Leftovers tonight!
Thanks for popping in.
Just got back home after day 1 at the Retreats.
I think it went well.
Either that. or our guests were just very polite!
(or frightened of me!)
Most of my stash is at the Rugby club,
ink pads, powders and what have you.
Not a Black Archival in sight!
So we have to make do and med.
Here’s a five minute step by step I made,
using what was on the desk!
Right. Ready?
I have to write fast, because the tooth ache has kicked in again.
Was fine all day.
As soon as everybody left, it started throbbing again.
And the jaw…
Versamark ink pad on Theuva card.
I love this Japanesey bamboo stamp
from this set:
Paint with Mica Powders.
I had green
and a purple colour in the cupboard.
Clean with a tissue.
Mmm. Bit too pale…..
Re-ink and go again.
Oh the joys or transparent Clarity Stamping!
Repeat the Mica Powder step.
Now THAT’s much better!
The Ranger Perfect Pearls are the ones I recommend,
because they have a built-in fixative xx
necessity is the Mother of invention,
so the last sticky thing in the building here
Ran that round the edge.
Couldn’t really see where I was going,
but just stuck close to the edge!
Dusted the sticky edge with the same Perfect Pearls.
And the irregularity and tatty effect really looks cool!
Cleaned it up with a tissue
and then looked for a word and colour to fit.
Plum Archival plus Change from Word Chain No. 7
Couple of little birds on top of the word
and in front of the bamboo…
Mounted on Pink Parchment.
Lovely Shimmer.
And simply made with what was left over from the retreat!!
Have a nice evening.
See you in the morning.
Love & Peace,
121 thoughts on “Leftovers tonight!”
Hope you all managed to keep cool today. Leftovers worked a treat Barbara. As you often say "less is more". Have a restful evening.
Once again you show your skill and experience to be able to make something so beautiful with so little planning
Pleased to hear to retreats are going well.
Hope your tooth gets sorted soon
Wow Barbara, that's beautiful and very serene. Thanks for sharing. Leftovers are often better!!! Sounds like you're worried today didn't go so well. You sound down, that's really sad. I know how much your retreats mean to you. Hopefully people who attended today will come on here and tell you how much they enjoyed it. Nice warm day today here, with quite a bit of sun. A cool breeze which is also keeping the bedroom cool for tonight, what more could I ask for in the weather!!! Hope you have a relaxing, enjoyable evening, and tomorrow is a better day for you. Love Brenda xx
Hi Brenda – totally agree about leftovers often being better and that goes for food too! Glad to hear that your weather is being good to you – love and hugs Gilly xx
Hello Brenda, I hope it stays cool for you this evening. It's so lovely to see the sun though isn't it! Have you managed any crafting yet?
'Stay Cool and Craft'
Love and Hugs xxx
Lots of hugs for you and daisy xxx
Hi Brenda, hope you have been crafting, or do I need to get my sad eyes on?? Xx
Thanks everyone xx
It's getting a bit too warm here now! Hopefully the bedroom will still be cool. My CFS doesn't handle extremes of temperature!
Yes I've been doing some craft since I said. Finished my Groovi using only the starter kit. Don't think I'll be sending it in though, Barbara said to us to send them in if we thought it was good enough to show on telly, nothing I make would ever be good enough for that! I've made my first wee batch of ATC's for RAKs. (Hope everyone is also doing that x) And today I've worked out drafts for artwork for new cards/wall art, including my Christmas card for this year. I was going to work out my next Groovi design this evening, but I got caught up doing some laptop housekeeping – filing. Thought I better get it sorted as had a scare with the hard drive yesterday, thought it had failed. Just finishing off my weekly back up now. But I'll do my usual bit of sewing/knitting when I go to bed. Hopefully tomorrow I'll try to start the new things.
Brenda please send your groovi in I didn't think my would be good enough for the tv but it was chosen it would be so lovley to see yours too .my CFS is not good today I love winter better to cope with, good you have done your cards too xxx
I'm sure your groovy card will be up to showing Brenda, have faith in yourself, hark at the pot calling the kettle black ha ha.Love and hugs Pam xx
Hello Brenda, yes I agree, send it in, I'm sure it's wonderful. It's been very hot and muggy here, just hoping it cooks down tonight but they've said 23 degrees overnight!! Ho hum. Sending hugs to you and Daisy xxx
Thanks for the encouragement everyone xx That's funny Pam, so when are you sending yours in then?! 😉 xx 23 degrees Diane, we've not even reached that during the day today! I'd be struggling so much. Good luck for tonight!!! xx
Good to hear! I will hold off on the sad eyes for a while then. Xx
HI hen know what your saying and feel the same luv yi and thata's all yi need ti ken… and a ken yi feel the same nae worries here's yir cuddle and tell our friends thank you for me and our Barb…xxx
Hi Brenda,
pleased you've had better weather today and that youve been busy crafting. It's too warm for me tonight, ive got a little fan on my bedside table blowing cool air on me and i think it will be staying on all night. Ive got the window wide open but some stupid person has set a bonfire going probably in the allotments or on one of the farms and it really smells horrible! Hope you have a good night, love and hugs to you and Daisy, Alison xx
Good to hear from you Dot, and thank you. Been thinking, and worying about you. Keep coming here when you can, we might be able to help lift your spirits a wee bit, or at least give you a wee respite from your troubles and sadness. And please look after yourself. Cuddle back xx
Aye Alison, I know that one, the guy 2 doors up likes to burn stuff, and I have to shut windows, don't want to be breathing that in! It was ok during the night here, butbreally heating up now, we're to reach 27 today! Fortunately it's just for one day, then violent thunder and lightening storms are forecast, scary! Seems to be going from one extreme to thebother this year, with no happy middle ground, mirroring the world at present! xx
Pam, sorry to hear your back pain has been diagnosed as arthritis. That has to be one of the worst places to have it. Hope you can find someone that will help find you ways to manage it. You unload here any time, and no need to be sorry for doing so, you give so many of us support and encouragement here, we want to give you some back when you're struggling xx
That's beautiful. Hope toothache improves soon. Take care x
Hi Barbara
Sometimes leftovers make the best meal. The finished piece is quite lovely. I hope you have a relaxing evening and that your tooth calms down. I am sure all the lucky Crafter's had a fantastic day. I am green with envy and do wish I could come one day.
Hugs from Chris X
You really need to get that tooth sorted, it'll only get worse you know. I so wish I could get to a retreat, but the next best thing is reading about it. Fabulous art work, from next to nothing xx
Hi Barbara – so sorry to hear about that dreaded tooth again! I am sure that everyone will have enjoyed themselves today! Get an early night and some painkillers – take care, hugs Gilly x
Hi to all of my lovely blog friends – it's been wonderful weather here again today. It's been a strange day for us, as some of you will know Neill and I were all geared up for him to start his radiotherapy today! However, this didn't happen, because our GP surgery wouldn't do Neill's 1st injection straight away, this has meant a delay of several weeks, as he hasn't had the 3rd injection yet. Neill was disappointed/angry/annoyed – but he has come round now. I have tried to put forward the positives for this delay and hopefully he will handle it all ok. Obviously now the treatment won't be completed until at least the end of November. Another great positive is that (due to the hormone treatment) his PSA level has fallen to 1.1 which is wonderful. Love and hugs to you all, Gilly xxx
Fantastic news Gilly about the 1.1. PSA. But I do sympathise about not being able to start RT yet, especially after you'll have both been psyched up and ready. A positive about not finishing til the end of November means that the weather will be cooler for his last couple of months. He will find that will definitely be a benefit. Love and hugs to you both. xxx
Oh what a disappointment for you both all that stressing then it dosent happen.Enjoy the rest of your night big hugs dear blog friend xxx
Oh dear, poor Neil. Hope the delay is shorter than expected. Xx
That's really disappointing for both of you, understand Neil being angry but glad you can see the positives to it. Hugs to you both.xx
Hi Gilly oh that's so disappointing for you both but really good the levels are better. Smile, enjoy the sunshine, tomorrow is another day. Sending hugs to you both xxx
What a let down for you, however it might mean you'll be able to manage a few days away again once your pride and joy is fixed xx
Hi Gilly,
What a shame for Neil and you after all your worrying. Glad his levels are down, thats good news.At least you are both seeing positives though. Love and hugs to you both, Alison xx
Thanks for all of your kind messages, have only just seen them, as I went to bed early. Not so good today, I will rest – love and hugs to you all, Gilly xxx
Lovely use of left overs and perfect pearls. I've got that CC tape and it's super strong. What a shame that your tooth had to spoil the day especially as it's just the beginning of the retreats. Looking forward to my turn at the end of next week. Love and hugs, Jeanette xxxx
Great card with very limited resources. I don't use tape runners anymore ad I found my cards falling apart after a few days. Are these ones stronger? Hope your tooth gets better, good luck for day 2. Xx
Hello Donna. You'll be on holiday countdown now!!! I hope Pheobe has now fully recovered. Love and Hugs xxx
Oh yes, counting down!! Phoebe is getting there thankfully we have had a couple of set backs but it is heading the right way again. Xx
The tape pen Barbara has used is good Donna, I've had no trouble with sticking except sometimes it might make a thinner line. Eg. it doesn't all come out but I just redo it. it sticks well.
Hi Donna I gave tried them and they are really good. Sara came to our local hobby craft last year and was happy to chat to everyone ( another lovely genuine lady like our Barbara). She said they developed their own tape pens as people were using their products and sticking them together with another brand and they had complaints the projects were falling apart so yes supper sticky. Sending hugs to you and Phoebe xx
Thanks everyone, I may be tempted back into the world of tape pens, there's nothing more embarrassing than a card that disassembles itself as you are sitting drinking tea with the recipient! 😧 XX
Interesting, I gave up with the pens because of lack of stick!
Hi bloggy friends, hope you are all well and keeping cool. Have photographed my challenge card and sent it in so will be playing with my calendar challenge in a bit. Xx
Hi Donna will be popping over to have a peek enjoy doing your calendar one now hugs for you and pheobe xxx
Did the inky/gelli plate bit last night but wasn't impressed with what I produced. I might try and work with one of them as I don't want to waste anymore ink! Did enjoy doing my 'day out' challenge. Xx
You asked about the tape pens I get the ones on Joanna sheens web that she sells the refills ad tec crafters tape for they the best I've tried hope this helps xxx
Well done you Donna, I ought to have a go again, but not been feeling up to it. I'll have,a quick peek at hours later though.xx
Sorry to hear your back is still painful Pam, such a horrible thing and no help either. If only we were all rich enough to have private health cover, I bet they wouldn't say there was nothing they could do! Hope it improves soon. Xx
Hi Donna,
Im going to pop over to the challenge blog to see your work of art – I'm sure it will be brilliant.When do you break up for the holidays? My old school finishes on Wednesday. I bet you are really ready for the holidays, i know I certainly was when i was teaching. Sending love and hugs to you and Phoebe, Alison xx
You go my lovely you're good do you know that and a friend …xx
Morning Scotty Dotty, have missed you! Glad to see you pop in. How is everything? Thinking of you. Xx
I've been thinking about your retreat all day Barbara, and wishing I was there. No-one could spend a day with you and not enjoy it. That would be an impossibility! Toothache is so physically and mentally debilitating, I do hope you can get it sorted soon.
I love your 'leftover' piece today, it's amazing what you can come up with. I do hope you'll feel better tomorrow. Love and Hugs xxx
Hi barb sure everyone thoroughly enjoyed the retreat .I am really looking forward to the Friday /Saturday ones …love the artwork.hope the tooth ache eases off ,
Hello all my lovely blog friends. I hope you are all good and enjoying this lovely weather. Long may it last!….nothing like a bit of wishful thinking is there!!
I've been having very early nights, but I'll try and catch up with you all later. Love and Hugs to everyone. xxx
Hi morag hugs xxx
Hi Morag, weather very hot here, lovely seeing the sun though, but too hot for me. Actually got burnt yesterday as bumped into some friends and sat outside for lunch not thinking that we hadn't put sunscreen on as expected to sit inside as we usually do. Hope you've had a good day. Hugs Pam xx
Hi Morag yes very hot here too, could have done with a gradual build up to it but will take the sunshine over the rain any day . Sending hugs xxx
Typical British weather no build up, just straight from comfortable sunnyish days to full on Mordor! No in between. Xx
Love to you Morag xx
Hi Morag,
isn't it great to actually see the sun! Mind you i dont want it much hotter as i cant stand the heat nowadays! Sorry we never got our coffee and cake, we really must get caught up. Love and hugs Alison xx
Hope your tooth settles down again I'm sure everyone loved the retreats beautiful art work again I think I will order this set as its in the members sale even though I have had my first sale parcel .im looking forward to my postman bringing my winning calendar challenge voucher parcel xxx
Evening to all my dear family of blog friends hugs to all and to all the blog .
It's been very warm here too warm for me I'm looking forward to when it cools later so I can have a groovi again tonight I enjoyed late groovi-ing last night the diamond groovi plate for this month is fantastic and the inspiration is fabulous hope everyone is having as much enjoyment with is as I am xxx
A wee extra hug for you Dorothy xxx
Hi Sheila – I have all the stamps in that set (all purchased at different times), and they are so useful for a quick card. The hummingbirds are lovely for a male card, just stamped onto a shaving foam background. Glad you are managing to do some crafting and hope you keep pain free x
Hello Sheila. I'm over the moon that you're managing to get some crafting done. I'm definitely with you on the heat front. It's just as well it never seems to last for more than a couple of days here!
Yes, it's a great diamond package this month..as always! I will have fun with it. Love and Hugs xxx
Thanks Susan I've just put my order in crafting hugs xxx
I'm like you Sheila in that I haven't ordered this set in the members sale…yet. Not sure why as I've really like the artwork I've seen with the humming birds.
Hello Sheila, hope it cools down enough to craft later on, it's been too warm to do anything here! I finally put my order in today, might have to make the bank manager his favourite cake later on 😀. Now I wish I'd added the humming bird stamp too. Oh well there's always next week! Sending hugs xxx
Hi Sheila, sorry your CFS has been worse today, such a shame being your pain has been easier. Nice that you can still do some groovy, better to wait until the evening when it's cooler, isn't it. I absolutely love the new design club groovy plate too. My back isn't getting any better, I'm not getting much help from the doctor, just given me anti depressants again to help me sleep, they did help for a few weeks but that was all, doctor wants me to up the dose each time, but can't see the point when they make you feel like a zombie in the day, and really niggly and grumpy. Can't have injections as she is saying they can't inject between all my discs at the bottom of my spine. Says it's arthritis and nothing they can do. No consultant either, I asked about acupuncture but its not on NHS. If it would definitely do some good I'd go privately for it. Never mind
Just have to get on with it, won't I. Sorry again for spouting on. Love and hugs, Pam xx
Dear pam I feel it for you as pain is so debilitating and drags you down each day you share each day here if it helps you I'm here to blog too .i have a antidepressant that is a sleep and pain all in one don't know if that's the one you have been given as I take it on a night .why couldn't pain management given you acupuncture on NHS ask to be sent to pain management consultant see they can help before you pay as it might not work but they could give you a nerve pain drug that dosent make you zombie like as I have that too .dont want to name them on here as don't know if I can with it been barbaras blog .
Don't let your dr fob you off as you need help sending lots of caring hugs dear blog friend xxx
Evening Sheila, enjoy your crafting when it cools down. It feels like you could be in Africa so you will feel right at home doing the members Groovi plate! Xx
I need the wee animals now to go with it ,I'm doing a bit each night, on the peace and love one from last night I got mine the other way round to Barbaras but still looks good .
I'm just watching the news at least 15 people been injured on a train in Germany man with an axe he has been shot dead when does this all end so sad xxx
Hi Sheila,
Great news that you have got some Groovi work done. I think night is a good time as its cooler – although not much tonight, im lathered!! I ordered this set in the members sale and cant wait for it to arrive so i can give this a go. Love and hugs Alison xx
My wee Sheila switch the telly news off my friend its the only way to cope just now… and folks if you think this is wrong then your stronger than me Sheila hugs my freiend…xx Dot…xx
Hi Sheila – so pleased that you have been able to craft. I went to bed early last night – and don't feel so good today, so it's a day of rest for me today. Lots of love and caring hugs, Gilly xxx
Hi gilly you rest up no wonder your not feeling well with Neil's not getting his treatment and poor Edith I don't know if you saw my message from the other day as I said how lovley that you bought the motor home with the inheritance from your mum and named it after her and always feel close to your mum big caring hugs for today it's far to warm to do anything rest up dear blog friend xxx
Oh Barb – that is beautiful………………. simple and fresh. I am so looking forward to the Retreat but it seems ages to the end of August [I hope you all aren't too whacked out by then!!!]
Love this stamp Barbara, and will definitely have a go at something like this with it as it looks so different to when you just stamp it as a silhouette. Hope you get some relief from the toothache and a good nights sleep x
Lovely creation from leftovers. Poor you, toothache is just the worst pain. Hope you can get it sorted, might have to let Paul take over for an hour or two while you visit the dentist. I imagine that everyone enjoyed today, I know I am so looking forward to my turn. Better get that tooth better as I shall bring cake. xx
Been a hot one hope you got some fans at retreat haha part from ladies and may be gents the electric type bad joke love your card have a lovely evening and day tomorrow xxx
Haha! Good joke Xxxx
Made me smile joy xxx
Really really hot here washing done and dry and got a bit of crafting done too. Dealing with blackcurrants is taking a time 2 lbs done today.
Great idea with the tape must give that a try. Lovely card.
Hugs to all blog friends x
Hugs pen xxx
Love this one Barbara, love the colours too looks amazing. Wonder if I could make it look as good though. Poor you again with that blasted toothache. Tablets and a good rest you need. Take care, live and hugs,Pam xx
Meant to say Barbara, I'm sure all the ladies (and Gentlemen) that attended your retreat today would have had a fabulous day.xx
Hi Pen I've got black currants to sort too, might sit in the shade tomorrow and try and get them sorted. I put a good handful in my summer pudding mix today, summer has arrived! Sending hugs xxx
I made blackcurrant jam today too. Very fiddly to top and tail but I sat out under the shade of our apple tree and quite enjoyed it xx
Amazing.,,beautiful .
fab what you can do with a few things. painkillers and rest are of the order, hugs xx
Hi Barbara, Green and purple are my two favourite colours together, I love this !!
I hope your tooth and jaw are feeling a lot better now.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Hi Barbara, Green and purple are my two favourite colours together, I love this !!
I hope your tooth and jaw are feeling a lot better now.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Had a great day, followed by a lovely evening. Thank you Barbara and Paul. I love your leftovers, beautiful colours, beautiful design. Early night for you, with some painkillers,by the sound of it. Night night. xxx Maggie
Hi Barbara hope your ok you must be tired after the first day bet it was great love your work lovely colours thank you love always June Horrocks xxxxx
It was a great 1st day, thoroughly enjoyable. You must all work so hard to make the days run so smoothly. Looking forward to tomorrow c
This is a lovely simple design. I was thinking that the glamour dust would work a treat with the tape runner.
I can see you putting another sale order in like me then? did you get all you wanted with your winning voucher I know silly Question,the wee animals are now at the top of my wish list .xxx
Yep, I can see another order going in. I was a bit naughty and decided just to order everything I wanted…well I did work overtime and I have been good and life is just too short anyway. I'm waiting in anticipation for the parcel.
Good for you we don't need a excuse to order clarity do we ☺️
Put my order in yesterday, I can see you two are ahead of me though! Xx
Pleased to hear that the retreat got off to a great start. Hope your tooth and jaw get better soon. Hugs xx
Hi to all my lovely blog friends I haven't spoken too yet. Hope you've enjoyed today and the good weather. Extra,hug for Dot, hi Diane haven't spoken to you for a while. Hugs to you all and everyone on the blog.xxxx
Left you a message up on mine pam xxx
Hi Pam. I had a back problem 9 years ago. Spent a year in a wheelchair and couldn't walk more than a few yards. Saw the musculo skeletal team and had physio and an MRI. I asked my GP to refer me to a consultant privately and ended up having private treatment that is not always available on the NHS. I got back to walking 6 or 7 miles till my hip started to play up so can't walk so far now and waiting for an appointment to see about a replacement. You can pay for a private consultation but you don't have to have private treatment. In my case it was worth every penny xx
Thanks a lot Chris, I'll take your comment on board and see what physio say next time I go. Is it rude to ask what your treatment was?xx
Hello Barbara
Well it sounds like one or two have had a good day, I'm sure everyone has. Love what you have made just using left overs, the tape pen is a good idea. Poor you still being in pain, mind you, it was a big tooth and it usually takes a good week to get over it and here you are working flat out! Look after yourself, take pain killers and have an early night. Sending hugs .
Love Diane xxx
Hello my lovely blog friends I hope everyone is ok. It's been very warm here today so after putting the Hoover round I had to sit down and put in my Clarity order. Found a few things for my sisters present too so she will be a happy bunny. Sending hugs all round and a special hug for Dot. Xxxx
Hello Diane ooooo clarity towers will be busy I've just put one in too and I think julia is not far behind us lucky sister she is xxx
Hi Diane, enjoy your order when it comes. I kept browsing before I decided what I wanted. Hope you have been keeping cool. Xx
Got mine at the weekend xx
Hi Barb
Lovely card, love the shimmer bet it looks great in real life. Sorry about your toothache, I hate anything to do with Dentists but it is a necessary evil – hugs X X X
So sorry your toothache has kicked in again – nothing worse. Love your 'leftovers' – great colours, can't beat this combo! Getting really excited now that the retreats have begun…roll on to mid August…countdown started and Sat'Nag' already programmed….whoopee! !!!
Feel better soon.
Another lovely card, and the colours are so beautiful. I must get busy with a special card, but afraid the garden needs a lot of weeding. You are very brave, I am terrified of the dentist, hope your soon better. Xx
That is lovely Barbara and those mica powders have a fabulous sheen, a pretty combination of colours too. Sorry you are still suffering from your tooth extraction but glad the first day of the retreats went well. x
What a lovely piece of leftover! I tucked a couple of mica powders on to my sale order and now can't wait to try this technique.
I hope tooth hurty less tomorrow xx
Thank you Barbara Gray don't you ever give this special place up …xx thank you…Dot..xx
Hello my dear blog friend hope my wee hugs have been helping xxx
Hi Barb,
How could you doubt that people would be having a good time! Judging by thr comments on here, people loved it.Really sorry to hear that you're still having pain from your tooth – nothing worse. Hope it's better tomorrow. Love what you have done with your " leftovers". I have ordered the set of stamps in the members sale and when they arrive I'll be trying this. Hope tomorrow goes well, love and hugs Alison xx
Hi to my blog friends,
Been a lovely day here but now too hot for me to sleep! My little electric fan is working overtime! Still i shouldn't grumble as it is lovely to have summer here at last – even though it looks like it might be over again tomorrow night with all the thunderstorms that are forecast. Love and hugs to you all, Alison xxx
Hi Alison I've been do a little groovi-ing as far to warm to sleep but cooler now to groovi but sleep time now night xxx
Hello Barb, what a beautiful creation from leftovers. Hope your tooth is better, and gives you a break today. Take care. Bx
Sounds like everything off to a good start at the retreats, hope that your tooth pain gets better. Please go back to the dentist if it doesn't soon just to check that all is ok
Beautiful card and made with what you had to hand. Sorry about the toothache, it's horrid and the pain can drag you down. I'm sure there was plenty of "treat" in your "Retreat" yesterday with more Clarity goodness today. Looks like you'll all be hot stuff in Crowborough today. Wishing you all a wonderful day today.
Gorgeous, I love this technique must revisit this myself soon. Sorry to hear your tooth is still giving you bother. Take care and I hope today is a fabulous day too.
Linda xxx