Champagne and Crackers
Hi there!
Sorry I am so late, but we just had
We did a Murder Mystery in the garden,
all had to dress the part.
Oh how we laughed!!!
It was set in the 60’s
and if I heard the word GROOVY once
I heard it a hundred times!
I was Kitty Killer,
but I wasn’t the murderer!
Take a look at this unsavoury bunch.
Who do YOU think it was?
Just a brief description will do if you don’t recognise the actor!
Thinking of getting a wig though.
lots of love,
33 thoughts on “Champagne and Crackers”
All look a bit dodgy if you ask me. Not sure I would like to blame any one of them probably a conspiracy. Glad you all having fun. xx
4th from the left in turquoise I think is the killer. We did one for my daughter's 30th birthday. Great fun xx
I think that Maria definitely looks a bit dodgy….trying to hard to look innocent lol
What fun you must all be having…. Fantastic xxxx
Well I think you all look lovely. Killer must have been the mini skirt and boots! She looks innocent but they are definitely the worst! Weather looks great and it was lovely here today – so good to be outdoors in the sunshine. Looking forward to what tomorrow brings. xx Margaret Col.
what? no butler…hmmm i have no clue, could be anyone
I think the chap in the blue trilby hat with the black shirt and white tie definitely seems a bit dodgy and gangster like ..lol, and whatever the outcome it looks as though you have been having a lot of fun with some great weather too . x
that’ll be Dave then….
I think it's Sam! Always getting into a 'sticky'' situation that one! 🙂
Hope the laughter and relaxation is working its magic!
Frankie x
Who Moi ??? Xx
Reckon it was that saucy looking Maria in her slinky kimono. Her cocktail certainly looks a bit dodgy to me xx
Sass is looking distinctly guilty there, but then so are Sam and Maria. Choices, choices! No, I am going for Sazz. Good to see everyone having such a lot of fun. xxx Maggie
Hello Barbara
The lady on your left looks so unlikely she must be the killer. Lol. They say laughter is the best medicine so, hopefully, you should all return much healthy than when you went.
Hi Barbara lady next to you in the dress felicity Kendal probably wrong looks as though your having lots of fun groovi xxx
Should have said in photo two .
Perhaps it's you , no one would ever suspect nor have the courage to blame you.
My guess…Maria xx
Looks like you all had loads of fun !!!
Much love
Kim x
Hello Barb, what fun, looks like you are all having a ball, I think it has to be Maria, that kimono looks very dodgy. Glad to see you all having a great time. Bx
Hi Barbara
Well there's a crowd not to trust when there's a murder around! They all look rather shifty to me but you all look groovy. Lovely to join in the fun you are having. Thanks for sharing.
Love Diane G xxx
I'm going to go with the lady in the kimono x
Brilliant I think it was that shifty looking Kirsty Goodwill lol xx
Hilarious! I'm going with Mr Kipper Tie ;0) x
I think it was miss Maria in the kimono
Hi Barb,
It certainly looks and sounds as though you are all having a great time.i have to say I'm not sure I would trust any of you!!! Maria is looking a bit suspect but I think it could be the person in the red trousers – looks very shifty! Love Alison xx
Looks like you have had a ball wonderful think Sazz did it live all the dodge out fits xx
Hi Barbara. It looks like you all had a fabulous time. What great costumes. My random guess is the lady that is 3rd from the right in the first picture, sorry, I am rubbish at names! Take care xx
Hi – looks great fun – would love to have a retreat like this – I too thought Sam initially but then decided it was the lady in the Donny Osmond hat – jx
The lady with the orange flowers in her hair who looks like Angela Lansbury, looks a real ringer for trouble, although Leo Sayer definitely comes close too! You all look fab though!!! Happy finding to you all 🙂 xx
Dear Kitty,
Im almost sure it was that Dave Carleone with a little help from Flower Power guy
at the end loving the bob do Happy Days…enjoy.. Dot..xx
Hilarious. Looks like a line up from The Usual Suspects !
You all look like you're having a great time! Keep enjoying yourselves, laughter is so good for you. As for a murderer, well, since we know it's not you (of course!) then it could be anyone but maybe the lady first left in the front row, kneeling, slightly manic laugh and holding an envelope in her hand?! Groovy man!
It looks like you are all having a great time. What a dodgy bunch you are all looking. If I was to hazard a guess I would say Sally-Ann Hanes, especially with her look of innocence…not!!!
They all look dodgy to me glad your having fun xxxx June horrocks xxx
Spoilt for choice! I'm going for the guy in the dodgy hat and red t-shirt. Glad you're having so much fun!! Susan x