A Groovi Scene and a cLucky Limerick Winner!
Hello there!
Thanks for popping in!
How has your Monday been?
We have been busy at Clarity,
firing up the Laser machines, making sure that we have got some Groovi Plates for our Crowborough Open Days
this coming Friday and Saturday!
The word on the street is that we need a lot!
Dave got up a 4 this morning to crank up production,
Jim came over here to help me with Groovi YouTubes –
it has been go go go!
But we are all so happy and grateful that you like what we have come up with, who cares about the work?!?!?
Anyway, Monday’s blog is Flowers and Trees,
so I thought I would have another run at the
and mix it up with the long Groovi edging rulers.
Since we have sold so many of them in so few hours,
my guess is you will be wanting some ideas!
Trees first.
Slot them into the mate.
Tape the parchment to the Mate,
get in the groove and emboss all 3 trees.
Swop plates and slot in the Hills.
Add the baseline.
Using one of the Border rulers,
add a few leaves from one of the leafy edgers to the baseline.
like so:
Wherever you fancy, just add the little leaves…
even in the trees.
Add a few of the little circles too.
Attach the Border with the double-line to the side of the Groovi Plate Mate using cellotape.
The other patterns on the border will help you get the lines straight as you frame the piece.
Go around all 4 sides.
Now you should have this:
Now let’s use the actual leafy border to introduce a little leafy hill in the background.
I really find it helpful to check my progress by
looking at the front regularly.
Time to add colour.
We are still working from the same side, the back.
I find it helpful to sandwich the parchment
between the hard side of the blue mat which comes in the starter kit and the Groovi Plate Mate.
See here?
I have attached the artwork to the Mate with cellotape,
so that I can keep checking what it looks like.
Brown Spectrum Noir pencil for the tree trunks.
Light Green for the leaves.
Looking good!
Dark green for the base.
I have built up the waxy layer gradually, but quite heavily too.
The parchment will mute the colour, so it’s ok to get quite vibrant!
See what I mean?
Flip to the back again.
Add a little light green shade to the top hill.
and a touch of orange or red to the fruits or flowers
in the grass and trees.
Now to back it.
Well, the Photo slot punch is easy!
Light grey then on black?
Or straight on black?
Or light grey behind the artwork and then on black?
YOU tell ME!
I am no Parchment Expert, that’s for sure!
But the more I practice the better I will get at it.
Want to join me?
This is a pretty groovy way to make art!
Today is also the day we picked a winner for the Cheeky Cockerel Limerick Competition, which ran on Saturday.
I haven’t laughed that much in a lot time.
One after another had me in stitches.
I think it’s right what they say.
Smutty?? I’ll say!!
We women are worse than men!!!
It was so hard to pick,
but I have to say that the one which had me chuckling every time
I thought about it was this one:
There once was a chick from Leicester
who met a huge cock from Chester
He said “Hello chick, They call me big Dick”,
she said “Please to meet you, I’m Esther”
This one just cracked me up!
So, although there are dozens of brilliant limericks,
and I thank you clever poets profusely
for joining in the fun and giving us all such a hearty laugh,
especially me on Saturday night,
when I really really needed to break the tension,
the winner this time has to be:
Sue Griffiths
Send me your address Sue
and we’ll send you a £30 gift voucher!!
lots of love,
100 thoughts on “A Groovi Scene and a cLucky Limerick Winner!”
brilliant art work barb, I shall definitely have to invest in one of these soon. Loved all the limericks, you had a hard choice but congratulations to Sue
Love & hugs
Jacquie J xxx
I know it's a cliche but I really "need" to get in the groove, the results are stunning, yet it's achievable and with all the Clarity designs to choose from it's going to be Parchment Craft Clarity style giving a modern and quirky result, different to traditional Parchment craft. Well done Barbara xxx
and the limerick is hilarious Sue 🙂
Beautiful Barbara I love the last one light grey then on black, sues Limerick made me chuckle too ,
I'm ordering my groovi starter kit tomorrow straight from clarity towers along with my members sale bits too will have to put the add on groovi bits on my wish list looking forward to your Christmas groovi show , and the mindfulness colouring books too your spoiling us with all these wonderful new clarity products hugs xxx
Thank you for your well wishes Sheila, I have been reading them XX
Your very welcome Donna hugs xxx
Lovely artwork, very impressed. Congrats Sue, very funny 😊
Congratulations to Sue Griffiths – we liked her Limerick too……..really funny. We had a lot of fun writing ours!!!
Glad to read that there will be some Groovi kits at the weekend – I hope there will be some left on Saturday!!!!
Love the new system, and I think the grey background for me – always think parchment is so delicate it needs softer colours, but I'm no expert either!!! Loved all the limericks, and well done Sue, your poem was just too funny. Susan x
My wish list for Saturday is growing and growing!
I cannot wait for the new stuff to land in my porch to get going with it. I can see so many ways of using it in conjunction with parchment and stamping stuff I already possess and use. Just one query, where can I get that photo corner punch? I have searched the net with no success so I must be using the wrong search questions. Well done, Barbara and the whole Clarity team for such a well thought out new product. xxx Maggie
Thank you Maggie, for your very kind offer 🙂 It's ok, I'm not feeling that I'm missing out because I managed to watch it all live, and I'm sure Barbara will be showing any new techniques and tricks from the show on here, but thanks so much for offering 🙂
And thank you too for the warning about leaving my laptop on my bed, it is something that I do do, didn't think (nor heard) about the heat from it and it catching fire, I'll make sure I keep it on the floor beside the bed from now on 🙂 xx
If you keep your laptop on a hard surface such as a tray, that is the safest way. You could use a laptray in bed. xxx Magge
Maggie, we have about 80 of those punches for the Open Day. Shall I put you one to the side? Yes, she said. Ok xx hahaha! Predictive texting a la Gray!!
Thanks Maggie, I've got a laptray I keep for crafting in bed so I'll do as you suggest 🙂 xx
Hi Barbara
The groovi plate is a fabulous product.
I love the Limericks. They were all so amusing and gave me a very entertaining time. Well done Sue.
X Chris
Hi Barbara, lovely artwork, thanks for sharing. I'd do light grey directly behind, then black behind that, and without the photo corners as, me personally, I think the photo corners detract so much from the delicate, parchment designs. But that's probably just my Asperger's eyes!!!! A very pale soft green in place of the grey might look good too. I do get it that without the photo corners mounting is going to be really tricky, but I bet you'll come up with other ingenious ideas! 😉 I've already been thinking about how to incorporate stamped images into designs made using your parchment system, and wondering if the plates will show up enough on a light box to also use the designs as outlines for card artwork ;-). Love Brenda xx
Well done Sue, enjoy spending your voucher 🙂
Hi Brenda, THANK YOU for your posts and well wishes and for offering to talk! I haven't felt able to comment till now, but I have been reading. My Dad died on Sunday morning. Holding it together…….. just! Haven't really done anything today just sat on the sofa or in the garden. Went into the craft room and sat at the table, thought about a bit of art journaling but couldn't muster the will to even get the stuff out. I am however going to look at our teapot as a bit of colouring is probably what I need right now. XX
Oh Donna, I had a feeling, had been hoping I was wrong. I remember you telling us your Dad was going to be retiring this summer, that's soooo sad. I'm so so sorry, I feel for you sooo much. Wish so much there was something I could do to help you or even just to be with you so you're not on your own. I'm glad you've managed to come here and talk today. I'll colour in with you every day, as much as you want, I'm sure if we run out of teapot we can find something we can both download from the internet to do more, or any other craft, I'm willing to try doing it along with you any time, please just say. (The Groovi stuff is on the Clarity website if you're looking for it.) I'm here if you ever feel like a wee chat about anything /nothing, even if it's late at night. Thinking about you loads my friend. Hope Phoebe is by your side keeping you company and giving you a wee bit comfort. Pleeease look after yourself, love and huge bear hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
p.s. didn't know if I should say or not, Donna I'm feeling very upset for you – and don't go telling me off or feeling bad about it, I'm allowed to, it shows how much you matter to me, just wanted you to know that xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Brenda, thank you!! Just can't take it in. OK I will let you off feeling upset for me……but just this once 😉
Just to clarify it is my step Dad retiring this summer, have called him Dad since I was young and my mum remarried. Xx
Hi Brenda. You can use the plates on an A4 Or A3 lightbox….. You can see the etching with the thickest Parchment or coloured Parchment. You can't see through card. Hope that helps. Xxxx
Donna, Thinking of you. Condolences. Hugs xx
Thanks Emma, yes that answers my wondering 🙂 I could trace onto copy paper and then use that as the template for card artwork. Thank you for taking the time to tell us about you adventure up Ben Nevis. Sorry it was so cloudy, but bet that made it very atmospheric. For your next adventure I'll need to remember to stop my psychic gentle pushes half way and change them into holding onto your coat tails!! I'll look forward to reading more and seeing your photos on your blog. You'll need to point me in the right direction to finding your blog please. Thank you xx
Hi Donna, it's not surprising you can't take it in yet, especially if it was unexpected, and as sudden as it seemed to be. It might hit you when you go to your Dad's funeral. But as Maggie said you do need to let it out and let yourself grieve, I know it will feel like that's too hard and you don't want to, but unfortunately you do need to go through that bit before you can start to heal and start to live your life again. There will come a time when you can remember your good memories of your Dad and feel them, without feeling the hurt and loss, honest. It sucks big time xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Donna, so very sorry to hear your sad news. Sincere condolences xxx
Hi again Brenda. You do make me smile and giggle. So If I feel a tug I know it will be you…no problem! As for pointing you to my blog…Handmade in Scotland, Just copy and paste into your address bar
Highjacking your blog Barbara…sorry!!!
Come for a visit anytime Brenda. Hugs xx
Hi Brenda Donna couldn't get back on here last night every time I hit reply it just crashed, done my off/on trick then up came a settings thing and of course i made it 10 times worse,,, so off I went to Norton for a scan which took hours, seems to be ok this morning fingers crossed hope your Internet still ok for you Brenda wi the change over thingy any way hope to see you later and a day at a time Donna that's how it works agree with everything Maggie posted….x
Thank you Emma :-). I will pop over for a visit, you'll probably end up being sick of the sight of me!!!! xx
H Dot, it might have been a problem at the blogger end yesterday. A couple of times recently, including yesterday evening, when I've hit the reply button it just does nothing, like it's stuck. I haven't been able to find any issues at my end, which is why I think it's maybe to do with Blogger. I was going to explain here a simple way to deal with your browser freezing, but I don't want to confuse you and get you into a worse mess when I can't be there to sort it for you. If you ask your family to show you how to end processes in task manager, I'm sure they'll know. Or I'm happy to try explain here if you'd like. Yes my internet has been working fine, thanks for asking, wasn't aware of it going down yesterday, I'm assuming my phone is ok too, maybe a good idea for me to check, eh!!! Now just waiting for all the server going down times I'm going to be getting on this other network! xx
Congratulations to Sue, that was a very funny limerick and a deserving winner. Think I would go for grey and black for backing. Your Groovi plate is amazing. it is on my wish list for Friday. It will be ideal for me at moment as struggling with a painful knee and I can sit in comfy chair to do this. I also love the new stamps, they have many possibilities. x
Love the system. Think I like the grey background. Sue's poem made me laugh out loud, so funny. Congratulations Sue enjoy spending the voucher.
Hi Barbara, have had a horrible weekend, probably not going to get better any time soon. My Dad died on Sunday morning, boy that was hard to type! I have been reading the blog and have now watched your shows. Well done on a super product! I am sad I missed out on it as it is probably something I need right now. XX
Hi Donna – so sorry to hear such sad news. Thinking of you and all your family at such a hard time for you all. Sending a big crafty hug, Susan x
Thanks Susan xx
Such sad news Donna. Hugs to you and all your family. Lynne xx
So sorry for your loss Donna, My heart goes out to you. X
Hi Donna so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. xx
Donna, I am so sorry to read about your sadness. Do not be afraid of tears and grieving. It is important and so personal. No-one can or even should tell you how you should feel or how long the sadness lasts. In my experience, you never get over a loss of someone special in your life. All you can do, and in your own time, is to learn to cope with it. The silliest little things suddenly bring it all back. Make sure you always have someone you can trust to talk to, someone who has some understanding. I am thinking of you and your family and wishing you the strength to get through this difficult time. xxx Maggie
Donna I'm sending you a big hug my sweet. I'm so sorry to hear the sad news of your dad. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time. Xxx
Thank you everyone xx
So sorry to hear your sad news, Donna. I hope you find some relief in crafting when you're ready. Carol
Donna just read your sad news take each day Baby steps as Maggie has put it in her message is so true hugs Sheila xxx
So sorry for your sad loss Donna. x
Very true Maggie ..x
Wow just love those new groovy plates looks like hit ground running in my shopping list cannot wait to have a go don't over do it all of you lots love thanks for another fantastic show and goodies Joy xxx
WOW !!! I won !!! Thank you, never won anything in my life. But this time my daft sense of humour won. hehehe. I just imagined Esther the chick being all coy and shy in front of the strutting cockerel. hahahahahah, thanks Barb for a great chuckle. and once again congratulauins on your Groovi plates. you're so very clever. !! I've emailed Clairty website with my address.
Congratulations Sue your limerick made me really chuckle. Enjoy spending your voucher xxx
Congratulations on winning with your really funny limerick. Enjoy spending it. x
Congratulations Sue. It was very cheeky….as a limerick should be! Have fun spending your win. xx
Well done Sue cracked up at your one brilliant….x
Hi Donna sorry to here your sad news have been thinking about you, my heart and hugs are
with you my friend.. Dot..xx
Thank you Dot for your posts, I have been reading xx
Barbara Gray….you've blooming well gone and done it haven't you!!! This another must have….. Might have to break my minimal spend rule on Saturday! Based naughty Barbara xxxxxx
Love it and love the limerick
Hi Barbara
Well done Sue your poem really made me laugh too.
Oh Barbara I'm having problems sitting on my hands,I've promised myself to wait a week or to before I order the new Groovi plate but I'm struggling.
Well done Sue, your Limerick is very good. Love what you've done today Barbara. Hugs xx
Well done Sue! I must go back and read them.
Thanks for this demo! Will look forward to having a go.
Hi Barbara
Love this artwork today, this is such a brilliant idea and I love the way the colours show through from the pencils. I knew I had bought them for a reason lol! Well I think the grey then the black is a good combination . I quite like the photo corner punches too, it's a lovely way to attach parchment without using glue. Thank you for sharing.
Love Diane xxx
I do like how you've given parchment a fresh and contemporary look, Barbara, but from the samples on the TV, you've also covered the more traditional effects, like floral and butterfly. Onward and upward, where will you take us next? Carol
Hello Barbara. What a lovely card. Love the floral hills. I like your photo corner, it is more delicate than the two I have. I also like the predictive texting lol
Hugs to your marvellous team back at Clarity Towers, to you and Dave too for all your hard work and for bringing us this brilliant system. xxxx
Hello Barbara
Thank you for a lovely show yesterday but I wish you were allowed to demonstrate, even when the products have sold as we want to see what to do with our purchases. Lol.
Hi Barbara
Thank you again for a great show on Sunday with the New Groovi Plate. Well i was going to buy a die cutting machine but after seeing this new product the die cutting machine has gone out of the window.
I have ordered all items and can not wait for the christmas plates !!! No Pressure at Clarity Towers then.
This product will be a good for on planes and sitting in the garden what a calming thought.
Thank you again for a lovley New Product.
Kind Regards Lynn xx
Hi Barbara. I love the parchment tutorial, so pretty and delicate. I am very tempted to have a go and see if my hands can manage to do it as it is simpler than the complex patterns I have seen before.
Congratulations Sue, your limerick is brilliant : )
Take care xx
Love the new Groovi gadget, just too expensive for me at the moment, so I 'll get it later. Loved the Limerick too.
That's lovely Barbara think I could do this always loved parchment work but thought it was beyond my crafty talents Well Done amazing…xx
Lovely artwork Barbara. Will have to add the Groovi Plate Starter Kit to my wish list! . Congratulations to Sue.
Hello Barb, I think these groovy plates are absolutely superb, what a fantastic idea, and would love to have some, as I think parchment craft is beautiful, but it scares me as it is complex and detailed, so this may get me into the groove to start with, and then move on. Congrats to Sue, the limerick is brilliant. Bx
I haven't read all the replies Barbara but as a Parchment crafter I would go for the black. It will show up the design & colour better.
The limericks were great & I would have picked the same winner lol
My dad used to tell us some limericks sometimes when he came to tuck us in. (usually on nights he was 'tiddly' LOL
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Congratulations to Sue, that was a very funny limerick and a deserving winner. Think I would go for grey and black for backing. Your Groovi plate is amazing. it is on my wish list for Friday. It will be ideal for me at moment as struggling with a painful knee and I can sit in comfy chair to do this. I also love the new stamps, they have many possibilities. x
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