To work or not to work, that is the question….
Not feeling 100%,
andcan’t get a blimming thing done for clucking about!
So I am orchestrating operations from my little den in the sky.
Well, above the garage at home !!!
I’m pretty sure the Clarity Crew are perfectly happy for me
to stay away too….
Friday’s blog a private peek, right?
It’s been a funny old week. I’ve been here, but not here.
On Monday we blew the doors off at Hochanda
with our new Baby Groovi idea.
Over 1,000 orders within a couple of hours.
So all hands on deck.
It was a bit like this…..
A dear old friend of Dave’s passed away suddenly,
so Melanie and Dave went to the funeral on Tuesday.
They drove all the way to Devon and back in a day
to pay their respects.
Dentist. I am having a hell of a time with my teeth.
#costapacket #willbefine #cheeseysmile.
By the time I got back home,
Mandy was already there, doing the ironing and making a brew.
Lewes for lunch at Bills.
We stayed in the toasty kitchen all morning.
Mandy cleaned plates whilst I cleared the ironing.
I just needed to do something not work-related for a while!
Honestly, with all the travel, business trips, TV shows and such,
the housework has been sorely neglected!
My friend Jayne, who usually keeps on top of all that for me,
has had to plough on at work. Jayne’s in charge of all TV dispatch, so ask me if she’s had time to come and empty the dishwasher lately!
In the afternoon, Mandy and I went to Woods in the
Tunbridge Wells Pantiles for cream tea.
Absolutely delightful!
Back to the dentist.
And now I’m back home.
It’s very wearing isn’t it, toothwork.
But heyho. It’s not terminal.
Nothing that a few months of treatment
and a wedge of dough won’t sort out.
Have Wurka and Hollick moved back in?
66 thoughts on “To work or not to work, that is the question….”
You've had a right old week but it had a grand wild start, a lovely middle with mandy and a not so nice end with the toothache! Hope the teeth settle quickly!
I have no voice so things are quiet here!!! For now anyway!
Look forward to seeing tomorrow's project!
Love and hugs xxxx
Hugs my dear Jane xxxx
Hi Barbara, I grind my teeth without realising, do you do that too? Hope you can put your feet up for the rest of the day, I can hear you laughing 🙂 Please try to rest though for a while. Hope you have a lovely birthday, I won't be able to get on the internet on the day, so I'm sending early birthday wishes, and strangely it would have been Mum's birthday on the 12th, I knew you had the same caring hearts. Take care xxx
You've had a right old week but it had a grand wild start, a lovely middle with mandy and a not so nice end with the toothache! Hope the teeth settle quickly!
I have no voice so things are quiet here!!! For now anyway!
Look forward to seeing tomorrow's project!
Love and hugs xxxx
Oh if I only had the energy and sense of humor of yours ,although people tell me I'm very funny and make them laugh . Thanks for this lovely blog and always taking the time despite work and not feeling well ., I'm tuned into jo rice also and she is a treasure , always inspires me and now I'm going to have to get the wee trees and foliage . My craft area is exploding . Any sales of those coming along soon ???? . Joy to you and to all on this blog . May your day be blessed to abundance . Jan/ Janice
I'm exhausted reading that! Things can only get better – in a fashion!
Work Monday and Tuesday. Wonderful Wednesday and Thursday (a great balance of work and play – well they do say a change is as good as a rest!). Friday, breakfast with Barbara, a visit to Clarity Towers on the way home and a good drive back! Relaxing this afternoon with my Groovi kit and a trip to York tomorrow! Strange but amazing week!
Miss you already Barbara!
Love and hugs xx
Hope Tooth and Ache go away soon… Maybe leave them under A desk too?
You sure are clocking up the miles this week, Mandy. Take care out there on the roads. I am sure all the idiots are out there today, having just done the school run. Have a good weekend. xx Maggie
Is that your sneaky way of telling us Barbara had false teeth! She can't leave them under a desk otherwise lol xxx
Oh Barbara love the bunny photo bless you take a weekend rest you and Dave you have got on a groovi wheel and it won't stop sending resting hugs xxx
Afternoon Donna Diana Dorothy pam Brenda morag gilly thinking of you all sending lots of hugs xxx
Hugs to all on the blog xxx
We have had the joiner today to put some shelves in my lattice cupboard in my craft room for my inks pens ect to get them of my desk so that's what I will be doing over the weekend if I have plenty of energy he Also put up a new Fence& gates in garden looks brilliant so a good day but a rest day for me xxxx
Hello Sheila
That shelf sounds a good idea, you will be so organised in your craft room soon! It's good to think the garden is looking tidy so when the warm weather eventually arrives it will encourage your to go out and plant things. Xxtake care and rest xxxx
Hi Sheila – I like the sound of your shelf, it must be brilliant for you to be able to get so organised. I can confirm that I have been a good girl today, went for my Dr's appointment this morning, and have rested ever since today! My body took control and I didn't try to fight it! Hugs Gilly xx
Evening Sheila, have fun arranging your shelf with all your crafty bits. Xx
Evening gilly so pleased you have been good resting hope Drs went well too xxx
Evening Donna had a crafting weekend xxx
Evening Diane I'm very lucky I have a lady comes to plant out my planters for winter / spring them she comes back to plant for summer i wish I could do it myself but I've learnt to delegate the jobs I cannot do anymore xxx
Tooth ache not so good and they sure no how to charge let hope you get assorted quickly and not to painful. And things work wise become more manageable for you all I must admit do love the baby groovii's so cute xxx
What a week Barb, I would suggest an easy weekend! Teeth are such a pest aren't they! Take care xx
Teeth are a nuisance coming and a nuisance going aren't they, hope you soon feel better Barbara c
Its strange i know you are telling us youre week has been hectic but i still think its sounds a great life! And your little trips gor treats outside of work sound idylic I would love to spend a typical week with you x
Sorry about your dental visits but I always look on it that I would rather keep my own teeth for as long as possible as dentures can be even more of a pain (ooh bad pun!). Hope you have a calmer weekend Barbara. x
Crikey feeling weary reading that list but tomorrow is another day, definitely a good idea to get arty. I'm off to support and get hugs from Mandy, love my crafty friends xx
Hi Barbara
It's good to know you are having some " me time" The team will not let you down. I hope your tooth is sorted soon. My dentist has had several skiing trips on me!!!! I am looking forward to seeing what art insets you are getting up to tomorrow.
It is good for the soul to do stuff other than work from time to time. Easy to say when I haven't got a multi million pound empire to run but I guess it is all relative hey? Glad you had fun with Mandy – good to see you had her working too hahahaha – bet she had a wail of a time. Hope the toothache settles down soon too – nothing worse is there – except backache maybe! Enjoy your weekend and don't work too hard. xxxxx
Sorry to hear you have had such an uncomfortable end to a very busy week, but at least the middle of the week was a bit of fun with Mandy. I have had some fun this afternoon, after the school run, going back to one of your previous posts with stencils and micro beads. I can't wait for the paste to dry to allow me to see what, if anything, I have achieved. Sorry to hear about Dave's sad news. I hope you can both take a little time for yourselves over the weekend. Love Maggie. xxxx
Thanks for the reply about Maria's class She was lovely when I went to the open days. Maria forgot to tell me where the class is, do you happen to know please, I don't want to pester her she must be so busy with the TV shows and everything.
Hello Barbara,
I never had problems with my teeth but a lot of people around me have. When I was a child my dentist was an old man with plenty of golden teeth in his mouth and today I would say he was the kind of dentist you see in "Little Shop of Horror". But I never was afraid about dentists ever. Maybe I´m lucky in this case.
So have a nice weekend and get well soon.
Rolf xxx
EEK what a busy week you have had and fabulous shows too! I have a visit to the dentist next week so feel your pain. Why do visiting the dentists always cost you a packet!!! Enjoy the rest of today.
Linda xxx
Hello Barbara. What a week!!!
Good luck at the dentist. And remember to breathe. Have an extra special weekend. Lots of love and hugs. Emma xxxxxxxxx
Goodness me, I'd call that a pretty full on week! Not sure I'd still be standing after all that. I'll just brush past (pun intended) how long it's been since I went to the dentist – I know I'm a wimp, but they do 'fill' me with terror. Stupid really. Hope your toothy problems don't 'grind' you down and that you have a lovely arty weekend!
Tonbridge Sue
Hope you are going to treat yourself to a bit of a rest this weekend . . . . . . . after the intrigue of tomorrow's picture, that is. Had intended to get the shirts ironed tonight but as a stupid bus-driver gave me wrong info – I ended up hiking a lot more than intended, so it will be left 'til tomorrow. Feet up, Barb! ;~}
Hi Barbara
Oh you have had a week and a half and poor Dave too pulling the night shift and driving to Deven and back! I like the mix of work and play with Mandy though – just what you needed. I sympathise with the dentist visit though – did he tell you it was age related? Is he about 12? Could you happily have clocked him one? Don't you love them. I think you need a house keeper who doesn't like crafting to do your housework and not be influenced to want to pack orders and plates for you – is that possible??? My sister has just text me to say she has spent her Clarity voucher and more and how lovely the staff were who helped her with the order so a big thank you to everyone at Clarity. Try and have a bit of Dave and Barbara time this weekend.
Love Diane xxxx
Hi Donna – happy dance Friday again – don't they come round quickly! Xxx
Hi Brenda thinking of you my lovely lady, here's a hug for you and Daisy xxx
Hi Pam hope you are up and running again now. Xxx
Hi Dot are you still babysitting? Have lots of fun xxx
I know! How is it already Friday again? Have a good weekend. Xx
As long as you don't lose that lovely smile!! Hope the dentistry gets sorted soon. I've just been catching up on the last couple of days of blogs and so glad I did – I thought my Spectrum Noirs were breaking because I had knocked a some off the table on to the carpet. I have now been on the Newcastle Arts Centre website and ordered 60 polychromos so am happy now.
Also excited because I have a place on Maria's Catterick workshop next Saturday. I've wanted to go for ages but dates were wrong for me. I hope it will be the first of many.
Try not to spend to much time cleaning anything this weekend xx
You will love it, Chris. Maria is a great teacher and very patient with us all. xx Maggie
Hi Chris, pleased you got your polychromos – more than I did! Didn't have time to get to the Art Centre so I'm just going to order them & suffer my husband's wrath when they arrive! Hugs, Alison xxx
Polychromos are so fantastic – enjoy!;~}
My sympathy over teeth. I broke a front tooth the night before I went on holiday. I had to suffer it and still suffering until Monday. Well then the nerves will set in. Do I hate the dentist and he really hurts my pocket big time – rather be buying groovi. So pleased the weekend is here – got to get going and get and outfit for my son's wedding. Bit difficult being 4.11ft and middle age spread!
Wishing everyone out there a pleasant weekend and we won't think of Monday!
Love Anne (Reading)
p.s. please can we have the retreats soon as I need to book leave from work – getting difficult with staff cuts and a lot of trials coming up
I'm sorting out the letters this weekend Ann xxx
Hope you feel better soon and your teeth get sorted quickly. Condolences to Dave, I'm so sorry he lost his friend this week. Hugs to you both xx
Not keen on dentist and I have to say mine is a lovely chap so not his fault. I do go regularly though and do not envy you having a lot of work done. Hope you soon feel better and have enjoyed your time with Mandy. xx
Hi Barb,
I hate the dentists so you have my sympathy there. So sorry to hear about Dave's friend too, my thoughts are with him. Gosh, over a thousand orders (if you take into account people like me who ordered directly from you), that's brilliant – although you might have to increase to 500 a night now! Hope you feel better soon , love and hugs, Alison xxx
Hi Alimecca. I ordered online as we live just that bit too far away – I did mention it to my husband and said the price very quickly. We are now going the model shop in Ripon tomorrow as he is into making model ships!
Sorry you've had one of those dentist weeks, I'm sure it will be worth it in the end. Also sad for Dave and a lot of travelling too. Next week will be better, although it was nice for you to have a friend visit too. My Groovi plates arrived from Hochanda today, thought I'd better use my Freedom membership on something, I usually order direct from you – saying that I have got some on order as well ! Why is it that I order in batches and then hubby notices a little stream of parcels to the door !! It was ok when I was at work I just had them delivered there LOL!!
After a foggy start here we felt some warmth in the sun at lunchtime and I'm sure I could have sat in the garden with a cuppa. However, I had lunch in the conservatory and promptly nodded off! At least no alarm clock in the morning !
Have a good weekend. Hugs to all that need them xxx
Hope your tooth is better soon, nothing worse than tooth ache. So pleased for you all that the groovi plates took off, I'm not surprised they were delightful. Rather a mixed blessing great order ( I confess to be one of those)! But means more work for you. You sound as if you have some great friends and the team behind you.
Hope you manage a rest at some point in the weekend. X X X
Hi Barbara, can't certainly empathise with a gruelling week and not feeling fab, my week has been all about managing my own workload as a Project Manager and that of a colleague who is on leave – his idea of handover notes woefully lacking – and my week has just been fraught with issues on his projects! Wednesday I worked from home – a relief to my regular commute – then yesterday an afternoon meeting in Luton and then the trek home – the journey too work much lengthened by road closures due to flooding etc. Today started off with a very drive to work – my words to my colleague who car shares on a Friday were – I know there is a roundabout coming up soon just can't see it! and the rest has just been non stop calls, emails, conference calls etc – only to be rounded off by another 13 mile detour on the way home because of a road accident closing the road home! My throat is not feeling great and I am not feeling great – but at least that is this week over! Tomorrow is crafting with CEM Nottingham group to lift my spirits and I think Sunday may just have to be a day of rest and hope this throat thing goes away!!!
So have a lovely evening my friend
Much love
Kim xx
Hi Barbara – you really have had a week of highs and lows! Sorry to hear about having to go to the dentist – not a nice thing to have to do! Hope that it all gets sorted very soon and that you are out of pain. Enjoy your weekend with Dave – take care, hugs Gilly x
Hi Sheila, I have put a message for you on your comment.
Hi Morag – hope that you are well and have had a good day – if you read my comment to Sheila, you will see that I have been a very good girl today, hugs Gilly xxx
Hi to everyone else on the blog – hope that you have all enjoyed some lovely weather today, Gilly xxx
What a lot of highs and lows to cope with in one week Barbara. A typical week for you I feel! I hope you're not in too much pain and get a chance to have a rest over the weekend. My POTD arrived today. The baby groovi plates are just so gorgeous. I can't wait to play with them. You give so much pleasure with your wonderful idea.
Take care xx
Hi to all my blog friends. Sending you all a big hug. I'm off to bed for an early night while hubby watches football xx
Hi Morag, escaping the football sounds like a sensible plan. Xx
Hi Morag,
Me too! Xxx
Had two teeth related appointments myself today. One with the hygienist and then one with the dentist who was out with the drill bit. " We will just give you a few injections to numb you up." That would have been fine if it had worked properly. So when I could feel her right on the nerve I just thought of child birth and that I could cope it would end in a moment!!! She is a new dentist and I am not that impressed I am afraid to say because I have never been afraid of the dentist in my life and I am coming up 53 but you know next time I visit her I feel I will be a little apprehensive. I have been missing the good old blog over the last week as I have been computerless. So I have had a good old catch up. Much love Jayne
Oh dear, tooth ache is such a pain……if you pardon the pun! Hope you feel better soon. Looking forward to a restful weekend. Xx
Evening everyone hope you all have a great weekend! Xx
Hi Barbara
So sorry to hear your having problems with your teeth,you just can't think straight sometimes when the teeth cause discomfort and omg the cost is phenomenal.I do hope the problems solved soon.
i'm sure it could be worse. but the toothwork does put a nasty slant on it, hugs xx
I really feel for you, I too am going through dental trauma, I need two crowns replaced as something untoward is going on underneath. It's causing earache as well as toothache. I wish we had the same system as sharks they grow new teeth on a sort of conveyer belt system, it doesn't bring a pretty picture to mind though xx
Aren't teeth a pain?!! Why is it that my husband, who didn't go to the dentist for years until he realised that he wasn't being a good role model for our children, gets a gold report every time he goes and I, who has religiously gone twice a year all my life, always needs treatment of one sort or another? Sounds like you have had a busy week with a couple of nice social highlights, That's the way to do it but is the balance right yet? Mxx
PS Did I read a little while ago that you are going to see Adele soon? If you are, you are in for a real treat. I saw her in Manchester yesterday. It was fabulous 🙂
I've had a lovely box full of Groovi stuff to play with tomorrow – it "accidentally got ordered" and hubby working tomorrow so I can play!!!! I had tried to resist another technic to try, but barb, you got me – I'm now gonna be hooked on another clarity craft! Sorry bank account 😬 Hope the nashers are ok 😀
I've had a work, no work week too. Started Jury services on Monday, told not needed on Tuesday so back to work, back to courts on Wednesday then told not needed any more so back to work for last two days. I didn't know whether I was coming or going. Good job I could tell my a**e from my elbow. Hope you managed some fun time with Mandy despite the toothache. Hope you don't suffer too much pain either to your teeth or purse. Love & hugs Jeanette xxx
Hi Barbara, sorry to hear you're still having bad trouble with your teeth. Your toothache must be really wearing you down. I'm glad you managed some fun and happy good times in amongst your gruelling work schedule. And catching up on housework must have helped too. Hope you've got more fun/rest planned for this weekend.
Sorry to hear about your loss Dave, I'm thinking about you.
Love Brenda xx
Hello Barb, oh no, not the dentist! Hope it feels better, and glad to hear you let go of the business side for a while. Take care of yourself and Dave. You have a great team behind you. Bx
Feel better soon Barbara love June Horrocks xxxx
Toothache…ouch. The dentist cancelled my last appointment and I haven't got round to making a new one, that was 18 months ago. It's still not something I wish to think about at the moment as I am in terrible pain with sciatica and have been for months. I glad to here that you also do the mundane things in life like ironing. My life feels like it is full of the mundane and not enough of the pleasurable things. I'm off to do the hoovering and wipe round the bathrooms, then make a pot of soup, have lunch, take some pain killers then cut back the lavender hedge at the front of the house and only then if there is some time left over before I have to make dinner I'll poodle off to the craft room. Oh, and I'll be ironing after dinner.