The Winds of Change…
Is she going grey?! Oh yes!
from videos for our YouTube to the imminent US project
The sentiment is pretty appropriate today:
in the winds of change,
we find our true direction.
Yes, very new stamps, and not even available yet.
The blustery Tree, Man and Sentiment stamps are being launched on Create & Craft on Sunday November 2nd 9-11am.
In fact, there are some rather lovely new stamp designs on that show.
Sorry to tease you today, with stamps which aren’t available yet, but this card just sums up what is going on in my head right now.
Hold on! Go with the flow but stand your ground!
Let’s escape for a mo and make a card…
Shaving foam background on White 7×7 Card
Stamp the Man with the Brolly and the Blustery Tree into place with Black Archival
You could even colour in the sections and enhance the colours with your Spectrum Noir Polychromos Pencils if you wanted,
but I haven’t time today.
Edge the piece with a black Sharpie.
Find some matching card for the backdrop and try a 2-tone.
I have used the hill line I drew as the colour change point.
Spray mount the front to the back, with Stick n Stay Spray.
Have we got room for the words? Only if we cut it up…
Stamp the verse on the pink and yellow remnants
with black Archival,
Add the pieces to double-sided adhesive.
By the way, it’s on special offer as
Product of the month of October 2014
AND I have use it big-stylee in tomorrow’s YouTube Video.
Time to cut up the lines, like a cobbled letter…
Different colours look good.
Craft knife and Ruler with steel inlay.
Peel and stick where you think they work best.
Thank you thank you thank you!
And while you’re in the survey mood,
voting has started for the 2014 awards.
We have been nominated for no less than 5 awards,
which is very exciting and flattering.
Especially to be nominated for Best Craft Blog!
So here’s the link for voting if you think I/we are worth it:
much love,
which I am going to make and paint one evening this week,
Brenda M.
Quite simply because we think you are brilliant and brave.
(please email us your details so I know where to send. And would you like YOUR name?)
60 thoughts on “The Winds of Change…”
Fantastic new stamps, great card, and a m so pleased for Brenda, I agree ! Love to you Brenda , and Congratulations xxx
Ooh loving the new stamps, have voted and surveyed and got my daily inspiration so going to my craft room for a little play……
What great colours in this one and no two are never going to be the same are they?! The shaving foam technique has changed my thoughts about backgrounds considerably and they are never ending! Lovely stamps too – I'd better get organised from the last show and order up so I'm up to date for this one. Now I've made a decision to retire in March I wont be able to spend willy nilly and they will have to be thought out purchases – just as well as I'm finding it hard to fit in my room! I think I went through a stage where I should have just had my salary paid to Clarity!! Also I'll have to have my purchases delivered to home and not work so DH will be watching !!
Sounds busy! busy! busy Barbara. Have a lovely week, it must be good to know you have a few you tube Tuesdays under your belt but you'll soon use them up the way time is flying!
Well done Brenda on winning the plague – enjoy! xx
p.s. off to vote now!
Ooh, I like that two tone look and new stamps too. Survey ✓ Craft awards ✓. Congrats to Brenda M, you gave me the courage to share my own story. Not often been lost for words but this past year has tough. Now i'm off to find my new direction. I've just heard Prince Harry is in Eccles! Playing rugby! LOL Alas i'll have to give him a miss I have to do some prep for a job interview Wed. Might finish a scrapbook I started a little later. Have a great day all. I love that Llama!
Wow Barbara! I absolutely love these stamps, right up there with my favourite boy and birds!
The iPad froze there before I finished! …I think this is an inspirational piece of art and sentiment, would look great as wall art. I love your blog so much and can't wait for the launch of these stamps- fortunately post pay day!
The winds of change have squarely hit me right between the eyes today too! Fantastic card Barbara! Lino-cutting you say? …. Mmmm! No more please! Lol xxx
I am so pleased Brenda won, I so wanted to say that her comment said everything about how your blog works. So well done and a great decision
Find these new stamps and particularly the verse quite appropriate right now as my forced time off work, while I wait for surgery, is making me reconsider my career. I hope that you manage to find a happy route through your current winds of change.
The shaving foam background is a brilliant backdrop for the tree and poor man who looks like he's being blown away whilst slipping in a puddle lol! Love the use of colour and how you've split the sentiment.
Hope Dave & the Clarity team enjoy their time at the SECC. Not able to make any shows due to my back so apologies for not getting the bacon sarnies to him this year.
Love & hugs Jeanette xxx
Oh, and congratulations to Brenda x
Hi Barb,
How I look forward to your blog each day, as I have similar zany thoughts as you! Love the pictures of the animals, laughed out loud as each one appeared.
The card is fabulous and the new stamps are so different and appealing.
Congratulations to Brenda, an original Barbara creation – wow. xx
Love the stamps Barbara well done tends enjoy your prize love June xxxx
This is awesome I really like it, look forward to when the stamps come out. I am so glad Brenda M won, she really deserves to win, with all her problems she sounds like a lovely lady and enjoying "Clarity club" long may she be with us all.
Hi Barbara,
very fine autumn stamps… very different from the thousand Halloween stamps you can buy everywhere.
You are a real fan of the shaving foam, are you? Me as well…
To Brenda: Congratulations for winning the competition!!!
Best wishes
Hello Barbara,
Survey and voting already done. Keep it all together, Barbara. Just be glad you have plenty to do and the ability to do it. That is what gets me through my busy life. I just think to myself not everybody has that chance.
Love the stamps, looking forward to November 2nd (you and younger son's birthday – in Japan! ) and November 7th (NEC).
Love, Roz.x
PS son in Japan, not me. Lol.xj
That's wonderful blustery day treeand man think it's tomorrow he is out from what they are saying. Love the card looks like lots nice goodies again this weekend xx
Blown away by your talent Barbara!!
Some lovely new stamps to look forward to Barbara, and the shaving foam background worked beautifully with them, and such lovely colours too. Congratulations to Brenda, a worthy recipient. x
Hi Barb,
You are such a tease! The stamps are brilliant, can't wait to see these and the rest of the goodies you have lined up for us at beginning of November. Already done my voting so fingers crossed. Well done to Brenda, I am so pleased for her. Can I just say Brenda, I used to be in charge of Special Needs at a comp before I retired, is I know how hard it was for you to comment as you did. Welcome to the wonderful world of Clarity and I hope you continue to leave your comments. We are not here to judge you, just to encourage and help you in any way that we can. Enjoy your prize. Love to all Alison xx
Love the new stamps and your wonderful artwork, and I look forward to seeing what your talented team do with them on your next TV show! I find it just amazing how a group of people can produce such diverse ideas with a bit of ink, paper and imagination!!! Many congratulations to Brenda on winning your plaque – I hope it helps you to feel connected to all the people on the blog, and that when you look at it, you will feel less alone. Susan x
Ooooooooo liking the look of these new stamps. Will be waiting until I see them with my finger poised over the buy button. Well done to Brenda. XX
Hi Barbara
Like the new stamps and can't wait to see the rest of them.
Well done Brenda.
Oh Barbara – how I can relate to the lots of art to do comment. I have photocopier paper box lids galore in my house, each one filled with the bits needed for a project – each project is at a different stage of completion. I really could do with at least 6 months of paid leave from work, so that I can just craft and craft and make a dent on the pile of to-do. Did not help going to Doncaster on Sunday and buying the wolly jumper stamp – another project to do – my brothers will all be getting a wolly jumper stamp card for their birthsay's that are coming up, as will a couple of nephews. What a tease you are with the stamps for today's card. Take care.
Lovely card, Barbara. Looking forward to the new stamps!
Congratulations to Brenda on winning her prize.
Surveys all done-not very often that I'm in front!
Thank you, Jan
Looking forward to new stamps brilliant art work take care xxx
Absolutely love the art work and a great sentiment. Will be watching for their launch.
Hi Barb, lovely card.
I have done lino-printing in the Art classes at the school with the kid I work with, its hard cutting the lino and be prepared for cut fingers lol! The effects are great though.
Love & Hugs
Jacquie J xxx
Hi Barbara oh I like the new stamps – just seen the weather forecast for tomorrow and think it will be perfect for what is in store for us! I love the way you tease us! Now make sure you eat properly whilst Dave is away and don't work long hours cos he's not at home – we know what you are like!! Congratulations to Brenda on being brave enough to press the button and being a wonderful winner. Well done and welcome to this lovely blog. Take care love Diane xxx
Brilliant card or just an inspiration piece of art. I have now had a go with shaving foam and you gave me the courage to try. You never seem to tire of wonderful ideas, I wish I had one ounce of your direction and creativity. I love your dedication to teach. E x
This is fab. i love the 2-tone backgroundpaper and the words are so true to me! Take good care of you, please ! xxx
Fabulous and congratulations to Brenda too. sorry that you won't be able to make Glasgow. Will miss seeing you do your wonderful demonstrations. I will miss seeing the new stamps live as it is my 30th wedding anniversary on the 2nd. Bet they will be a sellout as usual too. Hugs x
Fantastic inspiration. I made sure I voted yesterday x
Fabulous stamps Barbara, beautiful piece of artwork, love the colours. Will have to wait till November to purchase, such a tease. Congratulations Brenda. Done my vote, now the survey.
Have a great week everyone. Michelle. xx
Loving the new stamps and that card looks fab!!!!
Well done to Brenda on getting the plaque. I'm sure you'll treasure it forever!
Love and hugs Xxx
Hi, oh wow! Barbara is going to make a piece of art just for me. I'm shaking and the smile on my face could not be bigger. And then to read what Barbara says about me too. Wow. And then to read all your comments and so many people congratulating me and thinking me a deserving winner. Wow and even more wow!!! Thank you all sooooooo much for being so nice to me. I feel everyone's warmth towards me. I can't believe I'm going to have a piece of artwork made for me and from Barbara, it's getting pride of place in my craft room for sure.
And the bit you don't know about is it's has been a long horrendous day for me, workmen in and the support worker who was supposed to be supporting me causing me huge problems instead! On-going issues that I am trying to get sorted so I only have workers for 2 hours a week at present but because of the workmen I needed a full day and I still have a half day tomorrow too! On the upside I do have one really good one but she's the manager so not allowed to do weekly support, she's one of those special people in the world and does as much as she can for me and is desperately trying to sort out the problems and support me through it. I've text her to tell her I've won, had to share this special occasion with someone.
So after today's troubles I came on here to get my Barbara's blog daily fix and I've won and all you lovely people saying such lovely things about me too. Aww, it's helped me so much, and tomorrow if I have more problems with the worker I'll be thinking about my name plaque and what all you lovely people have said to me.
I'm definitely going to keep trying to 'hit the button' and talk to all you lovely people, and maybe one day I'll be able to come to a workshop or open day. It's very high on my bucket list to attend a Barbara workshop. Once my support is sorted and I can start going out a wee bit with them again, we'll be working at it.
Thank you all sooo much, and especially Barbara for choosing me.
love Brenda x
(I'm off to email Clarity now)
Brenda, congratulations on your win. I hope it makes up in some way for all your hassles. You would love Barbara's workshops, they are brilliant, so inspiring. xxx Maggie
Great new stamps Barbara
Hey Barb, now that is not fair, how can you go tease us like that with new stuff not available yet. What a wonderful image, love the strong vibrant colours you have chosen for the background. Good luck with the awards, I know I will be voting. Bx
Already in love with those stamps….. Sorry am a bit late posting, but just out of the restaurant and back to our B&B in Stratford-upon-Avon. For a few days in England, and didn't enjoy the Wind we had last night during our crossing….. Anyway, that is a gorgeous card, and I really love it.
Laurence xx
Hi Barbara, loving these new stamps. The whole piece looks fab. Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate – or should that be craft mat – at the moment. I've completed both surveys!
Congratulations Brenda on winning the plague – you so deserve it.
Hope you had a good day Barbara xx
feels a lot like what's going on in my head at the moment. that brolly man looks good and the sentiment is ace. 13 more sleeps in Massimo speak. it's good to take 5 mins and draw some deep breaths, take care , hugs xx
Hi Barbara,
What lovely new stamps you tease us with 🙂
But cannot get anymore stash until payday….which is after I've been to Saz's class with the Clarity East Midlands group on Saturday, so no buying there either 🙁
Congratulations to Brenda.
Off to craft, cards to make and Christmas cake to cook!
Right I have given up on my Phone and IPad soooo I was saying – I love these stamps, I am just playing with them now. I love your card too and I need that two tone backing paper/card and also in Black & white, pink and black etc Can I just say Congratulations to Brenda on your win, its lovely to ready how excited you are about winning too. xxx
Are you teasing us again, Sam? xxx Maggie
Today has been the day from hell……not had a chance even to read your blog until now. So THANK you… The words were just what I needed. Tomorrow is another day 🙂 PS where did you get a picture of me from looking so frazzelled lol
Ooh can't wait for these 'windy' stamps to be on sale. NEC here I come with my pennies. They're fab, thank you.
Oh Barbara, I am so sorry that you are not coming to Scotland again this time. I know you weren't well last time, and Dave, Jo and Heather did a great job. However my son, Sandy, just loves watching you do your demos ( he has a small collection of Barbara Gray artwork ) and I have just bought the ticket for this weekend at the SECC, sure that you would be there this time. I look forward to seeing the Clarity Stand, but will really miss seeing you in person.
I read your blog daily and there seems to be quite a lot of different venues in England that Clarity attends, but only the one here in Scotland. So come on Barbara, please, please come next time.
You have a lot of fans/friends here in Scotland, and we will really miss seeing you this weekend.
By the way, I have already voted. Despite my disappointment, you are still No. 1 !!!!
Sorry Sylvia. Really had too much going on at base to disappear for a week. Let Jo charm you. She's brilliant xxx
I know she is. I enjoyed meeting her last time, but you are my son's favourite.
Oooo lovely new stamps. I really enjoy making my own backgrounds so love silhouette style stamps x
Very nice, I like the new stamps, and the artwork colours are fab together. survey done as well as voting! Good luck Barb, you should wipe the floor for the categories your in. Wx
Love the new stamps Barb… Vx
The new stamps look great and I am interested. Do you give a lower price for the stamps without the big acrylic mounts? Please let me know because I have several stamps I would love to order.
Congratulations to Brenda for winning the special artwork. I did not know you were taking up weather forecasting. This lovely new set seems to fit with the weather forecast for tomorrow (Tuesday) for strong winds. They will definitely be on my urgent wish list for the NEC. It is a shame you can't be with Dave, but make sure you do not run yourself into the ground again. Take care of yourself. xxx Maggie
PS I have voted and filled in the survey. xxx
Hi Barbara,
You are a tease aren't you! But who cares? Just makes the show even more need to watch xx
The sentiment… How very very appropriate for a number of reasons, life is a strange old thing, we move along with most of the time and then bang something happens that requires change…..whether good, bad or indifferent….but the challenge is how we deal with it… Withe fear?, with gusto?
Whatever and however is always personal choice, and this sentiment is going to be so useful at many different times ….love it
So you carry on facing those changes and challenges as it makes you that special person you are x
much love
Hi Barbara. This card matches the weather outside at the moment! Love how the pink/yellow work together.
Keep paddling like mad and remember to delegate as much as possible! Take care.
Hya Barb. I've done the voting but seem unable tondo the survey (from my IPad) – the page comes up thanking me for taking part but I haven't answered any questions!!!!! And I would like the chance to say how fab you and the team are!
fabulous stamps and fabulous artwork xx