Up with the Lark in Anaheim. Or was it a Cardinal?
Hi guys!
Greetings from a hotel room in Anaheim. The world premiere launch was at 7am Pacific time, and if you watched, I do hope you enjoyed it! Apparently the American viewers were delighted with Clarity and Barbie; and Barbie is very glad it’s done.
Reminded me a bit of a Sunday roast. You spend hours cooking it – and it’s gone before the oven’s even cooled down!
Here we are yesterday, getting set….
Fail to prepare, prepare to fail and all that. Leaving no room for error here….
But let’s go behind the scenes, let’s take a closer look….
If you check out the counter, you will see that there were different kits out. Ahhh… Well, that’s because we did another show, a pre-recorded show BEFORE the live 7am launch. Oh yes.
At 4am we recorded the second show from Anaheim, to be rolled out after the live one!
While Dave Bradford kicked back ready for the show after ours, Dean and I were seriously hopping around!
Work it out. In order to be on set at 4am, we had to be there for 3.30am, all dolled up and full of beans. So that meant setting the alarm for 1.30 am.
Anybody who thinks TV work is glamourous is delusional! We were in bed by 7 last night!!
Then, by the time the pre-record was put to bed and done, I had exactly an hour to set the counter for the Live TV feed. No pressure eh!
And that’s when I realised I’d mislaid all the art samples for the style stencils. Tense, nervous headache? Christ! I nearly had a cardiac! Talk about a zing up the back passsage and a ringing in the ears! And trying not to let it show that you’ve blown it. Totally.
After all that prep too!!!
God bless Dave, who literally RAN back to our hotel to find anything which looked like art and bring it back to the convention centre. We still have other shows planned you see, so I’d left that gear back at base.
5 minutes before we went live, Dave came flying through the hall with the suitcase. I dived in and pulled out the missing samples, jumped up on stage, and off we went. What a game!!!
I think the rush of blood to the head, coupled with the relief in finding the DT samples was actually a good thing. Did I come across as really happy? Because I really really was!!
Carnage after the show! All those hours and days of packing, planning and prepping just all over the floor backstage.
But palpable relief. We accomplished what we set out to do, which was launch Clarity on TV in America. And now we’re off the hook until Tuesday.
If you go to Createandcraft.com or .co.uk there is a recording of the Live Show. Look out for the elusive Ladies Style Stencil artwork; they were hiding, weren’t they? Got all camera shy. Decided to kick back in the hotel and let the old girl sweat!
All’s well now.
Lots of love from Anaheim xx
65 thoughts on “Up with the Lark in Anaheim. Or was it a Cardinal?”
It was a great show,really enjoyed watching,good luck with the rest of the trip
Loved the show, the new stamps and stencils and the samples. Also achieved an ambitoin today- to be the first to leave a comment on the blog!
Oh my word Barbara what a show and drama you don't need. So pleased it worked out, I can't wait to see the show. Hope you get to chill and have a wander around. Enjoy and best of luck xxxx C
Oh bom, I wasn't the first!!!!!
Thoroughly enjoyed it Barbara – was sat here with a cuppa and my laptop ready to order! Fantastic job – it didn't show at all that you were in a state of panic shortly before going on air….honest!
Take care and have a relaxing time now your debut is over. Love, Carole xxx
Hi Barbara, so glad it all turned out well in the end. I thought you did really well, especially considering your mad panic about the missing samples. Poor Dave, what a great guy you've got. Good new products too, you obviously put a lot of thought into what to produce for the USA market. Glad the USA have taken to you and your products. Looking forward to seeing the rest of your shows, (internet a bit dodgy for videos just now and only got freeview so hoping they show repeats of them on telly). I was feeling anxious for you, but once I saw you get going the relief kicked in and I've been smiling for the rest of the day for you 🙂
Hope you enjoy the rest of your time there, now the worst bit is over, and you come back full of lots of new ideas for us.
love Brenda xx
What would you do without Dave – He's a trooper ! You were fabulous as always. Well done.
Not had chance to watch yet Barbara, I will be catching up in the morning when I get a bit of peace! The new stamps and stencils look fabulous, and the DT have produced some amazing artwork. Love xxx
Great show Barbara – adrenaline must have been pumping fast! Well done to Dave too – hope you both get chance to unwind a bit now.
I just watched it ,had to miss the live version,but could hardly wait to sit down this afternoon . Told my husband— Don't bother me " it was suburb . You and Dean were fabulous . You are N amazing woman . Thanks so much . I'd open a bottle of gin or wine or whatever and CELEBRATE . Joy now
It was something else! Love the new stamps. Fabulous show, fab fab fab! You and Dean were amazing. Thank you so very much.
I lived in California during the 80's and sitting here hearing you share about the lone cypress brought back many happy memories for me, for I took my late Dad who was on his Big American Adventure to see that very same landmark way back in January 1985, thirty years ago maybe even to the day!!! It's a small world. Later, I won a competition with a photograph I took of that tree so your Premier today suddenly meant an awful lot to li'l ol' me. Thank you for today. xoxo
Fab show Barbara, your sheer pleasure of demonstrating always comes across. F AB U LOUS. Great new products too. Hope you can now relax a bit. X
Wow was wonderful no sign of nerves panic over missing bits just calm bet Dave clasped in back ground bless him he is fantastic lots love haven't watched 9pm show yet lots love your a star international now loved by the world xxx
Hi Barb,
Well done for today! Done fabulous new stamps and stencils and as usual some superb samples. Thank goodness Dave managed to find the missing artwork bless him? I thought your enthusiasm was infectious and you were obviously enjoying what you were doing. My only complaint was that it seemed a lot more rushed than when you do it over here for some reason. However, I really enjoyed it. Love Alison xx
It was a brilliant show and if you were nervous it did not show. Good for Dave rescuing the moment. I love lots of the new stamps and stencils, oh dear there goes the bank balance. Well done Barbara, reckon you were a success. xx
Brilliant shows Barbara, looking forward to the ones to come. Anne x
Hi Barbara
Totally enjoyed the shows and the stamps and stencils are lovely.Going now to check out the samples by the team.Well done Barbara you looked totally in charge.
what a brilliant show it was too. and you hid those stamps and stencils very well ha? they are brill. it's been a while since i was so excited about everything on the show. it is going to cost me a fortune! you were brill, hugs xx
A fantastic show Barbara. I really like the ladies stencils.
Good luck with your next shows.
Two great shows, Barbara, as always. Loving the new products and can't wait to play x
Oh dear Barbara, I think you have made a rod for your own back. Now you will have even more work to do. Loved the shows. X
The shows were really great, and Dean was a little more restrained than usual. Still some of the banter was there, may be he was nervous! The demos were so good and how I wished that you had longer but can't grumble. It was suddenly all over, roll on the February show.
Absolutely FAB-U-LOUS Barbara, the shows were fantastic, you totally had me entranced. Love all the new stamps and stencils, your team did you proud once again. The demos were brilliant. You can definitely say it was well worth all the hard work that went into it, I for one totally enjoyed it all. Congratulations everyone. Michelle XX
Congratulations! Show was great … must get myself some new glasses!!!!
Loved the show. I'd say that you and Dean seemed euphoric! The DT samples were spot on too and showed all the new products at their best. Great demos showing your many talents too. Dean was great at guiding the new American crafters but did find it strange that he wasn't quoting codes and prices at us. Bet he found it strange too. Anyway you made head over to the Clarity site for a little bit of shopping. Enjoy your break until the next show. Once you've got all the kit tidied and organised of course xx
Oh so sorry. You didn't make head; you made ME head over to Clarity. I desperately need to get my eyes tested xx
Wonderful show! You and Dean sounded so excited throughout, I was watching and willing it to go well which it did! Congratulations to you and all the team, you all deserve a rest on the beach….. Don't forget your shades! Love Donna XX
You were fantastic ! Loved the new products, great work, great art. Amazing job xx
Fantastic show Barbara – I haven't seen the pre-record show so hope to catch it on playback. Loved all the new goodies and have put my order in for a couple (actually I'm being treated!!). Well done to Dave for finding the samples – what would you do without him? Hope you both manage to Have some fun before Tuesday. xx
Hi Barbara,
you and Dean were great. The ladies stencils are on my list…
I´m sure the american viewers liked the show very much.
Rolf xxx
Excellent Show and products were of the same undeniably great standard as were the samples !! Great demo's and Dean behaved himself too !! Well Done Barbara and team xx
Loved the show! Wonderful stamps and stencils. You really put a lot of thought, creativity and sheer hard work into it. Hope you get time to chill now, because you deserve it.
Watched parts of the the show that was on this evening. Presume that was the pre-recorded one? I have recorded both that one and the live one from this afternoon, so will catch up with them properly in the week. From what I could see, you were great, as always! Well done to Dave for rescuing the missing samples. x
Hi Barb,
Great show, even greater products and you were superb. It all went swimmingly in the end and I think that the heart stopping thing of losing the samples was maybe a blessing in disguise because the relief of Dave finding them made everything else fade into insignificance – if you understand my meaning. Not that I would recommend losing samples when introducing your range and talents to an audience of zillions!!!! Anyway, you can breathe easy now xx
Well done Barbara, brilliant show and new products. Glad you managed to get the samples in time, good ol Dave he's a star. Samples great as usual, love the way you make a point of saying who made them. Still got the 2nd show to watch, saving that till tomorrow. Enjoy some relaxing now in the sunshine with Dave.xx
It was great to watch on my time schedule I saw both shows and you were in fantastic form. You rock, my friends here in Texas who watched think you are so amazing. Good job!
Just finished watching the recorded show…… fantastic job. Of course the states are going to love you. With Dean as your wing man, what's not to love about the 2 of you ? Beautiful stamps & stencils, by the way. Almost forgot that bit !
Great show this afternoon; brilliant and inspiring DT work too. Watched from my craft room instead of tidying it up. Got in quick and bought a number of sets as soon as they were shown on the C&C site on Thursday!! Enjoy revisiting California; we drove down to Monterey and Carmel from San Fran a few years ago in an open-top Mustang. Delicious! ;~}
Fantastic Barbara loved both shows love the products loved dean wow wow wow what a brilliant team you have beautiful samples well done clarity you did fantastic crafting hugs to you all xxx
How do you do it Barbara? All that going on and you still look as cool as a cucumber! The show went perfectly and the stamps and samples were fabulous. Good luck with the rest of the trip too. Dave's a star to skate back to the hotel and find the missing samples, but it must be a strategic nightmare when having to record a show with one lot of stuff and then set up another with yet different items so it's no wonder there was a slight hiccup. Anyway all's well that ends well as they say. x
You were wonderful Barbara. I know the USA crafters will love you and your inspirational products.
I hope you get chance to chill tomorrow.
Crafty hugs
Wonderful show. Glad that you had your pal alongside you, Dean just seems so relaxed all the time. Your Dave is a treasure, all that running about. Support from Family and Friends, what would we do without it!
What wonderful new stamps and stencils and the Design Team were on a roll with all that beautiful artwork. Hugs. Emma x
Wow, what a packed show that was! Great products and fantastically high standards as per from the DTs. Unfortunately I couldn't catch the later show. Any chance of bottling some of your energy and whipping up a few Daves? Dean also did a fantastic job. Sincere congratulations on the successful launch!
Great Showa, fantastic products. Congratulations. Enjoy the rest of your trip. X
Hello Barb, the live show was absolutely fantastic. How you appeared so calm after the hunt for missing samples is beyond me. Super Dave to the rescue. You and Dean are such a great team, I am sure the US love you. Great samples from the DT as always, love the new stamps and stencils. I think the sunglasses are my favourites. Will watch the later show today. Enjoy the rest of the trip and the remaining shows. Bx
Fab show, fab products, fab you and your team not forgetting Dean. Really enjoyed the show, thanks Jx
Loved the show, you came across so well, the samples were terrific and the demos excellent got to find the recorded shows so I can catch up on what I have missed x
I thought you came over very well Barb – no sign of any of the panic you just described. Well done I hope the sales reflect all your hard work.
Loved both shows and boy did you pack a lot in. So glad the Americans liked you too after all your hard work. Hope you and Dave can now have a couple of relaxing days to recover before the next show as you both deserve it. Xxxxx
Hi Barbara. Congratulations on a great show. Your happiness certainly came over, as did your love of your DT and all of the fabulous new goodies : ) I haven't seen the pre recorded show yet so will enjoy that one later on today. Now I hope you and Dave are going to chill out until Tuesday. Take care.
Congratulations Barbara, fantastic shows watched them both glue to the box. I love the stamps and the dt team, as ever, made some magnificent designs. Have to say well done to Dave too who does a stirling job as your right hand man xx I am off to check out the sky schedule for during the week xx
Barbara, fantastic shows and you certainly did look very happy and well in control of Dean. Hope you do get a bit of down time before Tuesday to recover. I just cannot decide on my favourite sets from the shows and the DT did such a wonderful job, as always. Hope we get a chance to see all the extra shows later. xxxx Maggie
Well done Barbara! Have just finished watching my recording. You certainly packed a lot into that hour! So well prepared, so well rehearsed, & what a star Dave is for saving the day. Sometimes these panics help us as we relax more after. You came across really well. Hope the Americans love you as much as we do.
Enjoy the other shows! Alison xxxx
PS thanks for the sun filter explanation. I guess that's why some of my stamps have gone yellow. I don't always put then away when in the middle of a project. I'll learn!
Congratulations being a great success. We knew you could do it. xx
Awesome show, awesome products and awesome demonstrations! Thank you! xxx
Talk about living life on the edge!! You certainly didn't show that things had gone haywire just before the demos. Well done you (and Dean!!). Pat x
Well done Barbara, would never have known about the backstage drama, you were as professional as ever , great demos and products .
Not surprised you were a hit.
Enjoy the rest of your stay,
Well done Barbie and all the team! You couldn't tell it was that close, close yes but not that much! Great samples as usual from the team! xxx
Hi Barbara. Loved the live show. Have ordered the lady stencils and can't wait for them to arrive. I know I am going to have lots of fun with them. I think all my men's cards will have a sweater theme and all my ladies cards will have a retro fashion theme this year! Enjoy the rest of your stay in sunny California. Am I jealous? No, of course, not. (much!!!!) 🙂
Love Gayle x
Loved the shows no one could tell what had happened before the show well done fab cards love June cxxxxxxxxxx
Fabulous shows. Love the new stencils …..no……..love it all! X
Congratulations omn the US launch! Fantastic new stamps and stencils. Love and want them all but sadly won't be able to buy any yet until I've cleared the Christmas credit card bill! Oh well, it could be worse!
Hi Barbara Managed to catch your live show yesterday before we went to Bournemouth for my husbands company Christmas do! Show was fab, love the new stencils and stamps. You and Dean looked like you enjoyed the show and there was no sense of the panic that must have gone on minutes before! Good old Dave. Sounds like America loves you as much as we do. Take care and have some relaxing time, you deserve it. Take care love Diane xxxx
It was a great show Barbara and yes you did look very happy! Enjoy your time until Tuesday. Hope you won't have such an early start then. Ela x
Great first show with the dynamic duo , looking forward to watching the, second one. Fab samples from the DT x x