Heatwave stops play….
Hi there!
Thanks for popping in!
Is it warm where you are?
It was sweltering at the workshop today.
And if you don’t believe me – ask the team!
And if you don’t believe them, ask the paint !
Didn’t behave at all well !
The paint that is – the team was lovely.
But the paint didn’t do what it was supposed to,
so it’s in the fridge now, cooling down.
And if you don’t believe them, ask the paint !
Didn’t behave at all well !
The paint that is – the team was lovely.
But the paint didn’t do what it was supposed to,
so it’s in the fridge now, cooling down.
Let’s see if that helps….
I reckon that will do the trick.
And if it doesn’t – then it’s off the menu!
Reminiscent of when we lived in California.
Everything went in the fridge:
ink pads, paint, nail varnish – the works.
So what shall we look at this evening?
Last time I was on the TV,.
I did a super simple card using a new stencil
and our new African couple….
Place a large moon mask, and then
using one of our stencil brushes,
brush in a yellow undercoat.
I decided to go with the new Artistry ink pad from the mini set
called “Golden Turmeric”
Lovely colours.
Now load a second brush
with a darker red colour from the set, called Blaze,
and sweep down from the top edge.
Tear a piece of copy paper and brush in the hill
using the same colour.
By sweeping downwards in a straight line,
you can see how the brush is leaving a lovely drag.
When you remove the stencil and the moon mask,
you will have a very warm scene.
Looks like you could reach through the aperture.
Stamp Mr and Mrs in the front using a black Archival ink pad.
Use a beige fine tip Promarker or an HB pencil
to create a drop shadow.
The drop shadow will make the leaves and branches pop.
Stamp Mr and Mrs on coloured designer paper
and cut out their robes.
Paper-piece the robes and attach with zig-glue.
Trim the white card back a little,
then run a black Sharpie Pen around the outside to finish.
Here’s an alternative which works well too….
Anyway, really must stop for the day.
Way too warm to be effective this afternoon!
Love & Peace,
79 thoughts on “Heatwave stops play….”
I loved this when I saw you create it on Hochanda Barbara and loved it. Thanks for reminding us of the technique – fab!
I felt like sitting in the fridge myself this afternoon, just melting. Hope the paint behaves tomorrow. Been to get my eyes tested today, new glasses next week so should be able to see clearly when I am at retreat. Might help. That is a wonderful card you have created, so atmospheric. Hope you get some rest and it is a little cooler tomorrow for you all. xx
Sweltering today as were all the children. I like it warm but not so hot that just thinking about doing stuff makes you sweat! Hope you paint starts behaving. XX
Hi bloggy friends, hope everyone managed to find a cool spot today. Mine was in the garden when I got home, definitely not in the classroom with 30 children who couldn't understand why I was making it cooler for them when they told me they were hot. Strangely my reply of "It's something to do with the weather" fell on deaf ears!! XX
Hello Donna are you crafting tonight ? your blog challange is fabulous, xxx
Hi Donna – it won't be long before you can go and play, just when you want to! Hugs Gilly xx
Hi Donna oh dear 'but miss you're the teacher why can't you stop it being hot!!'. Dropped into my old school today to say goodbye to a couple of people that were leaving, found some of the teachers dropping into the ict suite to cool down for 5 minutes – lovely cool air conditioning in there. Enjoy your last day at school xxxx
Hi Donna. Have a good last day at school. I hope it's cooler for you, Love and Hugs xxx
Hi Donna,
When I was teaching, I bought a great big floor fan and it was absolutely fantastic. It cooled the whole room down brilliantly. There was nearly a rugby scrum from other kids to get into my room at break Time!!! Enjoy your last day before your break ( assuming like our school you finish tomorrow) love and hugs Alison xxx
No we go till Friday, but the children's last day is Thursday. Looking forward to a bit of peaceful garden reading. Xx
I only comnented to hubby this afternoon "I bet it is blimmin warm un the Rugby club at Crowborough today" – seems I was right. Hoping for a cooler temp for you tomorrow Barb. Great artwork once again – I really must get round to ordering the Africa stamps. Enjoy the rest of the week. Xx
Have booked into the Spa ready for tomorrow's workshop, really excited
Have booked into the Spa ready for tomorrow's workshop, really excited
See you at breakfast on the Clarity table, Jenny. xxx Maggie
Lovely image. I love infill stamping on patterned paper. Hope that once we get the thunder tonight it will cool down a bit. I did my ironing outside today in the shade, straight off the line. Fantastic feeling to get it away straight away.
Hi Barb
Amazing artwork as usual, you have great vision, thanks for the inspiration x x x
Hi Barbara, This looks stunning !! loving the paper-piecing of the robes, really lovely.
Warm is not the word, am sat here with the fan on and it isn't having much effect, I had to take a linedancing class this afternoon and you can imagine how hot we all were !! Here's hoping the thunder will freshen the air up when it comes.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Hi Barbara, This looks stunning !! loving the paper-piecing of the robes, really lovely.
Warm is not the word, am sat here with the fan on and it isn't having much effect, I had to take a linedancing class this afternoon and you can imagine how hot we all were !! Here's hoping the thunder will freshen the air up when it comes.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
I've ordered this stencil when one of your design team had used it just to outline a verse shown on hochanda the way you have used it is stunning, I must get the wee animals and the other animal stamps too you spoil us with so many wonderful clarity products and inspiration xxx
Evening dear blog family of friends I'm not coping with this weather I'm in bed with two fans going at once looking forward to it cooling down .sending you all lots of cooling hugs xxx
Evening Sheila – sorry to hear about your problems in coping with this weather! Hopefully, it will have cooled down for you now. Thanks for your lovely comment about Edith, I was in there today and had a lovely conversation with Mum – I am very lucky indeed to have her. Cooling hugs and love, Gilly xxx
At long last we got some of your hot sticky weather up here and so I did what us British women do in these situations – I got lots of washing hung out on the line. Are you due the thunder like us, that should clear the air.
Hi Julia – I did the same and got some washing done! xx
Hello Sheila I hope you manage to cool down, it's been so hot here but with a warm breeze so the air has moved a bit. Hope it's cooler for you tomorrow xxx
Here's another washerwoman today! I hope it is cooler for you tomorrow Sheila. Love and Hugs xxx
I'm at the dentist tomorrow afternoon so I'm hoping the weather is cooler xxx
Have to say Sheila, I'm not coping too well either! Just been out for a meal and it was lovely to be able to sit outside with a short sleeved top on and be just nice and comfortable at 10.30pm. Only problem is that I've walked into the house and it is like a furnace!! How I'm going to get to sleep, I'll never know. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi Barb,
This is fantastic and I love it. I shall definitely do a "version" of this.
Because I am not melting quick enough, I am now going to do some ironing, but I have a feeling that I'll not get much done. We cannot find the fan which was put away after last summer, so guess what I'll be buying tomorrow!!
Maureen xxx
Good luck with finding a fan Maureen ( of the blowing kind of course!!). We know what will happen once you buy it, the rain will start and you will back in winter woolies again !! Xxx
Too hot for me today, hope paint starts to behave. Loving these African themed art pieces x
Wow, this is beautiful Barbara, and such depth. It looks even better than it did on the telly. Thank you for sharing. I did wonder if it would be too hot for you all today, poor souls. Hope it didn't spoil the good experience for your customers.
When you freehand prick round a shape, how close to the line are you supposed to go? Did my first try of it, got on an awful lot better once I discovered one needle is a wee bit longer than the other, and sod's law, I was holding it the other way round!!!
We had another power cut today for several hours :-(. I was having an extra bad nightmare, all my dreams are but this was one that was extra real. I woke up in a bit of a state with nae telly on and an alarm going off endlessly somewhere outside, and lots of voices and doors and gates shutting. Disorientated, or what! Realised the bedside clock wasn't on, nae power. Got up and wandered about lost. Seems there was a bit of a mass exodus round about, so at least it got people out their houses doing something!!! All I have is a landline, I keep an old phone to swap over with, and my mobile for text and the time, if I've remembered to charge it! Don't have other clocks/watch. I don't like it with no telly/internet, it makes me feel extra vulnerable and isolated. So when it came back on, the first thing I did was to order a solar/wind up radio, and a wind up lantern. Unfortunately they won't be here before the forecasted storms that appears I'll be in the worst of, hope they've got that forecast wrong, memories of what happened last year still scare me!
Hope your mouth is less sore today, and you get the cooler weather that's coming tomorrow too. Love Brenda xx
So sorry to hear about your power cut Brenda – I hope that the storms won't be too bad – hugs Gilly xx
Brenda I'm so sorry to hear you were so distressed. I hope the storms aren't as bad as last year and you keep your power, the wind up lantern and radio sound like a good idea. Stay safe. Sending hugs for you and Daisy xxx
Oh Brenda I do hope the storms aren't going to be as bad as you fear. I hope you have a tablet or a laptop that you can keep charged up. Even if you can't get on the internet, it may help a little. I'll be thinking of you. Love and Hugs my friend. xxx
Bless you Brenda pleased you mannaged to cope and order the things you need to get you through anything happening again you want to be proud of what you achieve big hugs for you and daisy xxx
Thank you everyone xx
The BBC weather map has my area with the green level of rain/thunder storm over it, i.e. the worst!
I've got both Morag, but I don't like to run them down in case it's off for a long time as I've no way of recharging anything, so I save them for playing games on when I'm most struggling, to try to calm/distract myself. I'm hoping to find a sim card that you can put credit on and it not expire then I can have emergency internet on my tablet which would help a lot. Dongles are useless now as they changed the rules so credit expires after only a month. The usual, big businesses couldn't care less about their disadvanted/vulnerable customers and fellow human beings, only about their profit in their pocket!
I'm off to watch some recorded craft and/or The Hobbit DVD, and try a bit of knitting, see if I can settle down any before bed. Hope everyone can sleep tonight xx
Hi Brenda,
Oh dear, I feel so sorry for you, it must be very distressing for you. I hope the storms aren't too bad and that you get your electricity back on soon. Love and hugs to you and Daisy – give her an extra big cuddle if she gets scared during the storm ( I know Scamp doesn't like thunderstorms. Love Alison xxx
Morning Brenda, hope you didn't get any storms in the night. Xx
Morning Brenda hope you had a less stressful night xxx
Hi Brenda – I did think of you and Daisy during all the thunder last night. Hope you were both OK and that there were no more power cuts. x
Thanks everyone. We missed the during the night thunder and lightening, just rain. I was lying in bed watching the distant flashes. Ours came this morning, we did get the yellow hotspot for the first one, went really dark like sunset time, and constant thunder, and flashes no more than a few seconds apart. Was like that for about 20 mins before it started moving off. But it wasn't as violent as last year's so I didn't get so scared, and the power remained on. We got more storms but weren't in the centre of those. Sunny now. Daisy was ok, I try to make them seem like an exciting thing to help her cope. This time she didn't hide under the bed, just wanted lots of reassuring tickles while looking out the window at it. Either that or the heat meant she didn't have the energy to be so scared and hide! She's got thick soft fur so the poor wee soul struggles in the heat. Not helped by the fact that she's in a – sitting on and in black bin bag mode just now!!! xx
Glad Brenda that you have been safe and not as afraid hugs for you and daisy to keep you safe xxx
Woohoo we have sun and heat up here in the Highlands, for one day only, thunder tonight and tomorrow with flood alerts! I loved this project when I saw it on TV and I'm waiting for the african animals and stencils to arrive.
You did make me laugh Julia – I too spent the hot day doing all the washing and line drying! That thunderstorm overnight was quite dramatic wasn't it? X
Sorry to hear about your paint problems today Barbara – hopefully the fridge will sort it out for you! Love this artwork – wishing you a cooler day tomorrow – hugs Gilly x
Hi to all of my lovely blog friends – I hope that you have all managed to cope ok with the heat! We are very lucky, as we live in a Cornish cob cottage (the original eco house). It is warm in winter and cool in summer – so it has been great today. We had the back door open and the top half of the front stable door open – creating a through breeze! It's been a day of rest for me, after yesterday. Just managed to get some washing done and dried on the line – Neill helped me to peg it out, as my arms had trouble functioning today – but feeling a lot better now. Love and hugs to you all, Gilly xxx
That sounds ideal Gilly, we've been trying to create a through draft with the windows and a fan but it's still hot. Keep taking it easy and make sure you rest. Sending hugs xxx
Hi Gilly, I've never heard of Cornish Cob cottages, are they similar to the Scottish Blackhouses?? It sounds a perfect place to live.
Sending you love and hugs xxx
Pleased your feeling brighter today you have gone through a lot lately gentle hugs hope Neil is coping ok xxx
Hi Gilly,
Your house absolutely idyllic especially when it's as hot as today. If we have the front door and patio door open together, the front door slams! I made a wooden frame and covered it with net curtain to make a lovely screen for the patio door so, I can at least have that open, but Scamp can't get out and the flies can't get in! Works really well.
Glad you had a restful day. Love and hugs Alison xxx
great card esp the first. it's nice for the weather to be warm for a change. usually we are moaning as it is cold or wet or both, hugs xx
Gorgeous artwork on both cards, it's melting oop Norf too, nightmare trying to get the month end accounts finished, I just wanted to be chilling with the pooches in the back garden just like we were at the weekend x
Hi Barbara
I hope the paint behaves itself tomorrow and you don't have to rethink things too much. Blimey it has been hot, hope the jaw settled down again. This artwork is beautiful, I've got several aperture stencils but had got completely confused about how to use them so this has given me the kick I need to use them. The paper piecing is fab. Have a lovely evening and let's hope for a cooler day tomorrow.
Love Diane xxx
Hello all my lovely blog friends, I hope everyone is coping ok in this heat, it's been 32 degrees here before lunchtime. First time Emma jumped at the chance of helping mum with the supermarket shop once she realised it was going to be much cooler in there than staying at home!! Wonder if we can find an excuse to go shopping again tomorrow! Sending hugs all round and a special hug for Dot. Xxxx
Hello Diane. That was a bit of clever thinking..shopping in a nice cool supermarket. Perhaps you could find a nice cool air conditioned craft shop for tomorrow!!! Love and Hugs xxx
Evening Diane special hugs to you too xxx
Hi Diane,
Who needs an excuse! Just do it!! Love and hugs Alison xxx
WOW this is stunning! It has been very hot here too.
Linda xxx
You sound much brighter today Barbara, I'm so pleased.
I loved this piece when I saw you do it on t v, and I think it is even more stunning this time. Have another great day tomorrow. Hugs xxx
Hello all my lovely blog friends, I've just got back out of bed to say hello to you all. I'm sorry I'm still managing to miss so many of you. I hope you're all coping with this heat. Love and hugs to you all xxx
Night morag xxx
Hi Morag,
Hope you're ok, love and hugs Alison xxx
Fabulous artwork Barbara and it has been extremely hot here again to day. It is supposed to be cooling and possibly thundering tomorrow so that should sort it out. Hope the paint will be behaving better tomorrow. x
Hi Barb,
I wish I could get in the fridge! I'm sure all of your crafters still really enjoyed themselves though. It certainly has been a scorcher hasn't it?! Fabulous artwork as usual, I really love the scene you created through the aperture. Very clever. Love and hugs Alison xxx
Hi to all my blog friends,
Well I've been sweltering all day today. Good thing was, I finally got to use my new garden parasol! I went up to school to say goodbye to a couple of friends and it was like an oven in there – was pleased to get out! Came home , put the umbrella up and sat on the patio doing some Groovi work. It was lovely. Mind you it was 41 degrees in the sun on our patio and 31 sitting in the shade so still really hot. Going to attempt to get some sleep now – not holding my breath there! Might have to try some ice towels. Like ve and hugs to you all, Alison xxx
Saw you do this on Hochanda and loved it. Too hot for me today. No wonder your paints wouldn't behave. Hope your tooth and jaw are calming down. Cooling hugs,Pam xx
Hi to all my lovely friends, sorry too tired to comment on yours tonight. Hope you are all well and coping with this heat. We were the hottest in the South west today according to our news. Do hope it cools a bit overnight. Sending cooling hugs, Pam xxx
Hi Pam.
Sorry I'm late been in the garden with friends wine and cheeses till a few minutes ago. I had two prolapsed discs in the lower spine plus the nerves between the joints in the spine were inflamed. I had strong Tramadol. Amitriptyline and Diclofenac then had facet joint injections where they inject cortisone and anaesthetic into the little nerves between the vertebrae. I had three sets 6 weeks apart. Once the pain was gone I was given exercises which I still do 9 years on to make sure the muscles and ligaments hold everything together. The injections are not always available on the NHS and if you can get them it's often one course then it often has to go to a panel to agree to more and can take months. I know a couple of people who have been in that situation under the NHS. I will always have a level of pain or discomfort but I live with it and it is not a real problem. Hope this helps xx
Morning pam that's good what Chris has told you as any help when your in constant pain is appreciated as you can tell your dr as they not been fair to you or helpful
I take the amitriptyline at night I also take gabapentine which is a nerve pain I have morphine also pain management has a pharmacy person that does an assessment to what can help you so dig in there and tell them you need this help as Chris says it's worth paying to get your pain under control I paid to see the rhumotoligist but are now been treated on the NHS hope this helps gentle caring hugs xxx
Hi Barb always knew you were a red hot crafter!! Hope it's cooler for you all tomorrow.
Hi everyone else I'm off to bed now got to be up at 5.45 tomorrow xx
Hello Barb, well yesterday was sweltering, and it looks like today will be as well. So very uncomfortable. Love your artwork, reminds me so much of the land of my birth. Stay safe with the heat everyone. Bx
Morning Barbara
Yesterday was one sweltering, hot day in Consett, Co Durham!!! Too hot to do anything! We're just not used to this amount of heat
That is a great stencil, will add that to my 'must have' list! The finished art work is totally fantastic. Thank you for sharing this
Enjoy your day
June x
Loving the African stamps on my want list it was hot enough in are bungalow never mind with lots others fans just blowing hot air. Not helping my knees very pain ful twisted one yesterday earl hours could straighten it so resting. Lot better today can walk bit going away weekend so go to get ready to hot and to much pain. At moment Ho well do what I doesn't to play to hope today is cooler think is here not much but little xxx
Just love this demo….was unable to craft yesterday due to the heat….. much cooler today.
althought the heat on the phone is something terrible… problems with Mum and my sister and I am caught in the middle. Tears well before bedtime today…
Hay ho got that off my chest.
Bless you pen sending you lots of heartfelt hugs xxx
Aaw, you're in my thoughts Pen. Love and Hugs xxx
Bless you both x
Well, we had summer for the day yesterday, thunderstorms overnight and really heavy showers this morning – what a difference a day makes! Love the paper piecing project, and hope you have some well chilled paint to play with today at the workshops. I'm sure everyone is having a great time regardless x