A Clog Blog!

A Clog Blog!

Sadly, the time has come to say au revoir to our friends here 
in very French France.
Quel dommage!
But while we wend our way home, 
with a little cultural stop to see the Bayeux Tapestry en route,
I want to share yet another brilliant experience we had with you.
Look up the French word Sabot, 
and enter the world of clogs…
Beautiful wooden clogs.
We have visited Elisabeth and Alain several times here, 
and I have always admired their sabots;
in particular because they wear their indoor slippers inside the wooden clogs, so slip out of them when they come inside, 
and thus already have indoor shoes on!
I do like a clever clog.
Ha!! Maybe that’s where the expression comes from!!
Well, I decided I would like a pair, because to get to my artroom above the garage, I have to traipse through le jardin.
I am forever on off on off with the shoes, or going over in my slippers, then getting caught in the rain. 
It’s a pain in the derriÈre.
So, the four of us went to the Sabot shop.
What an eye opener!
Beautiful, handcarved and handfitted.
There’s even a pair for my lad Mark here too!
(two pairs of his shoes fill the hallway!)

And here are the inside slippers.

Trouble is,
when you have huge feet to start with, 
like me – 43 – aka 9 –
they ain’t never gonna look dainty…
not so bad with just the Rupert Bear slippers.
But boy!
Add a wooden bateau to each foot 
and you’ve got a FLEET !!!

Is this where the expression fleet of foot comes from?
Because I could hardly run for a bus in these!
Fitted by one of the last living Sabottiers,
Monsieur Claude Simon.
These ain’t coming off. Ever.

He comes from a long and proud line of men
who craft these fantastic yet practical shoes… 
Like Father,
Like son.

These ones made us laugh.
Look normal?
I suppose you..

Until you realise the footprint is arse about face!

So you can’t be followed or tracked 
if you are looking for truffles in the forest!!
It will always look as though you are walking in the other direction!
Ooh. Do I need a pair?
Here are mine,
built to fit.
Snug and incredibly comfortable. 

And a moose for each clog…
There’s a moose loose in the hoose…
I could use them as a little come on…
If I put both Mooses in one clog by the bedroom door, 
then provided he doesn’t trip over them and break his neck,
Dave will know it could be his lucky night….

So there we are.
A visit to the sabotier.
Nice man. Very nice man.
And a fab souvenir to remember this place
every single day,
when I trip up the wooden stairs in my wooden boats!

Paul GAUGUIN (1848-1903)
“Le Sabotier”
Love and peace,

61 thoughts on “A Clog Blog!

  1. Oh how absolutely marvellous. So pleased you have your new "boats"! Your blog has really cheered me and made me laugh and admire. I have had the day from hell – well its over and looking forward to seeing friends (yours too – Debby and Gill) Have a great weekend
    Lots of love to you both
    Anne (Reading)

  2. Safe journey home Barbara and Dave, enjoy the Bayeux tapestry on your way home. I would look ridiculous with my size 4 feet and skinny ankles. Bet they are heavy. Never seen a pair of clogs in the flesh (so to speak) must be a real eye opener, so many to choose from and beautiful designs. Take care.xxx

  3. Hi Donna, Diane, Sheila and Brenda, hope you've already had a good day and managed a bit of craft. I had a go with the leaves on the gelli plate, I'll have to try again, enjoyed it but don't think I'd put in on my wall, not artist material ha ha. Made a few cards though and pleased with them. Take care and have a good weekend.xx

    1. Hi Pam hi Donna
      I had the glitter out again today! It's gone everywhere! I'm just watching the Adele interview and texting Emma, it's just started to snowin Aberdeen and they are all very cold but excited! Enjoy your evening xxxxx

    2. Hi Diane, I just finished watching the Adele programme too. I really love her music and its good to sing along to really loud while crafting! There had better not be any snow here tomorrow as I don't want to get stuck in London! You know how everything grinds to a halt with the smallest flurry. XX

  4. So pleased you got something you have admired for a while. I have to say they have never really floated my boat but each to their own. Hoping you have a safe journey home and that you both feel the benefit of your lovely break away. You will have to make sure you always have a torch to hand Dave – nothing worse than stubbing your toe to kill "the moment" lol xxx

  5. I love the clogs Barbara and a fantastic idea to have the slippers on inside so you just remove the outer indoors and a really lovely reminder of Brittany. We went to see the Bayeau Tapestry the summer before this and found it very interesting so have a great time and a good journey home. x

  6. You've given me several reasons to chuckle there not to mention a huge smile when you revealed your shoe size! Me too! (Though these days with special orthotic insoles and a heel raise i find myself only able to buy size 10 mens trainers which is rather 🙁 & boring)

    Your clogs look & sound fantastic. Perhaps i need some …. but then again where the heck would i stick the insoles? (erm … On second thoughts … don't answer that one!)
    Safe journey home. Hugs ((()))

  7. Do love reading your ramblings as you put it, so educating but amusing also! Love the clogs bet they'll hear you coming on a wooden floor though, no sneaking up on anyone! Hope you get safely home and looking forward to seeing you on the tv think you said on the 6th x

  8. Well aren't they just amazingly beautiful, wonderful and soo practical! Enjoy the boats and the memories they will bring back every time you wear them! What an amazing place to visit and learn about too. Fascinating, but sad that so many skills like this are lost! Long may the clogs reign! Enjoy the tapestry and have a safe journey back to Blighty! lots of love

  9. Bonjour Barbara, you're so funny, thanks for the laugh. Have you been at the oysters again!!!! Beautiful craftsmanship, clearly a very talented artist in his field. I bet you'll need to learn a different way of walking with those unforgiving shoes on!!! You'll build up your calf muscles too, especially walking up and down the steps in them!!!!

    Today's French offering – ou est le chat!!!!! Random phrases is about all that's left, sorry, and I had to look up if it was la or le!!!!

    I'd just like to say another big thank you to all you lovely people that wrapped virtual arms around me and made me feel cared for and loved and proud of what I did yesterday. I have been the victim of abuse (and bullying) for pretty much my whole life, and yesterday was the first time that I've actually spoken out and told someone while it was happening. Yes MY NAME IS BRENDA AND I AM A VICTIM OF ABUSE (AND BULLYING). There said it, no more shameful secrets, it's not me who should be feeling the shame, although I do! If there's anyone out there suffering in silence please take strength from me and please tell someone. You'll be pleasantly amazed at the response you'll get if you can. Yes it's very scary, and if like me it will mean life being even worse for the immediate future, but with the people that will close ranks around you and be there for you you'll be able to get through it. And boy what a good feeling it is with the huge weight you'll feel lifted off you. Nothing will be worse than what us victims have suffered in silence. This is the first time in my life that I have felt proud of myself, literally, if I can then you can too. And if me being brave and open enough to shout it out here helps even one person to also stand up and be heard then it's been all worth while. Thank you. (hope you don't mind me saying all this Barbara)

    Must be sad for you both that your lovely holiday is over now, but hopefully you've both had your batteries fully recharged and raring to go again, with lots of new ideas. And have lots of lovely mind photos and memories to keep forever.

    love to you both and all you lovely people here xxxxxx

    1. I want you to remember this feeling! Keep it tucked away for when dark days threaten to pull you under. We are all here with our virtual arms waiting to lift you back up! Much love XX

    2. My lovely Brenda, I'm so proud of you and you have been so brave to speak out and help inspire others too. As Donna says remember this good feeling in your dark days. I'm pleased to hear your social workers are supporting you and I hope you get some support arranged very soon. Keep wam, I know snow is forecasted, it's arrived in Aberdeen so keep safe. Love and hugs Diane xxxxx

    3. Thank you everyone 🙂 xx
      That's the snow started here too Diane, bit of a blizzard. xx
      A bit down this evening, the reality of it all has started sinking in. Everything always gets worse for me in life, never better, no matter how hard I try

    4. Hi Brenda, life will change for you having turned this difficult corner, the strength you have gained came from within you we just helped you discover it and know that there is love and warmth out here which we give to those who need it such is the strength of this wounderful crafting community , make sure you keep talking xx
      Kim xx

    5. Thank you so much for these words Kim and for all the support and help you've taken the time to give me in the last few days. It's amazing the response I've had from all you lovely people, totally unexpected. Thank you so much Barbara and everyone on here. Big bear hugs to you all love Brenda xx

  10. Wishing you bon voyage back to "Blighty" and an enjoyable time with the Bayeux Tapestry. Bon chance with your beautiful new Sabots and may they give you a lasting and happy reminder of the lovely people and times you have enjoyed in Brittany. Hope you have enjoyed your break away as much as I have enjoyed reading your Brittany Blog.

  11. Lovely clogs, no sneaky up on anyone though as I guess they clonk when you walk. Safe trip home and make sure you dress warm, getting a bit nippy back here in old blighty! Xx

  12. Hi Barbara
    What a wonderful idea to have dual purpose footwear. Some of those sabot were works of art. I am very taken with your idea of sending signals with yours. Safe trip home.
    X Chris

  13. Hi Barbara
    What a fabulous shop and a lovely gentleman fitting these very stylish clogs. Aren't they gorgeous and the slippers look really warm, could do with them now! Love the mouseses too, haha Dave no pressure! I think you are going to enjoy wearing them and the lovely memories they will bring. Safe journey home, I've really enjoyed your holiday, such a beautiful place. Take care and lots of love
    Diane xxx
    Ps I've also got large feet and Julian us size 13 so your Mark comment made me laugh! Xxxxxx

  14. Hi Barb,
    Wow, some of those clogs were gorgeous. I love clogs and always used to wear them and found them really comfortable. The ones I had were made by Scholl and were fabulous but then never seemed to be able to find any – obviously went out of fashion! Yours look great and what a good idea to have them dual purpose. Hope you enjoyed the Bayeaux Tapestry. I went about 30 years ago and loved the whole experience although I did get told off for talking when in the room with the actual tapestry – I think they thought I wasn't being reverential enough!! Is it still like that? Hope you have safe journey home. Love Alison xxx

  15. Fantastic to meet with man who makes these Clogs, a true artisan. Our friends Alain and Elizabeth wear these all the time as they are so practical for rural life. They are a Breton tradition.. Now as for the new use of these clogs as ' signe d'amore ' this may work, well worth a try as the wellingtons certainly didn't, 'cos I couldn't see the moose ! xx

  16. clogs and their makers are the origin of "sabotage". When machines were first used to make shoes the protesters threw in their clogs to break the machines and were known as saboteurs! (knowledge acquired from QI)
    love the blog Barbara!

  17. Bon soir Barbara

    Oh! You do make me chuckle to myself. I can sympathise with you, my younger daughter takes size 9 shoes. She has been known to buy a pair of shoes from a transvestite shop!


  18. Hi Barb, todays blog post was a good laugh, love the clogs, especially the backwards ones. Yours look great, very comfy. Have a safe trip home, it is a pity that your lovely holiday has to end. Take care. Bx.

  19. What a wonderful way to start the day here in chilly and wet Hampshire. Really made me smile – now to brave the world outside my nice warm bed 🙁 Safe journey home xx

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