More of Dave's bull….
Hello there!
Monday’s Blog is trees and flowers, right?
Well, avenues lined with orange trees impress me no end!
And loaded with fruit too!
We must have walked for miles today!
And if you don’t believe me, ask my feet!
Up and up
Down and down!
Dave sitting down…
Dave propping himself up….
I almost lost him in this veritable rabbit’s warren of lanes. It is like a labyrinth. Literally: a-maze-ing.
Caught him talking a load of bull to one of the locals….
Then we caught some simply brilliant music on the steps of the Granada Cathedral.
So uplifting! They are called Elsa Bhor.
Hope all is well in Blighty? What’s the weather like back home?
Can’t believe it’s less than 6 weeks to Christmas!
Saw a Feliz Navidad sign in a shop window today. Completely faded by the sun!
Off to Córdoba today. But Granada is one place I would come back to for sure.
Much love,
Barb xxx
43 thoughts on “More of Dave's bull….”
Great photos, you're having a lovely time.. Very wet and dull here, not a lot of sunshine… so enjoy while you can!
Love Granada I have been twice this year. Trust you went round the Alhambra. Love all the various tapas you can get in Granada sure makes a feast for lunch.
Great music, lovely pictures, on my list of places to visit. That bull looked very realistic 🙂
Ps. Very wet oop norf x
Thanks for sharing these lovely pics. Will have to put Granada on my bucket list. Enjoy the next stage of your journey x
Super pics Barbara. Typical bloke gassing with the natives soon as your back is turned!! Lol. Glad ur having a good time. Xxx
Looks lovely and so glad you are enjoying yourselves. Dull, damp and sometimes wet here so make the most of the sunshine.
Looks like you are both having a wonderful time, enjoy the sun as its rotten in UK lol!
Love & Hugs
Jacquie J xxx
Morning Barbara and Dave, great photos, very damp and breezy here! Loads of rain overnight !
feliz Navidad! Too close for comfort ! Too much to do not enough time to do it!
Have a wonderful day recharging those batteries x
Much Love
Kim xx
Thanks for sharing your adventure, the sun is up right now but rather damp… Wish I were in your back pocket… This is almost as good as being there. Fun posting!!!
Glad you are having a great time love June xx
Damp, grey, grim and ugh! Thanks for sharing the sunshine, can almost smell the lemons.
Hi Barbara oh this is lovely, what great trees and yes I can smell the lemons. Very wet here again so enjoy the sunshine. It's lovely to come on holiday with you and Dave so thank you for sharing your fun with us. Hope your feet have stopped aching!!! Have fun. Love Diane xxx
Hi Barbara, me again, my Clarity order has just arrived, I'm happy because I can now make the wedding card for the weekend and Emma my 18 year old daughter is happy because she instantly fell on the corn packing nodules, stuck them all together and made a double helix DNA strand!!!! One happy daughter, one happy mum! Thank you again Clarity. Love Diane xxxxx
Hi Barb, these pictures are lovely, don't citrus trees smell wonderful. Wet and cold here. Glad you are having a great time, and thank you and Dave for sharing with us. Bx
Hi Barb,
Great post from you and please bring me back 6 lemons and 12 oranges! I suppose the weather will be slightly warmer darn sarth, but up here in the norf it's bl**dy cold, miserable and, when not pouring down it's that claggy wet that sticks to your hair and clothes. Not a good look!!!
Enjoy the rest of your time away and watch out for Matadors. xxx
Oh I need a holiday in the sun! The rain is being rather persistent up here in Cumbria. It looks beautiful there and I can imagine how gorgeous the orange groves smell. So pleased that you're having a lovely time. Was a bit worried when I saw the size of Dave's bull! Very realistic! Think that's a photo for the wall as you both look happy & carefree.
Enjoy the rest of your day
Love Jeanette xx
Such great photos Barbara, I can almost feel the warmth of the sun…very grey and wet here. Just back from walking the dogs and they are both very muddy….enjoy today both….hugs. X X
Wet here and dark, feels more like evening. Glad you enjoying yourselves. Bring back some sun. xx
Glad you are having fun, tired feet and red noses aside that is!!
That bull looks pretty fearsome!
Looks. Beautiful lots of rain here xx
Good to see you having a great time; thanks for sharing the lovely pictures and experiences. I enjoyed your stone tile of yesterday's post. I do that too when I see a suitable artefact, and some end up on cards. Granada's terrific, also the lovely song of many moons ago – I love all Latin and Latin American music. I have an earworm now! Hope I haven't planted one on you. Enjoy your time away. x
Glad you're both having a nice time with plenty of sunshine, it's pouring down here but I'm happy indoors colouring a certain squirrel 🙂 xxx
Blue skies, fluffy white and shades of grey clouds here. Beautiful orange leaved trees and a real nip in the air definately heading for winter. Lovely pics, looks like you are having a lovely time.
Granada looks great Barbara and so lovely and sunny, very grey and wet here in the south west. Have a safe journey to Cordoba. x
It has been very grey (not Barbara Gray cos that would be good) and soggy all morning but is now brightening up. Still some bright yellow leaves on a couple of trees to brighten the world. After a morning playing at Craft Club, I am now busy sorting out all the Christmas stuff that is still around from doing my cards. Glad you are having such a good time and some decent weather. xx Maggie
You are certainly in the best play! Continue to make the most of it! I've been having a go at some Christmas cards with the one of the It was the night before …. sets, based on inspiration from Jane Telford. It's slow going but we've just purchased a new dining room table which will be nearly twice the space of our current one (although the current one is when it's out full but we don't keep it out full – why? I hear you ask perhaps – well, I don't know!!!). Anyway, hubby fell in love with this new one, not me, and I'll be grumbling when I have to dust it as it's black glass ….always said I wouldn't have a glass one! Anyway more instant space for crafting downstairs as I'm finding space upstairs getting a bit tight! Sorry for digressing!
Enjoy the rest of your holiday Barbara and Dave!
Love the music be and jacob me grandson 3 had a little dance to the music it was very wet over night we have had some sunshine here few black clouds starting to form again, so enjoy the sunshine and some sun cream on the nose xxx
Glad you are having a good time Barb.
Lovely photos! I particularly like the bull! xxx
It's damp and grey here in my corner of Berkshire. Just saw some red Kites as I putin on the bin. Gorgeous – the Kite not the bin. Looks like you are both having a lovely time. I hope you had fun in Córdoba, looking forward to seeing some more lovely photos. xx
great photos Barbara, hope your red nose has dies down. Weather here damp and miserable but mild at 9.5C.
Enjoy the rest of your break x
Don't know your dear husband , but mine would be trying to lose me haha . Lovely there . Beautiful Fall day here in virginia beach Finally warmed up
Did I say 72 F not sure what that is in centigrade
Hi Barbara
You sound like your having a great time,you don't need to ask how the weather is here, do you?
Weather here is……………………………….WET! Glad you are both having fun and finding lots of inspiration for new designs. I love the carved stone on yesterdays blog. Hope the sun shines for you the whole trip. XX
Glad you're having a really good time, but that amazing play on words was bad!! Laughed though.
On Anglesey we had a lovely sunny weekend, quite warm as well, but now we're back to the dull, but not dank or wet yet.
Lucky you. We went to Granada two years ago and I loved it. You'll sleep like a baby tonight. Cordoba is nice too, but have really prefered Granada. Enjoy your time and the sun. It is raining in France today.
Laurence xx
well it's damp and grey here. bring some sunshine back with you will you? good to see you having some relaxing time hugs xx
Hi Barbara. Loving the photos and getting a fix of blue sky from them as it was grey skies all day long here in Oxfordshire with rain at times. Keep on relaxing. Just wandering around a new place is the best way to see it rather than following a guide or map I think. Rest your feet tonight ready for another trek tomorrow. Take care.
Sounds great where you are but cold, cloudy and damp in Northumberland. Hope you enjoyed Cordoba. Pat x
So glad you are having a lovely holiday! Bring back some nice weather please!!! Love and hugs xxxx
It all looks great Barbara. Lovely Place. X Well I think I live in a street with a roof on it because for the last year I have been listening to everyone's bad weather reports and we have had non of it – it's mild, you sort of need a coat very little rain, no snow??? And yet I was sure I lived in the Frozen North??