Looking forward to the five o clock show. Enjoy the rest of your day. X
Oh Barbara you are so right! You've really made me smile reading this, though why I should be happy to tell you so when you've had such a shift day so far ….. well i have some cheek right? You are right about the smiling stuff, even if we have to force it for a long time before it becomes easier. I have had a couple of days of those …. not wurka & hollick for me, but Arthur & Fibro along with their friends grump & grumpier. Nothing good enough for them. laughing at me as I stumbled from one disaster to another. All that achieved was me breaking the kitchen drawer with my grumpy door/drawer slamming!! Had to have a flippin' stern word with myself after that I must admit.
Ah well, today is a new day & already better as I've just done my clarity order & had a (kindly meant) chuckle at your blog. So thanks Barbara for pointing out what I should know but rarely remember.
hugs Alison
Smiling today, been out in camper van for trial run. On Quantock hills, made coffee, sat, watched clouds go bu in sunshine. Little walk with the little dog. Lovely day. Hope your tooth is sorted soon x
Hi Barb,
I'm sorry that today hasn't been a good one for you. The dentist really freaks me out so I empathise and sympathise with you. Mind you I did have a bit of a chuckle when reading your post! Hope the afternoon is getting better. You are certainly right about smiling make you feel better as well as laughing. I've been out for lunch with my two friends that are coming to London with me. We had a right good gossip and a laugh and I did feel good when I left them. Forgot to say yesterday that my votes were cast for all things Clarity. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi bloggy friends,
Hope your day is as good as possible. Very dull here today although still quite warm. Had a lovely lunch with two of my friends and we are all looking forward to our visit to London next Tuesday. Got to go up to Newcastle Airport to pick up my sister and brother in law tonight – plane doesn't land until 10.05pm if it's not delayed – forecast is for fog! So it will be late to bed for me tonight. See you all tomorrow, love and hugs Alison xxx
Safe journey. I got to CC thanks for the directions xx
Drive safe, hope she likes her grass which I'm sure looks great with the stripes you mowed into it. XX
Safe journey Alison take my hugs with you xxx
Hi Alison – glad that you had a good time with your friends today – I hope that you don't have to wait too long for your sister's plane! Love and hugs, Gilly xxx
Always good to start again. Like they say, it doesn't matter how many times you fall, it's how many times you get up and start again that counts.
Hope your day is now going well.
I must admit, I've just tried it and it works. I don't feel very well today and will definitely work on smiling to myself.
I must admit, I've just tried it and it works. I don't feel very well today and will definitely work on smiling to myself.
Sending you another smile to help you feel better. XX
Sending a hug xxx
I like to create the mystery of leaving people wondering'what is making that woman smile?' truth is it is actually the thought that they are wondering what I'm smiling about! naughty but fun x
Thankfully I don't need to start today again, apart from one wee niggle it's been fine. Ironically when I was working today I realised that I'm not smiling as much as I used to. A couple of people call me 'the smiler' at work and one person even referred to me a bubbly yesterday. It makes me feel really good getting feedback that being me is a good thing – somebody ought to tell my husband, hehe!
Haaa, Julia you keep smiling and make him wonder why! XX
Bless you Julia sending a cuddle hug and a smile too 😊 Xxx
Hi Julia – it's his loss! You keep smiling and feeling positive, and I saw that you are thinking of giving him a nickname!? It might just help, you could always give it a try! Sending you lots of supportive hugs, and make sure that you keep strong! Love Gilly xxx
I have got plenty of nickname suggestions Julia, if you're stuck! Xxx
Bet you Barbara could think of a really good one!!
Well your blog always makes me smile and I look forward to seeing you Saturday .
Trudy x
I hadn't thought of starting the day afresh in the middle of it. Does that Mean I could go shopping twice in one day?
Hope your smile is more "comfortable" soon.
Today's quote – I'm at the age where food has taken the place of sex in my life. In fact, I've just had a mirror put over my kitchen table. Rodney Dangerfield.
Chris, love that quote, make me smile and laugh.
Hi Chris – I love your logic about going shopping twice in one day! Hugs Gilly xx
Hahaha! Fifty shades of Salami!
Hi Barbara, well I really needed some inspiration not to good but keep battling on.
When all else fails just keep trying to smile or sing out loud.
thank you for that.
Hi ladies, well not such a good day but I am battling on.
Hi Morag,
glad to hear penny is a little better and you are keeping ok.
To all the ladies hope your day has been good in this lovley warm weather.
Just must have missed Maria today will see it on catch up tonight.
Lots of hugs to you all.
Lynn xx
A hug to battle on with xxx
Hi Sheila,
thank you for your kind thoughts.
Nighty nighty
Lynn xx
Hope your second Wednesday finishes better than the first. Love the idea of restarting a bad day whenever you want – have passed that on to a number of friends in the past. Hope the tooth stays put until the new model arrives! x
Susan, I forgot to tell you that I read The Guernesy Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society when I was on holiday. It was a really different book to read but it was very good and I loved the ending.
So pleased you enjoyed it Julia. I've just taken over running the book group at our library, and slipped it in for November so I can read it again! x
Hi Barbara. Going to the dentist certainly isn't much fun and I can understand why you were feeling a bit low today but:
Losing your crown may have caused you to frown,
But just give a smile to kick stress for a while.
Hopefully the rest of your day and evening will be happy and relaxed, and hope your tooth problem will be rectified soon. x
How could you not smile at that beautiful little monkey picture you but up smile back at you lots love xxx
My day started badly too. You made me laugh. Thanks, I feel a little better.
Hugs xxx
Hi Barbara, one of my favourite quotes is one I'm sure you will recognise as it's one of Maya Angelou's:
'If you only have one smile in you, give it to the people you love.'
Hope you found your smile and the f***cluster of a day has passed! XX
Hahah! Other way round. clusterf**ck of a day! Xxxx
Think 'clusterf**ck' should go in the dictionary! Maybe, Barb, you could make a stamp of it! Yeah, that would be good! Ha! Xx I like Donna's version too. Xx
😂 oops! Oh dear, got that the wrong way then, made you smile though so it was worth it! Xx
Hi bloggy friends, hope you are all well. Hot, sticky day here yuck! I'm hoping for a cool night….but my room is so hot, cant see that changing before bedtime! XX
We've been dull and mizzly here today xx
It's hard to believe it's so hot down south when we have had a high of only 13c today. I had to resort to hoovering to warm up earlier.
Evening Donna hugs and cuddles soon be weekend xxx
Hi Donna – we have had a pleasant day, just warm and not too hot! Enjoy your catch-up with Maria, I have also got that to look forward to! Hugs to you and Phoebe xx
It must be Cluster**** day, I am trying to smile, albeit through gritted teeth atm and not think, smile, things could get worse, I smiled, they did! lol. Tomorrow is another day.
National Clusterf**k Day! let's register it!
It must be Cluster**** day, I am trying to smile, albeit through gritted teeth atm and not think, smile, things could get worse, I smiled, they did! lol. Tomorrow is another day.
Have just spent a few moments doing all my voting for the great Clarity products, the sun is still shining and I have washing drying on the line in September, simple pleasures to smile about xx
i have to go to the dentist today too, yuck! thanks for the inspiration- I will try and smile today too. love your work!
Ja, Lachen ist die beste Medizin.
Think I'm going to adopt 'Clusterf..k', very expressive and the thought of it makes me smile! Thanks Barbara!
Isn't it. The dentist liked it too. He could totally relate !
I hope I'll be smiling in a couple of hours , settling down to watch my beloved spurs in champions league .. voted for clarity yesterday fingers crossed xx
Your blogs are such an inspiration! It is how we meet life's challenges that defines us. So much more than the elusive desire to be perfect or trying to be everything to everone. Hope your teeth are sorted soon!
Happy to report today has fairly productive for a Wednesday and now I'm going to walk the dogs, that makes me smile, lurve the baby orangutan picy, you can't help but smile at that. Had to laugh at your expression too, very funny, you certainly made me smile. Take care x
Hi Barbara, Smile and the World smiles with you, the saying goes !! I try to smile as much as I can because my resting face always makes me look in a bad mood haha, the only problem with smiling a lot is the 'laughter lines' (well that's what I call them anyway hahaha).
I like the idea that you can start your day over at any time, a brilliant idea !!
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Hi Barbara
I hope your tooth gets sorted soon. It's so true- smiling makes you feel better. The new flower border plate are a great idea. I have them on my shopping list.
Hugs from Chris X
my day seems to be ending on that note. it was fine during the day but then my little one decided to have a massive meltdown and he has messed with everybody's head. i have been trying to smile since reading this…. hugs xx
I am learning to smile sideways in at the
Moment because I lost my crown a while ago and the cost Of replacing it is triple the cost and then they can't guarantee it will stay in –
So I am grinning rather than smiling!!!
Gappy lil too then Sam!
Sorry to hear you had a bad day. Sympathise with you about the dentist, been back four times with a filling falling out. Tried the smiling thing, it really seems to work doesn't it, even though you think it won' t. Hope tomorrow will be better for you. AliJ
Hi Barbara – your blog has helped both Neill and I today. He had a difficult time at the hospital today – won't go into details, except to say we got there at about 10.00 a.m. and didn't leave until about 2.30 p.m.
We both gave your solution a go, and it really did work for us both – thank you so much! Hugs Gilly x
Hi to all of my lovely blog friends – thank you for your comments last night, I read them whilst at the hospital today. It was the most difficult appointment so far – but Barbara's blog helped such a lot! We put it into practice and it really did work! On another positive note, a lovely lady who is having treatment, gave us a jar of her homemade bramble jelly today. We have got to know both her, her husband and her daughter – all of them lovely people!
This whole thing is such an unbelievable experience, of highs and lows – so far the highs are in the lead, and we intend to keep it that way. Staying positive, and most of the time both of us are in really good spirits! Love and hugs to you all, Gilly xxx
Keep smiling xxxx
As Barbara says clouds pass I really hope they pass quickly for you and Neil take all my hugs and cuddles with you I really feel it for you both hope tomorrow is an easy day rest dear blog friend xxx
Thank you so much for thinking of me, when you are going through such a tough time yourself Sheila! You are a very special lady and a treasured blog friend – I will take you with me tomorrow! Extra special hugs, love Gilly xxx
Every day is a day nearer treatment's end, we're thinking of you both xx
This is very very true !
And I remember an expression ——- " smile and the world smiles with you , cry and you cry alone ."
I smile at everyone I have eye contact with , at the Gym , at the grocery , at church etc and they almost always smile back . What you send out comes back to you and then it's one beautiful world . Love it ! Janice
Hi Barb. So sorry to hear about your tooth problems – hope it gets sorted soon. I certainly agree with your smiling advice – it definitely works! 🤗😜. I hope all goes well at Ally Pally – shan't be there this time as we will be on the high seas en route for the Canary Islands – a holiday I've been counting the days to for ages. Keep smiling xx
Ah, the Ebb and Flow of Life ! Today has been very trying , to say the least, A bit like riding a bike with SQUARE wheels. Just when you think you're at the top, down you go again !!! But Barb , as we know , tomorrow is another day….xx
Evening Dave you have got a tandem you can pedal life together xxx
So sorry you are having dental problems again. Teeth can be such a nuisance but worth hanging on to. So pleased you are smiling through it all, as always. Well done Barbara. Hope tomorrow is a better day xx
I like smiling muchly……….didn't do much of it for about a year after a dental op when the accidently knocked out the bridge I had for my two front teeth (no front teeth due to a childhood accident). Like you I've had huge ongoing problems since but, they will eventually be resolved, I know have a very ill-fitting partial denture as the op was to remove two teeth, cut my gum and take out a tooth growing the wrong way in my gum!!! Not many left after that and the accident you see. Still denture not withstanding I still like smiling as much as I can but, when the gremlins arrive (generally when in the craft room) the air can turn a hazy blue colour……walk out and smile at Mr who knows me to well and then we both smile and it all seems clearer and better xxx
Good luck to all with hospital/dental appointments imminent – a medic friend told me it's impossible to retch (I've only got to see a hand bearing metal to generate that response) if you grin. It works, so there's another bonus from smiling! Plans for a whole crafting day hijacked by messrs should and ought knocking on the door. Does a massive, boring, to-do list count as a clusterf**k? Certainly does in my world! Anyway, today's 'ode':
There once was this lass from Tayside
Who put shopping and weeding aside ( finally).
Her Groovi came out and,
With a whoop and a shout,
Success came her way as she tried! (Sometimes anyway).
Hope your restart was an improvement to your day, and you have a good day tomorrow. The new flower borders are great, really enjoyed the shows on Hochanda with Marie.
Hi Barbara,
Love your approach to refocusing. It's like the song
Pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag,
And smile, smile, smile,
Hope Thursday is positive and focused.
Big hugs Marian x
Hi Barb, well that has just made me smile, thank you for sharing your insight. Hope the tooth is better. Take care. Bx
Hi Barbara I've got many clouds at the moment you make me smile so it helps sorry about your wensday Hun you have a new day now so I wish you sunshine and smiles love you June Horrocks xxxx
trying to smile:difficult journey in italy swollen feet;bitten: smile and it will go away: so good to get the blog☺☺
My problems are much less than yours Barbara, you know the feeling rushing to make something for a birthday, last minute, and decide on one more touch instead af leaving well alone, and RUIN it. I've just had to take a deep breath , chuck it in the f**ck it bucket, and start again. I hope the long and painful tooth saga is over soon xx
Snap Barbara! Just back from my dentist which coincidently is called All Smiles! I can smile now but I too had impressions taken, don't you just hate that stuff they fill the moulds with? I thought my whole row of top teeth were going to be sucked out when he removed the plate of goo gone hard. Still, more reasons to smile, –no pain today, no injections, no drilling and best of all, no bill to pay. I'm definitely All Smiles now xx
Well yesterday (Wednesday) was my Dads birthday so that was all good – I needed to see the big smile before I had a meeting from hell at work, but tomorrow is another day they say – don't let the xx@@#}€$ get you down – today was much the same – but I'm gonna craft all afternoon tomorrow to relive my stress x best cure