You Tube Tuesday – Don’t lose your place!!!
Hi there!
Thanks for popping in.
As promised, it’s the first Tuesday of the month, so…
And if you are German speaking,
– or you just want a laugh, listening to me
woffling away in deutsch –
then click on the button above
and watch the same project in German.
Here’s a Groovi Project,
simple to make,
lovely to give as a gift.
When it comes to not losing your place, it’s time to start the countdown for the
Clarity Open Days up north.
Yep, the Clarity Team and myself are on the move,
headed up to Colburn in North Yorkshire
for a whole weekend of entertainment, inspiration and fun.
Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th September.
It was a superb experience last year.
Tickets are £5.
available on our website, or call the office today.
01732 868315
Super Deal Lunches are freshly made on the day too.
Raffle Prizes on the hour every hour.
It really is the Clarity event of the year up north.
Anybody who went to Crowborough or Catterick last year,
leave a message below,
tell us what you thought.
Tickets are limited, to keep it comfortable in the hall.
61 thoughts on “You Tube Tuesday – Don’t lose your place!!!”
Hi Barbara
For those who are unable to attend the Clarity retreats this is the next best thing! Not only do we see Barbara demonstrating but also the talented members of the Clarity Design Team, hence you come away with loads of inspiration. Looking forward to my weekend again this year, have booked in for both days this time! Anne x
Hello Barbara
Hooray, I have all the ingredients! Guess what I shall be doing later, lol. I love the 'silent movie' moments on your video. They make me smile.
I had a great time last year at Catterick, great demonstrations to dip in and out of all day long by very talanted people who are just like me, a crafter. Friends to catch up with, friends to take along and introduce to Clarity, fantastic meal deal for lunch, room to sit and chat and drink tea. Lots of fun and laughter. My only regret this year is that I can only make it on Sunday, never mind I will still have a fabulous day of that I am certain. You will too if you come along! Maybe see you there! Lots of love Vanessa XX
Great project. Will be able to do most of it when our groovi kit arrives tho have realised there is one problem.
Does anything work like tumbledrier sheets? Or … Are there any non-fragranced tumbledrier sheets out there? I'm starting from scratch as never used them before, but have bad skin reactions to many perfumes & strong fragrances make my head ache!
Hope you don't mind me asking on here Barbara! thanks. Alison.
Alison I've not succumbed to a Groovi plate …..yet! But I've tried embossing boards and have been told a tip when using them which might work for you – I'm sure the others will correct me if I'm wrong and it marks the parchment. When using the ball tool rub the end into your hair/scalp to pick up the natural grease alternatively rub it on the side of your nose! Just had another thought – if you have the tumble dryer sheet folded by your work, could you rub the end of the ball tool into it rather than rubbing it on the parchment? Hope this helps xx
Hi Alison, Pergamano make a wax in a small tin called Perga Soft, which you dip your embossing tools into and it makes them glide over the parchment. It lasts for absolutely ages, it is more expensive than tumble dryer sheets, but if you cant use them its an alternative, or just a thought could you wear a glove to use the tumble dryer sheet, hope this helps x
Hi Barbara I could watch you all day your wonderful inspiration and your calming voice I'm going to groovi today as I cannot do your retreats this is so fantastic to watch and learn and seeming it's my birthday this month and your retreats are just before my birthday I can feel a CCA falling of the wagon coming on off to spend go pleased Dave is feeling better much be such a relief for you both happy crafting to all xxx
Sheila oh you are allowed to fall of the wagon for birthdays! That's almost compulsory ! Now what you can't do is say you have a birthday every month – we won't believe you! 🙂 xxx
Diane Your so kind can I have Christmas/ Easter and not been able to go to retreats too xxx
As it's you Sheila of course you can, will even allow you a bank holiday treat! 🙂 xxx
Hi Barb,
Lovely project and great idea for a little present. I have everything required for this so will give it a go. Love the background music too! Looking forward to Catterick – already have my ticket for Saturday. Went last year and loved every minute I was there. I learned so much from yourself and your very talented team and got loads of inspiration. The only downside was I spent so much money( mainly on the full set of distress inks!) on the day and had to go on an economy drive for the rest of the month!!! Would recommend it to everyone- the day out not the economy drive! Love Alison xx
Alison Newby – you can get something called Perga soft that is a small tin of wax that you dip your embossing tool in and it does the trick – much more expensive though than the tumble drier sheets.
Thank you!
This bookmark is beautiful Barbara and what a great idea the sleeves to put them in are. This groovi system is proving to be a fantastic tool. The Colburn Open Days will be wonderful and enjoyed by many I'm sure. x
Result! Hubby has just announced that he needs and likes book marks. So will making some of these for the next anniversary and Christmas. And my mum is a complete book worm. Does anyone know if laminating them will work? (As I have a laminator but not the pouches.)
Had a lovely time at the Crowborough open day a few months ago so I'm sure the weekend in Catterick will be great – just looked to see if I could sneak up, but it's a 3 1/2+ hour journey so maybe not!
I rather think that laminating the bookmark may spoil the embossed effect. I will try it when i get our kit & let you know!
Thanks Alison. You may be right – but worth a try – with a scrap, not something I've spent hours on!
Hi Barbara
Thank you for today's fantastic tutorial. I am hopeless at getting things straight and this has helped me lots by explaining how you did the border. I have almost got the full set of Groovi goodies so I am ready to start attempting beautiful bookmarks which will make wonderful gifts. Practice needed but it is only a small piece of parchment and a few slip ups won't be the end of the world. I am looking forward to tomorrow's Mindful blog. It always lifts my spirits.
Hugs from Chris x
Would love to join you all at Catterick but sadly it's not to be this year. I'm sure all of you will have a wonderful time, which ever side of the table you find yourselves on! Wishing you all an inspirational and unique Clarity experience! I enjoyed the Retreat so much, I'm just that little bit envious! S. Xx ;~}
Haven't been to one of your open days but thought I'd be a rebel and post a comment anyway! Love the bookmark idea, will have to give it a try. I can do one for lots of people. Great demo. Xx
Hi Donna did you get to craft today ? Did you hear the big thud yep I fell off the wagon couldn't resist the groovi boarders and bookmark pouches after today's you tube my partner said he would buy me them for my birthday so no cost to me yippie xxx
Felling tempted by those pouches and also the dove and sprig duo. I thought I heard a thud earlier, now I know what it was 😉
Have got busy organising and labeling my stencil pockets today, but I am going to get my colouring book out later! Talking of which I think I saw that at 8pm on Hochanda it will be an adult colouring book as their one day special. I always think adult colouring book sounds like its going to full of x-rated images…………………….. 🙂
Hello Donna,
Your post made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
Oh Donna I've just had to explain to my husband why I'm crying with laughter! He thought it was funny too – oh what a thought! Now which of the spectrum noir pencils looks flesh coloured!!!!!!! Xxx
Oh Donna you crack me up must be week with all the falling of the wagon lol xxx
Hi Brenda thinking of you hugs xxx
Evening Brenda xxxxxx
Hi Dorothy how are you hugs xxx
Hellooooooooo Dot are you out there! Xx
Fabulous video Barbara and a great idea for gifts. Will have to make some of these. Wish I could attend your wonderful retreat but live in Canada. I do get such inspiration and knowledge from your blogs and videos though. Thanks so much.
It was a brill show last year one of the best crafting shows I have ever been to. Sadly I am hols this year or else I would have been first in the queue to get in!
Hi Barbara
Brilliant video and a good idea the bookmark pouches.
Hope Dave is well and things are settling down for him.
What a fab idea, bookmarks. I am off on holiday in just over a week and plan on taking Groovi with me so I think bookmarks will be a great project to do. Feel a few purchases maybe necessary before holiday, oh dear another one off the wagon, can you hear the thuds Donna and Sheila. Would love to go to retreats and open days but need a venue in the Midlands, will have to find one for next year as they sound great. Have a fab time in Catterick, will be thinking about you all. Karen xxx.
update – I'm done for, looks like I'm going to be told no service and/or new charges for me extremely expensive because of the travel time for the tiny amount of support I'm allowed just now, and even if I was having more visits, if they were all as short. And as if that's not bad enough, it means never ever any contact with Nicola ever again. Don't know if you can understand that I literally have no one, nothing, no security, nothing of nothing, what that means, how that feels and then add in the enormity of what the tiny bit I do have that I'm about to have taken from me. Yeah bad people have bad lives, I'm very bad
Hello Brenda,
We haven't talked before but i wanted to send you some hugs. I am sorry things are so bad for you right now. I am sure you are not a bad person though i understand why you said that – but don't blame yourself, it is this horridly unequal world we find ourselves in these days. You are never alone however alone you feel.
Hugs ((())) Alison
Brenda you are a lovely person and unfortunately you've got caught up in the system. I feel so sorry that I can't help you but you know we are all here for you and you know you can talk to us about things and we will try to help you find solutions. Do you think Nicola will come and talk to you when she comes back from holiday?. She may have some answers for you. Sending you a big gentle hug xxx
Thank you Alison and Diane.
I know I have you guys here for me, being friends with me. But there's no one for real that can be my proper friend and come here and just be there for me if I'm in need like friends do. no security of knowing there's someone there ever.
Nicola came today, that's how I know about the very high charges I'm going to be told. She can't give me any answers, she didn't even know what was going on, yeah that's how her boss does things. All she can do is try to help by speaking to the guy that's acting as my advocate, that's helped me the previous times, but neither of those was as serious as this. And she said that if it's worst case scenario she's not walking away, they have a duty of care to not leave me with nothing. I think she's saying she'd be helping me until a new service provider is sorted. I can't do this. And I don't want to lose Nicola and have to grieve yet again and go through that, it destroys another little bit of me each time. I'm not well enough, been through too much in my life, I'm terrified. This service I'm in is supposed to be one of the good ones, they pay a little higher wages to get better quality staff. I've been with one of the others before and it was horrendous, staff, the way it was ran, wasn't person centered.
Hello Brenda, I just wanted to second what Alison said. Unfortunately bad things happen to lovely people. For what it's worth you have lots of virtual hugs and hand holding right here. Lucinda
Oh Brenda, my heart is with you. Sending you hugs xxxxxxxxxx
Oh Brenda, it sounds like you are in an awful position, not sure I understand it all but it sound good that Nicola is saying she is not walking away, not leaving you with nothing, that sounds like she cares which must be something. I know we are only virtual friends but we care too and want to support you best we can. Whatever else you still have us and you can tell by how many different people keep responding to your posts, how much we value you and want to do what we can. You are not a bad person being punished. We are all thinking about you and trying to support the best way we can. Hang in there, just keep talking to us and we will do our best to show you we care too. Hugs Karen xxx.
Oh dear Brenda I know this is no consolation but I have been through some major traumas in my life that left me broken and like you I have been left with the CFS because of it ,your struggling now I only hope Nicola can surport you through this as she knows you better if I lived in Scotland I would come to give you a hug but can only send one via the blog so please keep coming to this blog each day as you have very much to give look how you have helped with the Aspergers .sending a warm cosy hug please try to stay with us to share your day take each day in baby steps and hopefully you will find the cares to help you through take out your groovi and try to get in the mindfulness leave the past leave the future just do the now xoxoxoxo
Hi Brenda. YOU ARE A GOOD PERSON. Do not think you are bad, the treatment you get is the bad thing. I do so wish I could give you a proper hug. Take care x
Oh Brenda, it sounds like you are in an awful position, not sure I understand it all but it sound good that Nicola is saying she is not walking away, not leaving you with nothing, that sounds like she cares which must be something. I know we are only virtual friends but we care too and want to support you best we can. Whatever else you still have us and you can tell by how many different people keep responding to your posts, how much we value you and want to do what we can. You are not a bad person being punished. We are all thinking about you and trying to support the best way we can. Hang in there, just keep talking to us and we will do our best to show you we care too. Hugs Karen xxx.
Hi Barbara
This is fab, bookmarks are so useful even in the day and age of kindles. Thank you for the u tube treat, I'd forgotten it was the first Tuesday! I've not made it to an open day yet, it's on my wish list so hopefully next year. Enjoy your evening love Diane xxx
You cannot beat a good book and a lovely bookmark one of my CFS group friends sent me a beautiful bookmark for one of my birthdays and I treasure it and always use it I'm going to make her one with my groovi for her birthday when my groovi boarders parcel comes xxx
That's a really kind thing to do Sheila I'm sure she will love it xxx
I shall be having a go at one of these Barbara. Thank you for this YouTube video. Loved it
Much love
Kim xx
Mum and I really enjoyed the Open Day last year, it was friendly, not too crowded, inspirational, lots of fab demos, lots of seats and a good brew, so we are coming again this year! Can't wait. X
I will be at Colburn on the Saturday with hopefully my mum & dad. See you there x
Hello Barb, welcome back on the monthly Youtube Tuesday. Love the video and the bookmark is beautiful. Would love to come to one of the weekends, but perhaps next year. Hope everyone going has a fab time. Take care all. Bx
How did I miss this last night found it about 3am watched so popping back on to say thank you great video once again get lots tips really enjoying groovi plate thanks Joy xxx
Catterick last year was flipping fantastic, great demos and a chance to meet many of my crafty friends that I had been chatting to on FB. Looking forward to meeting up again, see you on the Sunday xx
Hi Barbara. I wish I could get to join you all, but I will be thinking of you having fun : ) Have a good day. Take care xx
A lovely idea for a present. Enjoyed watching the video.
Many thanks for your inspirational Tuesday blog. Oh how I wish I could be with you up North, but its far to far (sad face) Any chance of coming to North Devon? I make a lovely cake….so I am told by my Grandson Farran. He starts big school on Thursday and is 5 on the 21st September. I really dont know were the time goes. But one thing for certain…best get crafting and make him a card.
Big hugs Pen x
I luv the Groovi system and have most of the plates now and have made some bookmarks for friends after we made them at the Retreat this year, great inexpensive pressies for anyone but appreciated for the luv and thought that has gone into making them. I'm looking forward to the Open Days up my neck of the woods, they were fabulous last year. We were treated to Lots of tips and techniques from the experienced craft demonstrators, really great hourly raffle prizes, inexpensive to buy delicious food at lunch and of course lots of really good Clarity goodies to be tempted to buy. Cant wait x
Fantastic isn't it! I love watching you too Barbara, can and have for hours on end!
Really looking forward to seeing everyone up nawf – can't wait! xxx
So excited 😁 xx
Hi Barbara love the bookmark work thank you god my love to Dave xxxxxx
Great video, really enjoyed watching it, looking forward to getting my Groovi on and treating myself at Catterick. Thank you Barbara and Maria xx
The open days are great fun, such a good atmosphere. Lots of great demos from very talented Design Team members.a brilliant day out!Wx
I was sat here watching your inspiring video with my son. He was loving what you where doing, as I was. Well to my surprise he only went and bought me the starter kit and a few extra boards for me. So I take on holiday and craft in the sun 🙂 So I guess, i will be relaxing, making a few bookmarks 🙂 and special one for my son.