HAPPY NEW YEAR from Freddy and Me!

HAPPY NEW YEAR from Freddy and Me!

Happy New Year!
Thanks for stopping by on the first day of this new year.
Well, where did 2014 go?
Is it me, or are the years getting shorter? 
The days certainly are, so I guess it figures…
Every morning I have a list as long as my arm of things to do, 
and before I can tick a box – it’s tomorrow!
But ironically, the first thing on my daily list is to make a list:
A gratitude list! 
Doesn’t take long, but sure sets my thoughts on a good track, before Wurka and Hollick can get the boot in!
Dave gave me a great print for Christmas.
You may recognise the lyrics?
Well, it’s going in the kitchen.
At first glance, it sounds a bit selfish, doesn’t it? 
But actually, if you turn the whole thing round, flip it,
so that it reads
I’m having such a 
It’s a Nightmare.
Mmm. which one would YOU rather have on your kitchen wall??
It’s time to start HAVING SOME FUN!!
I really want to do more of what I enjoy this year!
Let’s start with a song and a dance on the first day of the year.
Ready? Come on! Nobody’s watching!

See? I LOVE singing and dancing.
Not much good at either, but who cares ??
And I WILL enrol in the Lino-Cutting course.
And I will expand my mind.
And I WILL go to the Theatre more regularly.
As for the WON’Ts, the WILLS will change the won’ts, 
won’t they?!
Have a great 2015.
Thank you for reading this blog every day.
I love writing it for sure!!
lots of love,

71 thoughts on “HAPPY NEW YEAR from Freddy and Me!

  1. Happy New Year Barbara, singing along to queen as I post this, thats really set me up for the day, as much as you love writing your blog we love reading it, so 'Don't Stop!! Crafty Hugs to you and your family xxx

  2. I really enjoyed watching Queen on the tellybox last night, love their music, it is so uplifting, impossible to sit still. Please, please don't stop, let's all have a ball together xx

  3. Happy New Year! I feel the same this year, its time to have fun and stop worrying about the things I can't change or 'might' happen, but often never do. Well thats my experience! Thank you for all the things you've shared with us in 2014. LOOKING FORWARD TO 2015!!!

  4. Hi Barb,
    Happy New Year to you, your family, all at Clarity and to everyone reading this blog.mi hope 2015 brings health and happiness to all of you.
    Love the blog Barbara and today's was no exception- enjoyed having a bop and a singalong to Queen, although my Dave thought I'd gone round the bend! Thanks for everything you do. Love Alison xx

  5. Brilliant song, enjoyed watching Queen with Adam Lambert on the tv last night, he's not Freddie but Adam is, Adam and very good. That was followed by Jools Holland and guests, brilliant. Happy 2015 xx

  6. Happy New Year Barbara and Dave. Damn you will have me singing that all day now! (not a queen fan) but I too love to sign and dance, I'm quite good at both actually….damn again! My family are too honest…no i'm not!! But I give it a good try!!! And that is all any one of us can do…is to give it a try. So looking forward to 2015 and I hope you succeed in all that you do. I also wanted to add a great big THANK YOU to you. xxxxxx

  7. Hi Barb, I was singing that on the way back from the papershop this morning, I don't think anyone was watching, it was still on my mind from last night – a great programme and the fireworks were fantastic weren't they?! I've kind of made 2 new year resolutions, one to eat an apple a day and the other to enter your monthly blog challenge! Off to sort out some wings in a minute! I like bopping about when the music is on.

    I'll be retiring in March so looking forward to more crafting – my retirement pile is plenty high enough as I've stocked up over the years to the extent I can't remember what I have and haven't got lol!

    Happy New Year and good health and prosperity to us all! You are an inspiration and I'm also looking forward to Sunday! xxx

  8. Happy new year! I think the best bit about new year is all the possibilities. Whether it is the new diet, learning new things or just being organised, the possibilities that a new year give are endless. My new year I hope to be able to spend more time crafting as I know I didn't spend enough time last year doing all the amazing ideas that you have inspired me with.

  9. Happy New Year Barbara, I don't think you have any worries about anyone trying to stop you crafting that's for sure !! We learn so much from the blog and it is very worthwhile reading even if we don't always leave a comment …. so many pearls of wisdom xx

  10. Happy New year to you and yours too. Looks like you're firing on all cylinders today! I have a sore foot so will excuse myself from the dancing today and start playing with some grunge paste and stuff, YAY. Xx

  11. Happy New Year to you and yours too. I wish you nothing but happiness in 2015 as your truly deserve it for sharing your inspiration and wisdom every day with us all. I for one would miss it dreadfully if you stopped. Hugs xxxxx

  12. Happy New Year, Barbara. Thank you for another year of fun and laughter…Oh and all your wonderful tutorials and blogs. Thank you for a wonderful Year. Hope you get to do all the things in your dreams. Now I'm off to make that song into a doorbell for my craft room to deter unwanted interruptions xx

  13. Happy New Year. Great song and mantra! Looking forward to more inspiration and trying out new techniques. I am also going to make a big effort to enter the monthly challenge. I am usually so excited with my cards that I forget to photo them and have popped them into the post!

  14. Hi Barbara, guess what's just gone past my cottage? Nope…. A brass band! Wasn't expecting that, heard it start up and it sounded very close (thought, finally I've totally lost it, hearing things!!!!) so went to my kitchen window and there they were walking down the road playing old tunes from the world war days. So I opened the window and waved to them. They were collecting for something but there is a gate and drive between me and the street (my safety barriers!!!) so couldn't tell what for and can't find anything about it on the internet.

    I live in an old ex mining village, and the old part I live in has such a strong community spirit. We have a gala day every year which is a huge deal here and despite the size of the community and the state of the economy etc. so much goes into it and so many people take part, it's like a holiday feel here on gala day. 2013 was their centenary so it was massive, with a massive parade. And, happy accident, I moved into this cottage 4 years ago not knowing the parade starts at the top of my street and walks right past my back windows :), I sit on the kitchen work top with the window open waving to them all as they go past. So I can kind of be a part of it. My support keep telling me they will take me out to see it and the dressed cottages etc. every year but so far it's never happened. I was going to sew some bunting too that they could put up saying happy gala week or something, to feel more like I am part of it, that's not done that yet either! I used to be able to see all the photos after each one but they've stopped their website and do it on Facebook now and you need to sign in to see it so I miss out. But how good is that that every year it goes right past my cottage :). Daisy doesn't think it good though!!! Even the local bikers now take part! Anyway, I'm assuming the brass band is the local brass band who also plays in the gala parade. They seem to do well and do lots of competitions and performances. There was no one out watching until, like me they heard it, so maybe it was a short notice thing, it's never happened at any other time than gala day before. Hope they now do this every year 🙂 That's put a smile on my face – there's been stuff going on this past week that I'm really struggling with on top of this being an extra bad time of the year for me!

    One of my guilty pleasures – Queen. Don't think it something I should admit to until people get to know me!!!!! Ah well, secret out now!!!! I won't be telling you my worst guilty pleasure group though!!!! The telly programme you all watched must have been an English only one as there was no Queen on up here.

  15. Maybe we all need to try to do a bit more things we enjoy and that make us happy this year. And if we also make an extra wee bit of effort to be better to /help out etc. our to fellow humans then we can spread the good feelings around and it's not being selfish then :).

    For my fun I'm going to try to do my best to keep joining in here and to try to stay on your train this year Barbara!!!! You see I often try to (or more likely only think about doing) step on your arty train and then immediately fall right off the back again!!!! So I'm going to try and climb aboard and hold on tight. But, oh Barbara, your train is moving along so fast just now I don't know how to stay aboard!!!!! It's lovely to see and feel your excitement and your arty juices just flowing out and the work you are producing is amazing (really loved yesterday's, and maybe that's one I can try), but I've missed out on doing all the basics and I don't think all these years of even your teaching talents will have taught me enough subliminally. At least some of it does work like this though, after years of watching you brayer, I picked mine up and had the technique just right first time, just got to actually make a picture using it now!!!! And watching you and Sheena emphasising grounding everything for all those years, suddenly one day I was like – there's something wrong with this card I've made, I know it needs grounding, that shocked me, where did that come from, then the penny dropped, Barbara and Sheena brainwashing me!!!!! And now everything I look at – that needs grounding!!!!! I've no idea how I'm going to stay on your arty train but I'll try as much as I can, maybe it is all there in me if I just try! (my middle name – keeptrying!!!!) And maybe it could also start to help put my notgoodenuf gremlin in it's place too!!!!

    Thank you so much for so generously sharing all your ideas and techniques and finished artwork with us. I look forward to what you have in store for us this year.

    Love Brenda xx

    1. Nope, still lots left and so far I've only had to pick up the ones I see lying around, no crawling into hidey holes yet!!!! Now, if only all my mad idea plans were as successful!!!!!

  16. Hello Barb, Happy New Year to you, Dave, Grace, Mark, Mum, Dad, the rest of the family and all the Clarity team. May 2015 see more of Barb and Co, more amazing inspiration and beauty. Well done Dave for a fab gift, and Barb for the song, it has got me going and singing along, in the midst of doing Tax returns! Oh Joy! I hope everyone is blessed in abundance this year. Bx

    We heard the old ABBA song last night again and again and again…
    HAPPY NEW YEAR to everybody!!!
    Thank you very much for blogging here and telling us your tips and tricks, Barbara
    Rolf xxx

  18. Well Barbara….
    You don't fool me! It's a hard Life! There must be more to life than this.
    I want it all but the Fat Bottomed Girls went to the Bicycle Race and went Radio Gaga! It was a kind of Magic! Thank God It's Christmas!
    I had One Vision and with plenty of Innuendo I found a Crazy little thing called Love and now You're my best friend
    These are the days of our lives especially with Someone to love. We can be the Princes of the Universe. Friends will be friends. We will Rock you so God save the Queen of Clarity Stamps.

    Do you see what I did there?

    Love and hugs xxx

    1. Love it, so clever. I get the impression that you could be a fan of the best ever singer and group : ) Do you enjoy fried chicken too : )) (only Queen fans will get that one) Take care x

  19. Missed Queen but great lyrics to that song. We watched Jools Holland a great show although we had to have the telly up so loud as one of our dogs doesn't like fireworks!!!! Luckily we are detached. Every New Year I say I would like more time to do the little things in life but I will go back to work on Monday and I will be back to square one. Thank YOU for taking the time to write your blog I do so love reading it. Wishing you, all your family and all a Clarity a very Happy 20015 x

  20. Happy New Year Barbara and All at Clarity ~ I plan to try out at least one new craft item a month {more often if I can afford it} for there are so many things out there now and I haven't a clue what half of them are. Then I plan to make one new thing a week {or more often if they are small and easy}
    Need to make 2105 the year where I'm getting back to my crafty roots and start having a ball again 🙂

  21. Just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year & send my very best wishes to you & your family for 2015. I don't comment on every post & I don't read your blog every day on the day but I always catch up at some point & appreciate the amount of time & grey matter that must go into producing it. Thank you

  22. Happy New Year Barbara to you , all your family and the Clarity team. many thanks for all you ideas and inspiration during 2014. Look forward to seeing what you come up with in 2015.
    Love Gayle x

  23. Happy New a Year Barbara, Dave, family and Clarity team! Thank you for all your inspiration over the last year it certainly helps kick out the crafty won'ts for crafty wills. 🙂 xx

  24. Happy New Year to you and your family. New year and new beginning for a lot of us, and especially for me. But will still find a minute to come and read your blog.
    Laurence xx

  25. love the print and can imagine you dancing round the kitchen singing in to a wooden spoon having a good time!!! having a ball!!

    Good luck with that lino cutting class – take plenty of plasters with you !!!
    You are a wonderful woman Barbara Gray!!
    Much Love

  26. Hi Barb – I gave my girls a karaoke for Christmas – we enjoyed singing last night and this was my fave song – don't stop me now!!!! How funny – your post gave me a little chuckle! Big hugs and all the best for 2015! Rachel xx

  27. I was lucky enough to get a lino printing course for Christmas. Two very talented artists run these in their studio in the middle of Wytham Woods near Oxford. Usually they take a max of 4 people, so you get very individual tuition in a very inspirational place. I can't wait, I am so excited. I am not one for New Year resolutions but this year, I am going to get enough cards, pictures and things I've made to be able to have my own stall at a craft market in the summer. There I've said it now, so I have to make it happen, scary and a challenge but I can do it. Roll on 2015!

  28. Hi Barbara, could not believe the title of your blog today. Just prior to reading this I had been on Amazon purchasing some books for my kindle and one of them was Freddie and Me a 're-release of his biography by Jim Hutton, how bizarre!!
    Like many of the ladies here I too spent last night with Queen on the been plus fireworks what a warm way to greet the new year.
    Happy New year to all who write and read this blog. Love Bev xxx

  29. Happy New Year to everyone. I too watched Queen on the TV last night. This evening I suddenly remembered that I was fortunate enough to see Queen, with Freddie, performing at the Live Aid concert many years ago. I can still remember the atmosphere in Wembley Stadium completely changed and became electric the moment Queen started playing. Now that has just taken me back 30 years! x

  30. Hi Barbara good old Freddy, I like a good sing song. Have a ball this year Barbara and don't stop blogging. Happy new year to you and your family and all the clarity team. Love Diane xxx

  31. Your ideas are certainly good ones to follow Barbara, as it is so easy to become negative and unable to see the good things and pluses there are in our lives. I think it is great to do whatever we can to expand our horizons and find as much fulfillment in life as we can. After all we are only here once, and we definitely wouldn't want you to stop blogging!

  32. Hi Barbara.
    As a devoted Freddy and Queen fan I think your post today is a fantastic start to 2015 : )
    Making lists is part of my daily life too! Managing to tick off anything makes me feel good……… managing to tick off all of them makes me a very happy bunny (doesn't happen very often though!)
    May your lists of 2015 be short and all ticked off each day : ) Take care.

  33. Hi Barb,
    You may get this in duplicate, as cyber space is doing it's own thing with me today!
    I did say Oh my word, what happened to January 1st as I've lost it somewhere. I can't believe that I didn't log on to your blog yesterday but boy what a boost I've had this morning with good old Freddie. I watched Queen on NYE but although the new bloke is OK, he isn't a patch on Freddie, he was just too much.
    Thanks for all your hard work in 2014, I'm looking forward to your wonderful help in 2015 xx.

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