Day 1 at the NEC
Hello there!
Better late than never. You can imagine how busy we have been at the NEC exhibition today!
After a rather faltering start, because of a pretty abismal day yesterday, where I scored a big fat 4 out of 4 for HALT, Hungry, Angry, Lonely and Tired, a bunch of lovely people soon pulled me out of my slump…
It was just a pleasure to hang out with so many friends and faithful customers;
Here’s the lovely Lee! We had a good chat. What a super woman.
Thursday’s Blog is always blue, so here’s one of the samples I made, using the Gelli Plate, 2 Distress Pads, Worn Lipstick and Stormy Skies, and a brayer.
People enjoyed watching the Gelli Plate being used both with ink AND acrylic paint.
Splashed a little water…
Yes I enjoyed today.
Forgive me. I cannot keep my eyes open!
Dave’s Birthday tomorrow, too. So Friday’s blog a private peek….
Lots of love Barb xxx
36 thoughts on “Day 1 at the NEC”
Get a good nights sleep. Well earned . Glad you had a good day, so looking forward to our visit on Sunday. xx
Glad you had a successful day filled with lots of great visitor, looking forward to shopping tomorrow! Thanks for blogging in the midst of all your work….
Hi Barbara
I'm so envious of all the lucky people that visited you I'm sure they all had a great time meeting and watching you,was supposed to come to the NEC but unfortunately something came up so hope you all have a great time at the and maybe next year I'll make it.
Lovely show Barbara, hope you did well, you need to sit down while doing your demos or at least in between, save your neck hurting. Hope Dave gives it a massage tonight if he's not too tired. Got the lovely sailing set amongst a lot of must haves.xx
So pleased you had a good day today Barbara and I'm sure the rest of the weekend will go swimmingly. I love that stamp and the gelli plate background is great. x
I'm glad you enjoyed today – bet you were super busy. Lovely inspiration as always. I need to get my gelli plate out once I have cleared a space on my desk to work. Sleep well and hope,the rest of the week/end goes well. Lx
Thanks for blogging! Have a great show and try to not over do it! What a silly thing to say! Xxx
Wish I could be there but not this time
Love watching all your demos and your blog is brilliant.
Have a good one tomorrow
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE. For tomorrow Tx
Lovely to see all the welcoming faces at Clarity. Filled my basket before I had even started on my list! Great demos! Have fun over the weekend. Happy Birthday Dave for tomorrow. thanks to you all for all the hard work that you put into the shows. Xx
It was a great show so far, Barb. The Clarity stand was a happy buzz right from the start. You lead a wonderful team, who do nothing but their best to help the customers find what they need. I did see a little of this demo, and heard all the people around wowing at what you were creating. Now it is time you were sound asleep recovering. Take care of that neck. Oh yes, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAVE! xxx Maggie
Hi Barbara,
I hope you are fit for tomorrow again. But I´m sure you had a lot of fun at the NEC and I hope it wasn´t to stressful.
To Dave: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU (here in Germany it´s 0.05 a.m. so I´m not to early) Scorpio is one of the best star sign I would say ;-))
All the best
Yep, this sure is a nice stamp! My NDC arrived today, put a big smile on my face. already managed a few little practices. Have a wonderful NEC and a big Happy Birthday to Dave!
I can't wait until Saturday when I visit the exhibition, just compiling my list for the day and of course you and your stand are first on my list. I might even bring you my lino print Christmas card I've made, hopefully your first Christmas card and my first original lino print, inspired by you and the confidence you and your blog gives me to believe in my artistic ability. So don't be hungry, angry, lonely and tired, we are all sending you our energy to get through the day and the next.
Wish I could meet you in person thank you for blogging today sweet dreams tomorrow is another day xxx
Wow and you still maintain your blog commitment with all that going on. Hope the days continue to get better and better. Carol
They all,look lovely
Wish I could meet you also ,but alas it's along way from virginia beach ,virginia
Glad you are feeling happier sounds vey busy. Rest up hope you hot few days of after to rest and a big happy birthday to Dave hope he has a good day xxx
Hi Dave have a great birthday and holiday Pamela
HIDave have a great birthday and holiday Pamela
Hi Barbara, Well I am glad to see that everyone pulled you out of HALT!!!! and that the rest of the day went well – I am also glad to see some familiar faces in the photos you have shared too!!!
I am sure that once you started demoing you were firmly in your own zone, sharing with people that which makes you tick and all the anger slipped away – and that hopefully people supplied you with food and drink to keep you going through the day!!!
So one day down three to go with Daves birthday in amongst it – phew!!!
I think though that as each day passes and more and more friends visit you on the stand bringing love and cuddles you will be a happy bunny!!
Great art – looking forward to seeing you on Sunday
Much Love
Kim x
Looks Like a great day at the NEC!
I am not surprised you were feeling low on Wednesday…You have had a hectic time…Show on Sunday….Germany then back to the UK for the NEC. Its no wonder you get to feel like you're in a whirl!
Hope all goes well at the NEC and that Dave has a good birthday! Sorry I can't be there! Life sometimes gets in the way!
Love and hugs xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Barbara. Glad to hear that lovely people helped you feel better again : ) I hope today goes just as well as the first at the NEC. Sending Dave a Happy Birthday. Take care.
Firstly Happy Birthday Dave.
Secondly, great artwork, I really enjoy making my own backgrounds so love this, this stamp looks fab too, great for male cards. Have a fab friday xx
Met some lovely people on your stand, got some lovely new stash, thanks! x
Hi Barbara I hope you had a lovely hot bath and a good sleep last night and are raring to go this morning . I'm so glad your lovely friendly customers bought you out of your sad place once the show started. Your demo looks lovely, I'm glad the crowd was impressed. Hope today goes well for you and thank you for blogging even though you were so tired. Happy birthday Dave , how many cuddles kisses and cakes will he get today! And that's just from your customers!!!! I hope he's got a badge to wear!!! Enjoy your day and try not to get too tired. Love Diane xxxx
Morning Barbara, I was hoping to go to NEC, but like Jane said, sometimes life gets in the way.
I had to order my Shopping list from your web site, so I know I have something to look forward to next week.
I wish Dave a very Happy Birthday for today, I hope you get chance for a celebration after your second busy day today. Have a lovely day. Michelle XX
Sorry to hear you were feeling so down yesterday Barbara – you always seem so upbeat that I can't imagine you having 'off' days. Hope today seems brighter for you and that Dave has a fantastic birthday. Take care and don't overdo it! Pat x
Happy Birthday to Dave
I hope you are feeling brighter today, it's hard to imagine you being down you always seem so cheerful. Wish the NE C was nearer but hey ho it's where it is. I think I need to go shopping I have a few things I would like from the web site
Jackie x
Glad you had such a great day yesterday – hope today is as good, and maybe a little less exhausting! Happy Birthday to Dave – hope he gets some time to enjoy himself!!! Maybe some vino and nibbles are called for behind the stall to prevent another HALT situation, and the wine will help with a little snooze between demos, in spite of all the noise :o) Susan x
Spooky! Happy Birthday to YOUR Mr. D. Gray for today. It's MY Mr. D. Gray's birthday tomorrow. I should have known Dave was a scorpio!
I am glad you had a lovely day! Lovely piece you made. Happy Birthday to Dave! xxx
It was lovely to meet up with you again yesterday Barbara. I'm not surprised you had a bad day on Wednesday with your recent schedule. Happy Birthday to Dave, I hope you manage a little celebration this evening if you're both not too tired. xx
Glad you eventually had a great day Barb. Great card btw!
Love & Hugs
Jacquie J xxx
Hi Barb,
Where did yesterday (Thursday) go. It can't be Friday – can it.
Look after yourself. Have a lovely Birthday with Dave – Happy Birthday Dave – and lie down in a darkened room, by yourself or with a friend if you wish!!!
Love xx
Glad you had a good day wish I could be there l thank you love June xxxx
Keep your eyes on that holiday next week and the chance to have some 'you' time.
All your fans will love your stand at the NEC. Loved this card, now have the stamp ready for my step son s birthday. X x x x x