Onions Versus Shallots
Hello there!
Good of you to drop in.
We’ve been very industrious this morning;
Mandy has been cleaning – guess what? at the kitchen table,
and I have been clearing a mountain of ironing.
So all in all a good morning’s work.
Nothing like a little spring cleaning to clear the head.
Before we indulge in yet another lady’s lunch,
(this time they turned right at the end of the road,
and headed in the direction of Royal Tunbridge Wells),
I thought I would show you the finished effort of a Groovi Farmhouse card I started to show you here in Blogland,
but never got round to it on the box.
This was the step by step leading up to it:
New Farmhouse and Texture Plates which sold out very quickly!
For a full step by step, just pop over to last Saturday’s blog,
where each stage is explained.
(Ice cream or doughnuts)
Aha! Enter the Superb new Groovi Grids!
But then what?
Pencils – Polychromos from the back.
Attached to Kraft Card for that gritty, natural look,
using thin double-sided tape along the corner panels.
I like that the Grid embossing and the textures
still come through beautifully white.
So there you are.
Now you know the rest of the story!
But now, as Mandy would say,
“That’s onion.”
What??? I asked –
“That’s shallot.”
Love & hugs,
75 thoughts on “Onions Versus Shallots”
Just love the effect the Polychromos give. Texture plate a 'must have' too. Enjoy lunch. Mike's just made mine – bacon and avocado open sandwich!!! Delicious. ;~}
Groovi grids just arrived! ;~}
"That's Shallot" haha!
This was the one that prompted me to buy the Texture plate. I love the idea of using the Kraft card, you're right it fits perfectly. A lovely demo as usual. Enjoy your lunch, you must be cracking through the plates now!! xx
Afternoon morag xxx
Hi Morag – our weather here today is wonderful – bright sunshine, blue skies and blue sea – stunning. Even got the washing on the line today! Hope that your weather is good too today! Gilly xxx
Lovely sunny day here on Sheppey, enjoy your lunch ladies xx
mmmmmm you lot are making me feel hungry …… gotta go to bank and pay a bill …. ugh. Anyway Barb , about yesterday's blog, very well said, it does go deeper you're right. I BLAME THE GOVERNMENT !!!! It started at least 15 years ago when deligation of responsibility was being passed down to the lesser people by the industries. Today many many people have ONLY interest in themselves now
and love thy neighbour seems to have gone out of the door. Very sad how we witness a nation changing. As long as we have a conscience and are not influenced by the selfish, there should be enough of us to make a difference. Xxxx
Afternoon Barb, absolutely terrific, I have copied the instructions onto word so that I can then print it out for reference, (not always going to be able to get to the PC at the same time as Groovi….ing- hope that is OK with you – please let me know if not).
Mu lovely piercing and pricking tools and the farmhouse and Grids arrived today along with my scissors so I am raring to go, just got to get my confidence ready.
Got a question? now you have shown us how to do the straight edge piercing, are we going to get some round edges so that we can do the piercing for some of the lace border plates………..or am I jumping the gun and trying to run before I can walk. probably knowing me.
Anyway try and get a bit of me time in between all that washing of the lovely plates, put your feet up with a glass of wine for an hour or so to recharge the batteries.
Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx
Hello June. Hope you are well.
For piercing round curves you will use your two needle tool. Pierce your holes close to (but not into) your lineart. To start you make two holes. Then you put one needle of your tool into the second hole and pierce again. You continue like this around your shape. The two needle tool gives you perfect spacing. Keep your tool as upright as you can to get good round holes. Hugs xx
Ha ha June, just be patient. Curves and cut outs are done with the two needle tool. Barbara said on her shows that she will get to that soon. When cutting a shape you pierce with the two needle tool then put the tool back into the last hole creating a further hole, if you see what I mean. This allows you to follow a shape/curve and keep the holes evenly spaced.
Ah I think I get it now ! Not that my tools are here yet! Lol xx
Sunny here in Norfolk too. Have a hochanda delivery due today which is groovi, but need by starter kit from clarity first lol !!!!
Love this demo, these were the plates that got me making a list and spending a fortune. I think that texture plate in particular will be well used. Enjoy your lunch.
Afternoon Barbara a beautiful card looks lovley on Kraft card enjoy your lunch crafting hugs xxx
Afternoon Donna Dorothy Diane pam Brenda gilly morag thinking of you all today sending hugs to my dear blog friends hugs to all on the blog
I had to get my clarity cushions out again as needed to order some groovi yesterday 🙃 Xxx
Sheila, I hope you don't mind me asking but ….. What are your clarity cushions?!! X
Hi Sheila! Ah, so you weakened then!? Hope that you are enjoying some nice weather too today, it's stunning here and it always makes us feel better, don't you think? Trouble is, I might just have done a little bit too much – my husband has just told me to sit down, as my face has gone white! Didn't tell him, but my arms and legs aren't working too well either, oops!! Hoping that you haven't done the same – special hugs Gilly xxx
Hi Sheila. Retail therapy is sooo good for you!!! I've been wondering about the 'clarity cushions' too! A big hug xx
Hi Sheila hope your not to bruised falling off the wagon you just treat yourself when you can as its a great help to you.
In case wee Sheila's nodded off Morag and Jackie we all need our clarity cushions when we say we are not buying anymore stash and then Barbara comes up with something we neeeed then we fall off the wagon the cushions are for a soft landing …xx
I think I'd better get a cushion or too – that makes sense !!! Xx
Well done Sheila! Enjoy them when they arrive. Xx
Hi Dorothy yes I had to go back to bed as was not well this afternoon thank you for clarifying the clarity cushions I didn't get no bruises as only spent a little 😇
Hi Jackie we stated of as the CCA clarity crafting addicts we spent so much and fell of the wagon so many times we had to have cushions I think we have now all got trampolines as we keep bouncing up and down spending your welcome to join our group ☺️
Oh gilly please rest up dear blog friend listen to your body as it needs to rest xxx
Hi morag only spent a little are you comming to share our cushions too 😊
Hi Donna you must get your internet sorted my I pad Internet was playing up last night so had to change my settings a pain it was I pay for light speed it was no speed grrrrr
I've ordered a couple of baby plates as wanted the inset for the groovi mate hope you mannage to craft and get your new goodies soon xxx
How lovely this looks. Even though I don't see myself becoming a 'Parcher' (Groovi or otherwise) I do love to see the results and admire the creative skills it takes to produce them. The Groovi system is THE most innovative and unique concept in a very long time, bar none.
Tonbridge Sue
Enjoy your lunch,been on hold to see the Northern Lights, which were fantastic, but not caught up on your recorded shows yet so this piercing all to me at the moment.Lots to look forward to
Hi how beautifully coloured. .I've got to get these plates too. Would love collar/frame for borders as I'm finding them hard to use stuck on the sides of the main 'mate'. My daughter bought me quite a few ! Blessings frances
A lovely spring scene, bright and cheerful just what we need on a drab day – at least it's dry though! I've just started to think of Easter cards and might do some Groovi with stamped bunnies but I've also got the egg stamps as well – decisions decisions! There's a nice lady I've met at the hospital that I want to do an Easter card for especially as her hubby will finish his radiotherapy just before Easter and she is doing an Easter display for her church. She bought me some pics of some she's done before (with flowers and fruit). I reckon I'll be showing her some pics of my cards soon!
I've got these plates on order along with some others – I wonder if they've been cleaned yet ?! They might not even be off the press yet!! It would be good to see some pics of how they are made – or a you tube like the How it's Made T.V. Programme!
Just come back from lunch with family as its Mum's 86th and nephew's 31st birthdays today!
Hope you have a lovely lunch with Mandy xx
What a fabulous project Barb. Such beautiful colours. Lol Mandy – you nutter. Hope you had a nice lunch. Jamaica?? No she went of her own accord!!! Xx
Lol you do make me laugh. Hope you had a lovely lunch x
Glad you're both having a good day and the dreaded piles are going down, just love your card Barbara and the new plates and grids are amazing, my list is getting longer by the day 🙂 xxx
It's great seeing the finished project Barbara – love the use of the Kraft card! It's great to hear that you are going out to lunch again – and such progress with the ironing and the Groovi plates, result!!! Gilly x
I hope you've done as hubby says, and sat down and rested! Sunshine is supposed to be good for you!!! Take it easy. Hugs xx
Yes Morag, I have! Sunshine IS good for us all, my downfall was doing just a little bit too much! I am sitting down now, resting for the remainder of the evening, promise!! Hugs xx
Hi Barb,
Really glad to see the finished piece and it was certainly worth waiting for. Love the colours you have chosen. I bought five Fabre castellated polychromos to try yesterday to see if they are different to the Spectrum Noir ones. Well they certainly are and one thing I do like is that you can buy them individually and not just a whole tin. I must have at last 20 of the Spectrum Noir ones that have broken leads which I'm not very pleased about and I've kept them in the tins. Anyway, tomorrow ( I think) I'm going to treat myself to a box of 60 Faber Castellated polychromos from the art centre in Newcastle as they are discounted there. Hope you got your ironing finished and enjoyed your lunch. Love and hugs Alison xxx
You're so right about the Faber Castell's Alison. I got the 36's Poly's and Water Colours about 5//6 years ago. The only thing, I definitely should have gone for the bigger sets!!! So the 60's will be great. xxx
Me too re the spectrum noir pencils! I have the full set of 5 boxes and I imagine 20 or so of them gave broken leads. Different sets were bought from different places and some were gifts so I can't recall which wax which so can't take them back. But I treated myself to a set of 120 polychromos – what a difference! Well worth the difference in cost!
Excuse the typos!!
Love the texture plate – already on order together with the hexagons/tags and the netting plate. Next month I will be going for the new pricking plates and tools; I particularly appreciate the versatility of use (pricking and embossing). Then I'll just have to get to grips with Pergamano scissors and I'll feel like a proper parcher lol.
Ordered mine from you so when arrives will have a go and post picture hope you had a great lunch sounds like productive morning and lots fun too hugs to you both lots love Katie say hello too xxx
I love the new plates will have to add a few more soon to my collection. Glad you keeping Mandy busy, lovely lady, so keen to share her knowledge. Hope lunch was good. xx
A very lovely card Barbara. I hope Amanda behaved herself! (I'm sure she did) Hope all is well. Hugs xxx
Glad to know my wonderful Sis Mandy is earning her keep! LOL – I bet you two are having a ball of a time in the kitchen – a right cottage industry going on there I suspect.
Hope your 'ladies that lunch' date went well – at least no rain today.
Lovely card as ever Barbara
Much love to you both
Kim xx
Hi Barbara, I hope you both have had a fabulous day. This project is stunning, I love, love, love it.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Hi Barbara, I hope you both have had a fabulous day. This project is stunning, I love, love, love it.
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Hi Barbara, glad you gave us part 2, it's lovely, thanks for sharing. Have you been inside my head!!! I've been trying to work out for a while what colour of backing paper to use for the Groovi piece I'm doing and couldn't come up with a combination of colours that worked in my head. Kraft card solves the problem totally – neutral and modern, perfect. Thanks for that
It took me a while to work out the onion/shallot thing, couldn't work out what was funny, but the penny eventually dropped, that is funny!!! Hope you enjoyed your lunch break today. You need to have your friends to stay more often, they make you take a well earned and needed break from work ;-).
I got the last of the stuff back into the hall cupboard today, only taken 2 weeks!!! I had a bad night, I've got a bit more ill, and I'm not even doing anything to cause it. In my experience there seems to be a point if my CFS goes beyond, it just gets worse and worse on it's own, like sending a slinky down the stairs. So I'm feeling like I've got the flu, very sore everywhere, and my body feels so heavy to make it just move, and that's before adding in doing chores or whatever else is needed. And, as is the norm these days, I feel I've never properly woken up!!! CFS at it's best!!! But hey ho, I've just got to battle on best I can, not give in to it, not let it wear/drag me down, life's too short, and I've got so little non bad in mine. So I did the jobs I had to today, and made myself stay up. And for today's non bad bits in life I've been having a wee bit fun with Daisy, been watching stuff on catchup for human beings, and now just about to tackle some more Groovi. 🙂 There are still human beings out there who are worse off than I am, so I need to try be grateful for anything I can find to be.
Hope your Groovi cleaning and packing is going well and you can see light at the end of the tunnel now.
love Brenda xx
Evening Brenda hope your not doing to much now and making your wee pains worse just take it easy o.k.
here's yir cuddle ..xx
Oh, Brenda I'm so pleased that you managed to find a little fun in your day. You really do sound so poorly. I wish I could wave a magic wand and put everything right for you. Big hugs xx
Oh Brenda how I agree with you when CFS comes it totally takes over and the symptoms are many it takes a lot to be able to work through it as then you end up in bed for days I admire your grit but try to rest up too please because your social services has let you down and should be there to help you not leave you to struggle sending lots of hugs xxx
Evening Brenda, keep strong, keep the faith. I am proud of you every day my friend for carrying on despite the challenges you face. Xx
Thanks everyone 🙂
Donna I was dismayed to read about your windows 10 trouble, and more than you could think, as I too have got to take the plunge very soon! But then Morag saying it's fine is a boost for both of us. My brother's been telling me for months to do it, it's fine, I'll have no problems, but I keep putting it off, as no laptop is the last thing I need! And with my bad luck…. I was thinking of doing it next week. I do hope you get it all sorted soon, it's horrible being without the internet.
I've been Grooviing. Got quite a bit done, no mistakes right to the end, then the masking tape slipped on the very last bit. I originally had been going to make those lines thicker freehand, then chickened out because I was scared I'd mess it up, and I need it to go right to give me a confidence boost. So I've ended up going back to plan A and doing the freehand bit – a bit messy at the start but by the time I was half way through the lines I was in the flow, and went back and managed to clean up the messy ones, so it's looking ok. But I guess anything freehand can't /shouldn't be looking perfect anyway! Going to do a wee bit cross stitch in bed now, shouldn't make mistakes in that, and if I do all you do is unpick it and start again!!!
love Brenda xx
Bless you Brenda you are doing so well be proud you deserve to be xxx
Fantastic. Love the new plates awesome. Xxx
Hello Barb,
Love this, it's so spring like and Eastery (is there such a word?).
I agree with everything you said yesterday. I am lucky, we have wonderful neighbours who look out for us older ones (even though I feel about 25) and wouldn't dream of writing bile. The language on some things makes me cringe, there is no need for it. The English language is rich enough without resorting to crudity.
That's my soapbox rant over, I'll hand it over for the next person.
Thanks for all the things you've shown me over the years.
Maureen. xxx
Having computer issues tonight. My computer decided to update itself to Windows 10, and now I can't do anything. This blog is moving, not much just a little wiggle but its making my eyes go funny! Technology can be so tiresome at times. Love the groovi. XX
Can here you shouting at that screen up here..lol..xx
I hope you are able to get used to your windows 10 very soon Donna. It's not too bad once you get used to it. Honest!!! xx
Oooo I hope not Dot, I have been using some very choice words that would make your hair curl! Xx
Thanks Morag, do you do lessons? I could pay you in tea and chocolate 🙂 XX
Chocolate!..now that's my cup of tea!! xx
Hi Barbara
Can't wait for my plates to come so I can have a go at some of the piercing and embossing patterns you've shown,which I'm greatful for.
I have had a go years ago but gave up as it took so long but with the plates I'm sure it'll be a little quicker and easier.
You certainly know your onions Barbara where Groovi is concerned and it goes from strength to strength, whoever came up with this idea certainly is brilliant. I've tried out my new polychromos this week, on my parchment and love them. Keep posting inspirational Groovi projects to help me learn x
Beautiful Groovi card Barbara looks great on the kraft card I'm like Brenda can never decide what colour of card to use so I think I might just have to get some kraft.
Great Mandy is helping you out that's what friends are for.
take care…xx
Hello Dorothy. Hugs xx
Hugs Morag,Diane,Pam…xx
Hi Barbara love this card, looks good on Kraft card too, haven't got around to buying any yet as I want more Groovi plates first. Hope you are having a great time with Mandy, it must be a laugh a minute you two together. Lots of love Pam xx
Hi Sheila, Donna, Diane, Brenda, Dot, Morag and Gilly, thank you all for your messages. Late tonight as been having a go at a few cards. Got to be up early as workmen coming early in the morning so this is going to be a quick one. Hope you are all okay and some of you have had lovely sunshine and hope you've enjoyed it. Overcast all day here and soooo cold. Went to that physio class on Tuesday it was just education, a bit of a waste of time, phoned them next day and asked for a one-to-one so am going now on 29th, think that may be for an assessment, at least I hope so. My back is a bit easier if I have to wait much longer it may recover all on its own. Ha ha. Love & hugs to you all, Pam xxxx
Pam Just Put a message for you after Diane's xxx
Hi Pam. I hope the physio manages to give you some ease. Take it easy xx
Hi Barabara
This house looks so beautiful, love all the textures and colours you have used, aren't they wonderful. Sounds like you have had a great day with Mandy, another lovely lunch, ironing done and a few hundred plates cleaned – perfect! Great shallot joke too
Take care
Love Diane xxxx
Hello Dot, Donna , Brenda Sheila and Pam internet not playing ball tonight so just a brief hello and fingers crossed it publishes xxx
Hi Diana xxx
Hello Diane xx
Hi pam that's very disappointing hope the assessment gives you access to some pain relief good to know you have mannage to craft as that helps hope all goes well with the workmen take care lots of hugs xxx
Hi Barb, LOL, need to remember the onion/shallot! Love the artwork and the colouring. I received my order with my extra baby plates, so gave it a try, and hubs thinks it's Groovi. Let's see how I get on. Have a great day everyone. Bx
Great tutorial and my new Groovi plates arrived yesterday so getting my Groovi on this afternoon!
Linda xxx
Great to see this piece finished and coloured Barbara and with Mandy's help I hope you are catching up with the plate cleaning and packing, and good to see you taking time out for another nice lunch too. x