We walked from the Bay Bridge to the Golden Gate !
Greetings from San Fran!
Thanks for joining us this Friday.
This is such a beautiful city.
After saying good morning to the sea lions on Pier 39,
(did you know that there are over 1,700 of them resident at Pier 39?
Rent-Free!!! That’s a lot of noisy neighbours!)
we strolled towards the Embarcadero, or Ferry Terminal,
to meet Mark underneath the Clock Tower.
A cruise ship had just docked and the tourists were pouring off.
Different strokes for different folks.
We walked right along the waterfront, in the direction of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Had clam chowder in a bread bowl at Alliottos,
one of our favourite haunts.
What a view!
The Marina is rather lovely too
Blimming good job we were wearing comfy shoes!
We walked miles!
The boys even had energy for a quick workout
Mark aping around..
rubbish see saw…
Brother Steve was having none of it!
Mark had a plan.
He was guiding us towards the Palace of Fine Arts.
We had never been there.
Apparently, it was built in 1915, to celebrate the completion of the Panama Canal, and to host the Pan American Exposition.
After the 1906 earthquake and fire, the Americans wanted
to show the world how Americans can bounce back.
And haven’t they proved it time and time again.
It is a stunning piece of architecture.
There was a busker playing hand pans and a Spanish guitar.
The music bounced off the pillars.
It was magical.
Check out the muses at the top…
the flowers and the lake were breath-taking…
Mr Blueskies had come along for the day too.
Absolutely beautiful.
Uncle Steve and young Mark were enjoying it too!
Great to see Steve aka Samson letting his hair down…
and Dave just soaking up the sun and the vibe…
We walked up to the famous Ghirardelli Factory village,
to meet Mark’s friend Deklan, and have a bucket of ice cream.
Funny really; I have looked up at the huge scaffolding and name of the chocolate legend for 25 years, but never thought to walk up there and explore.
It was buzzing with people and action!
More beautiful art…
We walked around for 12 hours.
Over 10 miles of sauntering, climbing, taking it all in.
And when we finally got back to the hotel,
the 3 of us sat on the edge of the bath and gave our poor feet a drink.
The 3 musketeers back at base, knackered and happy!
I said I was going to stay with my feet,
keep my mind in the moment, in the here and now.
Mission accomplished.
Didn’t talk about work or think about work.
Haven’t laughed so much in a long time.
Have you noticed that Steve has been carrying a white bin liner around all day??
Now that there is a whole other blog….
Tune in tomorrow for a sensory explosion!
much love,
43 thoughts on “We walked from the Bay Bridge to the Golden Gate !”
Hi Barbara, Dave and Steve,
You certainly had a great day, my feet ache too just reading the tale of your adventure!
I'm looking forward to tomorrows tale.
Jackie, x
What a fab day you've had. Another great memory. So glad you're having such a good time and NOT thinking about work. Keep it up! 🙂 We'll all still be here when you get back, so enjoy enjoy enjoy! Kx
Hi Barbara dave and Steve
The pics are fab thank you much glad your having s great time stay safe love to mark
Love always June horrocks xxxxx
A brilliant day in S.F. well worth the pain ! Around every corner something different, the sights, sounds and smells .. I'm not really a city person, but there is something magnetic here and I love it.
And for inspiration this is great place. x
Hi Barb,
Looks like you are having a wonderful time, beautiful architecture, I would love it there. Thank you for sharing.
Love & Hugs
Jacquie J xxx
It all looks amazing , so glad you having a good time ,,,.xx
Gosh I am shattered just reading about where you have been. Mark looks really well doesn't he. I bet it was lovely to see him and spend time with him. I can see a new stencil in your blog today – do you know which photo I was looking at??? Number 12! Awesome architecture. Have heaps more fun tomorrow. xxxx
Great photos. Love the palace of fine arts such a beautiful location. Boy that's a fair old jaunt! I applaund you. Glad you are having fun! Off out for the night see you tomorrow. Xx
Hello Barb and co. What lovely pics, except the missing one of the clam chowder! Ooh the Ghirardelli factory, I buy their brownie mix at costco, it is so lush with vanilla ice cream. No wonder you needed a foot soak/bath. Take care, so glad to see you all having such a brilliant time. Bx
Brilliant blog – lovely photos – Ghiradellis – ah the scene of my first iPod buy so many years ago!! Well you truly made me jealous so lady we have been and booked a road trip next October starting in LA and finishing in San Fran taking in a few lovely places along the way – its a long way off but sure is something to look forward to
Keep the blogs coming!!!
Much love
Kim xx
Hello Barbara
Glad to see you are having a good rest, lol! Mentally if not physically.
Wow – I think my feet are hurting in sympathy with yours. Looks like you're having a fab time, and you all look so happy together! Enjoy every moment with your lovely boys, and I'm desperate to know what's in that bag!!! Susan x
Gosh Barbara your poor feet! It all sounds wonderful though and your pictures are great too.
Jackie x
Wow what a day out, it looks like you had an amazing time. Well done for not thinking about work. One time we went to Egypt on a cruise that was so full on that I didn't think about home for nearly a week and then I realised just how stressed I had been. I did make some changes after that. Keep having a great time you deserve it. Hugs Jackie
Oh Barbara… You look as though you are having a simply marvellous time! The photos are fabulous and you really are making wonderful memories! Looking forward to finding out about the contents of Steve's white bag!!!
Love and hugs! Xxxx
Barbara how happy you look making wonderful memories with family so when you get home you know how much the few days away make all the difference to your mindfulness enjoy some more time away hugs xxx
Fantastic buildings. What a lot of walking but the best way to see anything if you are able. I would love to goon a cruise but hubby not keen. Glad you have relaxed and put work behind you. Enjoy. xx
Amazing photos, hubby and I would love to visit the west coast, looks beautiful xx
Looks like you're all having a wonderful time, glad you have left work behind. Super photos Barbara, my goodness didn't you walk far. Laughed at the photo of all your feet in the bath, showed hubby the photos & he joked about was it Dave or Steve's feet with the varnish on. Ha ha. Carry on enjoying your Road Trip and hold all those wonderful times as the memories that will keep you going when you return home. lol Pam.xx
Hi Barb,
It's great to see you all enjoying yourselves. Looking forward to the next instalment.
Maureen xx
Hi Barb,
funny photos…
I remember Ghirardelli too… and my feet after hours of walking around ;-))
Have a great weekend all together
Rolf xxx
Hi Barbara, I can feel from what you say that you are having the best time ever, brilliant, keep it up :-). The positive side of your scales must be overflowing and this is only day 2. Savour each moment and store it all away for when it feels long gone and times not so good :-). I did wonder what Steve was carrying around with him, thought you were going to put me out my misery at the end, but you tease us!!!
I've had a really frustrating afternoon/evening! Thought I'd have a go at trying to work out the tension issue on my granny's old sewing machine. Spent hours, ended up trying to adjust the bobbin tension, as a last resort, very frustrating task, all the taking the bobbin and casing in and out. Eventually was almost there, got it almost perfect and then suddenly for no reason was back at square one! Definitely must be something wrong with it. There's one wee bit I can try replacing at not much cost, if that doesn't work then it's either repair shop or making myself part with it (trying to tell myself I don't need the machine to remember my granny), and reluctantly sew card on my new one instead, and brave the repair man telling me off when I send it for it's services!!!! Does anyone sew card regularly on their machine and does it cause any issues, tension issues, or build up of lint etc.? I can't find anything on searching the internet, but mostly what I did read people have a separate one for sewing on card.
So I thought I'd come here and calm me down a bit before bed! So much for making the most of today with having no chores to do! Total waste, except Daisy had a very fun game first with her pen torch 🙂 She's so funny when she's in the mood for it, I make the light go round in fast wee circles and she chases it really fast running round in tiny circles for ages, like literally chasing her tail. She keeps going until she gets too dizzy and then she stops and staggers about a bit before dropping to the ground to wait for the dizziness to stop!!! It's sooooo funny, and makes me laugh so much. And she never learns, she's been doing it since a baby, and still does it despite knowing it's going to make her feel ill! She also charges up and down the long hall after it, running /jumping up the wall and doors to catch the light!!! I wish I could video it, but it's impossible to look where I'm aiming the light and look at the camera screen to follow her with it.
Lovely photos and enjoyed hearing about your day's adventures, thank you for sharing
Love Brenda xx
hope your feet have recovered a bit barb – looks amazing xx
so glad you are having a good time. look after your feet as they have to carry you ….. hugs xx
San Fran looks a wonderful place, and the six feet look in remarkably good nick after all that walking. I'm curious now about Steve's white bag, don't keep us in suspenders too long,
Hi Barbara oh boy your feet must be aching! Looks like you are having an amazing time though with your boys. Such wonderful scenery and architecture, and food! Hope you have a relaxing evening before another busy day tomorrow.
Take care love Diane xxx
Looks like a fabulous place and well worth the sore feet. You've got me wondering about that white bag and the explosion tomorrow.!! Glad you're enjoying yourselves and looking so relaxed xx
So glad you're all having an amazing time. Intrigued by Steve's white bin liner and what's inside it!! Hope you gave a fab day today. Hugs xx
I have had lunch at Pier 39 – lovely place. Lovely to see you are all enjoying yourself. Give our Pauline a little wave from me ! Xxx
San Fran looking great, how I love that city, and the Clam chowder and sour dough
Bread is to die for, feeling very nostalgic. Enjoy your trip, dont forget the painted
What a fantastic trip you must be having Barbara…walking in sunshine with the men in your life, living loving laughing…perfect. Hugs xx
What an enjoyable and energetic day you have had Barbara, it has made me tired just hearing about it, but by tomorrow you aching feet will be better and you will be ready for another adventure I'm sure. Thanks for sharing your day with us all. x
Love your wee holiday blogs and enjoy making memories that last a lifetime…xx
Wow I love SF Feel like I am there too… Enjoy!
Wow, what a beautiful place. Enjoy you hols.
Hi Barbara. Wow, what sights you saw. And as usual you have taken us along with you, thank you so much. Your holiday posts always leave me feeling chilled out : ) Your poor feet must have been very grateful for their dunk in the bath last night. Tell Dave I love his choice of nail varnish : )
What is in that bag of Steve's? Have fun. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's post already. Take care xx
What a lovely day. Beautiful places and happy people 🙂
Absolutely stunning, almost feel like I am there with you. Look forward to the next chapter 🙂 xx
Hi Barbara, it looks and sounds as if you are all having a "blast". Looking forward to the next installment. Kind regards Joanne K x
Superb pics Barb, thank you for sharing your brilliant day – really made me wish I was with you, but I would have had to 'walk' with my mob. scooter (called Rosie) And she doesn't need to soak her wheels, either, LOL
Lovely pictures,You sure are having a great time .Love
The photies are fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing them.X
What some great photos!